Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of SupermanLois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video GamesLois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman
Lex's(John Shea) ex-wife uses a Smith & Wesson 3913 "Ladysmith" and is first seen when a security camera shows Lois investigating. It's also seen in "Illusions of Grandeur" by a magician who held Lois hostage with mirrors to hide her from Superman until Superman figured out and disarmed the magician.
An M1928 Thompson is seen in the episode, "That Old Gang of Mine" by Bonnie and Clyde clones, even though they would use a Browning Automatic Rifle in reality.
Ari uses the Desert Eagle Mark VII as her sidearm in "Mademe Ex. In "Tempus Fugitive", Tempus uses a Desert Eagle with silver sides and seen in Harrison's hands in "The Ides of Metropolis".
In the episode,"The Rival," a sniper uses a M24 Sniper Rifle trying to assasinate Senator Wallace, but Superman stops the bullet before it reaches the Senator.
Lex used this to save Lois in the episode, "Requiem for a Superhero" . It could either be a real revolver colored golden or it could be a revolver made by Lex.
Walther PPK
The Walther PPK is used by a cloning expert to kill the Superman clone in " Vatman." Another is also seen in the hands of Lex's ex-wifes and resurrected Nazis in "Super Mann", a correct firearm a Nazi should carry. Several characters also use Walther PPKs.
Some officers in the terrorists group including the leader of the terrorists and a woman terrorist carry MAC-10s, but most used them during the shooting in the Planet. Seen only in "Fly Hard."
Lex Luthor uses an old Winchester Model 1892 Saddle Ring Carbine in the end of the episode,"The Ides of Metropolis", to practice shooting by throwing coins in the air,wearing goggles that lock on a target, and then shoot them. His bodyguard Nigel refers to Lex as "a good marskman" until Lex misses a coin.
Most of the televison shows and movies made in the 1990s would use a 2nd gen. instead and the 3rd gen came out in the late 1990s. - Crysis 03:34, 3 September 2009 (UTC)
In "Metallo," the villians in the episode had a Beretta 92FS Inox, but never uses it in the end before Superman disarms him. Lex is seen handing this pistol to an assasin in a flashback in "The House of Luthor."
Tempus steals a Glock 17L converted into a machine pistol with a 33 round magazine from a gun store and uses it in "Tempus Fugitive." He seems to fire it semi-automatically to prevent him from using ammo to much. The gun store manager refers to the bullets as "poopies".
Almost all of the U.S. soldiers and guards featured in several episodes are seen with M16A1s with 20 round magazines and A2 style handguards. Some criminals uses these,too.
Bonnie and Clyde are armed with Colt Detective Specials in Hairdo's gambling club in "That Old Gang of Mine" and Clyde uses one to kill Clark Kent, which Clark fakes his own dealth and made an excuse after he claimed to be "resurrected". William W.W.W. uses one to commit suide, but Superman stops him in time.
The GE M134 Minigun is mounted on a robot army vehicle called ATAS(All-Terrain-Automated Soldier), a robot that does all the combat, for testing. The robot suddenly comes under someone's control, killing the General who conducted the test. Appears in "Operation Blackout."
In "Target: Jimmy Olsen," Sarah takes out a Smith & Wesson Model 64 Snub Nose from a package that was on Lois' desk to kill Clark Kent, but Clark grabs the bullet and throws the gun and the bullet away.
A Colt New Service is seen in "It's a Small World After All" by Lois' old classmate who aims it at her, but the tiny and shrunken Superman stops the bullet.