Luv Wave ラヴ・ウェーブ (Ravu u~ēbu)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Japan
Japanese English
Katsuma Kanazawa
Action Adventure Detective Hentai Science Fiction Fantasy Martial Arts
No. of Seasons
No. of Episodes
The following weapons were used in the anime series Luv Wave:
Minebea P9
Alice uses Minebea P9 as her duty sidearm throughout the TV-series.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMinebea P9, Japanese licensed copy of the P220 - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missingAlice holds two pistols during the opening.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingAlice runs, pistol in hands. (Ep.1).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingAlice holsters her pistol. (Ep.1).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe grip of Alice's pistol is seen. (Ep.2).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingA close up. (Ep.2).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMamoru and Alice holds each other at gunpoint with their pistols. (Ep.2).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnother view of the same scene. (Ep.2).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingAlice pulls her pistol at Kaoru. (Ep.2).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingA perfect view of the pistol's grip. (Ep.2).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingAlice holds the pistol after firing it. (Ep.3).
Beretta 92FS
A Beretta 92FS is Matthew Specter's firearm of choice at the episode 1.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingBeretta 92FS - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMatthew holds Kaoru at gunpoint with his Beretta.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnother view of the same scene.
Mikogami Kaoru's duty sidearm is a M1911A1.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingPre-War Colt M1911A1 - Commercial Model known as the "Colt Government Model" - .45 ACP. This has a deep Colt factory blued finish, common for commercial variants before and after the war.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingKaoru covers, pistol in hands. (Ep.1).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingA side view of Kaoru's pistol. (Ep.1).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingKaoru holds his pistol. Note the trigger discipline. (Ep.1).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe pistol is aimed by Kaoru. (Ep.1).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingKaory cocks his pistol. (Ep.1).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingKaoru reloads his pistol. (Ep.2).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingA perfect view of the muzzle. (Ep.2).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingKaoru pulls his pistol. (Ep.3).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingA side view of Kaoru's pistol is seen when he brandishes the gun. (Ep.3).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingKaoru raises the pistol. (Ep.3).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingA close up. (Ep.3).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnother close up. (Ep.3).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingKaoru fires. (Ep.3).
Glock 17
A Glock 17 pistols were used by nemerous characters.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing2nd Generation Glock 17C - 9x19mm. This model has compensator cuts on the slide and barrel to reduce muzzle climb while firing.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMobster a second before pistol-whipping hostage.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMobster puts his Glock to hostage's head. (Ep.1).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMobster brandishes his Glock. (Ep.1).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingTerrorist tries to pull his pistol at Alice. (Ep.2).
Browning Hi-Power
Mikogami Mamoru carries a Browning Hi-Power as her duty firearm at the several points.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingFN P-35 - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMikogami Mamoru aims her pistol. (Ep.1).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingA top view of Mamoru's pistol. (Ep.1).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMamoru aims her pistol, while policeman aims the MP5A3. (Ep.1).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMamoru pulls her pistol at Alice. (Ep.2).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMamoru and Alice holds each other at gunpoint with their pistols. (Ep.2).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnother view of the same scene. (Ep.2).
SIG-Sauer P226
Several characters can be seen using a SIG-Sauer P226 pistols.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingWest German SIG-Sauer P226 - 9x19mm. This is a real movie gun and has appeared in several motion pictures.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingBrooks pulls his pistol. (Ep.1).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnother view of Brooks' pistol. (Ep.1).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingTerrorist is buttstroked by Alice. (Ep.2).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingInjured police commander still holds his pistol. (Ep.3).
Unknown Pistols
Numerous hard to ID pistol is seen in the hands of terrorists at the episode 2.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingTerrorist at the left holds the pistol.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe same terrorist aims the pistol.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnother terrorist is gunned down, while holds the pistol.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingTerrorist aim their pistols.
Submachine Guns
Heckler & Koch MP5A3
Nearly all police troops are armed with a Heckler & Koch MP5A3 submachine guns.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingHeckler & Koch MP5A3 with original "slimline" forearm - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missingHeckler & Koch MP5A3 with "tropical" (wide) forearm and stock extended - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missingPolicemen hold their MP5s. (Ep.1).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingA slightly other view of the same scene. (Ep.1).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingPolice troops hold the MP5s, while Kaoru holds the M1911 and Mamoru holds the HP. (Ep.1).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMamoru aims her pistol, while policeman aims the MP5A3. (Ep.1).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingPoliceman readies his MP5. (Ep.3).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingNumerous MP5s is seen in the hands of police troops. (Ep.3).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe MP5 wielding policeman is gunned down. (Ep.3).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingNumerous policeman covers with their MP5s. (Ep.3).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingPolicemen fires. (Ep.3).
Heckler & Koch MP5K
Mobster uses Heckler & Koch MP5K at the episode 1.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingHeckler & Koch MP5K - version with SEF Plastic Trigger Pack - 9x19mm. This is a very well worn Motion picture weapon
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMobster puts his MP5K at sofa.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMobster holds his MP5K.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMobster tries to fire the MP5K.
Unknown Submachine Gun 1
Alice uses an unknown submachine gun at the episode 2.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingAlice holds terrorists at gunpoint with her SMG.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingAlice jumps from the elevator, SMG in hand.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingAlice buttstrokes terrorist by her SMG.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingA side view of Alice's SMG, when she kicks another terrorist.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingKanako holds the rifle at the right, while Alice aims the SMG at the left.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingKanako and Alice run, guns in hands.
Unknown Submachine Gun 2
Takikawa Kanako uses an unknown submachine gun throughout the TV-series.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingKanako draws the SMG. (Ep.2).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingTakikawa raises her SMG. Note the curved mag. (Ep.2).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe SMG is aimed...
Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and fired. (Ep.2).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingKanako readies the SMG. (Ep.3).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingA slightly better view of Kanako's SMG. (Ep.3).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe submachine gun is partly seen. (Ep.3).
Hard to ID Submachine Guns
A hard to ID submachine gun is seen in the hands of terrorist at the episode 2.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingTerrorist at the right holds the SMG.
Lahti L-39
Takikawa Kanako's armed herself with the Lahti L-39 at the episode 2.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingLahti L-39 - 20x138mm B
Error creating thumbnail: File missingKanako assembles her gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingA ditto.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingKanako holds her now-assembled gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe gun is aimed by Kanako.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingKanako aims her rifle...
Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and fires it.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingA good view of the front sight.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingKanako's rifle is seen on the floor.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingKanako holds the rifle at the right, while Alice aims the SMG at the left.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingKanako and Alice run, guns in hands.
Howa Type 89
Alice holds Howa Type 89 at the poster and some promo images but not at the complete TV_series.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingHowa Type 89 with integral bipod - 5.56x45mm.
Alice holds the rifle at the poster.
Machine Guns
GE M134 Minigun
A GE M134 Minigun is seen at the terrorist's base at the episode 3.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingGeneral Electric M134 - 7.62x51mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe machine gun is aimed.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingA perfect view of the firing machine gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe machine gun is seen after firing.
Kaoru's Armory
Numerous hard to ID guns can be seen in Kaoru's armory at the episode 2.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingFrom left to right: two shotguns, revolver, four rifles, four pistol: the pistol at the bottom may be a Walther GSP, the second from the top pistol may be some Glock-type.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing WARNING! THIS PAGE CONTAINS SPOILERS!