The following weapons were used in the second season of the television series Ultimate Force :
Ultimate Force - Season 2
SIG-Sauer P226
The SIG-Sauer P226 is the preferred sidearm of Red Troop and is used throughout the series. It is frequently seen holstered whenever the team are wearing their counter terrorist gear, but is normally only used for undercover work.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing SIG-Sauer P226 9mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Jamie (jamie Draven ) is armed with a P226 when he first boards the boat in "Communication" (Episode 2.1). This is in fact a continuity error, as after this point the gun changes to a P225 .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Jamie uses a P226 fitted with a suppressor to snatch a cult member in "What in the Name of God" (Episode 2.5).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Louis (Christopher Fox ) aims his P226 from the rear foot-well of a jeep whilst abducting Mick Mo in "Dead is Forever" (Episode 2.6).
SIG-Sauer P225
Jamie (Jamie Draven ) can be seen using SIG-Sauer P225 as his sidearm in several episodes, even though this pistol is a dated design with a smaller magazine capacity than the P226s and P228s which Red Troop usually uses on the show. The use of this pistol in "Communication" (Episode 2.1) is rife with continuity errors. Firstly, Jamie can be seen holding the pistol below decks on the boat when earlier he was using a larger P226 whilst climbing aboard. Secondly, Henno (Ross Kemp ) draws a P225 from his holster and clears it at the end of the episode, despite the fact that he was previously using the similar, but more modern, P228 .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing SIG-Sauer P225 - 9x19mm.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Jamie uses a P225 whilst moving around the lower deck of the ship.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Henno unloads a P225 at the end of the episode. This can be differentiated from the P228 he was using early by the horned trigger guard.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Jamie again uses a P225 in "Wannabes" (Episode 2.3) whilst threatening Suzi Brown (Flora Montgomery )
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A closer shot of the back of Jamie's pistol, showing that it has the single stack frame of the P225.
SIG-Sauer P228
In some episodes, the smaller SIG-Sauer P228 are used by Red Troop.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing SIG-Sauer P228 9mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Henno (Ross Kemp ) can be seen with a P228 whilst hiding below decks in "Communication" (Episode 2.1). In a continuity error, this pistol later changes to a P225 .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Henno and Jamie (Jamie Draven ) can both be seen using P228s at the shooting range in "Mad Dogs" (Episode 2.2). Ricky (Danny Sapani ) is also using a pistol at the range, however he is armed with a P226 , as referenced by its longer barrel and horned trigger guard.
Heckler & Koch USP
Heckler & Koch USP pistols are seen in some episodes, usually in the hands of the antagonists.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch USP 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing USPs feature prominently in "Communication" (Episode 2.1) where they are used by the French special forces. In this picture, the leader of the French soldiers, LeMaison (François Guétary ), re-holsters his USP after shooting the terrorist leader.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lacompte (Pascal Langdale ) aiming his USP as the French sieve the ship.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing LeMaison aiming his USP at the innocent captain as he forces him to continue to England.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mick Mo (Dorian Healy ) uses a USP as he abducts Dempsey (Miles Anderson ) and Nicky Strong (Emily Joyce ) in "Dead is Forever" (Episode 2.6).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Louis (Christopher Fox ) checks his USP is loaded as they approach a checkpoint. This is a continuity error, as he was previously seen with a SIG-Sauer P226 , although it is possible this is the weapon he confiscated from Mick Mo, although why he would be using it instead of his own pistol is unclear.
Smith & Wesson Model 60
Several of the terrorists on the boat in "Communication" (Episode 2.1) can be seen using Smith & Wesson Model 60 snub nose revolvers.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smith & Wesson Model 60 - .38 Special
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The leader of the terrorists firing his revolver at one of the ship's crew.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another terrorists draws a gun in the mess hall, before being shot by the French special forces.
