Counter-Strike Online (2008)
The following weapons are used in the video game Counter-Strike Online :
Glock 17
Named "9x19mm Sidearm" in game.As the starting weapon of the terrroists faction.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Glock 17 9x19 mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing 9x19 mm Pistol
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Glock 17 being dry fire.
purchase icon
an operator of the South Korean 707 Battalion with a Glock
Gerrand with a Glock
Heckler & Koch USP45 Tactical
Named "KM .45 Tactical Pistol" in game, comes with a detachable silencer.As the starting pistol for the counter-terrroists faction.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch USP Tactical .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing KM .45 Tactical Pistol with silencer
Error creating thumbnail: File missing USP being dry fire.
purchase icon
Jennifer arming with an USP
SIG-Sauer P228
Named ".228 Compact" in game.Fires .357 SIG rounds.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing SIG P228 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing P228 in de_dust2
purchase icon
IMI Desert Eagle Mark XIX
Named "Nighthawk .50 C" in game.Appear as the most powerful sidearm in the game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Desert Eagle .50 AE
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Desert Eagle in de_dust2
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Deagle being dry fire.
purchase icon of the Desert Eagle
David Black with an Desert Eagle
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Akimbo, painted with jungle camo-
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Akimbo Deagles available in Zombie Modes
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Akimbo Deagles being dryfire
File:Deaglegold.jpg Gold Desert Eagle
purchase icon of the Golden Desert Eagle
FN Five-seveN
Named "ES Five-Seven" in game.It's available for the counter-terrorists only.Although its weak,but it has the strongest penetration power than any other pistols and also high capacity.
FN Five-seveN 5.7x28 mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Fn Five-SeveN in game
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Five-Seven being dry fire.
purchase icon
Beretta 92G Elite II
Named ".40 Dual Elite" in game. probably a homage to John Woo or Chow Yun Fat.The dual pistols are purchasable by the terrorists.It has the highest capacity in the pistol class,although it does very low damage per shot.
Beretta 92G 9x19 mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dual Beretta 92G Elite II's in game
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dual pistols being dryfire.
a member of the Asia Red Army arming with two Berettas
purchase icon of the dual Elites
Colt Anaconda
Named simply as "Anaconda" in game and feed with 7 rounds.It fires .50 AE rounds.Appear as the only revolver in the game and a high-caliber pistol which can equal with the Desert Eagle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt Anaconda - .44 Magnum
Error creating thumbnail: File missing First Person View
purchase icon
SVI Infinity
the Infiniti(s) comes with a few color variants and three akimbo configurations.Appear as the most diverse weapon and the most accurate pistol in the game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Strayer Voigt Infinity 1911 .45 ACP
Mei with an Infinity Black
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Infinity Silver in game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Infinity Silver being dryfire.
Spade with an Infinity Silver.
purchase icon of the Infinity Silver
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Infinity Red
Akimbo configurations.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The infinit(s) fire in secondary firing mode.
purchase icon of the dual Infinit(s)
Luger P08
named "Luger" in game,it also comes with gold finish.It is weak,low capacity and not very accurate.It's the one of two WW2 classic weapon in the game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Luger P08 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing First Person View
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Luger being dryfire.
purchase icon of the Luger.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Luger Gold in first person view.
purchase icon of the Luger Gold.
AMT Automag V
Named "AutomagV" in game.Currently appear as a skin for the Desert Eagle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing AMT Automag V .50 AE
File:CSO Automag.jpg Automag V in Counter-Strike Online
Benelli M3
Named "Leone 12 Gauge Super" in game.As the most cheapest shotgun in the game and suitable for close-quarter battle.
