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Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Battlefield: Bad Company is the sequel to "Battlefield: Bad Company". B:BC 2 uses the newest game engine called "Frostbite Engine", and it enables players to destroy any objects in the map (almost 90%). This game released in U.S on March 2, 2010. A pre-order package comes with instantly unlocked unlockable weapons and vehicle upgrades. Those being the Thompson M1928 Submachine Gun, Colt M1911A1 Pistol, Tracer Dart Pistol, vehicle Armor Upgrade, vehicle Secondary Weapon and vehicle Motion Detector. Some retailers also offer the AKS-74U in addition to these.
The following guns can be seen in the video game:
Can be used by any class once unlocked.
Beretta M9
Standard Semi-Automatic Pistol. Has an incorrect 12 round magazine, possibly for balancing purposes.
It's .40 version because it little bit powerful than Mp444 that using 9x19, so it's correct.
Not sure about the above post. The game lists it as 9mm and the MP-443 interestingly enough has the same damage as the M9. Note that this is not evident via in-game stats, this is through the game's codes. The stat pictures lie. --Strategos 01:18, 15 March 2010 (UTC)
MP-412 REX
Most powerful, slowest firing and lowest capacity handgun in the game.
Colt M1911A1
Colt M1911A1 Semi-Automatic Pistol. It's instantly unlocked for players who pre-ordered Battlefield: Bad Company 2. With it's .45 round it has the second highest damage of the pistols, beaten only by the MP412 REX using .357 Magnum rounds. Labelled "WWII M1911 .45" in-game.
MP-443 Grach
Has a 17-round mag, the highest of all the pistols, as well as the lowest damage and highest rate of fire next to the Raffica.
Beretta M9 (mocked up as M93R)
Thus it's identified as the "M93R Burst" in the game's weapons screen. In game model lacks foregrip as well.
Tracer Dart Gun
Tracer Dart Gun is non-lethal weapon used by both Russian and American force. It has capabilities for engineer's anti-tank weapons turning into guided rocket launcher(or missile). It can be unlocked if users buy pre-order package, but it also can be unlocked in Multiplayer.
Submachine Guns
Equipped with a silencer.
M1928 Thompson
Can be used by any class once unlocked and is instantly unlocked for players who pre-ordered Battlefield: Bad Company 2. M1928 Thompson sub-machine gun fitted with a 20 rounds magazine. Since it uses same rounds as the M1911A1, it inflicts the same damage. Incorrectly identified as "WWII M1A1 Thompson" in-game. Can be set to any class' primary slot.
but in game it's hold 30 rounds.
Equipped with a silencer.
Heckler & Koch UMP45
Equipped with a silencer.
Type 100
The Type 100 submachine gun is found in the first level of singleplayer Operation Aurora
Battle Rifles
Can be used by any class once unlocked.
M1 Garand
This weapon can be unlocked by registering as a Battlefield "veteran" (i.e. registering a copy of Battlefield 1943). Called "WWII M1 Garand" in-game. Oddly, the picture of it in the weapons info screen looks like a cross between a Garand and a 1903 Springfield with a bottom loading magazine. Can be set to any class' primary slot.
Heckler & Koch G3A3
Simply called "G3" in-game, has a 20-round magazine and full-auto fire ability. Can be set to any class' primary slot.
MK 14 Mod 0 EBR
M14 EBR(Enhanced Battle Rifle) is unlockable weapon in multiplayer. It is called "M14 Mod 0 Enhanced" in the game and has a desert-tan camo paint. Has semi-auto only firing option. Can be set to any class' primary slot. What's interesting is that the weapon's stats claim it to have a higher rate of fire then the full-auto capable G3 despite only being able to fire on semi-auto, a mistake on DICE's part?
- Not a mistake. M14s have a cyclic ROF of 750 rounds a minute. Even if it's semi-auto only, that number is its PHYSICAL MAXIMUM rate of fire.
- Yes, but on semi-auto only, you'd be hard pressed to pull that trigger over and over at a rate of 700 RPM or more.
- Doesn't stop it from being physcially possible though does it.
- No, especially not with rapid fire controllers.
- Just assign "Fire" to scroll wheel.
- Which a 360 or PS3 controller doesn't have....
Type 5 Garand Copy
Standard weapon for the Japanese. Only seen in singleplayer, has an 8 round en bloc clip, in reality it had the capacity of 10 rounds and used stripper clips to be recharged. Note that the Japanese only produced this weapon in 1945 and very few were made, none, however saw any service.
Assault Rifles
Most Assault Rifles in Bad Company 2 can be equipped with 40mm grenade launchers, "40mm Smoke Launchers", and "40mm Shotguns" which while awesome-sounding, would be ridiculously overpowerful.
Available to the Engineer class. Fires the 9x39 mm round, has a 20 round magazine and is equipped with a suppressor.
Heckler & Koch XM8 Compact
Has a 30 round magazine and is equipped with a suppressor.

