Once Upon a Time in Mexico is a 2003 film which is a loose follow-up to El Mariachi and Desperado .
The following weapons were used in the movie Once Upon a Time in Mexico :
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003)
Beretta 92FS
The Beretta 92FS is used by El Mariachi (Antonio Banderas ) during the square shootout.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Beretta 92FS - 9x19mm.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing El Mariachi aims his Beretta at El Cucuy.
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Flashpaper Beretta
Whenever a Beretta is fired in close proximity to an actor, a flashpaper version is used. Barrilo uses one.
Used by Barillo
Heckler & Koch USP Compact
Sands (Johnny Depp ) uses the Heckler & Koch USP Compact fitted with a silencer to shoot Belini (Cheech Marin ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing H&K USP Compact .40 S&W
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Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sands reveals his USP under the table.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sands holds his USP in his real hand.
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A M1911 fitted with a scope is used by Lorenzo (Enrique Iglesias ). One is seen used by El Mariachi in the opening flashback.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt 1911 Pistol - .45 ACP
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Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lorenzo with his M1911 during the Day of the Dead battle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing El Mariachi with M1911 during the flashback.
Smith & Wesson Model 28
A Smith & Wesson Model 28 is used by Lorenzo (Enrique Iglesias ) and Fideo (Marco Leonardi )
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smith & Wesson Model 28 .357 magnum. This essentially the same gun as the Model 27, except for a noncheckered top strap and a less high polish blued finish.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lorenzo takes on the rebels with his S&W Model 28 along with his scoped M1911.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another shot of Lorenzo firing his S&W Model 28.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Fideo (Marco Leonardi) fires a S&W snub during the Day of the Dead battle.
Smith & Wesson Model 66
A Smith & Wesson Model 66 i carried by El Cucuy (Danny Trejo ) during the square shootout with El Mariachi.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smith & Wesson Model 66 with 4" barrel - .357 Magnum
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Smith & Wesson SW99
Smith & Wesson SW99s are seen in the hands of some thugs in the opening flashback.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smith & Wesson SW99 9mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The thug at the left holds the SW99 on El Mariachi.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of Barillo's men draws the SW99.
Smith & Wesson Model 29 Snub
Ajedrez (Eva Mendes ) carries a snub version Smith & Wesson Model 29 fitted with a mock silencer throughout the film.
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Error creating thumbnail: File missing
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NAA Guardian
Sands pulls an NAA Guardian out of the groin area in his pants.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing NAA Guardian .380 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sands fires blindly with his NAA Guardian.
Colt Python
The Colt Python is used by El Mariachi during the shootout with Marquez.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt Python with 4" Barrel - .357 Magnum
Error creating thumbnail: File missing In the opening flashback, El Mariachi is seen holding a Colt Python during a "Mexican Standoff."
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Colt 1860 Army
A Mexican woman fires a Colt 1860 Army during the Day of the Dead shootout.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt 1860 Army .44 caliber.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Close up of the SAA in action.
Glock 17
Ajedrez carries what appears to be Glock 17 in her holster.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Generation 2 Glock 17 in 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ajedrez approaches Sands with the Glock holstered.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The holster seems to be made for a revolver.
Rossi Overland Sawed Off Shotgun
As in Desperado , El Mariachi (Antonio Banderas ) uses a Rossi Overland Sawed Off Double Barreled Shotgun as one of his main weapons in the film. However, it appears to be even shorter-barrelled than its predecessor. It is found inside the guitar he breaks open in the church scene and is also used by Carolina (Salma Hayek ) in a flashback.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Rossi Overland Shotgun converted by Ellis Mercantile for The Untouchables
Error creating thumbnail: File missing El Mariachi (Antonio Banderas ) crosses himself with shotgun in hand before going into battle inside the church - 12 gauge.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A closeup of the double exposed hammers of the Shotgun used by El Mariachi (Antonio Banderas ) - 12 gauge.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Note that the wooden foregrip that covers the release lever for the barrels is also drastically cut down.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A closeup of El Mariachi (Antonio Banderas ) quickly reloading his double barreled shotgun - 12 gauge.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing There is smoke coming out of the Shotgun of El Mariachi (Antonio Banderas ) - 12 gauge.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The same shotgun is used by Carolina (Salma Hayek ) - 12 gauge
Used by one of Cucuy's Thugs
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Remington 870 Police Magnum Riot Shotgun - 12 gauge
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Both the Remington 870 and the AK rifle in this shot are RUBBER guns MPM2008
Used by Presidential Palace Guards.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Franchi SPAS-12 with stock folded and butt-hook removed- .12 ga
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Palace Guards are seen carrying SPAS-12 shotguns before they are taken out by the rebels.
