Brigada (Russian: Бригада), also known as Law of the Lawless is a Russian crime television series that debuted in 2002. The television series follows the story of four best friends from 1989 to 2000.
The film begins in 1989 when sergeant Alexander (Sasha) Belov (nicknamed Bely (Russian: Белый) or White) (played by Sergei Bezrukov) has finished his national service in the Russian border guards, and returns to Moscow. He is greeted there by his three childhood friends, Kosmos Kholmogorov (Kosmos (Russian: Космос) or Space) (played by Dmitri Dyuzhev), Viktor Pchyolkin (Pchyola (Russian: Пчёла) or Bee) (played by Pavel Maikov), and Valery Filatov (Fil (Russian: Фил) or Phil) (played by Vladimir Vdovichenkov). Kosmos and Viktor have turned to criminal racket on Moscow's markets. With the lapse of time brigade of four friends getting one of most influential gang in the Moscow.
The following weapons were used in the television series Brigada:
Makarov is Belov's first pistol. Kaverin and different militsioners, including OMON and SOBR uses this gun too.
Tokarev TT-33
TT-33 is a Kosmos's personal pistol. In few series he holds a pair of TT-33.
Stechkin APS
Colt M1911A1
Pchyola's first pistol
Walther P99
Walther P88 Compact
Kaverin puts under Walther P88 Compact to Belov, because he consider Sasha the suspect, who killed Mukha. At the confiscation militsioners called this pistol wrong: TT pistol, caliber 9mm., magazine capacity 15 rounds. Strangely, but Kosmos also called this pistol TT (Totosha or TTshnik on criminal slang).
Also, Walther P88 Compact is a Fil's first pistol.
Unknown 12-gauge double-barreled shotgun
Unknown Over and Under Shotgun (O/U)
In the Belov's wedding Kaban's bratva presents Sasha unknown Over and Under shotgun, specially made for Afghan King.
On the making a film about Great Patriotic War Fil works a stuntman. He plays a Waffen-SS member.