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Project Reality
The following weapons appear in the video game Project Reality:

NOTE: For the original game, see Battlefield 2.
Beretta M9
The Beretta M9 is the main sidearm for the U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) and U.S. Army factions in the game. It should be noted that unlike Battlefield 2, where every class has a sidearm as a backup weapon, only the Officer, Pilot, and Sniper classes are issued handguns in Project Reality, and there are no silenced versions.
Jericho 941
The Jericho 941 appears as the sidearm of the Israel Defense Force (IDF) faction in the game, with underbarrel accessory rails.
Browning Hi-Power
The Browning Hi-Power serves as the sidearm for the Canadian Armed Forces in the game under the British "L9A1" designation with synthetic grips and newer sights and spurred hammer design. The in-game Hi-Power is somewhat anachronistic for the real-life Canadian Armed Forces, as they use the older Inglis Hi-Power instead of the newer Hi-Power model as depicted in the game.
SIG-Sauer P226
The SIG-Sauer P226 appears in the game as the Middle-Eastern Coalition (MEC) and British Army factions' sidearm, the British using it under the "L105A1" designation.
Makarov PM
The Makarov PM pistol is the main sidearm for the Russian Army, Iraqi Insurgent, Hamas, and the Militia factions in the game, replacing the inaccurate MP-444 "Baghira" from previous versons and finally eliminating that weapon from the game altogether.
Norinco QSZ-92
The Norinco QSZ-92 is the sidearm of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) in the game.
Heckler & Koch P8
The Heckler & Koch P8 appears in the game as the main sidearm of the German Bundeswehr faction.
Submachine Guns
Heckler & Koch MP5A3
The Heckler & Koch MP5A3, fitted with a Navy trigger group, is the main weapon of the the MEC's Vehicle Crewman class.
The PPSh-41 submachine gun appears being used by the Taliban and Militia factions equipped with a 71-round drum magazine, and is probably one of the most dated weapons in the game, though it is not rare for militia forces to use old and outdated equipment.
SA Vz.61 Skorpion
The SA Vz.61 Skorpion appears being used primarily by the Iraqi Insurgent and Militia factions, with a 20-round magazine.
Heckler & Koch MP7A1
The Heckler & Koch MP7A1 appears in the game being used by the German Bundeswehr, equipped with a Zeiss Z-Point red dot sight.
Benelli M4 Super 90
The Benelli M4 Super 90 semi-automatic shotgun appears in the game mainly used by the USMC and British Army factions, referred to as the "M1014 JSCS" and "L128A1" by the US and British factions, respectively, the L128A1 being fitted with an EOTech red dot sight and loaded with both solid slugs and buckshot while the M1014 uses iron sights and buckshot only.
Mossberg 590
The Mossberg 590 appears in the game as the "Mossberg 590A1" in the hands of the U.S. Army faction, replacing the M1014 JSCS for that faction.
Norinco 982
The Norinco 982 shotgun appears in the game being used by the PLA, Russian Army, and Hamas factions. The Hamas faction will have the Norinco 982 as a secondary weapon for some classes, loaded with breeching rounds (distinguished by the white shells versus the red shotshells of the other shotguns' buckshot).
Remington Model 870
The Remington Model 870 shotgun appears in the game being used by the Iraqi Insurgent, Hamas, Canadian Armed Forces, IDF, and German Bundeswehr factions. It is very accurate and powerful at close ranges, although relatively slow to fire and reload. Previous versions of the game included the original BF2 version of the weapon as the "M11-87", complete with the inaccurate pump-action instead of semi-automatic fire mode, but this weapon was finally eliminated in version 0.91.
The Saiga-12K semi-automatic shotgun, fitted with a side-folding stock and cheekpad, is the secondary weapon of the MEC Rifleman Specialist. Relatively weaker than the pump-action shotguns, but is semi-automatic, making it faster to fire and has somewhat longer range and accuracy. It is also the only shotgun in the game to use a box magazine, making it quicker to reload than the other shotguns.
