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Red Dead Redemption
The following discernible weapons are expected to appear in the upcoming video game Red Dead Redemption:
Mauser C96

Colt Model 1903/1908

Colt Single Action Army
In-game, it appears to take it's name and likeness from an 1873 Uberti Cattleman Replica. They could always be two different guns in-game, however.
Smith & Wesson No. 3 Revolver
LeMat Revolver
Volcanic Pistol
Spencer Model 1860 Carbine
1860 Henry Rifle
Evans Repeating Rifle
1873 Trapdoor Springfield Cavalry Carbine
Sharps 1874 Long Range
I'm assuming this is the "Buffalo Rifle".
Carcano Rifle
Sawn Off Shotgun
Side-by-Side Shotgun
Winchester Model 1897
Browning Auto-5
John Marston can be seen with what appears to be a Browning Auto-5 slung across his back.
Gatling Gun
Maxim Gun


Needs Identification
Colt New Service Revolver?
Marston is seen loading(unloading?) a revolver with a swing-out cylinder and an ejector rod. Could be any of a number of late 19th century Colt revolvers, or a Colt Police Positive. --Wematanye 03:42, 7 February 2010 (UTC)
Scoped Rolling Block Sporting Rifle (Long Malcolm)
Winchester Repeater
(seen in various promotional screenshots and videos)
Looks like a late-model (1892/1894) carbine. --Wematanye 17:39, 25 February 2010 (UTC)
Scoped Bolt-Action Rifle
(Seen in various promotional screenshots and videos)
May just be the Carcano. --Wematanye 03:40, 7 February 2010 (UTC)
Springfield Model 1892/Krag Jorgensen Rifle