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From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
Revision as of 02:35, 22 April 2022 by Lunar Watcher(talk | contribs)(I don't own any operators, just found a way to take screenshots of weapons without owning them. Couldn't find a G22A2 picture online, right now it probably looks out of place in AWM section.)
Caliber is a free-to-play class-based and hero-based massively multiplayer online third-person game about modern special forces developed and published by 1C Game Studios. There are 4 classes which are Assault, Support, Medic, and Marksman with each class having its own hero or "Operator". It offers game modes such as PvP (4 vs 4 players), PvE Co-Op (4 players vs enemy AI) and PvPvE (4 players vs AI vs 4 enemy players). The key feature of Caliber is the authentic reproduction of firearms, special gears, and equipment of special forces from various countries.
The following weapons appear in the video game Caliber:
In Caliber, players' firearm and special gear are tied to the hero character or "Operator". Each Operator has its own unique firearms and special gear albeit some share the same firearm with other operator but with different in-game stats. Player can buy and equip Epic and Legendary skin which include firearms that is drastically different than its base one however, the change is cosmetically only such as the overall look, aesthetic, sight, and sound. It does not give any sort of buff that might tilted the balance.
Beretta M9
The Beretta M9 is the sidearm of US Navy SEALs operator while equipping the legendary "Old School" skin which took inspiration from 1990s SEALs VBSS uniform. The M9 is the United States military designation for Beretta 92FS. The SEALs Assault operator "Corsair" can modify his M9 to hold 20-round magazine through operator upgrade. The M9's in-game model is missing the "Beretta" trademark on its handgrip, most likely to avoid licensing issue.
The Heckler & Koch USP is the sidearm used by German KSK operators and is incorrectly referred to as P8, the variant of USP that was actually adopted by the German armed forces.
The Heckler & Koch USP SD is the sidearm of the Polish JW GROM and Spanish EZAPAC operators excluding support operator "Matador". It is the 9x19mm version of the Heckler & Koch USP Tactical.
The SIG-Sauer P320-M17 is the sidearm of the US Navy SEALs operators while equipping the legendary "Patriot" skin. The P320-M17 is a commercial version, here supposed to stand in for the United States Armed Forces' M17 service pistol derived from SIG-Sauer P320.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingSIG-Sauer P320-M17 - 9x19mm. This commercial version of the M17 MHS comes in versions both with and without the manual safety of the military model.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSIG Sauer P320-M17 in-game model. The slide lacks the "P320" markings, but the location of the "M17" label next to the ejection port indicates that the weapon was based off the civilian P320-M17, whereas the military version has "M17" written next to "SIG Sauer".
The SR-1M is the sidearm of the FSB Vympel operators.
The Stechkin APS is the sidearm of the 22nd Spetsnaz Brigade operators while equipping the legendary "Afghan" skin which took inspiration from the uniform worn during the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan.
The Heckler & Koch MP7A1 is used by the German KSK medic operator, "Schatz", and can be modified with the Hensoldt RSA sight and the extended 40-round magazine through operator upgrade.
The Heckler & Koch MP7MP7A2 is used by two operators, the aforementioned "Schatz" when equipped with the "Spartan" Legendary skin, and the Navy SEAL medic operator "Monk". Schatz's version features a 20-round magazine, tan KAC vertical grip, iron sights and RAL8000 finish by default, and can be modified with the Aimpoint T1 red dot sight and a 40-round magazine. Monk's version, on the other hand, features a 40-round magazine, TangoDown stubby vertical grip and a black finish by default.
The AKS-74N is an assault rifle used by Recruit assault operator. It is equipped with Warsaw Pact Rail to mount optics on the left side of the receiver.
The AKS-74U is a carbine used by the Recruit medic operator and 22nd Spetsnaz Brigade medic operator "Karavai". The AKS-74U used by operator "Karavai" features a modernized AKS-74U modified with Magpul CTR stock, Zenit B-10M handguard with B-19 upper mount, Zenitco B-18 rail, Aimpoint Micro T-1 reflex sight, and Vertical Forward Grip.
The AKS-74UB is the carbine used by 22nd Spetsnaz Brigade medic operator "Karavai" while equipping the legendary "Afghan" skin which took inspiration from uniform worn during Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan. "Kanareyka Carbine/Grenade Launcher System" is used by Belarusian SSO Assault operator "Lazootchick".
The Alpha AK is an assault rifle used by Russian SSO Assault operator "Voron" while equipping the legendary "Archaeologist" skin. It has a Zenit B-33 dust cover, Zenitco B-30 handguard with B-31S upper handguard rail, and Magpul CTR stock. The gun can be attached with EOTech G33 and XPS-3, Magpul AFG 2, and Suppressor through operator upgrade.
The Beretta ARX-160 is the assault rifle used by Kazakhstani NSC Arystan Commando Unit assault operator "Mustang". The in-game version is chambered in 7.39x39mm and using AKM magazine. It can be fitted with a GLX-160 grenade launcher
Error creating thumbnail: File missingBeretta ARX-160 with GLX-160 grenade launcher - 5.56x45mmError creating thumbnail: File missingBeretta ARX-160 chambered in 7.62x39mm by default. This is possible by using a conversion kit that requires the operator to change the the barrel, bolt, lower receiver assembly and magazine.
Bofors Ak 5C
The Bofors Ak 5C is a carbine used by Swedish AMF assault operator "Starkadr".
The M4A1 Carbine is an assault used by the Israeli Nesher assault operator "Aphela". Aphela's M4A1 can be fitted with M203 Grenade Launcher through operator upgrade. The soldier bot of the "Azimuth PMC" AI faction used the M4A1 with ACOG scope attached.
The IMI Tavor TAR-21 is an assault rifle used by Israeli Nesher assault operator "Aphela" while equipping the legendary "Harpy" skin. Equipping the M203 operator upgrade turns her rifle into a GTAR-21 instead.
The Heckler & Koch MG4 is a machine gun used by German KSK support operator "Stern". His machine gun turns into MG4 A3 variant when equipped with the legendary "Spartan" skin.
The M60E3 is a machine gun of the US Navy SEALs Support operator "Bourbon" while equipping the legendary "Old School" skin which took inspiration from 1990s SEALs VBSS uniform.
The [[Accuracy International Arctic Warfare Magnum is a sniper rifle that is used by the FSB Alpha Group marksman operator "Sokol" and KSK marksman operator Kurt. Sokol uses a standard AWM while Kurt uses G22 by default and G22A2 when "Spartan" legendary skin is equipped.
The Mosin Nagant M44 is a bolt-action sniper rifle used by Red Army's marksman operator for the VE day in-game event which will be released in the upcoming 0.15.0 update.
The Granatgevär m/48 is the the special gear in the form of man-portable reusable anti-tank missile launcher used by Swedish AMF support operator "Odin". The in-game version can fire 2 types of warhead: the HEAT rounds and HE fragmentation.
The RPO-A 'Shmel' is the special gear in the form of man-portable disposable single-shot missile launcher of the Russian SSO Support operator "Sputnik".
The RPG-7V2 is the special gear of the Recruit Assault operator. The RPG-7V2 is the current produced model. The rocketeer from the "Al-Thurir" AI faction carries a PG-7VM, while the one from "Azimuth PMC" faction carry a special TBG-7V Thermobaric warhead.