File:F1ead049.jpg Benelli M3 Super 90 12 gauge
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The M3 Shotgun in de_dust2
purchase icon
Benelli M4 Super 90
Named "Leone YG1264 Auto Shotgun" in game.It does lower damage but has the highest rate of fire than any other shotguns.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Benelli M4 Super 90 12 gauge
Error creating thumbnail: File missing First Person View
purchase icon
a member of the Vigilante Corps with an M4 Shotgun
A fully automatic shotgun with a 20-round drum magazine which available for the terrroists only.It's very powerful in close range but it's unstable.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing USAS 12 full auto shotgun 12 gauge
Error creating thumbnail: File missing USAS-12 in game
purchase icon of the USAS-12
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The camouflaged version of the USAS-12
Error creating thumbnail: File missing firing the camouflaged USAS-12
purchase icon of the camouflaged USAS-12
Winchester Model 1887
Named "Winchester" in game.It is very effective for hunting zombies and has high stopping power.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Winchester M1887 12 gauge
Error creating thumbnail: File missing First person view
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The player cocking the shotgun
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Inserting 12-gauge buckshot shells
purchase icon of the Winchester Shotgun
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Gold plated version of M1887
purchase icon of the Golden Winchester
Sawed-off Double Barreled Shotgun
An unknown model of sawed-off double barrel shotgun.It does high damage even in middle-range although it has the lowest capacity.It's also the weapon which has the highest stopping power in the game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sawed-off Double Barreled Shotgun 12 gauge
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The "DBarrel" ingame
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Inserting shells
purchase icon of the double-barreled shotgun
Kel-Tec KSG
The KSG-12 is currently available in the Korean CSO only.
Submachine Guns
Steyr TMP
Named "Schmidt Machine Pistol" in game. Comes with an integrated suppressor.As the low cost sub-machine gun for the counter-terrroists.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Steyr TMP 9x19 mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing First Person View
File:CsTmp.jpg purchase icon
Ingram Mac-10
Unlike most of other guns, the MAC-10 retains its name because the company holding the rights to the name went bankrupt.It's the same level as the TMP,as the low cost sub-machine gun for the terrorists faction.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MAC-10 .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MAC-10 in de_dust2
purchase icon
Heckler & Koch MP5A5
Named "KM Submachine Gun" in game.Appear as the most flexibility sub-machine gun in the game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch MP5A5 9x19 mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing First person view
purchase icon
an operator of the Taiwanese Thunder Squad arming with an MP5
Error creating thumbnail: File missing a "Chinese new year" edition of the MP5, with white tiger-stripe foregrip and a doll humping the back of the gun. available through purchase with real money.
purchase icon of the White tiger MP5
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Gold plated version of the MP5
purchase icon of the Golden MP5
Heckler & Koch UMP
Named "KM UMP45" in game.Appearing to filled the lack of firepower of the MP5.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch UMP45 .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The UMP45 ingame
purchase icon
FN P90
Named "ES C90" in game,comes with a Lapin variation.It has high penetration power and also high capacity but it does low damage and expensive.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing FN P90 PDW 5.7x28 mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing First Person
purchase icon of the P90
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The P90Lapin in game
purchase icon of the P90 Lapin
Heckler & Koch MP7A1
The MP7A1 in game can switch between "pistol mode" and "SMG mode".Appear as the most compact SMG in the game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch MP7A1 PDW 4.6x30 mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch MP7A1 PDW 4.6x30 mm with Zeiss Z-Point sight.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MP7A1 in Pistol mode
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MP7A1 in SMG mode
purchase icon of the MP7A1
Error creating thumbnail: File missing an extended mag variation. note the longer mag
File:Cs downed cz0001.jpg The MP7A1 Expended looked the same with the origin weapon
purchase icon of the MP7A1 Extended
Error creating thumbnail: File missing dual wielding variation
SA Vz.61 Skorpion
The SA Vz.61 Skorpion appears heavily modified in game and renamed into "Blue Lightning" and "Lazy Lightning". Both of them can switch between "SMG mode" and "rifle mode".The Blue Lightning was belong to the Counter-terrorists faction,and the Lazy Lightning was belong to the terrorist faction.These weapons are both belong to the rifles category.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sa. Vz.61 Skorpion with 20-round magazine - .32 ACP
File:De train0005.jpg Dao Lightning smg mode
File:De train0002.jpg Dao Lightning rifle mode
File:Kartred.jpg Red Kart Rifle rifle mode being reloaded
File:Cartblue.jpg purchase icon of the Blue kart rifle
File:Cartred.jpg purchase icon of the Red kart rifle
Daewoo K1A
A Korean Carbine classified as SMG in game which available for the counter-terrorists faction only.It has similar firepower and high rate of fire which equal the assault rifles.It can also effect at long range.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Daewoo K1A 5.56x45 mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing K1A in First Person View
purchase icon of the K1A
Criss with an K1A
Error creating thumbnail: File missing K1A with an akward "dragon" painted on side,it 's called "K1ASE".
