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One Warrior in the Field (Odin v pole voin)

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One Warrior in the Field
(Odin v pole voin)
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Country Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ukraine
Language Russian
Creator Vitaliy Vashchenko
Broadcast 2018
No. of Seasons 1
No. of Episodes 4
Main Cast
Character Actor
Capt. Andrey Perevezyev Aleksandr Sokolovskiy
Doctor Dobrovolskaya Aleksandra Epshteyn
Veniamin Ladurevich Ruslan Sasin
Lt. Gen. Ross Anatoliy Kot
Grygin Andrey Mostrenko
Sailor Volodya Vladimir Gladkiy
Olya Veronika Shostak
Maj. Krauss Konstantin Oktyabrskiy

One Warrior in the Field (Odin v pole voin) is a 2018 Ukrainian Russian-language war mini-series. Soviet pilot Andrey Perevezyev makes a crash landing after an air fight. He finds himself in the forest on the front line. Despite being wounded, Andrey successfully fights a group of German soldiers sent to capture him and saves the war correspondent Veniamin Ladurevich. Together they make their way to the Soviet field hospital but find it under the enemy threat.

The following weapons were used in the film One Warrior in the Field (Odin v pole voin):


Nagant M1895

A Soviet officer in charge of the medical wagon train fires a Nagant M1895 revolver at attacking German soldiers.

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Nagant M1895 - 7.62x38R Nagant. Note the angular front sight which was used from 1930s.
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The officer fires his revolver.



Capt. Andrey Perevezyev (Aleksandr Sokolovskiy), Soviet fighter pilot, carries a TT-33. His pistol has brown grips that are common for 1939-40 and 1945 produced TTs. Same pistol (according to the storyline, it must be another gun) is later seen in hands of nurse Olya (Veronika Shostak).

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Tokarev TT-33 - 7.62x25mm Tokarev. Pre-1947 version. The screen gun has brown grips.
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Andrey draws his pistol. The slide stops in rear position so the TT must be unloaded (despite this, in the following scene Andrey fires his gun).
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The grips are seen.
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Andrey in German uniform, with his TT in hand.
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Andrey disarms Olya. Note the same brown grips of the pistol.
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Andrey holds Olya's pistol.
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He reaches for the TT lying on the ground.
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He fires at pursuing Germans...
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...but the last cartridge jams (it can be seen in the chamber).

Luger P08

German Maj. Krauss (Konstantin Oktyabrskiy) and the interpreter, Podporuchik' (2nd Lt. rank) of the "Russian Liberation Army" Grygin (Andrey Mostrenko) are armed with Luger P08 pistols. This gun seems to be a real Luger, unlike blank firing ME P08 (see below).

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Luger P08 - 9x19mm
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Krauss' pistol holds the map on the hood of the car.
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Grygin threatens the nurse and the wounded soldiers in the Soviet field hospital.
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Another view of Grygin's pistol.
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The pistol in Krauss' holster.

Luger P08 (ME Luger P08)

In many scenes Luger P08 pistols are replaced with blank-firing ME Luger P08 version, identified by the smooth back of the gun and markings, seen on some close-ups. These pistols are seen in hands of many German officers, including Maj. Krauss (Konstantin Oktyabrskiy), and the interpreter Grygin (Andrey Mostrenko). Andrey Perevezyev (Aleksandr Sokolovskiy) takes a ME Luger from a killed German driver, and then his gun is used by the wounded Soviet sailor Volodya (Vladimir Gladkiy).

