Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades/Manual-Loading PistolsHot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades/Manual-Loading Pistols - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video GamesHot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades/Manual-Loading Pistols
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Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades/Manual-Loading Pistols
From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
Revision as of 19:49, 23 August 2022 by Jeeperdy(talk | contribs)(Created page with "Handguns in ''H3'' are split into eight categories, based on their method of operation: this page covers Breech Loading, Lever Action, Bolt Action (which are listed in the rif...")
Handguns in H3 are split into eight categories, based on their method of operation: this page covers Breech Loading, Lever Action, Bolt Action (which are listed in the rifles/carbines page, as the category consists of sawn-off bolt-action rifles with the only exception being the Welrod Mk IIA), Muzzle Loading, and Derringers.
Update #105 added several derringers to the game, with the American Derringer Model 6 among them. Two variants are available - a standard version in .357 Magnum, and an engraved version in (of all things) .45-70 Government; amusingly enough, both of these are, in fact, factory options for the real pistol.
Update #81 brought in the game's first muzzle-loading firearm (barring the GP-25, if you want to get pedantic), a .69-caliber Flintlock Pistol of supposed 18th century origin; it uses a completely proprietary code-base (the most complex of any firearm in the game), with a wide variety of possible interactions and results (whether beneficial or otherwise). It is referred to as the "Heavy Flintlock" due to its large caliber being shared by the Brown Bess musket, as opposed to using a smaller "pistol-caliber" ball.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingNew Land Pattern flintlock pistol - .65 caliber. Somewhat similar to the pistol in-gameError creating thumbnail: File missingExamining the flintlock pistol; unlike the reference image, this one lacks brass fittings, and has a rounded butt.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA simple weapon in appearance and function alike, but a wonderful one to see here nevertheless.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA close-up of the lockplate, showing off the leather-padded screw-jaw used to hold the flint in the hammer (or the cock, if your dedication to vocabulary outstrips your desire not to hear everyone giggling like a middle school biology class), as well as the simple v-spring used to put tension on the frizzen (a word whose meaning will be elaborated on further down the page).Error creating thumbnail: File missingTo load the pistol, one must first half-cock the hammer...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and then grab this thing. Said thing is a paper cartridge, containing a pre-measured charge of powder, a single lead ball, and a note from Mom telling you to have a good first day at school.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAfter punching yourself in the face with a VR controller tearing open the cartridge with your teeth, the next step is to drop some powder into the flash-pan, either by tapping the button to drop individual clumps (as attempting to simulate a powdered substance in PhysX would likely cause blackouts across half the county), or by simply upending the cartridge and pouring out powder; the maximum clump count is five. Then, just close up the frizzen with a swipe of the hand (lest the priming powder fall out when the pistol is tipped over), and move to the muzzle.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe rest of the powder can simply be dumped down the barrel.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAlong with the rest of the cartridge.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIf speed isn't your speed, loose powder is an option, with the source of the Spice being this wooden flask.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe lid's not just for show; this is a mythical Powder Flask of Holding, and as such will continue to produce black powder when tipped over until either the lid is put back into place, or the universe is destroyed by an endless flood of slightly clumpy propellant.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnyway, this is a lead ball. Keep out of reach of children.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTo finish off either reloading method, one must pull the ramrod from the stone...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and then shove everything into place (to prevent it from falling out, and compress the powder properly for maximum effect). The ramrod makes a tapping noise whenever it bottoms out, with the noise dropping in pitch when the contents can't be pushed any further; interestingly, the maximum depth it can reach depends on the contents of the barrel, with larger amounts of powder/projectiles (both of which can be loaded to whatever degree the user desires, at the risk of jamming in a ball without propellant, getting a squib (a bullet that doesn't have enough energy to leave the barrel), or blowing up the gun).Error creating thumbnail: File missingFinally, just fully cock the hammer, and you're ready to fire.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThis image would be captioned "Aiming down the pistol's sights" if it had any.Error creating thumbnail: File missingUpon pulling the trigger, there is first a flash in the flash-pan, caused by the hammer's flint making sparks as it strikes/opens the frizzen, and igniting the powder beneath. The more powder that is placed into the pan, the larger and longer-lasting this flash is, with the only real reason to add more being dramatic effect.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAfter this second-fractional delay, the main charge goes off, and a .69-inch hole hopefully appears in whatever you were aiming at.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOf course, slamming a small stone into a piece of iron repeatedly isn't going to do wonders for the former, necessitating replacement from time to time (unless you just want to ignore the hammer entirely and set off the priming powder with a strike-anywhere match, which this game also lets you do); to do this, half-cock the hammer, click the hammer's screw to loosen it, remove the old flint, insert a new one, and re-tighten the screw. These steps are all condensed into one screenshot here, because I have a finite amount of patience.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnother flintlock, this time in the Proving Grounds, with its ramrod shoved into the barrel. Why, you ask?Error creating thumbnail: File missingTo use as a projectile, of course! (And yes, this Sosig is on fire, as the flintlock is perfectly capable of igniting targets close enough to the muzzle when not loaded with an actual projectile.)Error creating thumbnail: File missingOuch.
