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Talk:Ready or Not (VG)
From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
Revision as of 00:08, 27 December 2023 by SomePolishHungarianGuy(talk | contribs)(Added screenshots of the cut "M2011", it is still in the files as of the current build of 1.0)
The Heckler & Koch UMP45 appears in Ready or Not. In a rarely seen bit of realism, the reload of the UMP uses the bolt release instead of most games that use the H&K Slap. With a slow ROF and a high climb rate, the UMP is a powerful piece if you can keep it controlled.
Before the 1.0 update, the "Breaching Shotgun" was a Mossberg 500 Cruiser. Like the name suggests, it's one of the three options for breaching doors, less lethal to the targets of the room than C2 charges, but faster than kicking it down. It's borderline unusable as an actual weapon, as breaching rounds are frangible projectiles that quickly disintegrate after being fired.
The following weapons are weapons that were present in at least one released version of Ready or Not as a usable weapon, or was partially implemented as a player-usable weapon in the game files, but isn't usable in normal gameplay in the current build of Ready or Not.
The partially implemented weapons present in the game's files can be accessed through game mods. There are several different mods that unlock game file weapons, including the Everything Unlocked mod, which is used to unlock some of these weapons.
Beretta 92FS
Prior to the January 2022 update, the Beretta 92FS appeared in Ready or Not under the incorrect name of "M9A1". It was replaced by the Beretta 92X Performance in the update.
Prior to the January 2022 update, the 4th Generation Glock 19 appeared in Ready or Not under the "G19" name, and was replaced by the 5th Gen Glock 19 in the update. It is equipped with Glock aftermarket 3-dot night sights. It's also seen in the hands of suspects.
A SIG-Sauer P250 Compact was in the June 2022 build as a mostly finished sidearm. It was apparently replaced during the development of the November 2022 Adam update, by the SIG-Sauer P229 Legion.
An STI Tactical DS appeared in the 2020 PVP Build as the "M2011". It has apparently been replaced by the Colt M45A1. It can be restored via mods, such as Gunfighter. According to the in-game menus, it is chambered in 10mm Auto, likely as a stand-in for .40 S&W.
The Walther P99 appeared as a usable weapon in the 2020 PVP Build. It is not a standard usable weapon in the Early Access builds, but a usable form can still be found in the game files.
The Walther MPL appeared as a usable weapon in the 2020 PVP Build. It is not a standard usable weapon in the Early Access builds, but a usable form can still be found in the game files.
In the 2020 PVP build, a fix-stocked Remington 870 appeared as the "870 MCS". This weapon is not usable in the Early Access game, but appears as a suspect weapon.
The AK-101 appeared in the 2020 PVP build, misnamed as the "AK-102". It is not a standard usable weapon in the Early Access builds, but a usable form can still be found in the game files. It has a set of TDI Arms handguards.
An FN SCAR-L with a long barrel and without built-in rail and stock customizations appeared in the 2020 PVP Build as the "SCAR-L". The SCAR-L is featured in the 2021 Early Access, but is a CQC variant, and features custom rails and stock by default.
The Heckler & Koch G3A3 appeared as a usable weapon in the 2020 PVP build. It is not a standard usable weapon in the Early Access builds, but a usable form can still be found in the game files.
A short-barreled M14 is featured in the 2020 PVP Build. It is not a standard usable weapon in the Early Access builds, but a usable form can still be found in the game files.
The M16A4 appeared in earlier versions of the PVP Build. It is not a standard usable weapon in the Early Access builds, but a usable form can still be found in the game files.
The M4A1 model in the PVP build was an actual M4A1 rather than a Mk 18 Mod 0 (as it appeared in the Early Access build), identifiable by its barrel length.
The TAC 700, a Tippmann A-5 paintball gun modified into a pepperball gun sold by PepperBall Technologies, Inc., appears as a primary weapon under the name "TAC700". It, like the SWAT 4 "Pepperball Gun" shoots OC filled pepperballs, and with full auto and good controllability is a very effective gun for incapacitating suspects without killing them. From the June 2022 update, the pepperball gun was removed from the game and currently it is uncerteain if it will return in the future.
