Clash of Futures
Main Cast
Hans Beimler
Jan Krauter
Marina Yurlova
Natalia Witmer
Pola Negri
Michalina Olszanska
May Picqueray
Solène Rigot
Rudolf Höß
Joel Basman
Edith Wellspacher
Roxane Duran
Captain Stable
Thomas Arnold
Benigno Crespi
Antonio Spagnuolo
Marcel Jamet
Robinson Stévenin
Stepan Podlubny
Pyotr Skvortsov
Clash of Futures is a 2018 docudrama series by Jan Peter and Gunnar Dedio (LOOKSfilm) shot for the project of the same name. The series follows on from 14 - Diaries of the Great War (2014) and depicts 13 personal fates in interwar Europe. It is a European co-production with international partners and supporters in the commemorative year of the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War on November 11, 1918.
The following weapons were used in the television series Clash of Futures :
Luger LP08
Captain Kappel (Jakub Koudela) has a Luger P08 "Artillery" model (AKA the LP08), which is taken by Hans Beimler (Jan Krauter), whose grandson of the same name was a screenwriter of Star Trek: The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine and Fiete (Luc Feit ) in Ep. 01 "Surviving". Rudolf Höß (Joel Basman ) is briefly seen with a Luger in Ep. 04 "Revolution" to execute an unwanted person. This "Artillery" model may stand-in for the Marine variant.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Luger LP08 "Artillery" model - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The captain looks at Hans Beimler. The Luger's toggle action can be seen in the holster.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Later during the beginning of the mutiny he draws his Luger which offers a view of the long barrel.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Fiete points the pistol at his former owner.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Luger is seen lying on a table (Ep. 01).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Rudolf Höß about to shoot the man what was one of the birth hours of the concentration camp commander of Auschwitz-Birkenau (Ep. 04).
"Mini" Luger
What appears to be a "Mini" Luger is seen in Ep. 05 "Crash".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Erma "Mini" Luger - .32 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Magdalena Müller (Anne Kulbatzki) puts the Luger on the table. Moments later, Hans pushes it way from him.
Walther PP
Baron Walsdtetten (Rainer Will) owns a Walther PP , which is taken by Captain Stable (Thomas Arnold), who hands it over to Rudolf Höß.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Post war Walther PP - .32 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Baron Walsdtetten saying that he will stay at his property moves the slide.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The pistol seen in his hand.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing After taking it, Captain Stable holds the Walther and offers it to Rudolf as a member of the Hilfspolizei .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The confused Rudolf holds the pistol while accepting the offer.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Later in the same episode following the events of the 1934 Night of the Long Knives, Rudolf with the Walther blocks a former comrade in arms a door (Ep. 06).
Walther PPK
A stainless Walther PPK is given by Adolf Hitler (Stefan Puntigam) to Unity Mitford (Charlotte Merriam) as a present in Ep. 08 "War".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Walther PPK stainless - .380 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Unity fires heir PPK at a poster of Karl Marx.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A closer view of the PPK in her hand.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing After listening to Neville Chamberlain's announcement of the war she took the pistol out of the drawer.
Nagant M1895
Marina Yurlova (Natalia Witmer) uses a Nagant M1895 in Ep. 01 "Surviving".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Nagant M1895 Revolver - 7.62x38N cartridge
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Marina unholsters the Nagant revolver as Bolsheviks approaches the train.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing She holds her revolver at two captured Bolsheviks.
Colt 1851 Navy
In Ep. 04 "Revolution" set in 1923 San Francisco, a dance teacher is seen with a Colt 1851 Navy .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt 1851 Navy - .36 caliber
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The teacher holds the revolver at Marina.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A rear view of the Colt Navy.
Berthier Fusil Mle. 1907/15
The Berthier Mle 1907-15 first seen with German sailors during the riots in Cuxhaven in Ep. 01 "Surviving" and later in Ep. 02 "Peace" slung by a French soldier.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Berthier Fusil Modèle 1907/15 - 8x50mm R
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The second sailor from the left carries the Berthier.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The typical muzzle is seen on the right (Ep. 01).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A French soldier guarding the entry of Palace of Versailles as Nguyen Ai Quoc (Alexandre Nguyen), better known under his later name Hồ Chí Minh, joins the negotiations (Ep. 02).
Mosin Nagant M91/30
Two soldiers of the Czechoslovakian Legion in Ep. 01 "Surviving" are seen with anachronistic Mosin Nagant M91/30 rifles standing in for the Imperial M91. A Mosin rifle is also used by Rudolf Höß in Ep. 02 "Peace" and by Hans Beimler in Ep. 07 "Betrayal".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Soviet Mosin Nagant M91/30 - 7.62x54mmR
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The two soldiers waiting with their rifles at the Omsk railroad station in September 1918.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A view of the muzzle with the hooded front sight and upside-down mounted bayonet.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Rudolf holds his rifle at the ready as a Polish border discovered him and his squad (Ep. 01).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Spanish Republican soldiers armed with Mosin Nagants during the 1936 siege of Madrid.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another Republican fighter takes her rifle to do the same to Hans.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hans holds his Mosin after showing the fighters how to use it (Ep. 07).
Lee-Enfield No. 1 Mk. III*
Three British soldiers at the end of Ep. 01 "Surviving" can be seen with Lee-Enfield No. 1 Mk III* rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lee-Enfield No. 1 Mk. III* - .303.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An SMLE stock is barely seen on the left.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A soldier next to Charles Edward Montague (David Acton) carries his rifle over his shoulder (Ep. 01).
Mauser Puška vz. 98/22
Mauser rifles which appear to be Vz. 98/22 Czech Mausers can be seen in Ep. 01 "Surviving" and Ep. 02 "Peace".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Puška CZ Brno 98/22 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Several unused Mausers are seen in the background in front of the standing men (Ep. 01).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The soldier on the left grips his Mauser. The parade hook is visible at the foremost barrel band.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another view of the rifles which have tangent-leaf rear sights (Ep. 02).
M30 training grenade
May Picqueray (Solène Rigot) discovers several M26 hand grenade training hand grenades standing for OF-15 Hand Grenades in Ep. 02 "Peace". One episode ("Decisions") later, she is seen preparing a bomb with one of them.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M30 training grenade
Error creating thumbnail: File missing (Ep. 01).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing (Ep. 02).
Double Barreled Shotgun
Several 12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotguns are distributed by Baron Walsdtetten in Ep. 06 "Promises".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing L.C. Smith case hardened hammerless side by side Field shotgun - 12 gauge
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Captain Stable with a given shotgun.
Maxim M1910/30
A Soviet Maxim M1910/30 is used by French fighters near the Palace of Moncloa in the Spanish Civil War.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Maxim M1910/30, post-1941 manufacture with a top hatch on cooling jacket allowing it to be filled more quickly or with snow - 7.62x54mmR
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Maxim behind sandbags spotted by Hans Beimler.