No.4 Mk.I SMLE
The No.4 Mk.I Short Magazine Lee-Enfield appears in the game, used by the Taliban faction. It is perhaps one of the oldest weapons in the game, and rather out of place for a game that focuses on modern, cutting-edge weaponry, though it is not rare for militia forces to use old and outdated equipment.
SKS Rifle
The SKS rifle appears in the game, used by the Taliban, Militia, and Iraqi Insurgents factions (Note the SKS used by the Iraqis has no bayonet).
Assault Rifles
The AK-47 appears in the game being used by the Hamas, Taliban, Iraqi Insurgent, and Militia factions with an optional bayonet or GP-25 grenade launcher as mentioned below.
The AKS-47 appears in the game being used by the Hamas, Taliban, and Militia factions, with the option to mount a bayonet.
The AK-74 appears as part of the game, used by the Iraqi Insurgent, Taliban, and Militia factions. The newer AK-74M appears as the main weapon of the Russian Army faction, and can be fitted with a GP-25 grenade launcher as described below, as well as a 1P29 scope and a bayonet. Note the smooth reciever cover; this is likely due to the in-game AK-74's being modeled off of the AK-101 from BF2, which has a smooth reciever cover.
The AKS-74U appears as part of the game being used by the Iraqi Insurgent, Hamas, Militia, Taliban, and Russian Army factions.
Galil SAR
The Galil SAR rifle appears in the game, used by the Vehicle Crewman and Combat Engineer classes of the IDF faction.
The FN L1A1 appears in the game as the "FN FAL" with wooden furniture, being used by the Militia and Iraqi Insurgent factions.
Heckler & Koch G3A3
The Heckler & Koch G3A3 appears in the game as the main weapon of the MEC faction, with an optional Hensoldt Model 2 scope, bayonet, and HK79 grenade launcher. It also appears in the hands of the Cell Leader class of the Taliban.
Heckler & Koch G36
The Heckler & Koch G36 appears in the game as the "G36A1", and is the main weapon of the German Bundeswehr faction with an optional AG36 grenade launcher as mentioned below.
The L85A2 appears as the main weapon of the British Army faction in the game. It comes equipped in-game with an optional ACOG scope (replacing the SUSAT from previous versions), bayonet, Grippod foregrip, and underslung Heckler & Koch L17A2 grenade launcher as menioned below.
The L22A1 appears in the game as the main weapon of the British Army's Vehicle Crewman class, fitted with a SUSAT scope.
M16A1 Rifle
The M16A1 rifle appears in the game being used by the Hamas faction, fitted with both the triangular handguards and the A2-style round handguards, the latter being erroneously referred to as the "M16A2". It can also be fitted with an M203 grenade launcher, as mentioned below.
M16A4 Rifle
The M16A4 rifle appears in the game as the main weapon of the USMC faction, with the option to equip either the standard iron sights, ACOG scope, EOTech red dot sight, OKC-3S bayonet, RIS or Grippod foregrips, as well as an M203 grenade launcher as mentioned below.
C7A2 Rifle
The C7A2 rifle appears in the game as the primary weapon of the Canadian Armed Forces faction, complete with either iron sights, ELCAN scope, EOTech red dot sight, and M203 grenade launcher, depending on the class selected.
C8A3 Carbine
The C8A3 carbine appears as the main weapon of the Canadian Armed Forces' Officer class, with an ELCAN scope.
M4/M4A1 Carbine
The M4 carbine is the main weapon of the U.S. Army faction. The M4 is also used by the Officer, Vehicle Crewman, and Anti-Tank classes of the USMC faction, the Hamas faction's Marksman class, and the IDF's Medic and Grenadier classes. The in-game M4 uses conventional iron sights as well as optional M68 Aimpoint red dot & ACOG scopes, ITL MARS, Kimber Mepro, & EOTech red dot sights, RIS foregrip, Harris bipod, and M203 grenade launcher as mentioned below, as well as the ability to engage an opponent in melee combat by striking them with the butt of the weapon or a mounted M9 bayonet depending on the faction and class the player chooses. For the United States Army in Project Reality, the 3-round burst is used instead of a fully-automatic fire mode to match its use in the actual United States Army. However, for other factions there are other M4/M16 type firearms issued with fully automatic capabilities. The M4 used by the IDF Medic and Hamas Marksman classes are the only ones that do not use a RIS handguard.
