The following guns were used in the film Three Days of the Condor :
Three Days of the Condor (1975)
Colt M1911
Joe "Condor" Turner (Robert Redford ) takes a Colt M1911 from the desk secretary after she has been killed by Joubert and "the mailman". He identifies it on the phone as a ".45 automatic." Note that when he first takes it from the desk it appears to be a wood prop.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Original Colt M1911 (dated 1913) - .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The receptionist Mrs. Russell (Helen Stenborg ), codenamed "Nightingale", opens her desk drawer, revealing her 1911.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Condor grabs the receptionist's 1911 after the massacre.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Condor pushes the 1911 into Katherine Hale's (Faye Dunaway ) stomach.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Condor lays down with Katherine, holding the 1911 on her.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Condor glances at his 1911 during his fight with the mailman. It appears to be a M1911A1 rather than a M1911 for this shot.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Condor threatens Higgins with his 1911.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Condor aims his 1911 towards Atwood.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Condor holds his .45 on Atwood in one of the final scenes. (Production Photo )
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Condor moves his thumb in front of the hammer, as per Joubert's orders.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Joubert (Max von Sydow ) holds Condor's 1911.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Joubert hands Condor his 1911, "for that day".
Ingram MAC-10
"The mailman", a hitman named William Lloyd (Hank Garrett ), uses a suppressed MAC-10 during the opening hit on the CIA facility and later when attempting to kill Condor in the apartment. Condor (Robert Redford ) briefly gets his hands on it twice but the mailman kicks it away each time.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ingram MAC-10 open bolt submachine gun - .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Joubert's assassins during the office massacre.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The suppressed barrel of the mailman's MAC-10.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The mailman reveals his suppressed MAC-10 just as Condor tosses a pot of coffee at him.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The mailman's MAC-10 on Kathy's couch during the apartment fight.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The mailman reaches for his MAC-10 during the fight with Condor.
Star Model B
Turner's CIA station chief S.W. Wicks (Michael Kane ) requests a .45 from the CIA armorer and is given a 9 mm Star Model B , which he attaches a suppressor onto and uses during the alley shootout with Condor and to fatally shoot Sam Barber.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Star Model B - 9mm pistol from the movie The Untouchables (1987) . This one is a screen used and fired handgun in the movie and was used by Kevin Costner on screen.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Wicks inspects his Star Model B.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Wicks fires his suppressed Model B at Condor in the alley.
sniper rifle
Joubert (Max von Sydow ) aims a breakdown sniper rifle at Condor outside Sam and Mae Barber's apartment building but is unable to fire it.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Joubert's rifle as he aims at Condor.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Joubert aims at Condor.
Astra Constable
Joubert (Max von Sydow ) uses an Astra Constable to kill Leonard Atwood (Addison Powell ) in his home, then places the gun in Atwood's hand to make it look like a suicide.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Astra Constable .22 LR, .32 ACP, .380 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Joubert with his Astra Constable.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Joubert shoots Atwood in the head with his Astra Constable.