The following weapons were used in the television show Castle :
File:Castle-Title-Card-1.png Castle (2009 - ????)
Be advised, spoilers are inevitable. Read at your own risk.
Glock 17
NYPD Detective's Javier Esposito (Jon Huertas ) and Kevin Ryan (Seamus Dever ) use a Glock 17 as their primary sidearms throughout the series. Detective Kate Beckett (Stana Katic ) uses one until "Home is Where the Heart Stops".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Glock 17 - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Beckett taking cover with her Glock 17. - Episode: Always Buy Retail
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ryan (Seamus Dever ) holding his Captain (Not visible in this frame), rather than the suspect at gun point. - Episode: Kill the Messenger
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Esposito's Glock jams as he fires on a murder suspect. A moment later he's seen clearing it, rather than handing it off for a functioning spare. - Episode: A Deadly Affair
Glock 19
Detective Kate Beckett (Stana Katic ) starts carrying the more compact Glock 19 during the events of "Home is Where the Heart Stops". Castle (Nathan Fillion ) also uses Kate's while at the range, pretending to be completely inexperienced, then showing extreme proficiency after he's offered crime scene photos. Det. Tom Demming (Michael Trucco ) also carries one.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Glock 19 - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Beckett holds her gun on a suspect. - Episode: Boom!
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Castle (Nathan Fillion ) at the range with Beckett (Stana Katic ). - Episode: Home is Where the Heart Stops
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Esposito clears a house with his Glock 19 unholstered. - Episode: Den of Thieves
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ryan holds his Glock 19 on Lt. Holliwell. - Episode: Den of Thieves
Glock 26
A Glock 26 serves as Det. Beckett's backup gun, it's most notably seen when she hands it to Castle to defend himself from the "Tick, Tick, Tick..." & "Boom!" killer when they enter the warehouse he's hiding in. He uses it to shoot Kate's Glock 19 out of the killers hand. After wards Castle reveals that "he was aiming for his head". Castle again uses Kate's Glock 26 in order to defend himself in the season 3 premiere A Deadly Affair , he uses it to wound a gunman who came up behind Beckett.
Noteworthy is that his "Aiming for the head" remark is the third Firefly /Serenity reference in the series. The first two took place during the episode "Vampire Weekend" when Castle wore his Mal costume, and the second was a catalyzer sitting on his bookshelf. A catalyzer is required for any Firefly class ship to run, and was a large part of Out of Gas' story arc.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Glock 26 - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing "Want me to hold it while you tie your shoe?" Castle jokingly asks as Beckett hands him her backup. - Episode: Boom!
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Castle keeping Kate's Glock 26 ready. - Episode: Boom!
Star Firestar M-43
Harrison Tisdale (Brian Avers ) uses a stainless one in the pilot episode "Flowers for Your Grave".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Star Firestar M-43 - 9mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tisdale with his Firestar to Castle's head. - Episode: Flowers for Your Grave
Heckler & Koch USP
A two tone USP was used by the "Deep in Death" killer to threaten Castle, then by Beckett after she disarms him.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch USP - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The killer aiming his USP at Castle just after Beckett walks in. - Episode: Deep in Death
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Beckett (Stana Katic ) holding the killers own USP at his head. - Episode: Deep in Death
SIG-Sauer P226
NYPD officers are occasionally seen with this weapon. After disarming an officer, Rathborne holds Castle hostage with one.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing SIG-Sauer P226 - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Unidentified NYPD officer holding his weapon. - Episode: Love Me Dead
SIG Pro SP 2009
Jack Coonan (Justin Alvarez ) had a 9mm SIG Pro in his waistband when he was killed in Sucker Punch .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing SIG Pro SP 2009 - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Unfortunately we never see the gun anymore than this. - Episode: Sucker Punch
Walther PP
Scarlett Price (Michaela McManus ) used this pistol in "Love Me Dead".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Walther PP - 32 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Scarlett Price (Michaela McManus ) holding the Walther PP. - Episode: Love Me Dead
Walther PPK
IA Lt. Stan Holliwell (Scott Cohen ) uses a suppressed PPK near the end of the episode "Den of Thieves".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Walther PPK - .32 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lt. Holliwell holds the PPK behind his back as he's confronted by Beckett and Castle. - Episode: Den of Thieves
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Beckett and company react to Noel du Preez gunshot. - Episode: The Third Man
Taurus Model 85 Modified
Castle (Nathan Fillion ) is briefly seen with his Firefly modified Taurus 85 when trying his Mal costume on during the opening sequence of "Vampire Weekend".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mal's modified Taurus 85 from Firefly.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Castle after bursting out of his office in his Mal costume and brandishing his custom Taurus. - Episode: Vampire Weekend
Colt Detective Special
NYPD Captain Roy Montgomery (Ruben Santiago-Hudson ) uses a Colt Detective Special in the episode "Sucker Punch".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt Detective Special - .38 Special
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Captain Montgomery aims his revolver at Rathborne. - Episode: Sucker Punch
Smith & Wesson Model 625
The weapon used to kill Max Heller (Creagen Dow ) in "Hedge Fund Homeboys".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smith & Wesson Model 625 in 3" barrel model - .45 ACP
Smith & Wesson Model 15
A Smith & Wesson Model 15 is used by the killer in "One Man's Treasure". (I'm pretty sure the gun in the bag is a Model 15. Note the lack of an ejector rod shroud found on the Model 19)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smith & Wesson Model 15 Combat Masterpiece with Hogue Grips - .38 Special
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The killers Model 19 being presented to him in an evidence bag. - Episode: One Man's Treasure
Smith & Wesson 3913
Owned by Jeremy Preswick (Marc Blucas ), and used by Darius Langley (John Paul Pitoc ) to kill Victor Fink and shoot Preswick.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smith & Wesson 3913 - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Beckett clears Preswick's 6906. - Episode: The Fifth Bullet
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Alternate angle, giving a better shot of the trigger guard. - Episode: The Fifth Bullet
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Great shot of the single stack magazine. - Episode: The Fifth Bullet
Ruger P90
The "Tick, Tick, Tick..." & "Boom!" killer uses this during his activities in "Boom!", FBI Special Agent Jordan Shaw (Dana Delany ) briefly uses it near the end of the same episode.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ruger P90 - .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The killers P90 sitting on a makeshift table. - Episode: Boom!