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ME Luger P08, a blank firing gun - 9mm PAK
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A German Lieutenant threatens the war correspondent Veniamin (Venya) Ladurevich.
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Another view of the same scene. The close-ups allow to identify the pistol as the ME Luger P08.
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Andrey throws away the pistol, taken from the abovementioned Lieutenant.
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The Lieutenant gets back his pistol which becomes very unpleasant for Andrey.
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Andrey holds another captured Luger.
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Maj. Krauss fires at wounded Soviet soldiers during the attack of the medical wagon train on the road.
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Andrey's pistol in hands of Volodya.
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Grygin fires at a wounded Soviet soldier in the field hospital.
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A close-up of Krauss' pistol. The markings on the frame can be seen.
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Krauss aims his pistol at Andrey.
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Krauss fires. The flame exposes the pistol as top firing blank gun.
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After a single shot, the jointed arm stucks.

Walther PPK (Umarex Walther mod. PPK)

German Lt. Gen. Ross (Anatoliy Kot) carries a Walther PPK pistol. This is a blank- and gas-firing version by Umarex.

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Umarex Walther mod. PPK - 8 mm PAK
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For comparison: Walther PPK - .380 ACP
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Gen. Ross aims the pistol at the museum attendant.
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Another view of the same scene. The typical German holster for compact pistols is seen.
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Ross threatens Venya.
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The pistol in Ross' hand. The markings allow to identify the pistol as an Umarex Walther mod. PPK (note the "PTB 502" mark that clearly indetifies the gun).
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The pistol in Ross' dead hand.
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Venya (Ruslan Sasin) picks up the pistol and fires it. The slide stops in the rear position.

Walther PP (blank firing)

Due to a continuity error, Ross' Walther PPK switches to a Walther PP. This pistol is also most likely a gas-firing version, supposedly an Enser-Sportwaffen Walther Super PP.

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Enser-Sportwaffen Walther Super PP, gas-firing version of Walther PP - 9mm PA
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For comparison: War Time Walther PP - .32 ACP
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When Ross threatens Venya, his PPK switches to a PP. The magazine is absent.

Submachine Guns


Several Soviet partisans are armed with PPSh-41 submachine guns.

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PPSh-41 - 7.62x25mm Tokarev
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The partisans commander in action.
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The same character carries his PPSh. The wooden stock looks very shabby.
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An aged partisan at the background also carries a PPSh.
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A PPSh is seen on the table in the Soviet dugout.


Many German soldiers carry MP38 submachine guns. Andrey Perevezyev (Aleksandr Sokolovskiy) widely uses a captured MP38 that sometimes switches to an MP40 due to continuity errors.

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MP38 - 9x19mm
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German soldiers with an MP38 and an SVT-40 in the courtyard of the local museum.
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A soldier with an MP38 during the hunt for Andrey.
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Andrey, in German uniform, carries a captured MP38.
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Two soldiers with MP38s in the scene in the Soviet hospital.
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The deactivation jumper can be seen in the muzzle of an MP38.
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A close-up of an MP38.
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Andrey, disguised as a German soldier, fires an MP38. The spent brass is seen in midair. In this scene Andrey's gun switches to an MP40 (see below).
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German soldiers with MP38s and Karabiner 98k rifles.
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Andrey takes an MP38 from a killed German soldier.
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A soldier guards captured Venya Ladurevich.
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Venya (Ruslan Sasin) briefly holds Andrey's MP38. The pistol grip is seen.
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Andrey fires an MP38.


Several German soldiers carry MP40 submachine guns. Andrey's captured MP38 sometimes switches to an MP40 due to continuity errors.

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MP40 - 9x19mm
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A soldier who went to pee blithely hangs his MP40 on a branch.
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His MP40 is now in hands of Andrey.
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Andrey aims the MP40. The deactivation jumper can be seen in the muzzle.
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A Stabsfeldwebel (warrant officer) of Feldgendarmerie in center holds an MP40.
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Andrey's MP38 switches to an MP40 due to continuity error.
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Andrey reloads the MP40.
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Andrey aims at two deserters whom he meets in the forest. In this scene an MP38 again switches to an MP40.


Tokarev SVT-40

Several German soldiers carry SVT-40 rifles.

