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Black Jack
Work In Progress This article is still under construction. It may contain factual errors. See Talk:Black Jack for current discussions. Content is subject to change. |
This page is for the 1993 anime OVA series. For the 1998 American film starring Dolph Lundgren, see Blackjack.

Black Jack is a OVA series based on the manga of the same name by Osamu Tezuka that centers around Kuro'o Hazama, an unlicensed surgeon who goes by the name "Black Jack" and is capable of preforming unbelievable medical miracles for anyone who can afford his fees. The OVA series consists of 10 episodes, referred to as "Medical Charts", and was dubbed and released in the U.S. by Central Park Media.
See also:
In Clinical Chart 2: A Funeral, The Procession Game, one of the cartel enforcers knocks Black Jack unconscious by pistol-whipping him with a M1911A1 pistol.
Browning Hi-Power
TheBrowning Hi-Power pistol is the standard sidearm for officers int the Ortega Republic military in Clinical Chart 3: Decoration of Maria and Her Commrades. Another Browning Hi-Power appears in Clinical Chart 5: The Owl of San Merida, where it is owned by a young man named Leslie. Black Jack refers to the pistol as being "Army Issue".
SIG-Sauer P220
One of the Federal Unites (the series' equivalent to the United States) officers in Clinical Chart 3 is armed with a SIG-Sauer P220 pistol.
Submachine Guns
Most of the Ortega Republic soldiers in Medical Chart 3 are armed with IMI Uzi submachine guns with solid wood stocks.
Sten Mk II
The Federal Unites' "Blue Jacket" Special Forces are primarily armed with Sten Mk II submachine guns.
Beretta M12S
The El Garnia governemnt forces in Medical Chart 5 are all armed with Beretta M12S submachine guns.
Assault Rifles
The M16A1 assault rifle is the standard issue rifle for Federal Unite troops.
Officers in the Ortega Republican Army are issued AK-47 assault rifles.
Unknown Assault Rifle
During their final showdown with the "Blue Jackets", the Ortegan soldiers use an unidentified assault rifle. The rifle is depicted as being fully automatic, but the soldiers using it chamber the first round by pumping the handguard like a shotgun.
Hunting Rifle
General Cruz is seen with a hunting rifle during flashbacks to his childhood. The weapon is never seen clearly enough to identify.
Machine Guns
Browning M2
Several Browning M2 machine guns are seen mounted on various Federal Unite vehicles.
Unidentified Machine Gun
The Ortegan army camp is armed with a single unidentifed tripod-mounted machine gun.
GE M134 Minigun
A soldier is seen firing a GE M134 Minigun out the side of a helicopter in Medical Chart 5. Another M134 (in the same episode) is seen mounted under the nose of an attack helicopter.
General Dynamics M197 Vulcan
A General Dynamics M197 Vulcan is seen mounted on a AH-64 Apache attack helicopter in Clinical Chart 5: The Owl of San Merida.
Hand Grenades
M67 hand grenade
maria uses several M67 hand grenades during Medical Chart 3.

Mk 2 Hand Grenade
At the end of Medical Chart 3, General Cruz opens his uniform to reveal several Mk 2 hand grenades strapped to his torso.
Model 24 Stielhandgranate
General Cruz also has a number of Model 24 Stielhandgranates with antipersonnel sleeves concealed under his uniform.
Unidentified Paratrooper Grenade
The "Blue Jacket" soldiers use an unidentified paratrooper grenade during their initial decent over the Ortegan military camp.
M1 Flamethrower
One of the Federal Unite soldiers can be seen with a M1 Flamethrower during the invasion of Ortega.
M2 Flamethrower
The cartel enforcers in Medical Chart 2 use M2 Flamethrowers near the end of the episode.

Missile Launchers
Unidentified Missile Launcher
Several Ortegan soldiers are seen using this unidentified rocket launcher.
M20 Recoilless Rifle
The "Blue Jacket" forces employ the use of a M20 Recoilless Rifle.