World in Conflict is a real-time tactics (RTT) video game released on September 18, 2007 in North-American, later on September 20 in Australia and on September 21 in Europe. Developed by Massive Entertainment and published by Ubisoft (formally by Sierra Entertainment) for the PC, World in Conflict won many Best Strategy Game awards for 2007. on March 2009, an expansion pack called World in Conflict: Soviet Assault was released and introducing six new single-player missions, which all are of the Soviet faction, also showing new characters.
The following weapons appear in the video game World in Conflict and World in Conflict: Soviet Assault:
WARNING! Spoilers are included in few pictures and their descriptions.
The Beretta M9 can be seen fired by an American soldier during the final cut-scene of the mission Last Stand. This could be also the holstered sidearms of some characters.
The M16A2 is the standard issue weapon of the U.S. soldiers and Norwegian Rangers. In cut-scenes, the M16A2 is seen used by 1LT Parker, CPT Mark Bannon, CPL Anton “Ants” Rodriguez, CPT James Webb (with an M203 grenade launcher), and many other characters. In-gameplay, the M16A2 is only used with M203 grenade launcher.
The FN Minimi is used only by CPL Thompson. In the 1980's the U.S. military used the FN Minimi as their squad automatic rifle, alongside with the M249. CPL Thompson is the only one to be seen using an FN Minimi, though in-gameplay the U.S. Infantry squads are using Mk 46 Mod 0 instead.
The Mk 46 mod 0 is used by one soldier in each Infantry squad. It would be more appropriate to see an FN Minimi or an M249 SAW, as the Mk 46 Mod 0 is more a special operations weapon, which also was not issued by the American military during '89. A note of interest is that the front sights are awkwardly modelled and don't look like an FN Minimi-based weapon.
The Dillon Aero M134 Minigun can only be seen in the New York cinematic video, mounted on the tail of a USMC CH-53 Sea Stallion helicopter.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingDillon Aero M134 with flash suppressor - 7.62x51mm. These are new model M134 Miniguns or just updated GE Miniguns which are usually seen with a different spade grip mount that were used during the Vietnam War.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAn M134 is fired by the tail gunner.
A stock-less Franchi SPAS-12 can be seen in the intro and in one of the CGI trailers, though not used in-game. It can also be very briefly seen (though poorly modelled and far too small) during an in-engine cutscene.
In the Soviet Assault launch trailer, some American soldiers can be seen firing an M136 AT4, also seen on the back of a soldier in one of the U.S. campaign's cut-scenes, though is never seen used in-game.
The FAMAS G1 is the standard issue weapon of the NATO soldiers. Like the M16A2 and the AK-47, the FAMAS G1 in always seen with a grenade launcher in-gameplay.
The M240B, distinguished by the rail on top, but missing its heat-shield, is mounted on Land Rovers and also used by one soldier in each Infantry squad. It is odd to see the M240B in use by NATO forces, as an FN MAG would be more appropriate.
The primary weapon of the Spähpanzer Luchs is the Rheinmetall MK 20 Rh 202. This vehicle is depicted in-game as an amphibious IFV, whereas it is in fact a reconnaissance vehicle.
The AK-47 is standard issue weapon of the Soviets soldiers. It is inaccurate to see the AK-47 used by Soviet soldiers in 1989, an AK-74 would be more appropriate. Same as the other assault rifles, the AK-47 is always seen with an attached grenade launcher; a GP-25 in this case.