purchase icon of the Dragon K1A
M1928 Thompson
Named "Thompson Chicago" in game.Also comes with a gold plated variant.It's powerful and has high capacity,also has lower price than many SMGs.It's also the one of two WW2 classic weapon in the game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M1928 Thompson with 50-round drum magazine .45 ACP
File:De survivor0004.jpg
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M1928 in game
purchase icon of the Thompson
purchase icon of the Golden Thompson
TDI Vector
Named "Kriss Super V" in game, comes with a detachable suppressor and a akimbo configuration.It's firepower is equal to the UMP45 and the Thompson.Although it's cheaper,low recoil and accurate.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing TDI Vector .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kriss with sliencer
purchase icon of the Kriss
purchase icon of the Dual Kriss(es)
Assault Rifles
Named "CV-47" in game. Comes with a few variations.As the most reliable rifle for the terrorists faction.It's powerful and cheap,but unaccurate when fully-automatic.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing AK-47 7.62x39mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ingame screenshot
The purchase icon of the AK-47
Error creating thumbnail: File missing gold plated version of the AK
The purchase icon of the Golden AK
Error creating thumbnail: File missing High-capacity magazine, aimpoint and synthetic stock/grip/foregrip,which only available in the Zombie Modes
"Purgatory", with a flaming skull painted on the reciver
Named "IDF Defender" in game. Has the stats of the 5.56x45mm variant.This weapon is available for the terrorists faction only.As the cheapest rifle in the game.This rifle is very effect in close range and middle range.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing IMI Galil 7.62x51mm NATO variant. Note the thicker, straight box magazine
Error creating thumbnail: File missing IMI Galil 5.56 ARM.Seen in the purchase icon
Error creating thumbnail: File missing First Person
Purchase icon shows that the weapon is an Galil 5.56 ARM
Renamed as "Clarion 5.56" in game,as the cheapest rifle for the counter-terrorists faction.It's able to fire in 3 round brust,low recoil and also high rate of fire when fully-automatic.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing FAMAS F1 5.56x45 mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing FAMAS in game
purchase icon
SIG SG552 Commando
Named "Krieg 552" in game and available for the terrorists faction only.Appear as the assault rifle which has the highest rate of fire.This weapon is effect in close range and middle range.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing SIG SG 552 Commando 5.56x45 mm NATO
a member of the National Liberation Campaign arming with an unscoped SG552
Error creating thumbnail: File missing SG552 in Dust2
purchase icon
Steyr AUG
Renamed "Bullpup" in game.Available for the counter-terrorists faction.Appear as a assault rifle which equal the SG552.It has high rate of fire and good accuracy.Effect in middle range to long range.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Steyr AUG 5.56x45 mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
purchase icon
Colt M4A1 Carbine
Named "Maverick M4A1 Carbine" in game, comes with a few variation and all of them features a detachable suppressor.As the most reliable rifle for the counter-terrorists.This rifle is accurate,powerful and inexpensive,effect in any ranges.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt M4A1 Carbine 5.56x45 mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M4A1 with silencer
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M4A1 in game
purchase icon of the M4A1
an operator of the SAF Scout with an M4A1
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Camouflaged M4A1 Carbine, equiped with ACOG scope
purchase icon of the camouflaged M4
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Golden M4A1 in game
gold-plated M4A1 purchase icon
an "Ice dragon" is painted on the side of the gun, probably in contrast to the flaming skull AK.
