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NCIS: Los Angeles - Season 1
NCIS: Los Angeles is an American television series involving agents of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) who investigate terrorist activities in the city of Los Angeles. The characters were introduced in a two-part episode of NCIS titled "Legend, Parts I & II". The series premiered in North America in September of 2009.
The following weapons appear in the television series NCIS Los Angeles:
SIG-Sauer P228
The SIG-Sauer P228 is used by NCIS Special Agents G. Callen (Chris O'Donnell), Sam Hanna (L.L. Cool J), Dominic "Dom" Vail (Adam Jamal Craig), and Kensi Blye (Daniela Ruah). Sam Hanna uses this to fire three times at a van that just performed a drive-by on Callen in the NCIS episode "Legend Pt. 2", and to disable an important terrorist. Director Leon Vance (Rocky Carroll) also uses one.
Luis Perez uses a Equinox styled P228 in 1x01. After Luis is incapacitated, Callen uses it to shoot one of his bodyguards. FBI agent John White uses one suppressed to try and shoot Tracy Keller (Marisol Nichols) after he used it earlier to assassinate a LAPD SWAT sniper.
SIG-Sauer P229
A Ministry of State Security (MSS) assassin in "Chinatown" has a suppressed SIG P229 with the K-Kote finish polished on the slide and a glossy shine, aimed at a retreating Kensi in the Chinatown district of Los Angeles before Sam takes him down to the ground.
SIG-Sauer P239
In the NCIS: LA prequel episodes Legend Parts I &II, Kenzi Blye (Daniela Ruah) uses a SIG-Sauer P239 to threaten a group of bangers.
Glock 17
A two toned Glock 17 converted to full auto with a 33rd magazine is used by a terrorist. Michael Rivikin also used the semi auto version of it. Callen disarms a milita member and uses his Glock 17 in "Ambush". Glock 17's are used by members of the counterfeiting ring in "Keepin' It Real". Callen disarms one of them and uses his G17 to dispatch two more. Military contractors use them in "Search and Destroy". Karim Akbar in "Callen, G" was armed with a Glock 17 when he was gunned down by G, Kensi and Sam. In "Black Widow", an assassin diguised as a construction worker draws a silenced Glock 17 at Emma's SUV.
Glock 19
Terrorist Yousef Kaleem uses a Glock 19 to shoot at Callen and Hanna, before running dry and fleeing. Eugene Keelson is armed with a Glock in "Burned", never fired after he raised it to fire at Callen.
Glock 26
A Glock 26 pistol is used by rogue SEAL Morris Raspen, and in a continuity error Sam Hanna (L.L. Cool J) also uses one. In "Chinatown", MSS agent Xue-Li (Elaine Kao) is armed with a suppressed Glock 26. Xue-Li's Glock has a fake suppressor. I was watching the episode, and there was far too much muzzle flash for the suppressor to be real. The sound department must have edited the sound, so that the shots would sound suppressed.
Beretta 92FS
A Beretta 92FS is used by miscellaneous LAPD officers, and bad guys in 1x01. Military contractors use them in 1x04, and Dominic "Dom" Vail (Adam Jamal Craig) uses one while posing as an LAPD officer in 1x05. Milita members were seen using them in "Ambush". In 1x20, Hassad Al-Jahiri (Faran Tahir) uses a 92FS against Callen and the other NCIS agents saving Kensi from being killed. Major Rick Medina, Army CID Major Rick Medina (Yancey Arias) in "Hunted" uses a 92FS as his sidearm and even tried to use it against G, Sam and Kensi after they realize he went rogue and was working with Keshwar. Amy in "Callen, G" fires one against Karim Akbar, wasting its bullets due to her having non-existent handgun training. Emma Mastin (Liane Balaban) is seen using a 92FS when defending herself from a hit team in Black Widow, due to continuity errors, it switches to a Glock 26 depending on the angle. Marty Deeks (Eric Christian Olsen) uses it as his main sidearm as he is with the LAPD and merely assigned to the NCIS as a liaison officer. Deeks claims he likes it due to the manual safety saving his life when a Junkie grabbed it from him and that he can manually load the chamber if his magazines malfunction.
