As in most Westerns of the period, almost every character carries a Single Action Army as their sidearm.
Cavalry Model (7.5" barrel)
Wyatt Earp (James Garner) carries a Cavalry model as his primary sidearm in a black leather thigh holster while serving as city marshal of Tombstone and his subsequent vendetta ride. In real life, Wyatt Earp most likely carried a nickel .44-caliber Smith & Wesson No. 3 "American" revolver with an 8" barrel during the gunfight at the O.K. Corral.
The Artillery model is the sidearm of almost every other character in the film, including "Doc" Holliday (Jason Robards), Morgan Earp, Virgil Earp, Ike Clanton (Robert Ryan), Billy Clanton, "Curly Bill" Brocius, Frank Stillwell, Andy Warshaw, "Texas Jack" Vermillion, John Clum, and the Mexican soldiers at the end. Doc's model is a nickel Artillery with ivory grips, both reflecting the real life Doc's choice (a nickel Cavalry model) and making the flashy character stand out from the rest of the charaters.
Double Barreled Shotguns are seen throughout the film, beginning with Doc Holliday (Jason Robards) at the O.K. Corral gunfight. Other characters with shotguns include Frank Stillwell, "Curly Bill" Brocius, Andy Warshaw, "Turkey Creek" Johnson, and Pete Spence.
Wyatt Earp (James Garner) and "Doc" Holliday (Jason Robards) keep Winchester Model 1873 carbines on their horses, as does Andy Warshaw, one of Clanton's men. Tucson marshal Sherman McMasters also provides one when he joins Wyatt's posse.