Submachine Guns
A replica version fitted with a silencer was used by El Mariachi (Antonio Banderas ) in the church shootout.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Iver Johnson Enforcer Pistol .30 Carbine
Error creating thumbnail: File missing El Mariachi opens fire with the Enforcer Pistol. According to the DVD commentary, the muzzle flash and bullet ejections were added in post production.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing According to director Robert Rodriguez, Antonio Banderas had to stop from making machine gun noises while he pretended to fire the replica gun.
A Cobray M-11 fitted with a mock suppressor is used by Sands (Johnny Depp ) in the gun battle at the end of the film.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cobray M11/9
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sands fires his M11/9 wildly.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Closeup of the M11/9.
Claridge Hi-TEC LEC9 Carbine
Two of the General's soldiers use the Claridge LEC9 Carbine (identifiable by the synthetic Black stocks, though very similar to the Goncz GA-9 Carbine). The Claridge LEC9s have C-more red-dot sights installed
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Claridge LEC9 - 9mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Two of the Mexican soldiers (to the left) have Claridge LEC9 Carbines with C-More Red Dot sight - 9mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another shot of the Two soldiers with their Claridge LEC9 Carbines, firing at the balcony where they believe El Mariachi to be - 9mm
Seen carried by Barillo's men during the shootout with Sands at the end of the film.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Intratec TEC-9 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The thug on the left is carrying the TEC 9.
Used by Cucuy's thugs
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Skorpion SA Vz 61 - .32 ACP
Assault Rifles
El Mariachi uses two of these during the square shootout. He grabs one from one of Cucuy's (Danny Trejo ) men and then another after it runs out of ammo. Also seen carried by some of Cucuy's and Barrillo's men.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing OA-93 5.56x45mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing El Mariachi fires the OA-93 at Cucuy's men.
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Error creating thumbnail: File missing The thug on the right is holding an OA-93.
Early on in the film, slab side M16s (aka SP1) are seen with 30 round magazines and A2 Style handguards.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M16 aka Colt AR15-SP1 (flat "slab side receiver") with A2 style handguards used to impersonate the M16-A2 - 5.56x45mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing General Marquez (Gerardo Vigil ) fires his Colt SP1 with A2 handguards from the rooftop - 5.56mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of the general's soldiers also fires an M16 (Colt SP1 Slab side) rifle with A2 handguards - 5.56mm
Used by Mexican Soldiers, AFN agents, and Presidential Palace Guards.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M16A2 Rifle - 5.56x45mm. Select Fire rifle (Safe/Semi/3 round Burst Only).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Used by Ajedrez (Eva Mendes )
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Error creating thumbnail: File missing Used by Palace guards
Norinco Type 56
The Norinco Type 56 , identified by its folding spike bayonet, is used by Barillo's men.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Norinco Type 56 (fixed stock variant) with under-folding bayonet ("pig sticker") which was standard on PLA-issue Type 56s - 7.62x39mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Norinco with a mock silencer is seen in the hands of the men in the church shootout.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Used by a thug
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Norinco is glimpsed in the background
Carried by Barrilo's men.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Blued Ruger Mini-14 Standard Model Semiautomatic Rifle (Pre-2005) with 30 round magazine - 5.56x45mm
Machine Guns
A Mexican army soldier is seen firing an M60E3 on the steps of the capitol during the Day of the Dead battle.
M1914 Hotchkiss Machine Gun
A masked loyalist is firing a M1914 Hotchkiss Machine Gun at the rebel soldiers.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M1914 Hotchkiss Machine Gun
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Machine Gun and Grenade Launcher Guitar
During the introduction flashback, El Mariachi(Antonio Banderas ) plays a guitar that turns out to be a machine gun and a pump-action grenade launcher.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing El Mariachi fires his machine gun guitar in the flashback
Error creating thumbnail: File missing El Mariachi uses the pump action on his guitar to launch a grenade in the flashback
Flamethrower Guitar Case
Used by Lorenzo (Enrique Iglesias ) during the Day of the Dead battle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lorenzo (Enrique Iglesias ) uses the flamethrower guitar case.