John T. Chance (John Wayne), the Sheriff of Presidio County, Texas, carries a Winchester 1892 Saddle Ring Carbine with a large loop lever in .44-40 WCF as his primary weapon, holding it in nearly every scene of the film. This rifle can be seen on display at the Cowboy Hall of Fame in Oklahoma. Technically, the appearance of the Winchester '92 in this film, set in the 1880s, is an anachronism.
Colorado: "You always keep that carbine cocked?"
Sheriff Chance: "Only when I carry it."
Colorado: "How come you carry a rifle?"
Sheriff Chance: "I found some were faster than me with a short gun."
Several of Burdette's henchmen carry Artillery SAAs with 5.5" barrels. "Dude" (Dean Martin), one of Chance's deputies, grabs one from a henchman earlier in the film and later carries two in his holsters. Colorado Ryan (Ricky Nelson) also carries two in his holsters.
For the first half of the film, Dude (Dean Martin) carries a Quickdraw SAA that once belonged to Stumpy (Walter Brennan). Dude tells Stumpy that the revolver is "a little stiff" and offers to "file the action a bit" for him, but Stumpy refuses, saying "I don't want no easy pull; I might shoot myself!" Pat Wheeler (Ward Bond) also carries a Quickdraw model, drawing it when he is shot at by one of Burdette's hitmen in town.
Chance (John Wayne) keeps a Double Barreled Shotgun in his sheriff's office, eventually taking one when his rifle is taken temporarily by Burdette's henchmen. Charlie, the bartender at the Rio Bravo Saloon, also carries one that Dude (Dean Martin) forces him to hand over. Feathers (Angie Dickinson) also carries one when she is tending bar at the Hotel Alamo.
The cheating gambler at the Hotel Alamo carries a Remington 1866 Derringer, which Chance and Colorado take away from him. Chance tosses it to the hotel's manager, Carlos Robante (Pedro Gonzalez-Gonzalez), who holds it on the gambler.
Chance keeps a rack of Winchester Model 1873 rifles in his office. Colorado (Ricky Nelson) grabs one to use during the final gunfight. A Winchester '73 is also used by a hitman paid $50 to assassinate Pat Wheeler while he walks down the street in town.
Matt Harris (Bob Steele), one of Burdette's henchmen, tries to sneak a small revolver into town under his vest. It is only briefly seen, but it appears to be a Colt 1849 Pocket.
Carlos Robante (Pedro Gonzalez-Gonzalez), the hotel owner, takes a long double-barreled shotgun to assist Chance and Colorado in freeing Dude from Burdette's men during the final gunfight.