Smith & Wesson 5946
The passenger uses a Smith & Wesson 5946 in the initial shootout in "Identity". In "Callen, G", an Iranian gunman searching for G and "Amy" at an abandoned orphanage uses one as well.
Colt Officer's ACP
A .45 Colt Officer's ACP pistol was used by LAPD Detective Douglas Grozen (Rodney Rowland), a dirty undercover narcotics detective, to shoot his partner, and hold Callen, and Kurt Holgate (Matt Battaglia). It appears to be two-tone with a silver frame and wood grips.
Unidentified 1911
A rogue Navy SEAL operator uses this unknown 1911 pistol in a raid against a local drug dealer.
Heckler & Koch USP Compact
Tommy Boyd (Kenny Johnson) uses a Heckler & Koch USP Compact to threaten the killer. The killer also uses one to shoot Jon Donnelly (David Monahan).
Ruger KP89
The lead robber in the episode "Bank Job" uses a Ruger KP89.
Ruger KP94
Bulgarian gangster Ruman Marinov (Steve Bacic) carries a KP94 during "Burned", using it to shoot at Callen while he's undercover and at Sam, Kensi, and Renko when he attempts to kill Andres Werner. Then near the end of the episode, when he attempts to kill Callen he uses it with a suppressor.
Colt Detective Special
Jun Lee (Tzi Ma) draws out a nickel Colt Detective Special with Pachmayr grips to shoot Kensi in order to preserve his MSS cover.
Smith & Wesson Model 15 Combat Masterpiece
The killer uses this nickel-plated Smith & Wesson Model 15 snubnose to kill his first target, during the events of "Past Lives".
Makarov PM
Russian GRU operatives are seen using Makarovs throughout Deliverance.
Submachine Guns
Micro Uzi
The driver of the blue Tahoe in 1x01 uses a Micro Uzi during the initial shootout.
Brügger & Thomet MP-9
A Brügger & Thomet MP-9 is used by Russians to perform a drive by on Callen in Legend Part 2.
Heckler & Koch MP5A2
Several Heckler & Koch MP5A2 submachine guns are used by several members of the NCIS team sent to raid the warehouse. It is also used by several milita members in the episode "Ambush".
Heckler & Koch MP5A3
An Heckler & Koch MP5A3 was used by Sam Hanna (L.L. Cool J) to shoot dirty narcotics detective Douglas Grozen in "The Only Easy Day". Also seen used by NCIS agents, and LAPD SWAT team officers in "LD50".
Heckler & Koch MP5SD6
A Heckler & Koch MP5SD6 is used by a LAPD SWAT team member during the warehouse raid in "LD50".
Heckler & Koch MP5K
A few milita members were seen with this SMG in "Ambush". Bulgarian gangsters working for Ruman Marinov (Steve Bacic), carry MP5K's when meeting an undercover Callen and when ambushing a German CEO named Andres Werner who was being protected by Sam, Kensi, and Renko. In "Stand-off", they are used as primary weapons for bodyguards of arms dealer James Mason.
Heckler & Koch MP5K-PDW
While not clearly seen, one of the agents preparing for the warehouse raid is seen with an Heckler & Koch MP5K-PDW. Thierry (Waleed Zuaiter), a member of the hit team in Black Widow uses a MP5K-PDW in an attempt to neutralize the NCIS team defending Emma Mastin. Kensi (Daniela Ruah) and Marty Deeks use them during the rescue mission in "Borderline".
Sa. Vz.61 Skorpion
Russian GRU operatives are seen using stockless Skorpions throughout Deliverance.
Assault Rifles
Ruger AC556K
A Ruger AC556K was used by drug dealers, and LAPD Detective Douglas Grozen to shoot at rogue Navy SEALs in 1x02.
SIG SG 552
A SIG SG 552 is used by Sam, Kensi and miscellaneous NCIS agents in "Legend Pt. 2" (6x23) when they raid a terrorist cell's headquarters.