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Tokarev SVT-40 - 7.62x54mmR
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German soldiers with an MP38 and an SVT-40 in the courtyard of the local museum.
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The soldier at the far left fires his SVT. Note that the fire comes out from the bolt.
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One of the soldiers fires an SVT during the attack on the Soviet medical train.
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The same soldier, carrying wounded Gen. Ross, is armed with an SVT-40.
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The same soldier in action.

Mosin Nagant M1891/30

Mosin Nagant M1891/30 rifles are used by Andrey Perevezyev (Aleksandr Sokolovskiy), nurse Galya (Darya Plakhtiy) and several Soviet and German soldiers.

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Mosin Nagant M1891/30 - 7.62x54mm R
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Galya holds an unloaded rifle with open bolt.
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One of the soldiers in the medical wagon train with an M91/30 rifle.
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A soldier fires his rifle in attempt to defend the medical wagon train.
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An M91/30 rifle in hands of Venya Ladurevich (Ruslan Sasin). The bayonet is attached backwards.
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A German soldier with a Mosin Nagant rifle.
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An Obergefreiter (private first class rank) of Feldgendarmerie (at the foreground) fires an M91/30 rifle.
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Two deserters, Shtyryov (Sergey Kozlov) (at the left) and Sgt. Markin (uncredited), carry M91/30 rifles.
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A close view of the barrel of Shtyryov's rifle.
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Andrey aims at a German plane.
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With an unimaginably precise shot he detonates a barrel with gasoline, dropped from the plane.

Mauser Gewehr 1898

Several German soldiers are armed with Mauser Gewehr 1898 rifles.

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Mauser Gewehr 1898 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
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A soldier in center carries a Gewehr 98.
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A soldier near the car carries a Gewehr 98.
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A soldier at the right aims a Gewehr 98.
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A soldier carries a Gewehr 98.

Karabiner 98k

Many German soldiers are armed with Karabiner 98k rifles. There are both early and late versions, some with hooded front sights.

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Karabiner 98k - 7.92x57mm Mauser. Manufactured in Germany, 1937.
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Karabiner 98k with hooded front sight - 7.92x57mm Mauser
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A Hilfspolizei holds a Kar 98k.
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A good view of the bolt of the same character's rifle.
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A soldier fires a Kar 98k during the attack on the Soviet medical wagon train.
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A soldier aims a Kar 98k when approaching to the Soviet field hospital.
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A soldier aims his rifle in the scene in the hospital.
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Most soldiers are armed with Kar 98k rifles during the hunt for Andrey.
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German soldiers in shootout with Andrey.
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Maj. Krauss (Konstantin Oktyabrskiy) holds a Kar 98k.

Mauser Karabinek wz. 29

At least one German soldier is armed with a Polish Mauser Karabinek wz. 29 rifle (German index Gewehr 298 (p)).

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Polish wz. 29 Mauser - 8x57mm
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A soldier at the foreground carries a wz.29 rifle in the scene in the Soviet field hospital.
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A soldier on the motorcycle holds a wz.29 rifle.
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A soldier at the far left holds a wz.29 rifle.
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A soldier at the background holds a wz.29 rifle.

Mauser vz. 16/33

An Obergefreiter of Feldgendarmerie holds a carbine vz. 16/33 during the shootout with Andrey (this character is also seen with an M91/30 rifle). His rifle matches the version adopted for Wehrmacht service as Gewehr 33/40 (t).

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Czech vz. 16/33 - 7.92x57mm Mauser. The screen gun matches the bottom version that is a German issued Gewehr 33/40 (t).
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The Obergefreiter at the far left holds a Gewehr 33/40.

Unidentified Mauser carbine

A German soldier holds a Mauser rifle that looks similar to Karabiner 98k except for the straight bolt handle. Maybe this is a rework 98k with the bolt of Gewehr 1898.