It's instantly unlocked for players who pre-ordered Battlefield: Bad Company 2. It has the same penetration and damage as the AEK-971, but has other features available (i.e better mobility). Equipped with a silencer. Refered to as the AKS-74U Krinkov in-game.
Available to the Engineer class. Equipped with a suppressor.
Heckler & Koch XM8
Heckler & Koch XM8 is unlockable Assault Rifle. It can be used with AG-36 Underbarrel Grenade Launcher.
Heckler & Koch G36C
It was planned as a DLC weapon.
Heckler & Koch HK416
Refered to as the M416 in-game, presumably because the developers figured that would be it's designation if it were officially adopted by the US army.
Colt M4A1
Seen being held by the soldier on the box art, but is not in the game, it supposed as a DLC weapon.
Called "AEK-971 Vintovka" in the weapons screen. Equipped with the GP-25 40mm underbarrel grenade launcher.
Permanently in the two-round 1800 RPM burst mode. Equipped with the GP-25 40mm underbarrel grenade launcher.
M16A4 is an unlockable assault rifle, and it uses 3 round burst. Has flat-top reciever. Note that it's called erroneously an M16A2 in the game. It can be mounted with M203 Grenade Launcher. The M16 has been replaced in Battlefield: Bad Company 2 by the M16A4. The M16A4 differs from the original M16 that was used in the first Bad Company in multiple ways- A 30 round magazine size instead of the 50 round size ,a three round burst instead of being fully automatic, multiple Weapon Attachments (As is the case with most weapons in Bad Company 2). It requires 47000 Points to unlock, and is the last unlock in the "Assault" kit.
Steyr AUG A3
Called "STG.77 AUG" in-game. Equipped with the M203 40mm underbarrel grenade launcher.
FN F2000 Tactical
Called the "F2000 Assault" in the game. Equipped with the ELGM 40mm underbarrel grenade launcher.
Sniper Rifles
Called Type 88 Sniper in-game.
Called SV-98 Snaiperskaya in the game.
VSS Vintorez
In-game identified as "VSS Snaiperskaya Special". Has a 20 round magazine and fires on fully automatic.
M24A3 Sniper Rifle
The M24A3 sniper rifle is the standard bolt-action sniper rifle used by recon class. It is clearly identified as M24A2 since it uses detachable 5 round box-magazine.
Barrett M95
Called the "M95 Sniper" in the game.
Called the "GOL Sniper Magnum" in the game.
Called the "SVU Snaiperskaya Short" in the game. Equipped with a suppressor.
Can be used by any class once unlocked.
Remington 870MCS
Called "870 Combat" in the game. Has a four round tube as standard, eight rounds with extended mags.
Franchi SPAS-12
Called the "SPAS-12 Combat" in the game. Same magazine tube sizes as the 870.
NeoStead 2000
Called the "Neostead 2000 Combat" in the game. Has a four shot mag tube as standard, increased to eight with extended mags.
Called "Saiga 20K Semi" in the game. Has a six shot magazine as standard, increased to twelve with extended mags.
Called the "USAS-12 Automatic" in the game. Has same mag capacities as the Saiga 20K.
Only usable in Single Player.
Machine Guns
Available to the Medic class.
M249 SAW Paratrooper
Called "M249 SAW" in the game. Has a 200 round belt.
Called "PKM LMG" in the game. Has a 100 round belt.
Heckler & Koch MG36
Called he "MG36" in the game. Has a 100 round Beta-C Mag.

Called "XM8 LMG" in the game. Has the same magazine as the MG36.
Called "Type-88 LMG" in the game. Has a 200 round belt.
Called "M60 LMG" in the game. Has a 100 round belt.
Called "MG3" in the game. Has a 100 round belt and the highest rate of fire of any of the LMGs.
Mounted on the AUG, M416, F2000 and M16A2.
Mounted on the AEK-971 and the AN-94.
Heckler & Koch AG-36
Mounted on the XM8.

RPG-7 is the standard Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher used by Russian Engineer class. It is identified as RPG-7, but it can be also used as guided rocket launcher using Tracer Dart Gun (Tracer Dart Gun is hidden weapon that can be unlocked by pre-order package). Weapon fitted with PGO-7 scope.
M136 AT4
Has a built in lock-on system, and is thereby not compatible with the Tracer Dart Gun.
Carl Gustav M2
Carl Gustav M2 is the Anti-Tank recoilless rifle used by engineer class. Like RPG-7, it can be used as guided rocket launcher using Tracer Dart Gun. In the latest trailers, it is shown that it can also track on aerial vehicles like choppers.
Emplaced Weapons
Mounted on Humvees and stationary turrets.
Mounted on stationary turrets and Vodniks.
M134 Minigun
Mounted on MH-60 Black Hawks.
Mounted on stationary turrets and some Humvees.
AT-14 Kornet
Mounted on stationary turrets.