Heckler & Koch XM8
The XM8 in game can be convert freely between the carbine variant and the sharpshooter variant,as the new generation rifle for the terrorists faction.It has high rate of fire and light weight,although it's not accurate.
Heckler & Koch XM8 Carbine 5.56x45 mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch XM8 Sharpshooter 5.56x45 mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing XM8 Carbine
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pulling the bolt of the XM8
purchase icon of the XM8 carbine
Error creating thumbnail: File missing changing barrel into Sharpshooter variant
Error creating thumbnail: File missing XM8 Sharpshooter in first person view
The FN SCAR in game can be convert freely between the SCAR-L and the SCAR-H.It's available for the counter-terrorists,as a new rifle for the counter-terrorists.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Fabrique Nationale SCAR-L 5.56x45 mm NATO with Aimpoint CompM2 scope and Grippod foregrip
Fabrique Nationale SCAR-H 7.62x51 mm NATO with Aimpoint CompM2 scope and Grippod foregrip
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading the Scar L
Error creating thumbnail: File missing SCAR L in first person
Purchase icon of the Scar H
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Changing barrel into SCAR H
Error creating thumbnail: File missing SCAR H
an operator of the Japanese SAT arming with an FN SCAR H
Mk 14 Mod 0 EBR
Named "M14 EBR" in game.Appear as the most powerful assault rifle in the game.Comes with a sniper rifle variation which called "Skull 5".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mk 14 Mod 0 Enhanced Battle Rifle 7.62x51 mm NATO with a Harris bipod and vertical RIS foregrip.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The enhanced battle rifle in game
The blue faction rifleman with an M14 EBR
purchase icon
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Skull-5 used in "Deadend"
purchase icon of the "Skull 5"
FN F2000
Named simply as "F2000 in game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing FN F2000 5.56x45mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing an advertisement showing new items, including the F2000
purchase icon
IMI Tavor TAR-21
Named simply as "TAR-21" in game.Comes with a EO-Tech telescope.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing IMI Tavor TAR-21 5.56x45mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing First person
purchase icon
The M16A4 retains it's name in game.Painted with desert camo and installed a forearm.It is only available for the counter-terrorists faction.The weapon is only be able to fire in 3 round burst.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt M16A4 5.56x45mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The promotion poster shows Gerrard is wielding with an M16A4
Error creating thumbnail: File missing First Person view of the M16A4
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Inserting a new mag onto the M16A4
purchase icon
The AN-94 retains it's name in game.It is only available for the terrorists faction.The weapon's only be able to fire in 2 round burst.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing AN-94 5.45x39mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The promotion poster shows a operator of the SAS wielding an AN-94
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The AN-94 in game.
purchase icon
HK 416
The HK 416 retains it's name in game.Currently appear as a skin for the M4A1.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch HK416 with 10 inch barrel 5.56x45mm NATO
The modernized AKM retains it's name in game. Currently appear as a skin for the AK-47.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing AKM 7.62x39mm
Enfield L85A2
Named "L85A2" in game.Currently appear as a skin for the FAMAS.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing L85A2 5.56x45mm NATO
Currently appear as a skin for the Galil.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing FN FNC 5.56x45mm NATO
Fictional Guns
Lightning AR-1
The Lightning AR-1 is a fictional weapon appears to be a fusion of a bass guitar and an AK-pattern rifle,it feed with 30 round 5.56 NATO rounds.
File:Guitar gun cso.jpg The guitar rifle in game
File:CsGuitar.jpg purchase icon
File:Jpngirl.jpg Erica with an Guitar Rifle
SVD + M203 Grenade launcher
The SVD is named "SVDEX" and only available for VIP player in the zombie game mode. It has feature a Barrett style muzzle brake, and a sawn-off M203 and an EOTech Holograhic sight.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing a poster of the SVDEX.
