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Army of Two: The 40th Day
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The following guns appear in the video game:
Type 77
Starting handgun in game. It is chrome plated. Used by JD and as a sidearm by the Fortieth Day Initiative mercenary army.
Glock 18
A full auto converted Glock 17, as noted by the lack of a selector switch. It uses a 33 round magazine and can be customized in a variety of ways. It is a Glock 17c, as noted by the compensator.
Desert Eagle
Labeled as a .44 in game but holds an unrealistic 12 rounds. Capable of blowing an enemy's head off in one shot. It is the sidearm of Breznev.
Unknow 1911 Varient
Seen in a guard's holster during a cut scene
Heckler & Koch MP5A5
TDI Vector
The TDI Vector in the game is referred as the 'TD-V 0.45 SMG' and it costs $35,000.
The QCQ-05 appears in the game as the 'Type 05 SMG'.
FN P90
Heckler & Koch G36C
Used by FDI mercenaries early in the game. JD also carries one.
Referred to as the "FELIN-2C". Although shown carrying an AK in cutscenes, Brezhnev uses this as his standard weapon.
Labeled Colt M4 in game. Used by FDI mercenaries towards the middle of the game.
Heckler & Koch HK416
Referred to as the M416.
The FN SCAR-L comes in the game with the desert tan paint and costs $21,000. Used in the later stages of the game by FDI mercenaries.
Breznev is shown using this weapon in cutscenes.
Dragunov SVD
VSS Vintorez
Barret M107
Knight's Armament M110
Remington 870
Used by FDI heavy troopers. Equipped with a folding stock and synthetic furniture.
Hawk Semi-auto Shotgun
M249 SAW
Used by grenadier FDI heavys.
Used extensively by FDI mercenaries.
The American winners of the Army of Two design contest created the AS-KR1. They were members of a website called The Angry Joe Show and call themselves the Angry Joe Army. Design was drawn up by internet artist Marobot.
Chambered in 7.62 X 39mm with enhanced accuracy due to the built in ranged scope. The weapon comes with an underslung shotgun that can chamber regular shotgun shells, airburst shells, and less lethal tazer shells (supposedly to imitate the webshow hosts chain lightning ability).
The submission video is below.
Sniper Launcher aka S8-Z "Grand Pinger"
The developers of Army of Two: The 40th Day held a gun design contest in which the winners will have their guns put into the game. One of the winners was the Grand Pinger, designed by members on an online image board called OPERATORchan. The gun is a modified Mosin-Nagant with a shotgun stock, backwards mounted SVD magazine, Eotech along with a backwards mounted ACOG. It also features a backwards vertical grip, a paintball gun hopper, a backwards laser sight, a backwards flashlight, and a small suppressor. The final product, while retaining many features of the original, has been modified. It was entered as a joke, with a description describing it as "designed by Mack of FutureWeapons".

Images supplied by--Smish34 23:52, 4 February 2010 (UTC)