Heizer Defense DoubleTap
The Heizer Defense DoubleTap was the first weapon to be added to the Meatmas 2020 Advent Calendar event, specifically the 9x19mm ported version.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingHeizer Defense DoubleTap - 9mm Non portedError creating thumbnail: File missingThe DoubleTap in its crate, with an M1911A1 for scale. It is referred to in-game as the "Doubledown Derringer", or "DDD" for short. Given the weapon's date of introduction (December 1st), and the game's frequent use of crass humor, it wouldn't be surprising if this was a reference to the other DDD.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking a look up close, one can see that this version features a ported barrel.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnd looking on the other side reveals that the release for the barrels is ambidextrous.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOperating the Doubletap is near identical to the earlier-added Model 95, apart from not needing to cock the hammer.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe scene provides the player with two +P API rounds, which gives the diminutive pistol a boost in viability.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking aim at one of the new Junkbot enemies; the small gutter-sight on the derringer makes anything but point-blank shots a challenge, but at least these bots are unarmed.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWhen the glowing red can on the back of the Junkbot's head is shot, the entire thing immediately falls apart.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHaving spent the second shot on another Junkbot, the derringer is now empty.
Heizer Defense PAK1
The Heizer Defense PAK1 made its media debut in Update #102's first experimental build, going by the name "PK1" in-game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingHeizer Defense PAK1 - 7.62x39mmError creating thumbnail: File missingNope, that caliber note isn't a typo; this thing really exists, and it's actually chambered in 7.62x39mm. Hence the name - it's short for "Pocket AK".Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe other side is much the same, so a pull of the weapon's somewhat long double-action trigger has been added for variety.Error creating thumbnail: File missingJust like its double-barreled cousin above, the PAK1's barrel pops open for loading with a push of the button on either side. A forward push, to be precise.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in a round not at all suitable for this length of barrel; the green tip denotes a tracer. Just 'cause.Error creating thumbnail: File missingUnaware of its own absurdity, the diminutive pistol accepts it without complaint; the automatic extractor sits right in the round's extractor groove, just as it ought to.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming at a large window; aside from the rather tiny sights, the main thing worth noting here is just how impressively thin the PAK1 is. Sure, it's a pocketable derringer, but it's still chambered for an intermediate rifle cartridge.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAs one would expect out of a sub-4" barrel slinging a round meant for something at least 4 times that length, there's a considerable amount of muzzle flash...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and a not-insubstantial amount of recoil. Enough frames passed between these two screenshots for the round in question to hit its mark; a great deal of effort went into making the window respond in kind, freely breaking into a series of shards along cracks that radiate out from a single impact point.Error creating thumbnail: File missingExcitedly cracking the PAK open to reload and continue the demonstration, before remembering that that was the only round provided.Error creating thumbnail: File missingBut hey, if it's a shattered window you're after, you can at least take solace in the fact that there's more than one way to break glass with a gun.
"IPSICK 2011"
Added in Update #95, the "IPSICK 2011" is an M1911-pattern racegun, visually reminiscent of the STI's 2011 series; in keeping with the update's theme of "cursed guns", it is a rather exaggerated-looking example of such a pistol, with purple wrap-around grips, a bright red C-More-style "YOLOgraphic" sight, a titanium nitride-coated barrel, and a multi-colored stack of daisy-chained compensators about as long as the entire slide. Furthermore, instead of being a mag-fed semi-auto as one would expect, it is a single-shot break-action pistol. Chambered in .50 BMG.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingSTI Grand Master 2011 with C-More red-dot sight - .38 Super. Visually similar to the in-game pistol.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHeading out to the range for some IPSC practice, and taking a look at the fancy new racegun.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA closer view of the markings; note the Bohr-style atom model in place of the STI logo on the grips, the "Z-BORE" marking on the sight mount (an obvious spoof of "C-More"), and the rather interesting model designation of "2112".Error creating thumbnail: File missingAttempting to shove a magazine into the pistol's flared magwell is met with rather limited success, since said magwell isn't actually open...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...not to mention the fact that that isn't how any of this works at all.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking a closer look at all this nonsense only reveals more; aside from the fact that the serrated magazine release, extended beavertail, and slide racking handles are all now pointless (given its position, the slide stop lever is presumably used to break the pistol open), there's also the fact that the weapon's fancy flat-faced match trigger (which has the silhouette of a normal 1911 cut into it) pivots instead of sliding linearly.Error creating thumbnail: File missingApprehensively holding up a .50 BMG tracer round, as if afraid that this will actually work.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe pistol accepts it without complaint.Error creating thumbnail: File missingCocking the hammer; this has to be done manually with each shot; the IPSICK's manual of arms is much like the earlier-added Thompson Center Arms Contender.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming through the permanently-affixed "YOLOgraphic" sight very quickly shows the user where it gets its name. For reference, the dot in the center of the second "O" is the actual aiming point.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring the pistol produces less recoil than one might expect, thanks in part to the massive dry-erase-marker-sword of compensators on the end; a side effect of this is that the muzzle flash completely obscures the user's view of more or less everything.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDumping out a spent case. Was this shot taken on a whim? Or was it meticulously tried and retried, time and time again, until a perfect frame was captured? You'll never know. Unless you check the page's edit summary, that is.