The hero with his SVDEX.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing First person view
Gatling (Volcano)
The "Volcano" in game is fed with 40 round buckshots,and fires like a gatling gun.
File:Gatling csonline.jpg The "Valcano" in game
File:Gatling buy.jpg Purchase icon of the "Volcano"
Science Fiction Gun (Lightning Blaster)
The Science Fiction Rifle comes with 45 round mag and fires laser like 5.56mm bullets in game.
File:Sfgun cso.jpg The Lightning Blaster in game
File:Sfgun buy.jpg Purchase icon of the Lightning Blaster
Machine Guns
The SAW retains its name in game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing FN M249 PARA SAW 5.56x45mm NATO
Yuri with an M249
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The M249 in game
purchase icon of the M249
Christmas Speical Edition
Error creating thumbnail: File missing a variation named "Skull-7" in game
purchase icon of the Skull-7
The QBB95 appears under its real name and quipped with a 75 round drum magazine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Norinco QBB-95 5.8x42mm Chinese
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Norinco QBZ-95 5.8x42mm Chinese
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Type 95 LMG in game
Alice in Blue faction with an Type 95 LMG
purchase icon of the QBB-95,note the box magazine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing a variation named "QBB95ex" in game
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Removing the drum magazine of a Type 95 LMG while reloading
purchase icon of the QBB95ex
The MG3 retains its name in game.Comes with 200 round ammunition box.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MG3 7.62x51 mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Placing the M13 Belt into a MG3
purchase icon of the MG3
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Gold plated version of the MG3
purchase icon of the Golden MG3
Christmas Special Edition
GE M134 Minigun
Named simply as "M134" in game.Comes with 200 round belt.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Handheld GE M134 Minigun with 'Chainsaw grip' to handle the recoil force 7.62x51 mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing First person view of the Minigun
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Firing the M134
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading a M134
Purchase icon of the Minigun
The machine gunner of the Red faction with an Minigun
Christmas Special edition
Heckler & Koch HK23E
Named simply as "HK23" in game.Comes with 100 round ammunition box.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch HK23E 5.56x45mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing first person
purchase icon
The M60E4 retains it's name in game.Comes with 100 round ammunition box.
M60E4 7.62x51mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing a poster of the M60e4 machine gun
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The M60E4 in Zombie mode
purchase icon
Hecker & Koch MG36
The MG36 retain it's name in game.As the most flexibility machine gun in the game.Comes with 100 round C-MAG drums.
Heckler & Koch MG36 5.56 x45mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing HK MG36 in game.
Sniper Rifles
Steyr Scout
Renamed to "Schmidt Scout" in game.
