The Crazies is the 2010 remake of the 1973 George A. Romero film of the same name, directed by Breck Eisner and produced by George A. Romero. The plot of the remake once again, revolves around a small town that is accidentally infected with a biological weapon codenamed "Trixie", which either kills its victims or turns them into mindless, bloodthirsty killers (similar to the Rage-infected victims from the film 28 Days Later), the efforts of both the surviving townsfolk attempting to survive and stay alive, and the efforts of the United States military to isolate the threat and eliminate it. However, in this film, the location of the small town has been changed from Evans City, Pennsylvania, to the fictional town of Ogden Marsh, Iowa, and the general focus of the plot revolving more around the surviving townsfolk and not so much on the military's quarantine efforts. Nevertheless, the film received much positive reception and was a better financial success compared to its predecessor. The film's cast includes Timothy Olyphant, Danielle Panabaker, and Radha Mitchell.
The following weapons were used in the film The Crazies:
Sheriff Dutten (Timothy Olyphant) carries a Glock 19 as his sidearm. He is seen using it against Rory Hamill in the film's opening and later on when he is searching the town's morgue.
Deputy Russell Clank (Joe Anderson) finds a Glock 26 in a crashed SUV. He takes it for himself and threatens David and Judy with it, but is later disarmed of it by David.
Sheriff Dutten (Timothy Olyphant) retrieves a Smith & Wesson Model 27 with a 3.5" barrel from a lockbox in his desk after the military confiscates his Glock and other weapons at the station. He loads it with .38 Special cartridges as seen on the headstamp. The backstory of the weapon reveals that David's father was the former sheriff of the town and surrounding county, and the Smith & Wesson Model 27 was his duty revolver.
Jesse draws an unknown Smith & Wesson semi-automatic pistol on Sheriff Dutten at the truck stop. The pistol is not seen clearly enough to identify, but it appears to be a third generation Smith & Wesson semi-automatic because of its distinctive 4" barrel, slide, grips, and trigger guard. The pistol has a round trigger guard and no decocker-safety combination on the slide. It's entirely plausible that it is a Smith & Wesson 5946. There also appears to be an object by the grips, so it could also be a 5926 with a frame mounted decocker, but it could just be a glare from the slide release.
When the three hunters discover the dead plane pilot in the swamp, one of them carries an Ithaca 37.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingIthaca Deerslayer II - 12 gaugeError creating thumbnail: File missingA hunter with an Ithaca 37 as the trio makes their way through the swamps; note that there is no side ejection port. Ithaca makes their shotguns eject from the bottom. Also note that the shotgun pump is in cocked-back position.
Deputy Russell Clank (Joe Anderson) wields a pistol gripped Ithaca 37 shotgun with extended magazine tube.
What possibly could be a Mossberg 930 is used by one of the hunters in the swamp and later when they are seen killing Crazies in the deserted town center.
Note: It may be a Marocchi A12 semiauto shotgun based on the shape of the forend.
The Colt M4A1 Carbine is used by various US soldiers, usually with 4x ACOG scopes and flashlights. At one point in the movie, a soldier aims down the scope, but a red flash is emitted like it is a laser sight.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingColt M4A1 Carbine w/ M68 Aimpoint reflex optic, Knight's Armament RAS railed handguard and a vertical forward gripError creating thumbnail: File missingA soldier's M4A1 is seen with an AN/PEQ-2, Knight's Armament RAS and Vertical forward grip, and M68 CCO mounted on a backwards cantilever mount when Sheriff Dutten is apprehended along with his wife. Strangely, the dust cover of the gun is closed in this scene.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA colonel's M4A1 is seen with an AN/PEQ-2, Knight's Armament RAS and Vertical forward grip, unidentified ACOG, and left mounted flashlight as he directs the evacuees at the truck stop outside of Ogden Marsh.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPvt. Babcock (Joe Reegan) enters a barn to an ambush by Dutten and Russell.Error creating thumbnail: File missingRussell holds the M4, fitted with a SureFire M500-series forend weaponlight and Trijicon RX01-10 reflex sight.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe forend of the M4 on the right, showing a clear view of the handguard and optic setup.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOne of the infected hunters is armed with an M4A1 in the film's climax, presumably stolen from the military occupants who were there prior.
One of the soldiers in the clean tent has an M16A2.
An AH-1G HueyCobra that pursues Dutten and his companions as they try to escape the town by vehicle is armed with a chin-mounted M197 Vulcan. It is an anachronism, as it was relegated to reserve use until finally being retired in 2001.