Colt Model 653 Carbine
The Colt Model 653 carbine appears as part of the game as the "M16A1 Menosar", used primarily by the IDF and Hamas factions.
Colt Model 733 Carbine
The Colt Model 733 carbine appears in the game as the "M16A1 Mekotzrar", used by the Hamas faction.
Norinco QBZ-95
The Norinco QBZ-95 appears in the game being used by the Chinese PLA faction, replacing the anachronistic AK-47 used in BF2. It comes with either standard iron sights or a 4x scope, as well as an LG-1 grenade launcher as described below.
Norinco QBZ-95B
The Norinco QBZ-95B is the main weapon for the Chinese Vehicle Crewman class.
Tavor CTAR-21
The Tavor CTAR-21 appears as the main weapon of the IDF faction, complete with ITL MARS red dot sight as well as an optional 4x scope mounted behind the red dot sight for some classes. Like the M4A1 mentioned above, the CTAR-21 can also be used as a melee weapon in an emergency, giving a careless enemy a hard smack with the butt of the rifle.
Machine Guns
Browning M2HB Heavy Machine Gun
The Browning M2HB heavy machine gun is mounted on most U.S. Army & Marine Corps land vehicles including the M1A1 & M1A2 Abrams and the Humvee, the USMC Humvee having a gun shield mounted in front of the M2HB to protect the gunner from enemy small-arms fire (some Humvees replace the manually-fired M2HB with a CROWS remote mounting). The M2HB also ejects the shells towards the right instead of downwards from the bottom of the gun. The M2HB equips several other vehicles, including the Merkava Mk IV tank and M113 & Namer Armored Personnel Carriers of the Israel Defense Force faction, the British Army faction's Land Rover jeep & Challenger 2 tank (despite the real-life Challenger never being equipped with this weapon), the USMC's AAV7A1 Armored Personnel Carrier, and the U.S. Army faction's M1126 Stryker Armored Personnel Carrier. The Stryker, Namer, AAV7A1, and some Humvees are the only vehicles in the game that do not have the M2HB manually-operated by the player, instead using the vehicle's remote weapon station to operate the M2HB from within the safety of the vehicle. A few maps in the game also feature machine gun nests furnished with a tripod-mounted M2HB.
Browning M3 Heavy Machine Gun
The Browning M3 heavy machine gun appears in the game as a secondary weapon on M1097 Avenger anti-aircraft humvees used by the U.S. Army and USMC factions, and on the U.S. Army's OH-58D Kiowa Warrior scout helicopter.
GE M134 Minigun
The GE M134 Minigun appears in the game door-mounted on UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters in the game. It also appears as a secondary weapon mounted on AH-6 Little Bird helicopters.
Kord Heavy Machine Gun
The Kord heavy machine gun appears in the game door-mounted on the MEC faction's Mi-17 Hip-H helicopter, Russia's Mi-8 helicopter, and in MEC and Russian HMG nests. It also appears mounted on the Commander's hatch of Russian T-90 tanks.
DShK Heavy Machine Gun
The DShK heavy machine gun appears as part of the game, mounted in the backs of pickup trucks ala Black Hawk Down used by the Taliban, Militia, and Iraqi Insurgent factions as well as on T-62 tanks used by the militia faction. A somewhat peculiar mistake is that the sights on it are backwards. This is from vBF2 however, and will hopefully soon be fixed.
NSV Heavy Machine Gun
The NSV heavy machine gun appears in the game mounted on T-72 tanks used by the MEC faction, and pickup trucks used by the Iraqi Insurgent faction.