Steyr Scout 7.62x51 mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing first person
purchase icon
Heckler & Koch G3SG/1
Named "D3/AU-1" in game.Available for the terrorists faction.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch G3SG/1 7.62x51 mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing G3SG1 in game
purchase icon
SIG SG550 Sniper
Named "KRIEG 550 commando" in game.Available for the counter-terrorists faction.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing SIG SG 550 Sniper 5.56x45 mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing SG550 ingame
purchase icon
The VSK94 retain it's name in game, Comes with an integrated suppressor,as the new automatic sniper rifle for the counter-terrorists faction.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing VSK94 9x39 mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing VSK-94 in game
Error creating thumbnail: File missing VSK-94 being reloaded
purchase icon
SVD Dragunov
Named simply "SVD" in game.As the new semi-automatic sniper rifle for the terrorists faction.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing SVD Dragunov sniper rifle - 7.62x54mm R
A sniper of the Red Brigades take aims with his Dragunov.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing SVD in game
purchase icon
Accuracy International Arctic Warfare Magnum(AWM)
Named "Magnum Sniper Rifle(AWP)" in game, with a few variations.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Accuracy International AWM .338 Lapua Magnum
Natasha take aims with her AWM.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The original Green AWM in first person view
purchase icon of the AWM
Christmas special edition
Error creating thumbnail: File missing camouflaged variant
purchase icon of the camouflaged AWM
The sniper with an camouflaged AWM
Sako TRG
Named "TRG42" in game.Feed with 10 round mag.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sako TRG-42 .338 Lapua Magnum
Error creating thumbnail: File missing TRG-42 in game
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The sight of the TRG-42
purchase icon of the TRG-42
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Platinum variant
purchase icon of the platinum variant
Heckler & Koch SL-8
Named simply "SL8" in game.Comes with 20 round mag and 25 round for the gold-plated version and high capa variant.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch SL8 5.56x45 mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The SL8 ingame
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pulling the bolt of the SL8
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading the SL8
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The sight of the SL8
purchase icon of the SL8
Error creating thumbnail: File missing gold plated
purchase icon of the Golden SL8
The High capacity variant in game
M24 Sniper Rifle
Named simply as "M24" in game, painted with urban camo.Comes with 10 round mag.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M24 Sniper Rifle 7.62x51 mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M24 in game
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M24 being reloaded
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The sight of the M24
purchase icon
Cheyenne Tactical M-200 Intervention
Named as "M200" in game.Looks like a M100.Feed with 10 round mag.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cheyenne Tactical M-200 Intervention .408 Chey Tac
File:CSOM200.jpg M200 .338
This screenshot shows .338 laupa instead of .408 cheytac, probably due to game developer or sprite artist's lack of effort
purchase icon
WA 2000
The WA2000 retains its name in game and feed with 12 rounds.It also comes with a gold-plated variantion which fed with 15 rounds.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Walther WA 2000 7.62x51 mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing First person
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Inserting a new magazine into a WA-2000
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A picture found in the CSO offical website shows a SAS operator with an WA 2000
purchase icon
Barrett M95
The M95 retains its long name in game as "Barrett M95".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Barrett M95 .50 BMG
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The M95 in de_dust2
purchase icon
The XM2010 appears as the one of the most powerful sniper rifle in the game and fed with 5 rounds.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing First person view
purchase icon
Blaser R93 Tactical
Named simply as "R93" in game.Currently appear as a skin for the AWM.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Blaser R93 .338 Lapua Magnum
Named "AW50" in game.Currently appear as a skin for the AWM.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing AW50F .50 BMG
The crossbow appear as the only "missile weapon" in the game.It fed with 50 rounds arrows.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The crossbow in game
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The sight of the crossbow
purchase icon
M67 Hand Grenade
Named "Fragmentation grenade" in game as the primary weapon for the player in the "Grenade Warfare" mode, it also has a flame grenade variant which available in the zombie modes.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing the M67 hand grenade
Error creating thumbnail: File missing frag grenade ingame
purchase icon
Error creating thumbnail: File missing flame grenade variation
Model 24 Stielhandgranade
Named simply as "M24 Grenade" in game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Model 24 Stielhandgranate : German Grenade
purchase icon
M79 grenade launcher (Sawn-Off)
Named "M79 Saw-Off" in game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M79 grenade launcher 40mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The M79 in game
Error creating thumbnail: File missing reloading the m79
purchase icon
M203 Grenade Launcher (Sawn-Off)
Appear as a part of the "SVDEX".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M203 Grenade Launcher 40mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The player prepares to fire the m203 from an SVDEX
M136 AT4
Named "AT Lance" in game. Available only in the "Human Scenario" and "Metal Arena" modes.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M136 AT4 Anti-Tank recoilless launcher - 84mm with AN/PVS-4 night-vision scope
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The AT-4 in used during the mission "Hellfire"
purchase icon
Land Mines
The M14 landmine appears in the zombie union mode.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Unknown Gatling Guns
The RAH-66 Comanche,V-22 Osprey and UCAV in game are equiped with 30mm Gatling guns.
External links