In the Line of Duty: The F.B.I. MurdersIn the Line of Duty: The F.B.I. Murders - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video GamesIn the Line of Duty: The F.B.I. Murders
Special Agent Ben Grogan (Ronny Cox) and Special Agent Jerry Dove (Bruce Greenwood) both carry 9mm Smith & Wesson Model 459 pistols as their sidearm. Agent Ron Risner is also armed with a 459.
William Matix (Michael Gross) briefly uses a .45 M1911A1 pistol to steal a car by shooting it's owner. The M1911A1 is also used in the film when Platt and Matix break into the pinball machine salesman's home. It is later seen when Matix tells his wife to get out.
The man that is shot by William Matix with a Colt Python is target practicing with an unknown pistol. It closely resembles the S&W 459, but there is never a close up shot.
Michael Platt (David Soul) briefly uses a .44 Magnum Smith & Wesson Model 29 during the home invasion scene. After that, the revolver is never seen again.
Agents who do not carry the Model 459 in this film carry a 4 inch Smith & Wesson Model 10 .38 revolver. Agent Ed Mirelles (Ronald G. Joseph) uses a Model 10 to fatally wound Matix and Platt as they attempt to flee the shootout. In the actual shootout Special Agent Gordon "Gordy" McNeill played by (Doug Sheehan) carried a 2.5 inch version of the .357 Magnum Smith & Wesson Model 19 revolver. The FBI did not issue the Model 19 as a sidearm, but McNeill carried it anyway.
Actually, Mirelles and the other agents with revolvers could possibly have had four inch Smith & Wesson Model 13 guns in .357 Magnum. FBI agents in those days were issued the Model 13 with a three inch barrel and a round butt frame. This gun was no longer issued after the Miami shootout on which this movie is based. The FBI felt that a more powerful cartridge in an automatic pistol platform would be more suitable in these situations. Subsequently, the 10mm S&W cartridge was introduced in an automatic pistol built to chamber it. Soon after, the .40 Smith & Wesson cartridge was introduced, and has since become the most popular law enforcement cartridge in history. The guns in the film look like a four inch barrel, and the Model 13 looks like a Model 10 and while not factually accurate in barrel length, this gun COULD have been the one used in the film.
Smith & Wesson Model 36
John Hanlon (Peter McRobbie) uses the .38 caliber Smith & Wesson Model 36 revolver in the shootout scene, after his .357 revolver was knocked over during a collision with the other pursuit vehicles.
Michael Platt (David Soul) uses a Smith & Wesson Model 686 to kill a man target shooting with a rifle at the beginning of the film, to steal his gold Monte Carlo. William Matix carries the Smith & Wesson Model 686 in a shoulder holster during the shootout. Michael Platt takes the revolver and attempts to shoot Agent Ed Mirelles with it, missing his head by inches before the gun misfires after 3 shots. In the actual shootout a Smith & Wesson Model 586 was used. But it was the Dan Wesson revolver that Platt pulled from Matix's shoulder holster. The Smith & Wesson Model 586 used first by Michael Platt at the beginning of the actual shootout, before switching to his Ruger Mini-14 rifle.
William Matix (Michael Gross) uses a Colt Python in an attempt to kill a man target shooting with a pistol to take his black Monte Carlo. It is never seen again. In the actual shootout a Dan Wesson revolver (which resembles the Colt Python) was used in addition to the Smith & Wesson Model 586.
William Matix (Michael Gross) uses a Ithaca 37 shotgun throughout the film. Michael Platt (David Soul) uses it to execute a guard who drew on them. In the film the barrel is cut down in front of the magazine tube. In the actual shootout Matix used a Smith & Wesson 3000 shotgun that featured an extended magazine tube so the barrel would not have been cut down. Since neither had criminal records it would have been unwise to cut down below the legal 18" and also lose round capacity.
Several FBI agents are seen with the Remington 870 in the film. Notably Agent Ed Mirelles (Ronald G. Joseph) uses a Remington 870 to shoot Michael Platt in the leg as he tries to escape.
Michael Platt (David Soul) uses a .223 Ruger AC-556 for most of the film. Platt uses the Ruger AC-556 to kill an armored car guard, and later to kill or injure the FBI agents that attempt to apprehend him. The real Michael Platt used a Mini-14 with a folding stock in the shootout, but it was stainless steel and was semi-auto only. Unlike in the film where a full-auto AC-556 was used.
After the FBI arrive to question the paramilitary group. A kid fires a toy MAC-10 at them. After the agents catch up with him he explains that it's a pellet gun.