The Inspector Alleyn MysteriesThe Inspector Alleyn Mysteries - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video GamesThe Inspector Alleyn Mysteries
The Inspector Alleyn Mysteries (also released as Ngaio Marsh's Alleyn Mysteries) is a British detective TV series adapted from nine of the novels by Dame Ngaio Marsh, featuring Chief Inspector Roderick Alleyn (Simon Williams in pilot episode; Patrick Malahide in regular episodes) and his faithful assistant Inspector "Brer" Fox (William Simons).
The following weapons were used in the television series The Inspector Alleyn Mysteries:
Major Keith Ballantyne (James Cosmo) owns a Webley .38 Mk IV revolver in "Dead Water" (S02E02, in DVD release S02E03). In the climactic scene, Dr. Robert Nairn (James Laurenson) picks up Major's revolver.
In "The Nursing Home Murder" (S01E02), Aaron Blautwicz (John Bennett), the head of a Jewish group secretly supplying weapons to Israel, owns a Walther PPK. The gun is described as "Walther PPK 9mm, Officer issue". Blautwicz claims that this pistol belonged to an SS officer whom Blautwicz killed during the uprising in Auschwitz.
In one scene in "A Man Lay Dead" (S01E01) Agatha Troy (Belinda Lang) examines a Percussion Dueling Pistol from Sir Hubert Handesley's collection of weapons. The gun looks similar to English mid-19th century dueling and target pistols, like the ones by Charles Moore or Samuel Nock.
Several antique muskets, most likely flintlock ones can be seen in Sir Hubert Handesley's collection of weapons in "A Man Lay Dead" (S01E01). All guns are seen partially or in distance. The muzzle caps of two muskets allow to guess that the one on top is a French Charleville or one of the models based on it, and the one on bottom is a British Brown Bess.
Six long guns is seen in the gun cabinet in Sir Herbert Carrados' house in "Death in a White Tie" (S01E05). From left to right: 1 - a long, military style rifle; 2 - unknown gun with a very thick barrel; 3 - a bolt action rifle with turned down bolt handle, also likely a military model; 4 - a Winchester Model 1873 or Winchester Model 1876 lever action rifle; 5 - Double Barreled Shotgun with exposed hammers; 6 - unknown as almost completely closed by the door frame.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingFor reference: Winchester 1873 "Long Range"Error creating thumbnail: File missingFor reference: Winchester Model 1876 "sporting" configuration in 45-60 WCF with 26 inch barrelError creating thumbnail: File missingJ. Stevens and Company Side by Side Shotgun with exposed hammers - 12 gaugeError creating thumbnail: File missingThe buttstocks of the guns are seen, as well as the turned down bolt handle of the 3rd rifle and the lever of the 4th rifle. The 4th rifle, the Winchester 1873 or 1876, has a steel receiver with yellow brass side platings; such combination can be seen on custom build deluxe guns.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnother view of the guns.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe barrels are seen. The 2nd rifle has a very thick barrel. The 6th gun has a full length wooden handguard, like the 1st and the 3rd guns, so it also may be a military bolt action rifle.
Other Weapons
Mk 2 Hand Grenade
Mk 2 hand grenades are found in a payload of weapons, prepared for smuggling to Israel in the boxes with medical supplies in "The Nursing Home Murder" (S01E02).