All or Nothing (Pan ili propal)All or Nothing (Pan ili propal) - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video GamesAll or Nothing (Pan ili propal)
Pan ili propal (a Russian idiom with meaning similar to English "all or nothing", "sink or swim" or "do or die") is a 2004 Russian crime comedy TV series, very loosely based on the novel "Wszystko czerwone" ("All Red") by well known Polish author of crime comedy novels Joanna Chmielewska. During the Christmas holidays Alicja Hansen, a Pole living in Denmark, gathers her relatives and friends, mostly Polish, on her villa. During the celebrity, one of the guests is found murdered. Inspector Muldgaard begins the investigation.
Pan ili propal was started in 1996 together with Chto skazal pokoynik, adaptation of another novel by Joanna Chmielewska. But the production was stopped due to some reasons, completed only in 2003 and released next year.
The following weapons were used in the television series All or Nothing (Pan ili propal):
When Commissioner Lars Muldgaard (Sergey Nikonenko) makes the ambush in the hospital, he is armed with a Bruni Olympic 6 revolver, used as a stand-in for snub nose Colt or Smith & Wesson.
When uninvited guests - Boleslav and Kasya - arrive in Alicja's house at night, they are surprised by plainclothes police officers in ambush. One of the officers is armed with a Smith & Wesson Model 10 revolvers.
In one scene in police precinct, an inspector carries a pistol in holster. It is supposed to be a Heckler & Koch USP that is a service firearm of the Danish police (the TV series were partially filmed in Denmark, so real Danish police could appear in screen).
When Velaskes is escorted to his secret cache, several police officers carry Heckler & Koch MP5A3 submachine guns. MP5A3s are also seen during the arrest of Torsten Johnson.
In the climactic scene in the final episode, a plainclothes Danish police detective holds a Heckler & Koch MP5K submachine gun. Arrested crime boss Dmitrievich aka Velaskes (Sergey Zhigunov) demands the gun under the threat of Alicja's life. Later the MP5K is taken by Gerda Gustavsen (Vera Novikova).
When Velaskes is escorted to his cache, several Danish police officers hold pump action shotguns. At least two different models are seen, with buttstock and with pistol grip. A shotgun is also seen in hands of a police officer during the ambush in the hospital. This is an airsoft replicas of Remington 870 from an unknown manufacturer, known simply as "Shotgun II".
During the ambush in the hospital, one of the plainclothes police officers holds a shotgun with pistol grip. It bears some resemblance with SPAS-12 but most likely is also a kind of replica or airsoft gun.
In the opening scene Ole Svendsen (Vladimir Yavorsky) fires an AR-15 Carbine at Velaskes. The gun has slickside upper and full fence lower, so Colt Model 654 seems to be the best guess.
In the climactic scene in the final episode, two Danish police officers hold Heckler & Koch G3 rifles. This is an early version with slimline handguard. Danish military used license produced G3A5 (nearly exact copy of G3A3), known in Danish service as the Gv M/66.
During the theatrical performance of the significantly modernized play "Macbeth", a number of muskets are seen on the theater scene. These muskets turn out to be Mosin Nagant Rifles with removed magazines and fitted with barrel bands of Russian Infantry Musket M1845. Some rifles are also fitted with mockup locks, maybe flintlocks.
In one scene a petty criminal Anatole Zapolski (Pavel Remezov), confronting Stanislaw Wershillo (Maksim Sukhanov), tries to threaten him with a hand grenade but Wershillo easily takes the weapon from Zapolski. The grenade looks similar to F-1 hand grenade, has black body that is standard for Soviet practice grenades but the shape of the body differs from URG, a practice version of F-1. Very possibly this is some dummy version. A different F-1 grenade, also with black body, is used as a booby trap in Velaskes' cache. A grenade is also seen in the scene when the circumstances of the attempted murders are recreated.