In the opening scene of the film, a Colombian Army soldier is seen questioning John Smith (Brad Pitt) and then Jane Smith (Angelina Jolie) as to whether they are traveling alone while carrying a Smith & Wesson Model 276 Gas Gun grenade launcher.
While John (Brad Pitt) and Jane (Angelina Jolie) are at the fair, John lets Jane try out a game in which a constant air powered rifle that fires tiny BBs at moving targets. After Jane does a horrible job (firing from the hip), John tries and hits all but the last target. Unable to hold in her true talent, Jane goes again and takes out all the targets in seconds. Chances are neither of them would hit anything no matter how much of a marksmen they were since most of these carnival guns have a barrel larger than the BB so the gun is intentionally inaccurate (this way the player spends more money trying to accomplish lucky shots).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingJane pretends to be untrained as she attempts to shoot the targets with the air rifle.Error creating thumbnail: File missingJohn tries out the rifle and fairs far better since he uses the sights. Note how he closes his left eye so his right focuses on the sights, but then opens it again so he can retain peripheral vision. Classic combat shooting.Error creating thumbnail: File missingJanes goes again and does far better than John. She doesn't focus her dominant eye though, so she must be an excellent point shooter.
Ruger Mk III
During the poker game, John (Brad Pitt) pulls out an integrally suppressed Ruger Mk III pistol with a stainless barrel and blued frame along with a suppressed Browning Buckmark Camper to kill the other players.
John (Brad Pitt) also draws a Browning Buckmark Camper pistol with a suppressor, stainless barrel upper, and black polymer lower during the poker game.
John (Brad Pitt) takes out a suppressed SIG-Sauer P229 when he first discovers Jane (Angelina Jolie) is a spy and accidentally shoots out her car windshield with it when he trips through a wooden fence. The gun is not an Equinox as last claimed, it simply has the K-Kote finish polished on the slide to a glossy shine.
John (Brad Pitt) uses a SIG-Sauer P226 with a K-Kote slide and a nickel frame when he invade's Jane's (Angelina Jolie) workplace. It can also be seen in his armory under the garage.
John (Brad Pitt) retrieves a customized Colt M1911A1 XSE from behind a Battleship game board and threads a suppressor on it when he and Jane (Angelina Jolie) face off in the house. Sometimes, as many as 10 shots are heard being fired from his gun, when the maximum capacity of his magazines is eight plus one in the chamber.
When John (Brad Pitt) is talking to Eddie (Vince Vaughn) after finding out his wife's an assassin, a Heckler & Koch G36C can be seen leaning against a wall in Eddie's house. Another can be seen wielded by one of the company men in the KostMart shootout.
While John (Brad Pitt) is sorting through the incinerator from Jane's (Angelina Jolie) office at Eddie's (Vince Vaughn) place, Eddie can be seen pacing nervously about with a Mossberg 500 shotgun, chambering it when his mother calls to him from off-screen.
During the freeway car chase the "Company Men" in the three gray BMWs carry and fire Heckler & Koch MP5Ks. John (Brad Pitt) is seen firing one throughout much of the department store shootout as well.
Jane (Angelina Jolie) uses a Heckler & Koch UMP-45 fitted with a sound suppressor, a C-More red dot sight, a dual magazine clamp, and a vertical foregrip, taken from John's armory under the garage. She ends up triggering a gas explosion when she fires it into the kitchen and ignites fumes from a gas line John had torn open. Despite the UMP-45 having the slowest rate of fire in the UMP series, the sound of the gun firing is much faster than the gun is.
John (Brad Pitt) retrieves a Heckler & Koch USP Elite from a box in the garage when the Company Men attack their house, with the intent on using it before Jane (Angelina Jolie) takes it, not wanting to use the "girl gun". Both of them use it later during the car chase. One is also seen in John's garage armory (likely the same gun), but since Jane stole all those guns and he retrieves it from another hiding spot, it is likely a different gun in the film. Based on the muzzle diameter, it appears to be the .45 ACP version.
In the restaurant scene John (Brad Pitt) sits down with Jane (Angelina Jolie), she lays one of her custom NAA Guardians down on her lap and covers it with a napkin. When they are dancing, Jane pulls a custom Guardian from John's ankle hoslter.
A Browning M2HB is seen in Eddie's mom's house. Why he would need a 120lb machine gun lying around is unknown, since it is doubtful he would pick it up and use it should someone attack his home.
During the final shootout in the department store, at least one of the "Company Men" can be seen carrying and then firing an Norinco Type 69 RPG with an optical sight at the Smiths. A Type 69 can also briefly be seen leaning against Eddie's stove when John Smith first comes to speak with him about his wife. These launchers has been mocked up to resemble RPG-7s by adding a second pistol grip, but the carry handles on the sides are still visible.]]
In the desert scene, Jane (Angelina Jolie) shoots John (Brad Pitt) in the chest with a KTR-03S that is equipped with an Aimpoint M68 sight and a forward grip. The KTR-03S is built by Krebs Custom Guns and based on the Russian Saiga receiver.
In the desert scene when Jane (Angelina Jolie) is waiting for her target to enter the kill zone, she sees an intruder, whom she later discovers is her husband John. Her scanner identifies the rocket launcher he is carrying as the fictional R-47 Widowmaker rocket launcher. After Jane shoots John in the chest (non-fataly hitting his bullet proof vest), he fires this heavily-customized rocket launcher and destroys the shed she is hiding in.