Remington 1866 Derringer
The second derringer added with the release of Update #85 was an ornately-decorated Remington 1866 Derringer, going by its alternate name of "Model 95" in-game. Holding just two manually-indexed rounds of the rather anemic .41 Short cartridge (with poor accuracy to boot), the Remington holds the somewhat dubious honor of being quite possibly the least useful firearm in the game - while the the earlier-added Volcanic Repeater does slightly less damage per shot, it has fourfold the capacity and enough accuracy to put all eight of those rounds into one side of a barn, a claim the Model 95 can't make in complete honesty.
The Remington Rolling Block pistol is one of the available firearms in-game, added through Update #32; with the release of two additional Rolling Blocks (both rifles) in Update #91, the pistol got a slight rework in the form of a slight change to its controls (going from swipes to clicks on the user's touchpad/joystick to cock the hammer and open/close the action) and a rescaling of its model.
The Sharps Pepperbox, more specifically the Model 1C variant, was one of the derringers added in Update #105; it is the first firearm in the game chambered for the concurrently-added .22 Short cartridge.
Known simply as the "S9R", the Signal 9 Defense Reliant derringer makes its media debut in H3, courtesy of Update #105. The in-game weapon is chambered in .32 ACP, and uniquely includes the real weapon's unusual feature of a spare speedloader in the bottom of the grip, along with its integrated underbarrel (or rather, under-barrels) laser sight.
The 12th alpha build of Update #52 added a Thompson Center Arms Contender pistol chambered in .45-70 Government, with a curious combination of a wooden forearm and a synthetic grip. Interestingly, it uses the same code-base as the earlier-added Orion Flare Gun, due to the near-identical manual of arms.
The Triple Action Thunder was added on Day 4 of the Meatmas 2020 Advent Calendar event. It is the fourth pistol chambered in .50 BMG added to the game, and the first with a real-world counterpart.
The Volcanic Repeater is one of the firearms added in the Wurstworld update. It's based on an early Smith and Wesson produced Navy model, with iron frame over the later brass frame, and is chambered for .41 caliber "Rocket Ball" rounds, which are (correctly) rather anemic.
The long-requested Welrod was added on day 13 of the Meatmas 2020 Advent Calendar event. It is the game's first bolt-action pistol that isn't a chopped down rifle, and one of the only known media depictions of the Welrod that accurately depicts its use of replaceable wipes that degrade with use; this is reflected in both the firing sound (with the first shot on a fresh set of wipes being near-totally silent apart from the firing pin, and the tenth being roughly as loud as an ordinary suppressed pistol) and the model of the baffles (which visibly wear out over time).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingWelrod Mark IIA - .32 ACPError creating thumbnail: File missingOpening Bunker A-13's weapon case reveals a seemingly-random assortment of items, none of which look particularly weapon-like.Error creating thumbnail: File missingExamining the rather unassuming pistol; its not-very-gun-like appearance is deliberate, as the Welrod was meant to be an inconspicuous weapon for resistance fighters and covert operatives in occupied Europe.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPurportedly, it could either be hidden in a bag of various tools without catching anyone's eye as an obvious gun; if asked about specifically, it could be handwaved as a bike pump, or something of the sort.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOpening up the Welrod's bolt; lacking an obvious bolt handle, the bolt's knurled rear surface has a notch that lines up with a marking on the receiver tube, to let the user know when the bolt is (or, in this case, isn't) properly locked.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in one of the distinctive rubber-covered magazines; these are proprietary, but appear to have been based around Colt Model 1903 Pocket Hammerless mags. They also form the Welrod's grip, and in doing so make it look far more like an actual gun. Or, at least, a small child's drawing of an actual gun.Error creating thumbnail: File missingChambering a .32 ACP round.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming at a Static drone just outside the bunker; the Welrod's sights are rudimentary, but usable within the ranges that it's supposed to be used in. The real weapon's irons featured tritium inserts, though these are missing from most currently-documented examples, and may have simply lost their radioactivity anyways.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring; this produces very little recoil and almost no sound, so the only real indication that anything has happened is the bright light emanating from the drone. Which, incidentally, means that it's about to explode.