Kane & Lynch: Dead Men is a 2007 video game developed by Danish company IO Interactive. It tells the tale of one Adam "Kane" Marcus, a mercenary associated with the mysterious and feared "The7" group, who specialize in overthrowing countries. A major plot point is how Kane might have stolen diamonds from the group and left them to die, or to "burn" as the game often says it, in South America. The game starts when Kane, being transported to his execution for murdering twenty-seven people in Venezuela, is rescued by what is left of The7 and given a task: get the diamonds back. They hold his estranged family as collateral and team him up with a watchdog named Lynch, a psychopathic wife-killer. Together they must travel from L.A. to Tokyo trying to get the stones back and rescue Kane's family before it is too late.
Despite a strong story and genuine anti-heroes, the game received only mediocre reviews, mostly because of it's challenging controls.
The following weapons appear in the video game Kane & Lynch: Dead Men:
Lynch uses a Taurus Raging Bull chambered for the massive and discontinued .480 Ruger cartridge as his sidearm for the majority of the game. The model was taken from Hitman: Blood Money, IO Interactive's previous game before Kane & Lynch.
Lynch's long-gun for the first half of the game is a Remington 870 shotgun with an extended magazine tube. He later swaps it out for a SPAS-12 in Havana.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingRemington 870 Police Magnum with Black Synthetic Furniture - 12 Gauge, the one in the game has wood furnitureError creating thumbnail: File missingRemington 870 in gameError creating thumbnail: File missingLynch racks his shotgun in an abandoned mall. It's worth noting that Lynch was still in a bloody prison suit when he and Kane visit the same mall in-game. Also enjoy the view of his skullet, which actually affected some reviewer's scores negatively.
Franchi SPAS-12
After flying to Havana to thwart The7's retirement job, an overthrow of Fidel Castro, Lynch trades the Remington 870 he used for the first half of the game for a stockless Franchi SPAS-12, which he carries for the rest of the game. It's interesting to note that the SPAS depicted in-game fires exclusively in semi-automatic, relatively rare for a video game, which usually depict it being pump-action only.
The MP5A3 can be seen and used in the Japanese levels and is also the default weapon of the crooks in Fragile Alliance. The weapon lacks a paddle-release like a chopped HK94A3 but it has a plastic S-E-F trigger unit, thus making the lack of paddle-release just a modeling mistake.
After being liberated from death row to steal back diamonds he supposedly betrayed his comrades for. Kane arms himself with an FN P90 to rob the bank where they are held. It is only used in two levels before Kane discards it in favor of a SIG SG 552. The Belgian submachine gun is also the cheapest weapon to upgrade to in Fragile Alliance, where it also gives the buyer a light Kevlar vest.
A Steyr TMP can be seen in an early trailer being used by one of Retomoto's bodyguards. However, the machine pistol was removed from the release of the game. The model again appears to be from Hitman: Blood Money.
After kidnapping Retomoto's daughter from her nightclub (the entire level is an homage to Collateral, down to the kind of suit Kane wears) Kane starts to carry a SIG SG 552 as his main weapon. He does so for the rest of the game. A few of The7's thugs also carry this assault rifle in the opening chapter. The SIG also appears in Fragile Alliance as the priciest weapon to upgrade to, but it also gives the buyer a heavy kevlar vest, ballistic mask and two extra grenades.
M4A1 Carbines are the most common assault rifles in the game. The LAPD SWAT and Japanese SAT squads are the most prominent users of it. It, along with an extra grenade and a stronger Kevlar vest, can bought in Fragile Alliance as a fairly cost-effective upgrade. The M4A1's are modeled with non-stepped barrels, as seen in Hitman: Contracts.
Modernized AK-74's are used by the pro-Castro Cubans in the Havana chapter. Unfortunately, said Cubans die in droves during the chapter, leaving more than a few for Kane and Lynch.
After Kane and Lynch clear the path to Havana's palace, a mass of Cuban soldiers charge the anti-Castro rebels position's in the palace. Most of them appear to carry poorly rendered AK-47's without trigger and trigger guard. It is not usable by the player.
The Ruger Mini-14 appears only in the "Breakout" level, where it manages to be the best weapon in the game with spot-on accuracy and incredible damage. Sadly, it is only in one level. Many fans even commented that bringing the rifle would have made the difficulty ramp that happens after the prison level much easier to bear.
A Remington 700 with synthetic furniture and heavy barrel is seen twice. Lynch uses one while covering the exchange between Kane and Retomoto for the diamonds (he later kills the hostage in a psychopathic fit, claiming he was "aiming for her legs"). Later on, Carlos carries a suppressed version in Venezuela that he cannot use due to an AI bug.
An FN Minimi SPW is first carried by two burly guards in Retomoto's tower, but are also encountered in the Havana and Venezuela chapters, where it is a good choice for the large groups of soldiers encountered there. Note that in all the screen shots Kane never uses the vertical foregrip attached to weapon at all.
Mounted PKM's can be found in machine gun nests and in technicals during the last half of the game. They have unlimited ammo, but overheat quickly on fully automatic fire.
The Heckler & Koch HK69A1 can be picked up a few times in the game. It mostly serves as a very effective tear-gas launcher. Explosive rounds can be used in Cuba when the player must destroy a group of Russian BTRs.
Teargas grenades are being used by LAPD SWAT officers during the bank job and later by SAT members in Tokyo. It is possible to throw back these grenades, which is a rear sight in video games.
Carlos tries to use a TMRP-6 anti-tank mine in Venezuela to destroy a gate. His plan goes south eventually, and Kane later shoots the mine to make it explode.