Walther P99
A Walther P99 can briefly be seen in "The List" (Episode 2.4) as the pistol being used by the sleeper assassin Levi (Simon Gregor ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Walther P99 - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The P99 can be seen laying on the seat, along with his target instructions. From the proprietary accessory rail visible in this shot, along with the fact that this episode was shot in 2003, this pistol is an original pre-2004 model as opposed to the "Quick Action".
Smith & Wesson Model 686
The cult leader Omega (Conor Mullen ) in "What in the Name of God" (Episode 2.5) carries a Smith & Wesson Model 686 with a 4" barrel.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smith & Wesson Model 686 4" Barrel - .357 Magnum.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Omega aiming his 686 at a police car as the start of the episode.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Omega firing his 686 at Henno (Ross Kemp ).
Beretta 92
In "Dead is Forever" (Episode 2.6) one of the rebels, uses what appears to be an original Beretta 92 during a mock execution and a ransom video. Oddly this particular pistol is fitted with a slide which is thinner at the front than the back and different grip plates, features which do not appear on the majority of Beretta 92s.
Beretta 92, the first Beretta model produced, noted by rounded trigger guard, butt located magazine release, and frame mounted safety (pre-decocking safety) - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The lack of safety on the right side of the frame indicates that this is an original Beretta 92. Also visible in this shot is the "step" on the side of the slide where it narrows just past the chamber.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing During the ransom video it is just possible to see frame mounted safety, as well as the butt mounted magazine release confirming this is a Beretta 92, as opposed to a very early Taurus PT92 .
CZ 75B
One of the rebels in "Dead is Forever" uses a CZ 75B during a mock execution. The weapon misfires, prompting the user to say "Damn these cheep Czechoslovakian weapons."
Error creating thumbnail: File missing CZ 75B 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The rebel aims at blindfolded Dempsey (Miles Anderson ) with his CZ 75B.
Submachine Guns
Heckler & Koch MP5A3
The standard-issue weapons for the SAS unit Red Troop in the TV show are Heckler & Koch MP5A3 submachine guns, which are always seen with Surefire fore ends and tactical flashlights as well as the SEF-style lower receiver. These weapons are typically used in Red Troop's domestic hostage rescue missions.
The other SAS unit, Blue Troop, also use identical weapons, as do many Metropolitan Police SO19 (now CO19) officers throughout the show.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch MP5A3 - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Jamie (Jamie Draven ) sneaking across the upper deck of the ship with his MP5A3 in "Communication" (Episode 2.1).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Louis (Christopher Fox ) provides cover for a wounded Dotsy (Jamie Bamber ), both of whom are armed with MP5A3s.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Mossad agent Ben Yager (Stephen Noonan ) uses an MP5A3 fitted with a telescopic sight and suppressor in "The List" (Episode 2.4).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Capt. Ian Macalwain (Richard Armitage ) with his MP5A3 during the assault on the cult compound in "What in the Name of God" (Episode 2.5).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Unlike the majority of the assault team in "What in the Name of God" (Episode 2.5) Caroline (Alex Reid ) carries a regular MP5A3, as her weapon is purely for self defence.
Heckler & Koch MP5KA1
Heckler & Koch MP5KA1 submachine guns are used by a number of the French special forces soldiers in "Communication" (Episode 2.1). The MP5KA1 is a version of the original MP5K designed for concealed carry (it lacks the H&K dioptre sights in order to avoid getting snagged on clothing when being drawn quickly from beneath a jacket).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch MP5KA1 - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A French soldier walks onto deck with a MP5KA1, which starts the fire-fight.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Jem (Elliot Cowan ) shoots an MP5KA1 armed terrorist with his MP5A3 .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another French soldier with an MP5KA1. Note the lack of the hooded front sight indicating this is the A1 variant.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Henno (Ross Kemp ) surveys the damage after the fire-fight. An MP5KA1 can be seen at his feet in the hands of a dead soldier.