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Special Agent Shaw holding the P90 on the killer. - Episode: Boom!
Noel du Preez (Michael Enright ) uses a compensated 1911 to shoot at the team when he thinks they're robbers stealing from his store. Former NYPD officer, and Esposito's former partner Ike Thornton (Aaron D. Spears ) is seen with a 1911 during Den of Thieves , off camera Esposito uses it to wound dirty IA Lt. Holliwell. A 1911 is found to be the murder waapon in the season 3 premiere.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing du Preez holds aims his 1911 at the main characters. - Episode: The Third Man
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Thornton holds his weapon on his old partner Esposito. - Episode: Den of Thieves
File:Castle-Thornton-1911-2.jpg A fairly good shot of the grip. - Episode: Den of Thieves
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The murder weapon is shown to a suspect. - Episode: A Deadly Affair
Jericho 941
Earl (Craig Gellis ) is seen using a stainless Jericho to fire on Castle and company.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing IMI Jericho 941 - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Earl takes aim. - Episode: A Deadly Affair
Strayer Voigt Infinity
What looks like an SVI is seen being handled by Ben Conrad, then used by Scott Dunn (Dameon Clarke ) to execute him off camera.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Strayer Voigt Infinity 1911 - .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The SVI is seen in Ben's hand. - Episode: Tick, Tick, Tick
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An Evidence Response Team member prepares to bag the SVI. - Episode: Tick, Tick, Tick
Unknown Pistol
While searching Kyle Cabot's apartment in the pilot, Esposito finds this compact pistol.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Esposito holds up the .22 caliber pistol. - Episode: Flowers for Your Grave
Unknown Stainless Snubnose Revolver
Castle is seen holding a snubnose revolver as Beckett, Ryan & Esposito clear a murder victims apartment.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Castle holds the revolver after Esposito kicks the door open. - Episode: A Deadly Affair
Other Weapons
Heckler & Koch MP5A2
An MP5A2 with a weapon light, and Navy trigger group was used by a drug dealer while stealing a victims body in the season 2 premiere, "Deep in Death".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch MP5A2 - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing - Episode: Deep in Death
Heckler & Koch MP5K-PDW
During the events of "A Deadly Game", an MP5K-PDW is found in Roger Farraday's (Dean Cates ) car. It was issued to him as part of a "spycation" where Farraday, under the guise of CIA hitman Sean Caldwell, was supposed to "assassinate" a foriegn minister with it.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch MP5K-PDW - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The MP5K-PDW laying on the front passenger floorboard. - Episode: A Deadly Game
Esposito (Jon Huertas ), as well as most NYPD ESU officers use M4A1's when needed. FBI HRT agents can be seen wielding both M4A1's and HK416's during the episodes "Tick, Tick, Tick..." & "Boom!".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M4A1 - 5.56x45mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Esposito (Jon Huertas ) with his M4A1 after bursting through a door. Note the white Armalite trademarks, showing this is a Classic Army airsoft replica. - Episode: Love Me Dead
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ESU officers are seen holding M4's before a murder suspects warehouse. - Episode: Always Buy Retail
Esposito (Jon Huertas ) is seen with one during Castle's Halloween party, dressed up as his Generation Kill alter-ego Sgt. Antonio Espera.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MGC M16
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M16A2 w/ M203 grenade launcher - 5.56x45mm/40mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Esposito holding his M16, not very clearly mind you, at Castle's Halloween party. Ryan can also be seen as a more Halloween friendly version of one of his past doctor roles. - Episode: Vampire Weekend
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A promo still clearly shows the fake forward assist.
Heckler & Koch HK416
While not clearly seen, several FBI HRT agents use HK416's with 10" barrels.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch HK416 - 5.56x45mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An FBI HRT operator moving to his position with his HK416 in the ready position. - Episode: Boom!
Remington 870
Esposito (Jon Huertas ) uses a Remington 870 on multiple occasions throughout the season. In Sucker Punch , the victim Jack Coonan (Justin Alvarez ) had one loaded with hollow point slugs in his apartment.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Remington 870 Police Magnum - 12 Gauge
Error creating thumbnail: File missing - Episode: Sucker Punch