M240C Machine Gun
In some maps, the player can control M1A1 & M1A2 Abrams tanks which use an M240C machine gun as a secondary weapon in a coaxial mounting parallel to the main gun, the M240C being highly accurate and powerful, though less powerful than the Browning M2HB mentioned above. The M240C also appears coaxially mounted on LAV-25 APC's, though this weapon is not externally visible unless firing, with the exception of a dark spot next to the main armament as seen below. The M240C also arms the U.S. Army's M2A2 Bradley APC, the IDF's Merkava Mk IV tanks, and British Army's Scimitar light tanks (designated "L37A1" on the Scimitar).
L7 Machine Gun
The L7 machine gun appears as part of the game, mounted on the front passenger seat of British Army Land Rover jeeps.
KPV Heavy Machine Gun
The KPV heavy machine gun appears in the game mounted in ZPU-4 quad anti-aircraft turrets on various maps, the vehicle-mounted KPVT heavy machine gun also appears as the primary armament of the BTR-60 armored personnel carriers of the MEC & Russian Army, and the BRDM-2 scout vehicles used by the MEC, Russian Army, Iraqi Insurgent, and Militia factions.
M242 Bushmaster Chaingun
The LAV-25 APC's and M2A2 Bradleys used by the Marines and U.S. Army factons and the Canadian Armed Forces' LAV-III come equipped with an M242 Bushmaster chaingun as their primary weapon. The M242 can kill infantry with one shot but requires prolonged fire to take out bigger targets like APC's and tanks. As with the machine guns in the game, the player must take care to fire in bursts lest the weapon overheat and become inoperable until it cools down. The M242 is able to switch between APDS-T (Armor-Piercing Discarding Sabot, Tracer) and HEI-T (High Explosive-Incendiary, Tracer) ammo.
M249 SAW
The paratrooper version of the M249 SAW appears in the hands of the USMC & U.S. Army factions, equipped with ACOG and M145 MGO scopes, respectively as well as the Product Improvement Package which replaces the old tubular telescoping stock with an M4-style stock and adds a RIS foregrip and heat shield over the barrel. It has an extreme rate of fire, good for close quarters combat, but inaccurate for long ranges in full auto (except when being used for suppressing fire), making short 1-4 shot bursts more effective. The player can also deploy the SAW's bipod to increase long-range accuracy. The full-size SAW can also be found as a stationary turret on some maps. It also ejects spent shells directly to the right instead of ejecting them at an angle downwards. The paratrooper version is also used by the British Army faction with a SUSAT scope, under the "L110A1" designation and still retains the older-style handguard and tubular stock. The non-fixed versions of the SAW have been updated with 100-round woodland camo cloth ammo bags instead of the 200-round plastic boxes used in previous versions.
FN C9A2 Light Machine Gun
The FN C9A2 light machine gun appears as part of the game, used by the Canadian Armed Forces faction. It features an M4-style telescoping stock and ELCAN scope as well as a 100-round woodland camo cloth ammo bag. It also serves as the primary armament of the Canadian G-Wagen light vehicles.
MG3 Machine Gun
In some of the maps, the player can control Canadian & German Leopard 2A6 tanks which use an MG3A1 machine gun coaxially mounted next to the main gun, though it is not externally visible unless firing. The MEC faction also uses the original man-portable MG3, with a 75-round ammo drum and optional ELCAN scope, and it also appears in fixed positions at MEC and German bases, feeding from a 200-round ammo box instead of a 75-round drum.
Heckler & Koch MG4 Machine Gun
the Heckler & Koch MG4 appears in the game as the Bundeswehr's light machine gun, equipped with a G36E-style scope/carry handle assembly. It also serves as a coaxial weapon on the Puma armored personnel carrier and the primary armament on their G-Wagen light vehicles.
Norinco QBB-95
The Norinco QBB-95 is the main light machine gun for the Chinese PLA. It has average accuracy and damage. It can also be found as a stationary turret on some maps. The game also gives the player the option of using this weapon with the standard iron sights or a 4x scope. It can also operate in semi-automatic mode, allowing for greater long-range accuracy, especially when using the integral bipod.
