When the Mario Brothers kidnap Eddie a.k.a. Hudson Hawk (Bruce Willis) in an ambulance, Antony Mario (Carmine Zozzora) points an M1911 pistol at him. A struggle ensues which results in the gun winding up in the hands of Antony's brother, Cesar Mario (Frank Stallone).
Numerous characters use Beretta Model 70's. They are first seen in the hands of a Vatican guard (John Lucantonio), and in a later scene Anna Baragli (Andie MacDowell) attempts to apprehend George Kaplan (James Coburn) with one. At the end, one fitted with a suppressor is used by Darwin Mayflower (Richard E. Grant).
After the Mayflowers' henchmen, the identical twins "Igg" and "Ook," perform badly, Darwin jokingly suggests killing them. Minerva Mayflower (Sandra Bernhard), however, thinks he's being serious.
I doubt this was a Tomcat as they weren't introduced before the mid-1990s. More likely one of the Model 21 Bobcat line.
Browning Hi-Power
When Tommy Five-Tone (Danny Aiello) shows up in Rome to tell Eddie that he has betrayed him, he takes out a Browning Hi-Power. Tommy and Eddie fight over the gun and Eddie ultimately shoots Tommy with it, only to discover it was loaded with blanks, part of a ruse to fool the Mayflowers. During the struggle, due to a continuity break it briefly turns into a Star 30M.
The CIA agents carry a launcher of some time concealed in a golf bag (the butt is disguised as a club wedge). It fires suction cup tipped explosives with timers on them. When fired they attach themselves to the target and cannot be removed, and explode after a set time. If fired without being primed, they have no time limit and explode instantaneously. Eddie and Tommy appropriate this weapon and use it during their assault on Castle Da Vinci.