Control is an action-adventure game developed by Remedy Entertainment of Max Payne and Alan Wake fame. The protagonist, Jesse Faden, infiltrates the mysterious Federal Bureau of Control only to find it in the midst of an attack by a supernatural force called the Hiss and in total lockdown.
Due to the Oldest House (the supernatural setting of the game) only allowing technology that has sufficiently taken root in mankind's collective consciousness to function, weapons used by the FBC and Hiss-controlled FBC are (mostly) an eclectic mix of old throwbacks.
The following weapons appear in the video game Control:
An integral part of the game's story and gameplay, the Service Weapon acts as Jesse's sole firearm throughout the game. In the story of Control, the Service Weapon is an Object of Power - an artifact imbued with powerful paranormal properties that can be bound to a user, allowing them to wield that object's abilities. The Service Weapon is said to "choose" its next wielder, and anyone chosen by the Service Weapon will be the new director of the Federal Bureau of Control. Visually, The Service Weapon resembles a hammerless revolver (along the lines of a Kimber K6s or Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 38, albeit larger, and with heavy barrel like that of a Taurus Raging Bull), and presumably fires ballistic rounds. Lore-wise, the weapon is implied to have changed throughout history, always taking the form of something that humanity at large would understand to be a weapon, hence its revolver-like shape.
In gameplay, the Service Weapon can morph into different "Weapon Forms", which allow it to take on the properties of different kinds of firearms. It does not require ammunition to be picked up, but each form has a limited "magazine" that requires recharging once it is depleted. Jesse can obtain various mods for the different Weapon Forms to improve their capabilities.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing< Control the Gun/House > Jesse takes control of the Service Weapon.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Service Weapon "reloading".Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe "Grip" Weapon Form. This is the first Weapon Form received and acts similarly to a semi-automatic pistol.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe "Spin" Weapon Form. Spin acts similar to a fully automatic rifle or submachine gun, dealing less damage in exchange for a large magazine capacity and high rate of fire.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe "Shatter" Weapon Form. Shatter acts as a shotgun. Indeed, mods for Shatter can increase the pellet count or attach a choke for tighter spread.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe "Pierce" Weapon Form. While it may lack a scope, Pierce is the closest thing the game has to a sniper rifle. It deals immense damage per shot, but the magazine capacity is limited to just two shots. Shots must also be charged before firing. Mods for Pierce can increase the zoom level, allowing it to function a bit more like a sniper rifle.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe "Charge" Weapon Form. Charge acts like a rocket launcher, where three shards orbit the Service Weapon that are shot off and explode on impact. Jesse can fire one, two, or all three of these shards at once. Mods for Charge can increase the blast radius and the speed of the projectile fired.
Glock 19
Several Glock 19 pistols can be seen in an armory. They are never used by any NPCs.
Hiss Rangers often carry a hybrid submachine gun that consists of a PM-63 RAK grip and lower frame combined with the Ruger MP9's upper receiver and stock. It is also occasionally used by uninfected FBC Rangers.
Late-game armoured Hiss Rangers can carry a shotgun based on the NeoStead 2000. However, it has a format closer to the SRM Arms Model 1212, being semi-automatic, having the same ejection port/charging handle layout, and feeds from what appears to be detachable tube clusters with the barrel in place of the NeoStead's magazine tubes. It is fitted with a PK-AS red dot sight in place of the carry handle.
Hiss Guards (and some Rangers) frequently use a bullpup rifle based on the Kel-Tec M43; in an inversion of the Serbu Super Shorty above, they have polymer furniture instead of the standard wood.
A fictional rifle with the front half of an early G3 and the rear half of a folding-stocked prototype version of the AG-42 Ljungman appears as two distinct weapons used by two enemy types. Hiss Demolition Experts use a variation that fires M9A1 Rifle Grenades. The variant used by Hiss Snipers have bayonets and M3 scopes; their infrared lamps emit visible beams so that the player can see them from a distance.
Armoured Hiss Rangers carry a hybrid machine gun consisting of the barrel shroud and pan magazine of a Lewis Gun mated to the receiver of an FN MAG 58. It is also used by most of the uninfected FBC agents in the game.
Hiss Troopers carry a handheld minigun based on the M134, albeit with five barrels instead of six. It is referred to as a "chain gun" in the Hiss Troopers' research log.
In addition to the minigun, Hiss Troopers sometimes carry the RG-6 grenade launcher. Grenades fired from the RG-6 detonate after a few seconds, allowing Jesse to pick them up with her telekinesis ability and toss them at her enemies.
The aforementioned rifles used by Hiss Demolition Experts fire M9A1 Rifle Grenades. In-game, these act more like homing missiles than rifle grenades; indeed, the description for the Demolition Experts state these grenades to be rocket-propelled and capable of tracking living targets, essentially acting in lieu of more typical rocket launchers.
M67 fragmentation grenadeError creating thumbnail: File missingA group of M67s next to the retro-Serbus and not-quite-NeoSteads; due to the models apparently having only been made with enemy use in mind, they rather worryingly lack both pins and spoons, meaning that they'd realistically either be inert or a few seconds from exploding.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA grenade thrown by an enemy. Like those fired from the RG-6, they glow red to make spotting them easier.