L86A2 Light Support Weapon
The L86A2 Light Support Weapon appears as part of the game, being used by the British Army faction and fitted with a SUSAT scope. Despite the L86A2 technically being a squad automatic weapon, the L86A2 is issued as the main weapon of the British Army's Designated Marksman class, as in the real-life British Army.
IMI Negev
The IMI Negev appears as part of the game, used primarily by the Israel Defense Force (IDF) faction. It features a 200-round cloth ammo bag and optional ACOG scope. An interesting note about the Negev is that it is one of only two machine guns in the game with a semi-automatic fire mode (and the only belt-fed machine gun with this ability) which, when coupled with the ACOG scope, gives it the ability to act as a makeshift Designated Marksman Rifle when used with the bipod deployed.
PKM/PKT Machine Gun
The PKM machine gun appears in the game, being used by the Taliban, and Russian Army factions. The BTR-60, BTR-80A, & BMP-3 APC's, BRDM-2 scout vehicles, as well as T-62, T-72, and T-90 tanks also use PKT machine guns in a coaxial mounting next to the main armament. The BMP-3's coaxial PKT is not externally visible unless firing, but the vehicle does feature a pair of externally visible PKT machine guns bow-mounted in the hull as shown below, usable by the front two passengers. The MT-LB APC used by the MEC and Russian Army use the PKT as their primary weapon in a small turret on the front-right corner of the vehicle's roof. It should be noted that the PKM is the only non-fixed, infantry-level machine gun that is not equipped with any kind of optic, using the standard iron sights instead.
M60 Machine Gun
The M60 machine gun appears as the main light machine gun of the Militia faction, supplimenting the PKM in this role. It also appears mounted on the bow of the RIBs (Rigid Inflatable Boats), replacing the M249 SAW.
RPK Light Machine Gun
The RPK light machine gun can be found as a stationary turret on some maps. The RPK in the game is shown with a 75-round drum magazine or a 40-round box magazine. The RPK is also mounted on pickup trucks for the front passenger to fire through the windshield, and used as a secondary Automatic Rifle, used by the Iraqi Insurgent, Militia, and Taliban factions.
Type 85 Heavy Machine Gun
The Type 85 heavy machine gun appears as the Chinese heavy machine gun, mounted on Type 98 tanks, WZ551 APC's, and the Changhe Z-8 helicopter, and in Chinese HMG Nests.
M61 Vulcan
The M61 Vulcan cannon appears in the game as the secondary armament of US F-16C Fighting Falcon fighters, and can be used to engage both airborne and ground targets. It also appears in an anti-aircraft turret mounting in some maps.
M197 Vulcan
The M197 Vulcan cannon, the three-barreled version of the aforementioned M61 Vulcan, appears in the game as the secondary armament of USMC AH-1Z Viper attack helicopters.
Sniper Rifles
No.4 Mk.I(T) Short Magazine Lee-Enfield Sniper Rifle
A scoped version of the No.4 Mk.I(T) Short Magazine Lee-Enfield appears as a sniper rifle in the game, used by the Militia, Taliban, and Hamas factions.
M21 Designated Marksman Rifle
The M21 Designated Marksman Rifle appears as part of the game, used by the U.S. Army & USMC factions (despite the real-life Marine Corps using the M14 DMR and M39 EMR instead of the M21) with an olive-drab stock and Harris bipod. The U.S. Army has an optional ACOG scope on the M21, while the USMC uses a Leupold scope.
Armalite AR-10T
The Armalite AR-10T appears in the game as the main weapon of the Canadian Armed Forces' Marksman class, fitted with a Harris bipod.
Accuracy International Arctic Warfare Magnum
The Accuracy International AWM is used as the main weapon of the British Army & German Bundeswehr Sniper classes, fitted with a Harris bipod and designated the "L115A3" and "G22", respectively.