The following weapons are weapons that the game's developers have stated their intention to add to the game, but are currently (Nov 8 2022 build, Adam update) not present as usable weapons (either in normal gameplay or in game files) in any current or previous version of the game.
The Remington 700 was planned to appear in the game in a usable form. According to self-contradictory poorly-written historical IMFDB documentation, it would've been either been made available to the player as the "M40", or was exclusive to remote controlled Police Sniper Units; neither are currently (Nov 8 2022) implemented into the game, and the gun currently appears in-game (as the M24 SWS) as a piece of evidence.
Either an Eotech 512 or Eotech 552 holographic sight was seen in pre release materials, but has since been removed/cut from the game.
The EOTech EXPS3 is featured as the "Holosight EXPS3" attachment and with a fictionalized "LEOTEC" brand. It can be attached to many assault rifles and submachine guns.
Vortex Venom
The Vortex Venom red dot sight is available. Interestingly, it is depicted with its proper "VENOM 3MOA" markings even though the brand logo is replaced with a fictional brand.
Trijicon MRO
The Trijicon MRO red dot sight is available.
Trijicon SRS
The Trijicon SRS red dot sight is available. It can be attached to many assault rifles and submachine guns. Some weapons are fitted with the Unity FAST Optic Riser to make the red dot higher than the iron sight.
Aimpoint T-2
The Aimpoint T-2 Red Dot Sight is featured as the "MicroT2" attachment and can be used on assault rifles and submachine guns. When mounted on an assault rifle, the LaRue LT660 mount is fitted, while for submachine guns, it is the LaRue LT661 low mount with the Unity FAST Optic Riser.
Aimpoint Comp M5
The Aimpoint Comp M5 red dot sight is available as the "M5B" attachment and can only be used on assault rifles. This dot sight will be fitted with an Aimpoint LRP mount.
EoTech MPO III Hybrid Sight
The EoTech MPO III Hybrid Sight was featured in pre release material, but has since been cut/removed from the game.
Trijicon RMR
The Trijicon RMR red dot sight is available.
Trijicon SRO
The Trijicon SRO red dot sight is available.
Sightmark Sure Shot
The Sightmark Sure Shot red dot sight is featured. Its brand and logo are parodied as "Viewmark". Has been removed from the game.
The ELCAN SpecterDR is available as the "SDR 1-4X" attachment.
The Nightforce ATACR LPVO is available as the "ATAK-R 1-12X" attachment. The scope magnification cannot be changed, although a key bind for point shooting with either an IR or visible light laser can be set up.
The SilencerCo ASR muzzle brake is featured as the "ASR Brake" attachment.
Surefire SFMB
The Surefire SFMB-556-1/2x28 muzzle brake is featured as the "SFMB Brake" attachment.
Surefire SOCOM556 RC2
The Surefire SOCOM556 RC2 suppressor is available as the "SOCOM 556 Suppressor" attachment.
SilencerCo Harvester
The SilencerCo Harvester suppressor is available as the "Harvester Suppressor" attachment. It is a rifle suppressor, but in the current build it can only be used with MPX 9mm submachine guns.
SilencerCo Osprey
The SilencerCo Osprey suppressor is available as the "Large Suppressor" attachment.
The PBS-1 suppressor is featured and can only be used for SLR47.
BCM Gunfighter Foregrip
The BCM Gunfighter Foregrip is available as the "Combat Grip".
KAC Foregrip
The KAC foregrip is featured as the "Control Grip".
Strike Industries Cobra Tactical Fore Grip
The Strike Industries Cobra Tactical Fore Grip is available as the "Speed Grip".
We are coordinating the editing of this page in the Ready or Not Discord
Made an overhaul to assault rifle section to represent what's in-game at this point of time.
