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Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex 2nd Gig

From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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PLEASE NOTE: Although the title is commonly given a colon and Gig represented in uppercase ("2nd GIG"), the correct title of this series is "Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex 2nd Gig", without a colon and with only initial capitals. Please correct any links that appear incorrectly.

The following guns were used in the anime series Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex 2nd Gig:

Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex 2nd Gig (2004 - 2005)

Seburo weaponry

Numerous fictional Seburo firearms are used as primary and secondary weapons by many of the protagonists throughout the series.

CZ Vz.61 Skorpion

Several of the false "Individual Eleven" who infiltrate the Chinese embassy in the first episode are armed with Skorpions.

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CZ Vz.61 Skorpion
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Skorpion packen thug after he gets shot in the head from Section 9 member hidden in elevator.

Heckler & Koch MP7

Others among the Chinese embassy invaders are armed with MP7s of some sort. The Japanese Coast Guardsmen were also seen using MP7s while making a sting aboard a refugee vessel.

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Heckler & Koch MP7A1 with Zeiss Z-Point sight
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Thug patrolling the corridor, armed with HK MP7A1. Note 20 rounds magazine and Red Dot sight.

Heckler & Koch MP5K

Seen in hands of refugee in episode 4.

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Heckler & Koch MP5K
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Refugee carrying MP5K. Note impact and white blood, right arm.

Desert Eagle

Gino, the immigrant Helicopter pilot who is the focus of episode 2, periodically carries and dreams about his nickel-plated .50AE chambered Desert Eagle Mk VII, which has been customised with a ported muzzle and enlarged hammer spur.

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Desert Eagle Mark XIX - .50 AE Chrome Silver. Gino's gun lacks the lateral slots in the top rail, showing it is a Mk VII model.
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Gino's gun collection

In addition to his Desert Eagle, gun collection contains a holstered subcompact gun that appears to be striker-fired, a third generation full-size Glock of some kind (by its proximity to the box of 9mm ammuntion it seems sensible to identify it as a Glock 17, and a Tokarev TT-33.

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Glock on the right, TT-33 on the left. Unknown gun in the middle (hidden in the holster)

Oversize Derringer

Machine-fetishist executive Kazunoto carries a weapon like an oversized American Derringer DA 38 in episode 3. It has two barrels and no apparent magazine, and apparently loads by hinging downwards like the DA 38, but features a full-size grip and barrels at least 5" long, unlike most derringers. The caliber is unknown.

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Gun and Cash-Eye's business card.

Mk23-like Section 1 silenced pistol

In episode 8 a crucial witness is assassinated by Section 1 agents who use a silenced pistol that closely resembles a H&K Mk 23. However, the ejection port is much smaller, and has a small brass catcher mounted.

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H&K Mk 23 Mod 0 with silencer


Weapon dealers operating from a yacht in episode 7 arm themselves with IMI Uzis.

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Anti-tank Rocket Launcher

These weapon dealers also have anti-tank rocket launchers, which resemble SMAW-Ds, although they seem larger in bore diameter, so may be original designs.

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Blaser R93 LRS2

During the flashback story in episode 14, Saito's rifle during the 2020 Mexico engagement is a Blaser R93 LRS2. It is noteable that he alone in this episode uses an "old-fashioned" purely optical sighting system on his rifle.

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Blaser R93
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Walther WA 2000

During the flashback to the 2020 engagement in Mexico, Kusanagi carries a Walther WA 2000 with black polymer furniture and a short barrel. Kusanagi, in contrast to Saito, has had the optical sight replaced by a purely cybernetic sight that interfaces directly with her cyberbrain via the QRS port on her neck.

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Walther WA 2000
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"Futurised" Type 89/M203

Ishikawa carries a rifle that appears to be a somewhat "futurised" Howa Type 89, with a hybrid optical-cybernetic sight that interfaces with his cyberbrain, during the 2020 flashback. A similar rifle is carried by Kuze in scenes showing his past in episode 16, although this weapon, which he ultimately exchanges for a camera, has an M203 or similar underbarrel grenade launcher attached. Regular troops of the various JSDF branches throughout the series also carry these weapons.

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Japanese Type 89-F assault rifle with folding stock for Paratroopers - 5.45x45mm
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"Futurized" M4/M203

American Empire troops in Kusanagi's multinational UN peacekeeper squad in episode 14's flashback to Mexico in 2020 carry similarly "futurized" carbines that are clearly M16/AR15 family-derived. They are also mounted with hybrid optical/cybernetic sights and M203-like grenade launchers.

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M4A1 carbine with M203 grenade launcher
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M4A1 carbine with M203 and scope. Note L85A2 in the background

"Futurised" M60

A young Batou is shown during the Mexico 2020 flashback using a machinegun that resembles an M60 of some sort that has been "futurised" in a similar way.

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M60 machine gun
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"Futurised" L85A2

British troops in Kusanagi's squad in episode 14's flashback to Mexico carry bullpup assault rifles that resemble the L85A2 fitted with AG36-like grenade launchers.

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L85A2 with AG36 launcher
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Mechem NTW-20

Saito uses a remote trigger mechanism on a Mechem NTW-20 anti-materiel rifle loaded with a single round to blow up a car and cause a diversion so that he can attack from another angle.

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Mechem NTW-20, 20mm
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In episode 17, Kusanagi is threatened by a Triad member with a MAC-11. She quickly disarms him and takes the weapon herself, dual-wielding it alongside her Seburo M5

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RPB Industries MAC-11
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FIM-92A Stinger

Dejima Refugees use several FIM-92A Stinger missiles simultaneously to shoot down the JSDF AWACS plane above the island that is jamming communications. The use of several missiles at once overwhelmes the anti-missile countermeasures, and the depiction of the explosion is accurate in that the warhead explodes short of the target, destroying it with projected shrapnel from the missile's HE-Frag warhead.

FIM-92A Stinger 70mm


AKS-74U is quite popular weapon among terrorists in first episode.

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AKS-74U 5.45x39mm
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"Hey, what are you..." - rather poor last words, don't you think?
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Another thug freaks out and kills his comrades after Section 9 hacks into his brain.


Several of the Dejima refugees use AK-74 rifles, as recognised by the less curved magazines and muzzle brakes. The opening shot of the conflict between the refugees and the military is fired with an accurised AK (or possibly RPK) variant mounted with an optical sight and a longer barrel.

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AK-74 5.45x39mm
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Panzerfaust 3

A handful of the Dejima refugees are carrying anti-tank RPG launchers that strongly resemble the PzF 3.

Smith & Wesson Model 37 Airweight

In episode 25 and 26, it is revealed that Aramaki carries a S&W 37 in an ankle holster. This weapon is identical to the one used by the Laughing man in Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex, and may be intended to imply a continuing connection with that character.

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Smith & Wesson Model 37