M4A1 Carbine
A cache of M4A1 carbines were going to be sold by an arms dealer named Liam To Michael Rivikin who was under cover. M4A1's are also used by Marine Corps personnel. Also notably used by Hanna, Kensi and Renko during 1x08 to provide overwatch and support for Callen as he is in a militia camp and by several militia members in the same episode. ATF tactical team members, LAPD SWAT officers, and NCIS agents also use M4A1s during the events of "LD50". In "Burned", Sam, Kensi and Renko use M4A1s in a shootout against Bulgarian gangsters. Marines and NCIS agents use M4A1s in "Borderline", the Marine's weapons having ACOG scopes and the agents using EOTech sights and brass catchers. Kensi, Sam and Deeks have M4A1s with a picatinny-equipped handguard that held vertical foregrip and scopes in "Black Widow". In "Borderland", Callen and Sam armed with a M4A1 that had a EOTech sight and vertical foregrip.

Heckler & Koch G36C
Several militia members are seen using Heckler & Koch G36C assault rifles.
Heckler & Koch G36K
Several militia members are seen using Heckler & Koch G36K assault rifles in 1x08.
Several milita members are seen with M16A1s fitted with A2 variant style handgrips in "Ambush".
Unknown AK Variant
Unknown variants of the Kalashnikov series of rifles are seen in 1x03 being used by mannequins during a joint USMC/USAF training mission. During the opening of "Hunted", mercenaries masquerading as airport personnel barge into Army CID agents bringing Keshwar into Los Angeles, brandishing AKs.
Kalil Abramson fires an AKM (disguised to look like AK-74) at Sam and Dom after arriving on the rooftop in "Found".
Several AKMS rifles are used by Rashad 'Slide' Hollande's (Kirk "Sticky Fingaz" Jones) gang as their main assault rifle in conducting gang warfare. The episode "Blood Brothers" call them AK-47s. In episode 21, "Found", Talib al Jihadiya terrorists were seen using the AKMS against G and the other NCIS agents trying to rescue Dom from their custody. Mercenaries in "Borderline" use AKMS rifles when Kensi and Deeks rescue the captured Marines, and Marine Lance Corporal Shelly Hastings uses one as well.
Sniper Rifles
Accuracy International AWM (Airsoft - Modified)
In place of a Accuracy International AWM, a customized WELL MB05 AWM APS2 was used by Lee Wuan Kai (Kelly Hu) in 1x05. Likely used since a blank firing rifle would be unnecessary for this scene.
Remington 700P
Seen with the corpse of LAPD SWAT sniper in "Stand-off".
Remington 700 SPS Varmint
Jay (Owen Beckman) uses the Remington 700 sniper rifle with custom camo paint until Callen commandeers it.
Remington 770
Damien Salerno (Brian Goodman) uses a Remington 770 rifle to execute Mick Benelli (Mac Brandt) in the episode "The Bank Job".
SVD Dragunov
A Russian GRU operative holds Callen at gunpoint with a Dragunov sniper rifle.
Unknown Sniper Rifle
An NCIS sniper team is seen providing overwatch with unknown sniper rifles.
Mossberg 590
A Mossberg 590 is used by one of the robbers in "The Bank Job", it is handled by Hetty (Linda Hunt), who says she prefers it with a heat shield and Picatinny rails, and also says that the recoil is "a bitch." Also handled by Hanna (L.L. Cool J).
Mossberg 500 Cruiser
A Mossberg 500 Cruiser is used by one of the bank robbers in "The Bank Job". It has a heat shield, and vertical grip on the pump handle.
Maverick Model 88
Used by ex-CIA/FBI agent Tracy Keller (Marisol Nichols) in "Stand-off" as her primary weapon. It is equipped with a heat shield on the receiver. I designated it the Maverick due to the Mossberg-style pump grip, no tang safety, and the flat tube end cap.
Heavy Weapons
M47 Dragon
6 M47 Dragon missiles were stolen by a Marine, and given to an anti-immigration militia.
James Mason in "Stand-off" takes aim with a fake Israeli Spike anti-armor rocket launcher. This has a riflescope on a picatinny railing, which is not true with the real model.
M79 grenade launcher
A mercenary in Season 2's "Borderline" grabs an M79 grenade launcher to shoot at Kensi, Deeks and the rescued Marines, promoting Deeks to comment that it makes the end of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid look good. Fortunately, Marine backup arrives before he can kill anyone.