Izhmash SV-98 Sniper Rifle
The Izhmash SV-98 appears in the game as the main weapon of the Russian Army and Chinese PLA factions' Sniper classes, replacing the Accuracy International L96A1 from previous versions.
M24 Sniper Weapon System
The M24 Sniper Weapon System is the main weapon for the U.S. Army & IDF Sniper classes, listed as the "M24 SWS" in-game and equipped with a Harris bipod and either the regular black coloration or an overall desert tan paint. The M24A3 model from BF2 was originally used up until version 0.95 (identified via the removable 5-round box magazine), but was replaced with the M24 due to the A3 model being anachronistic to real U.S. Army & IDF snipers.
M40A3 Sniper Rifle
The M40A3 sniper rifle appears as the primary weapon of the USMC faction's Sniper class. It features a camouflage paint scheme, Harris bipod, and a Unertl 10x magnification scope (capable of variable-magnification in previous versions, but fixed to 10x magnification in version 0.91).
C14 Timberwolf
The C14 Timberwolf appears in the game as the main weapon of the Canadian Armed Forces' Sniper class. It features a camouflage paint scheme and Harris bipod.
Steyr SSG 69
The Steyr SSG 69 sniper rifle appears as the primary weapon of the MEC faction's Sniper class, referred to as the "SSG-P1" in-game and features a Harris bipod.
Norinco QBU-88
The Norinco QBU-88, with a camouflage paint scheme, is the main weapon for the Chinese Marksman class.
Tavor STAR-21
The Tavor STAR-21 appears as part of the game, used by the Israel Defense Force (IDF) faction's Marksman class with an ACOG scope and Harris bipod. Like the CTAR-21 mentioned above, the player can also use the butt of the STAR-21 to strike an enemy in melee combat. It is also capable of automatic fire for use in CQB situations, like the original Tavor TAR-21.
Heckler & Koch G3SG/1
The Heckler & Koch G3SG/1 appears as part of the game, being used by the MEC and Bundeswehr factions' Marksman classes and features the weapon's proprietary bipod. It is one of the few DMRs in the game that feature an automatic fire mode, retained from the Heckler & Koch G3 the G3SG/1 is based upon.
SVD Dragunov
The SVD Dragunov is the main Marksman-class weapon for the Russian Army, Militia, and Iraqi Insurgent factions. It has been updated in version 0.95 with new-style furniture and a bipod.
Hand Grenades
M18 Smoke Grenade
One of the few non-lethal grenades in the game is the M18 smoke grenade. It generates a thick cloud of smoke when thrown, the smoke ranging in color from white, red, purple, orange, green, and yellow.
RDG-2 Smoke Grenade
The RDG-2 smoke grenade appears as part of the game, being used by the Iraqi Insurgent, Militia, Hamas, Taliban, and Russian Army factions as their answer to the M18 smoke grenade. Unlike the M18, the RDG-2 can only emit large clouds of white smoke.
AN/M14 Incendiary Grenade
The AN/M14 incendiary grenade appears as part of the game, limited to certain map configurations (namely those with vehicles in them, though the Automatic Rifleman class will be issued these regardless) and used as an anti-materiel weapon, though is capable of inflicting lethal burns on anyone too close to it while it is burning. It is also the only hand grenade to be issued across all the playable factions in the game.
M67 Hand Grenade
The M67 hand grenade appears as the standard HE-Frag (High-Explosive Fragmentation) grenade for the U.S. Army, USMC, IDF, and Canadian Armed Forces factions, the Canadians using it under the "C13" designation.
L109 Hand Grenade
The L109 hand grenade appears as part of the game, used by the British Army faction.
DM51 Hand Grenade
The DM51 hand grenade appears in the game being used by the German Bundeswehr.

Type 82 Hand Grenade
The Type 82 hand grenade, the Chinese copy of the Mecar M72 hand grenade, appears in the game as the issued HE-Frag grenade of the Chinese PLA faction.

