The following guns are used in the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC versions of the video game Call of Duty: World at War (Wii version should be the same)
The M1 Garand is the standard rifle of the American forces, and is seen in nearly all of the hands of the American Soldiers. It's depicted as being able to reload partway through an en-block clip; while there is facility for unloading the gun without firing every shot, it was not considered practical to do so in combat [since real soldiers don't have a magic invisible ammo hopper to consolidate their ammo neatly into full clips] and American soldiers were generally advised to fire off remaining shots if reloading was necessary.
The M1 Carbine is rarely seen earlier in the American campaign, it is not used up until the Castle level, where it can be picked up from most of the American corpses. Erroneously called an M1A1 Carbine in-game, despite not having a folding stock.
The M1A1 Thompson is Roebuck's Primary Weapon.
Note: The M1928A1 appears on the box art for the game, though is not seen in-game. However, the gun looks more like a mix of the M1A1 for the iron sight and bolt hand location, and the M1928A1 because of its compensator and drum magazines. Also it only holds 20 rounds while its in game renders clearly show the 30 round mag.
Heres an picture of a weapon similar to the ingame one
The M1918A2 In singleplayer is never seen without a bipod, but it must be unlocked in multiplayer. In Singleplayer, you start with it in the Level Relentless.
Unlocked Immediately in Multiplayer, In singleplayer it is Sullivan's Primary weapon. For some particular reason, if you search through cleared out underground bunkers, they are just lying around.
The Most powerful handgun in the game, in .357 Magnum , it was most likely only included as the 'Desert Eagle' of this game. It is never seen in Singleplayer.
--QBert 23:13, 18 October 2009 (UTC)It has to be a Model 27 since they were being produced as early as 1935. The first Model 19 was presented on November 15, 1955 which would place it 10 years after WW2.
You pick it up to destroy the Japanese tanks when on the Airfield. It is also used by two Soviet Soldiers in the level Downfall. It is one of the immediately unlocked Perks when you unlock Create a Class
A Mobile Machinegun, you first use it in 'Relentless' with a bipod. Later on in Singleplayer it is seen without a bipod. It has a cloth wrapped around the barrel close to the frame, a makeshift handguard. In the level 'Black Cats' dual-mounted on the bow and single mounted on the stern. In Multiplayer it is the last machinegun unlocked. It seems that the Browning machine gun for infantry use in the game is a M1919A4, but it can be fitted with a bipod which is a mistake (the bipod was only available for the M1919A6 version). It is also the turret gun for the soviet T-34 tank in both single player campaign and multiplayer.
The M7 rifle grenade is an muzzle device that attaches to the M1 Garand, and is used a few times in the Pacific campaign; the first time is when the American force is attacking Japanese Type 96 25mm triple installations at the airfield. There is a slight error in how they are presented; mounting one would normally require the rifle to first be emptied, then individual blank cartridges loaded for each shot fired; in game, they're just attached and fired.
First seen given to you by Sullivan, whether or not you replace it with a new weapon, it appears in your possession again after you are sliced by a Japanese soldier, as you are being dragged by Sullivan to the escape boat, but you do not get much of a chance to use it.
The Mosin-Nagant is the first rifle given to you by Reznov, due to his lack of trigger finger [but for some reason firing a PPSh is fine], it is fitted with a scope. Right away you are not given ammo. In later levels they are in the hands of Russian Soldiers. For an unknown reason, they are more rare than PPSh SMGs.
The PPSh is first seen in the hands of Reznov, after he gives you the Mosin-Nagant. Which for some reason he can't fire due to his lack of a right trigger finger, but he can fire the PPSh just fine.
It first makes its first appearance in the Asylum, found in the kitchen, sawed off and with a grip. Later in the Subway, it is seen normally, and are lying around in all of the offices.
The Large Anti-Tank rifle is always seen with a scope [essentially CoD5's Barrett], but is first seen in single player during 'Vendetta'. Much later in Downfall, one can be found on the second or third level, my mind is fuzzy on the specifics.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingPTRS-41 anti-tank rifle in 14.5x144mm.File:CoDWWPTRS3.JPGA soviet sniper using the PTRS-41 anti-tank rifle in the official multiplayer trailer. Note that it is ridiculous depicting this weapon being fired from the shoulder by a single man; the PTRS-41 is six feet long and weighs 45 pounds. A single soldier would only be expected to be able to carry the fully assembled rifle for short distances, never mind firing it while standing up.File:Ptrs 5.pngPTRS-41 in-game
This gun can be obtained in the Little Rescistance level, if you jump in all the holes in the ground after you call in an airstrike, it is also in the Nazi Zombies game in you get it by raondom.