Rafe Covington's (Tom Selleck) main sidearm is a Smith and Wesson Schofield, which he mainly uses in a holster placed above his right hip.
He mostly carries this weapon in the first half of the film, but uses it along with his 1872 Colt in the end gunbattle.
Used by many characters throughout the movie. Rock Mullaney (David O'Hara) and Joe Gill (Wilford Brimley) keep one in quickdraw holsters. Beau Dorn (Brad Johnson) has a Colt in a shoulder holster as a backup to his Remington Model 1875. In the end gunbattle, Dorn wields his Colt and his Remington akimbo style. Bruce Barkow (Mark Harmon) also keeps one concealed in a shoulder holster, which he uses in the end gunbattle. Snake Corville (Marshall R. Teague) keeps an ivory handled Colt SAA in a crossdraw holster.
Colt 1872 Open Top Revolver .44 Caliber Conversion
Covington (Tom Selleck) uses a Colt 1872 Open Top Revolver .44 Caliber Conversion for the second half of the movie in a crossdraw holster, and uses it in the end gunbattle as well. This is according to the May 2002 issue of the NRA's publication American Rifleman. It was built from parts for Tom Selleck by Ken Howell of R&D Gun Shop.
Bo Dorn (Brad Johnson), the bounty hunter, uses a nickel plated Remington 1875 revolver as his main sidearm. He wields the Remington and his Colt akimbo style in the end gunbattle.
The general store owner, Gene Thompson (Ken Pogue) uses a Winchester Model 1866 "Yellow Boy" in the end gunbattle, as does Rock Mullaney (David O'Hara), who empties his into one of Barkow's men. A Winchester 1866 is also used by Snake Corville (Marshall R. Teauge) when he attempts to snipe Rafe Covington from a rooftop.
Charles Rodney ordered a Winchester Model 1876 full-stocked carbine as used by the Canadian North West Mounted Police (the mounties) but died before he could claim it. Rafe Covington purchases it and uses it to dispatch a multitude of bad guys. It is used at the end of the movie by Anne Rodney (Virginia Madsen) to kill Bruce Barkow (Mark Harmon) simultaneously killing the man who ordered her husband's murder and saving Rafe Covington (Tom Selleck) - her new love.
Dorn uses a bolt-action sniper rifle to shoot and kill J.T.
It's a Remington-Keene Deluxe Sporter Bolt Action Rifle in .40-60 Marlin & Ballard. Remington manufactured the rifle from 1880 - 1885 with only around 5,000 rifles produced. Also according to the May 2002 issue of American Rifleman the Remington-Keene used by Brad Johnson was overhauled by Ken Howell of R&D Gun Shop.--Jcordell 02:14, 6 June 2009 (UTC)
The 28 shot Evans Repeating Rifle is used by Joe Gill (Wilford Brimley). When asked why he dosen't get rid of it he states "Well, it holds twenty-eight bullets...and I ain't a very good shot...I'm going to town." In the middle of the gunbattle, the rifle runs out of rounds, and Gill switches to a Winchester 1873 that is brought out to him by the owner of the general store (Ken Pogue). The version that Gill uses is the carbine with the twenty-two inch barrel.
In the beginning of the film, Covington steals a scoped Sharps Model 1874 from the captain who murdered Charles Rodney. Covington uses it to kill a Bison, and Joe Gill uses it at the beginning of the end gunbattle to shoot Dorn. Gill isn't a very good shot with the Sharps either, and hits Dorn's rifle instead.