It is wrong to identify this rocket launcher as an M136 AT4 since the AT4 wasn't even used in the construction of this fictional weapon. It was a 100% custom made prop, utilizing design elements and color schemes from the M136/AT4 launcher, but (a) it is a dual pistol grips and shoulder rest pad, (b) the front and back ends have futuristic caps and flanges that look nothing like an AT4 and (c) the overall diameter of the launcher is much larger than the 84mm of the AT4. It is more like a 105mm tube and is roughly the same size as Brad Pitt's head. Enough of the launcher is different to indicate that no AT4 was used and a Hollywood prop shop created the R-47 Widowmaker from scratch.
In the basement John (Brad Pitt) pulls a Smith & Wesson Centennial .357 magnum out of a toy train box and gives it to Jane (Angelina Jolie) who is displeased she got the smaller "girl" gun. John trades her, giving her the USP Elite and he uses the Centennial while exiting the basement. A continuity error is that, in the shot of then coming through the trap doors, Jane is carrying the revolver with John carrying the USP, but in the following shot, the characters have their appropriate guns.
While fleeing from the company men in the Colemans' minivan, John (Brad Pitt) accidentally pulls the pin on a company mans' M67 hand grenade, kicking the luckless thug back into his car where the resulting explosion destroys the armored BMW.
John (Brad Pitt) keeps several TD Multi Port Plus Flashbang Grenades in his armory and has two stuck his tac-vest when capturing Benjamin Danz (Adam Brody).
During the KostMart shootout John (Brad Pitt) picks up a Benelli M3 Super 90 off one of the Company Men he kills. After running into the elevator, the gun dissappears and is replaced by an MP5A2, do to necessary scenes being cut from the film.
In the KostMart shootout, Jane briefly fires an Unknown Pistol fitted with a C-More sight but ditches it after leaving the supplies shed. It might be a Smith & Wesson auto.
to me it looks like the base gun was a CZ-75
you can tell the gun has been modified!! look at the frame of the gun then look at the barrel!! the frame says that its chambered in 44 mag, but the barrel reads 45 acp!!
Looks more like a sig p220.
Jane takes a M14 EBR with a Sage Stock, sound suppressor, and M68 Aimpoint scope off a dead Company Man and uses it to provide cover from the ceiling for John during the battle in KostMart.
While John (Brad Pitt) is playing poker with the thugs, one of them has a Beretta 92FS stuck in his pants. After John kills lucky by firing his pistol through his jacket, the thug reaches for his Beretta only to find it disassembled on the floor. Both John and Jane (Angelina Jolie) later take Berettas off Company Men in KostMart.
During the final shootout in KostMart, Jane uses two Beretta 92FS pistols converted to full auto and fitted with extended 20 round magazines, which she must have brought with her since none of the Company Men used them. Neither of them bear any resemblance to Beretta 93R pistols, or mockups.
Both Jane and John wield Glock 17s converted to full auto and fitted with 33 round magazines during the final shootout, John wielding two with chrome slides, while Jane carries one in all black. They are not Glock 18s as previously mentioned, they clearly lack the selector switch on the slide that only the G18 has.
Jane (Angelina Jolie) uses a Glock 19 for a good majority of the film, including some of the KostMart shootout.
File:Wviewpoint 0430.jpgGlock 19 1st Generation - 9mm.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDuring the car chase, Jane turns the car 180 degrees and fires her Glock 19 at the Company Men's BMWs, destroying one by shooting out the front tire axle and detaching the tire (flipping the vehicle), the second by shooting the front engine block until it blows up (thought the cars were armored).Error creating thumbnail: File missingJane does a brass check on her Glock 19 after entering KostMart.Error creating thumbnail: File missingJane searches KostMart with her Glock 19 at the ready. Her grip is a tad low here.Error creating thumbnail: File missingJane cringes when a Company Man knocks over a fixed light, but luckily John catches it and eases it down slowly.Error creating thumbnail: File missingJane holding a Glock 19 in her right hand and a Beretta 92FS in her left.
Walther PPK/S
At the beginning of the film, John (Brad Pitt) is seen adjusting a blued Walther PPK/S in the small of his back as he approaches Jane (Angelina Jolie). A few are also seen in John's armory. The gun clearly has the larger frame of a PP with the slide of a PPK, making it a PPK/S.
On the film poster, Jane Smith (Angelina Jolie) is seen with a TJ's Custom Gunworks Stealth-1 stuck in her garter belt, which was originally in the film, but was ultimately cut. What makes this gun unique is that it used to be the smallest .45 caliber 1911 pistol even though it only holds 4 + 1 rounds. (need confirmation on what is the smallest currently).
On the film poster, John Smith (Brad Pitt) is seen holding an unknown 1911 pistol. The shot is reversed in older posters (and this screencap) but is correct on the DVD cover.
It looks like a SIG GSR. This piece is FAR from a P229 Sport. There is a HUGE difference between 1911 frame and SIG P229 series. The Winchester
It actually looks like a GSR Target Stainless. The only problem is that the slide appears too short, although it looks normal length due to the compensator on the muzzle. - Gunmaster45
I dont think its a compensator. Theres no visible slots on the top. Granted, theres the obivious line and it looks slightly more polished than the rest of the slide, but that could be just a slide design. The Winchester
it kinda looks like the The Colt XSE that (Brad Pitt) is using through out the film. buckus386
True, but GM45 and I (avid 1911 fans) both disagree at that assumption. -The Winchester
It's not a GSR. The cocking serrations on the slide only go halfway up, whereas on the GSR's slide, they go to the top. -Gunman69 08:44, 2 August 2009 (UTC)