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWorking the bolt to eject a spent casing, as a Hardened drone comes to investigate; being sound-sensitive, it looks in completely the wrong direction.Error creating thumbnail: File missingUsing the Welrod for its intended purpose (i.e. silent, near-point-blank elimination of sentries - it even had a recessed muzzle for the express purpose of firing the gun while pressing it into a target); even if they can't recognize the sound of one of their compatriots' heads coming apart as a cause for alarm, doing this to groups is still not a great idea.Error creating thumbnail: File missingChecking on the condition of the suppressor in about the most ill-advised manner possible; a mag or two will leave the orange rubber wipes torn to the point of near-uselessness. As mentioned, this makes the gun louder, though not by any means loud (since the suppressor also contains conventional metal baffles, and it is still a manually-operated gun firing a small, subsonic cartridge).Error creating thumbnail: File missingTo replace these wipes, one must first remove the end of the suppressor...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and then pull out the baffle/wipe stack. One can also simply fire the gun with the endcap removed, causing the stack to come out on its own (as shown here); given that this wastes a round, throws the stack onto the floor, and makes a rather loud noise, doing so isn't recommended. Especially not in the presence of the aforementioned sound-sensitive Hardened drone.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIncidentally, the weapon can still be fired in this state (i.e. with the suppressor's innards removed); doing so gives the weapon its only real opportunity to produce a relatively normal-sounding gunshot, and about the closest thing it can manage to a normal muzzle flash.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPreparing to insert a fresh stack. Note that the wipes (the orange rubber disks) are completely solid; this is correct, as part of the Welrod's famous quietness comes from the fact that it fires straight through these wipes, causing them to partially self-seal for the first few shots (and thus allowing less propellant gas to escape).
A weapon that vehemently resists all attempts at conventional classification, the "Whizzbanger" is arguably the strangest addition brought along by the 2019 April Fools' Day update - and that's saying something for an update that also added Sosigs with glowing red clown noses that bleed confetti. Based on a Pimp My Gun photo believed to have originated from 4chan, the Whizzbanger consists of an RIS foregrip, attached to which are a pair of scope mount-esque rings in front of a spring-loaded firing pin, meant to be struck with a provided mallet (though just about anything - other objects, walls, enemies, etc. - will also do the job). To top it all of, the cartridge of choice for this monstrosity is, of all things, .50 BMG (which is presumably why it sits with the anti-materiel rifles in the item spawner). Update #71 furthered this insanity by adding a 3rd, smaller ring to the front of the device, and allowing it to take attachments. Including suppressors.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Pimp My Gun image that the Whizzbanger was based on.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSee, 4chan, this is why we can't have nice things.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe other side of the Whizzbanger. Honestly, it's just in the pistol section because we can't think of a better place to put it. Maybe it should just get its own category.Error creating thumbnail: File missingContemplating how on Earth to shove a .50-caliber tracer round into the ring mounts.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWith that issue solved, the next thing to contemplate is why. Unfortunately, Jeff Goldblum's Jurassic Park quote has already been used on this page, as it would have summed this device up perfectly...Error creating thumbnail: File missingNever before has a firearm's hammer been so aptly named. Or a poor Sosig so completely oblivious of what's about to happen to it.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThough, granted, one has to feel just as bad for the person holding the damned thing. And no, this isn't a muzzle flash, because the term "muzzle flash" implies the existence of a muzzle, which implies the existence of a barrel.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA couple frames later, and the kick of an unsupported .50 BMG going off attached to little more than a lightweight handle kicks in. Not every day that somebody's cause of death is "decapitation by torso disintegration".Error creating thumbnail: File missingPopping the somehow-not-blown-apart spent case out of the Whizzbanger, and taking a moment to seriously think about the decisions that have led us all to this moment. So many mistakes...Error creating thumbnail: File what's another on the pile?Error creating thumbnail: File missingPointing a Gepard PDW at the monstrosity; not to rid the world of it, mind you, but to use it: another feature added to the Whizzbanger in Update #71 was the ability to hit the firing pin with bullets fired from other weapons. Rube Goldberg machines, anyone?
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