F-1 Hand Grenade
The F-1 hand grenade appears in the game being used by the Hamas, Iraqi Insurgent, Taliban, Russian Army (despite the F-1 being highly anachronistic for the modern Russian Army), Militia, and MEC factions. The Taliban, Hamas, and Militia also use it as part of the "grenade trap" IED.
RKG-3 Anti-Tank Grenade
The RKG-3 anti-tank grenade appears as part of the game, used by the Hamas, Iraqi Insurgent, Taliban, and Militia factions.
Anti-Armor Weapons
One of several anti-tank missile launchers available in the game is the BGM-71 TOW missile launcher. It is available in either tripod or vehicle-mounted configurations, the latter being on USMC, U.S. Army, & IDF Humvees and U.S. Army M2A2 Bradleys (the Bradley being equipped with a twin launcher mounted on the left side of the turret). It can be steered towards the target after launch, and a skilled player can also engage helicopters with it at close range. Unlike the TOW launchers in BF2, those in PR require several moments to "warm up" before they are ready to fire, and the tripod-mounted TOW launchers have a limited ammo supply instead of infinite ammo in BF2.
The RPG-26 appears as part of the game and serves as one of two shoulder-fired anti-armor weapons available for the MEC and Militia factions, the other being the ERYX mentioned below. The Russian Army faction's light Anti-Tank class will also use the RPG-26 on some maps.
The ERYX is the man-portable missile launcher for the Anti-Tank class of the MEC & Militia factions, as well as the Canadian Armed Forces faction. The missile can be steered torwards the target by the player, but the player must keep the fire button depressed to do so. It is best in urban combat and takes out an M1A2 Abrams with as few as 2 missiles, depending on where the missiles hit.
The M72 LAW appears in the game as an anti-armor weapon for the Canadian Armed Forces and IDF factions.
M136 AT4
The M136 AT4 appears as part of the game, and is one of two shoulder-launched anti-armor weapons available to the U.S. Army, USMC, and British Army factions, the second being the FGM-172 SRAW mentioned below. The U.S. factions use it under the "M136 AT4 CS" designation while the british use the "L2A1 ILAW" designation.
The PF-89 appears as part of the game, being used by the Chinese PLA faction.
The PF-98 appears as part of the game, used by the Chinese PLA faction. Unlike the real PF-98, which is typically tripod-mounted, the in-game PF-98 is operated as a shoulder-fired weapon.
The FGM-172 SRAW is the main missile launcher for the Anti-Tank class of the U.S. Army, USMC, and British Army (the British using the "NLAW" designation, the launcher having different markings). Unlike the real SRAW which is a "fire and forget" weapon, the player must actively guide the in-game SRAW's missile until impact to ensure a hit on the target.
The MATADOR missile launcher appears as part of the game used by the IDF faction's Anti-Tank class.
Panzerfaust 3
The Panzerfaust 3 appears in the game as the main infantry anti-amor weapon of the German Bundeswehr, equipping both the light and heavy Anti-Tank classes with DM12A1 and DM22 rockets for each role, respectively. Next to the RPG-7, it is the only other heavy anti-tank weapon that cannot be guided to its target after firing.
HJ-8 Red Arrow
Another anti-tank missile launcher available in the game is the HJ-8 Red Arrow missile launcher. Like the TOW, it too comes mounted on tripods or APC's and can also be guided to the target after launch.
SPG-9 Recoilless Rifle
The SPG-9 recoilless rifle appears in the game tripod-mounted as well as in the back of pickup trucks operated by the Taliban, Hamas, Militia, and Iraqi Insurgent factions.
The RPG-7 appears being used by the Iraqi Insurgents, Taliban, Russian Army, and Militia factions. Unlike other anti-tank weapons like the ERYX or SRAW, its rocket cannot be steered. Over long ranges, the weapon must be aimed at an angle to effectively reach a moving target. The Russian Army faction uses both the standard HEAT and a PG-7VR tandem shaped-charge rocket for their light and heavy Anti-Tank classes, respectively and also adds a PGO-7 scope while the other factions use iron sights.
