Several veteran FBI agents appear to carry the early pattern SIG-Sauer P220 Pistol (it could be either a P220 in .45 acp or a SIG P226 in .40 S&W). It is hard to tell as they are mostly holstered.
Agent Novak (Vince Vaughn) carries a compact Glock 19 and uses it to rescue Julie Hickson (Tara Subkoff).
[[Image:Cell-Glock23a.jpg|thumb|none|500px|Agent Novak tries to communicate with the drowning Julie Hickson (Tara Subkoff). He eventually signals to her that he intends to shoot the glass with his Glock 19]
[[Image:Cell-Glock23 02a.jpg|thumb|none|500px|Agent Novak (Vince Vaughn) tries to figure out how to angle his Glock 19 is as not to injure the hostage.]]
Some of the FBI HRT teams carry Colt M4/M4A1 carbines with Tactical lights attached. The HRT members carrying the M4s are always paired up with a member carrying an MP5A2.
The sheriffs all seem to carry the same holstered handgun. The grip indicates it to be some sort of compact semiauto but it is hard to determine, but it appears to be a Jericho 941 Compact.