Also have to note that G36C, FN SCAR-L, M14 and full-sized FN FAL are either suspect-only weapons at this point (this need confirmation) or scrapped from the game entirely.--RussianTrooper (talk) 16:59, 2 January 2022 (EST)
AR-15 style rifles identification
Also, need some help indentifying the AR-15 variants appearing in game
anybody have any ideas on these? --RussianTrooper (talk) 17:02, 2 January 2022 (EST)
The first one is a Knight Armanent Company SR-16 with their URX 3.1 railed handguard, KAC folding front and rear sights and a Magpul MOE grip and CTR stock. Effectively just a standard SR-16 with a few added parts on the back. The SBR-300 is a mix-master of a gun, although it seems to mostly be made to look like the Wilson Combat SBR Tactical, given the .300 Blackout chambering. The lower matches, same with the upper receiver and handguard. I think it's even got the same sort of weird texture WC puts on their handguards, and the stock is the same. Only non-WC parts on it is the Radian charging handle and the same KAC folding sights as the SR-16. --PaperCake 17:15, 2 January 2022 (EST)
Thanks a lot! Updated the article accordingly --RussianTrooper (talk) 18:27, 2 January 2022 (EST)
FYI I've seen a BRN-180 in this video, guess it is probably the SWAT equivalent to the AR-180. --AgentGumby (talk) 19:49, 2 January 2022 (EST)
Other Weapons
So I found a YouTube video that seemed to have pulled a lot of animations from the game for the weapons including both a few of the weapons that haven't been released as well as a few other ones that are, at least by their state in this video (without any firing or handling sounds) very early alpha material. Plus a few companion piece guns (A SWAT usable BRN-180, the P99, the MPL and S&W 76 and so on). I haven't included any of these on the main page that aren't already in the game as NPC suspect weapons, but does anyone know what these are used for? Was there some SWAT vs Suspect mode that got canned?
Late reply, but there was this PVP build that was available to early backers a long time ago. I can't quite remember the details though, and I don't have the game myself to check. --Wuzh (talk) 19:58, 17 January 2022 (EST)
Unusable Weapons section
Some weapons that are available in the game files, and for which several are used by NPC suspects only, can actually be "unlocked" via a mod. I've already checked them out just for the fun of it and thought maybe add info and images, but I wanted to see what others think about this first, if it would be a nice addition to the page, or instead wait for the weapons to be officially released in the future as usable ones. --RaNgeR (talk) 16:16, 4 July 2022 (EDT)
Modded content is not official content and should not be included in the page. Document firearm appearances exactly as they appear in the game proper. If a gun is not usable, using mods to pretend that it is usable is misinforming the readers. --Wuzh (talk) 13:06, 6 July 2022 (EDT)
I see what you mean, but technically these guns are presumably intended to be usable (perhaps in the future as mentioned) and were not created by third-party creators, rather by the devs and are part of the game's files. They also have their own proper models and animations (though still a work-in-progress). The mod I mentioned only provides the ability to make these weapons usable and functional by players, therefore it is not entirely pretend or not proper. --RaNgeR (talk) 14:16, 6 July 2022 (EDT)
I've thought about it some more. I think that it'll be OK to document as long as you make a proper disclaimer for it (describe what mod are you using and how does it impact the game), and document it on the talk page, it should be OK. --Wuzh (talk) 15:35, 6 July 2022 (EDT)
Actually you're right, didn't think about it... Adding a new section here in the talk page (instead in the main) with at least one screenshot for each of those weapons using the mod, might be right for starters and continue from there. Although I noticed there's aleady a section here called "Other Planned Weapons", but I'll take your advise on that and work on it. I hope others will give their own opinion on the topic regardless. I Thank you for your own input, btw. --RaNgeR (talk) 17:05, 6 July 2022 (EDT)
Help Identifying New AR-15
As part of the June 2022 update, one of the new NPC-only weapons added to the game is a customized AR-15 platform used by the suspects in the Brisa Cove mission. Couldn't manage to figure what model, so I'll appreciate the help. --RaNgeR (talk) 12:12, 6 July 2022 (EDT)