Echo 3 is a 2022 American action thriller television series created by Mark Boal. The series stars Luke Evans as Alex "Bambi" Chesborough and Michiel Huisman as Eric "Prince" Haas, both US Army Delta Force operators, attempts to rescue Amber Chesborough (Jessica Ann Collins), an american scientist when she is kidnapped by guerrillas.
Echo 3 premiered on Apple TV+ on November 2022.
The following weapons were used in the television series Echo 3:
The Mk 12 Mod 0 SPR is seen used by the Mercenaries hired by Mitch (James Udom) to rescue Amber in a drug compound in Venezuela-Columbia border.
Remington Model 700
The Remington Model 700 is seen used by a Colombian Special Force soldier in "Tora Bora in the City" (E02). A customized Remington Model 700 with Magpul Pro 700L Stock is seen used by a soldier in "The Gambler" (E03).
Remington MSR
The Remington MSR is seen used by a Colombian Special Force soldier in "Tora Bora in the City" (E02).
Machine Guns
Dillon Aero M134 Minigun
Browning M2HB
Mounted Weapons
Shipunov 2A72
The Shipunov 2A72 is seen as the primary weapon of the Venezuelan BTR-80A in "Heat" (E10).