I’m in my late 20s and have a love for history, guns and all things military + law enforcement. For 10+ years I have visited IMFDB for knowledge of firearms in history, movies, TV shows and miniseries and thought to myself why don’t I join in IMFDB someday to contribute to this amazing community for others to learn what kind of weapons were included in media! I’ve fired a few guns in my life (such as a Armscor 1911, Jericho 941, Over and Under shotgun, .22LR and .223 Remington bolt action rifles) but have extensive knowledge of all kinds and variants of guns in how they were designed, built, manufactured, pros, cons, originals to modern tactical variations and all the sort. I've also handled airsoft and gel blasters guns which gives me a great idea how the real deal is; although being Australian we do not have many easy access to guns and or replicas as they are treated negatively and are a heated topic here in down under. Government even seeks out to call these replicas as real weapons! (I can sort of understand why but the rules of enforcing it and requiring an actual Gun License to own a Toy gel blaster replica is downright ridiculous! I mean they are toys that shoot water gel balls and cannot shoot or be converted to fire bullets). Still that doesn’t stop my love or desire to learn more about guns of all sorts. Though I’m not claiming to be a gun expert, I have quite an extensive knowledge about them but continue to learn about newer guns and ones I’ve even never heard of before. I originally sought information from books and movies but have gone to watching a lot of videos on YouTube with gun enthusiasts firing their own or loaned guns to history and gun channels such a Forgotten Weapons, Hickok45, TFB TV, Garand Thumb, MAC and many more to learn as much as possible!