Several of the French special forces soldiers in "Communications" (Episode 2.1) are armed with IMI Uzis .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing IMI Uzi - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of the French soldiers enters the bunk room with his Uzi.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A view of the Uzi after the soldier puts it on the table. Note the two magazine couple together, which would make the gun somewhat uncomfortable to hold.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The soldier in the rear is armed with an Uzi.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The terrorist targets on the shooting range at Hereford are armed with Uzis in "Mad Dogs" (Episode 2.2).
Mini Uzi
The Mini Uzi machine pistol appears in several episodes being used by the bad guys..
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mini Uzi - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of the French soldiers in "Communication" (Episode 2.1) gets shot in the head whilst aiming his Mini Uzi. Note the device attached to the butt stock of the weapon which creates the blood splatter from the bullet hit, which is visible as he falls to the side.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another French soldier carries a Mini Uzi with a laser sight clamped under the barrel.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A motorcycle gunman fires a Mini Uzi in "The List" (Episode 2.4).
Heckler & Koch MP5SD3
Red Troop also makes use of the suppressed Heckler & Koch MP5SD3 in "What in the Name of God" (Episode 2.5) when Red Troop invades the stronghold of a Christian cult terrorist group to capture their leader.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch MP5SD3 9mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A number of SAS soldiers move into position around the building with their MP5SD3s.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing SAS soldiers entering the house
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Jamie (Jamie Draven ) hides around a corner with his MP5SD3.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A side view of Jamie's MP5SD3.
A PPSh-41 can be seen briefly in the hands of one of the Serbian soldiers in Episode 1.6, "Something to Do with Justice".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Soviet PPSh-41 Submachine Gun - 7.62x25mm Tokarev
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The waving soldier on the right is armed with a PPSh-41.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A front view of the PPSh-41, showing that it is fitted with a drum magazine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The crouching soldier is holding a PPSh-41.
Assault Rifles
Norinco Type 56-1
Norinco Type 56-1s are a common terrorist weapon on the show.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Norinco Type 56-1 7.62x39mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Omega (Conor Mullen ) firing a Type 56 in "What in the Name of God" (Episode 2.5).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dempsey (Miles Anderson ) uses a Type 56 in "Dead is Forever" (Episode 2.6), which he takes from a terrorist he kills.
Heckler & Koch HK33A3
Several of the French special forces soldiers in "Communication" (Episode 2.1) carry Heckler & Koch HK33s .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch HK33A3 5.56x45mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of the French soldiers aiming his HK33 through the smoke created from a stun grenade.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another of the French soldiers fires down at Red Troop from the bridge of the ship.
Colt CAR-15
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Colt M16 (SP1)
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M16A1 (with M16A2 hand guards)
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Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Colt M16A2
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Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Colt M16A1
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Sniper Rifles
Accuracy International L96A1
Whenever Red Troop requires sniper support, the snipers are typically armed with Accuracy International L96A1 rifles in 7.62x51mm NATO.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Accuracy International Arctic Warfare Magnum 7.62x51mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Corporal Ricky Mann (Danny Sapani ) aims an L96A1 in Episode 2.1, "Communication".
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Machine Guns
FN Minimi
Red Troop is frequently seen using the FN Minimi for support during missions overseas.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing FN Minimi 5.56mm with 200-round ammo drum.
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Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Captain Caroline Walsh (Alex Reid ) firing an FN Minimi in Episode 2.6, "Dead Is Forever".
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Seen in season 4 episode 1, "Changing of the Guard"
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Browning M1919
Seen in "Weapon of Choice", season 3 episode 4. In the same episode at the beginning, it was mounted on a "Russian tank".
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Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Remington 870 Police Folder
Used by the SAS to breach doors.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Heavy Weapons
Cobray CM203
Red Troop's M16s and CAR-15s are often fitted with what appear to be M203 grenade launchers . However, a close inspection of the receivers reveals that they are actually the look-a-like Cobray CM203 37mm launchers which are often used to substitute for the M203 in many films and TV shows.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M16A1 with Cobray M203 replica launcher 37mm
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Error creating thumbnail: File missing Henno firing a LAW
Seen throughout the series.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Other Seasons