Starfield is a 2023 science-fiction RPG developed by Bethesda Game Studios, being their newest IP in 25 years. Set in 2330, the game takes place within the Milky Way galaxy and features over 1,000 explorable planetary bodies, both real and fictional.
The following weapons appear in the video game Starfield:
The Colt M1911A1 appears in the game as the "Old Earth Pistol", one of a handful of Earth firearms. The trigger guard is enlarged, compared to a standard M1911A1, presumably as a way to accommodate spacesuit gloves.
A modernised M1911 pistol appears in the game as the "XM-2311", implying it is a prototype firearm that was developed in the year 2311 (19 years before the game's start).
The "Old Earth Shotgun" is a pump-action shotgun comprised of a Mossberg 500 style receiver, an Ithaca 37 barrel and magazine tube, and a vaguely Smith & Wesson 3000 style pump. The shotgun's pistol grip appears to be referencing the Ithaca 37 used in Aliens, albeit with a more MG42-esque pistol grip rather than MP40.
The "Old Earth Assault Rifle" is a stockless AK rifle. Its receiver is a slightly altered AKM receiver, but the barrel from the original AK-47. The front trunnion has an added polymer shell somewhat resembling a Magpul MOE AKM handguard taped to the rifle's wooden handguard, probably to reuse hand animations from other weapons.