Anti-Air Weapons
FIM-92A Stinger
One of several SAM (Surface to Air Missiles) available in the game is the FIM-92A Stinger, mounted in a twin turret at American-controlled bases as well as a secondary weapon on M1097 'Avenger' anti-aircraft vehicles, the M1097 having two 4-tube launchers as the primary armament. The standard shoulder-fired version is available as well, used by the Anti-Aircraft class of the U.S. Army, USMC, Canadian Armed Forces, IDF, Bundeswehr, and British Army factions.
SA-7 Grail
The SA-7 Grail appears as part of the game being used by the Russian Army, Chinese PLA, MEC, Hamas, Taliban, and Iraqi Insurgent factions' Anti-Aircraft classes, and is one of two Soviet-made SAM missiles seen in the game.
SA-18 Igla
The second Soviet-made SAM missile seen in the game is the SA-18 Igla, mounted in a twin turret at Chinese, Russian, and MEC bases.
Grenade Launchers
GP-25 Grenade Launcher
The GP-25 grenade launcher appears in the game, being mounted on the AK-47 used by the Iraqi Insurgent, Militia, & Taliban, and the Russian Army faction's AK-74M. Version 0.95 gives all underbarrel grenade launchers the ability to adjust the point of aim for grenade launchers to different ranges for more precise firing and also to use the grenade rounds as makeshift slugs if confronted with an enemy too close for the grenade to arm before impact (less than 50 meters).
LG-1 Grenade Launcher
The LG-1 grenade launcher appears as part of the game, mounted on Norinco QBZ-95 rifles used by the Grenadier class of the Chinese PLA faction. As with other under-barrel grenade launchers in the game, they are capable of firing both HE and smoke rounds.
Heckler & Koch HK79 Grenade Launcher
The Heckler & Koch HK79 grenade launcher appears as part of the game, mounted on the Heckler & Koch G3A3 rifles of the MEC faction's Grenadier class. As with the other grenade launchers in the game, they can fire both High-Explosive and smoke rounds.
Heckler & Koch AG36 Grenade Launcher
The Heckler & Koch AG36 grenade launcher appears mounted on the German Bundeswehr's G36 and the L85A2 of the British Army, the British using it under the "L17A2" designation. As with the other grenade launchers, the AG36 can also fire HE and smoke rounds.
M203 Grenade Launcher
The M203 grenade launcher appears in the game mounted on perhaps the widest variety of weapons of any underbarrel grenade launcher in the game, including the M16A4 of the USMC, the Canadian Armed Forces' C7A2 (referred to as the "M203A1" on the C7A2), the Hamas factions' M16A1, and the M4A1 carbine of the U.S. Army and IDF factions, and is capable of firing both High-Explosive and smoke rounds.
Mk 19 Grenade Launcher
The Mk 19 grenade launcher appears in the game as one of the two main weapons on the USMC's AAV7A1 Armored Personnel Carrier.
M15 Anti-Tank Mine
One of several land mines in the game is the M15 anti-tank mine, used by the USMC, U.S. Army, British Army, Canadian Armed Forces, and German Bundeswehr. Though designed to explode when ran over by any vehicle, it's possible for them to be knocked aside without detonating. In previous versions of the game, hitting an anti-tank mine would be instant death for main battle tanks, but now it only causes critical damage instead, giving the crew several seconds to bail out before the tank explodes.
TM-62 Anti-Tank Mine
The TM-62 anti-tank mine appears as part of the game, used by the Russian Army and MEC factions.

M18A1 Claymore
One of two anti-personnel mines in the game is the M18A1 Claymore. The Chinese PLA faction uses a domestic copy of the Claymore, the Type 66. Both the Type 66 and M18A1 in the game are command-detonated as opposed to automatically detonating when sensing enemy troops in their kill zone as in BF2. Version 0.95 also gives the player the option to plant several anti-personnel mines and select which one to detonate.
MON-50 Anti-Personnel Mine
The MON-50 anti-personnel mine appears as part of the game as the anti-personnel mine of the Hamas, Militia, and Russian Army factions.