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For comparison: Karabiner 98k with hooded front sight - 7.92x57mm Mauser
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The rifle in hands of a soldier has straight bolt handle, standard 98k stock and hooded front sight.

Machine Guns

Degtyaryov DP-27

A DP-27 machine gun is briefly seen in hands of a partisan.

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Degtyaryov DP-27 - 7.62x54mm R
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A partisan in center holds a DP-27.
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The DP-27 is partially seen at the right.


MG34 machine guns are mounted on German motorcycles and on an armored car.

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MG34 with 50 round belt drum Gurtrommel 34 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
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An MG34 is mounted on a motorcycle.
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An MG34 on the table together with a Luger P08, an MP38, and a Karabiner 98k.
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An MG34 is seen at the background.
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An MG34 on a motorcycle is seen behind Andrey.
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Andrey captures the machine gun...
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...but he finds out that the weapon malfunctions.
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An MG34 is mounted on an armored car. In following scenes it is replaced with a visually modified RPD-44 (see below).

RPD-44 (visually modified as MG34)

An RPD-44, visually modified to resemble an MG34, is seen in several scenes.

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RPD-44 - 7.62x39mm
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MG34 with front and rear sights folded down - 7.92x57mm Mauser
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A fake MG34 is mounted on a motorcycle.
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Venya and Andrey unmount a fake MG34 from an armored car.
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Andrey readies to open fire.


In one scene a Heinkel He 111H bomber, armed with MG15 machine guns, is seen. The airplane is a computer-generated image, but as the machine guns are reproduced absolutely correct, they may be listed here.

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MG15 with 75-round double drum - 7.92x57mm Mauser
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The MG15 machine guns in nose and ventral mountings on a CGI He 111. Funny, no crewmembers are seen in the cockpit.

Other Weapons

F-1 Hand Grenade

Andrey Perevezyev (Aleksandr Sokolovskiy) holds an F-1 hand grenade when he threatens to blow up the truck with the museum collection, plundered by Gen. Ross.

F-1 High-Explosive Fragmentation hand grenade
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A close-up of Andrey's F-1 grenade.
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Andrey holds the grenade, prepared for throwing.

RGD-5 hand grenade

In one scene Andrey Perevezyev (Aleksandr Sokolovskiy) holds a hand grenade that is supposed to be a body of anachronistic RGD-5 without fuze. The black color of the grenade allows to identify it as a training URG-N.

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URG-N RGD-5 training grenade. The screen grenade is a slightly different version.
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Andrey holds an RGD-5 grenade.

Model 24 Stielhandgranate Hand Grenade

Several German soldiers carry Model 24 Stielhandgranate hand grenades. Andrey Perevezyev (Aleksandr Sokolovskiy) uses captured grenades.

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Model 24 Stielhandgranate "Potato Masher" high-explosive fragmentation hand grenade
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Andrey, in German uniform, carries a pair of hand grenades.
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A grenade on a dead body of a German soldier is used as a booby trap.
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Andrey holds a grenade.
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He prepares the grenade.
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A grenade, thrown by a German soldier, on the ground. Unlike Andrey's grenade with a glossy body and light wood of the stick, this one has a shabby body with markings and dark stick.
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Two grenades, tucked at the belt of a killed soldier, are already prepared for throwing. Carrying of the Stielhandgranates in such condition would be deadly for the user.
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Andrey holds a grenade, preparing for the last battle. This grenade is also a shabby one.

Unidentified land mine

In one scene a land mine is seen. It is almost completely covered with fallen leaves and needles, so it's nearly impossible to identify this mine. The characters call it a German one but this statement may be incorrect.

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A mine under Grygin's foots.


Armored Car

The German unit uses a light armored car. It is claimed to be a made for movie vehicle that doesn't imitate any particular model but rather looks like a generic Wehrmacht armored car. This vehicle is seen in several productions of late 2010s.

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The armored car on the forest road. It is armed with an MG34 machine gun with shield.
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A general view of the armored car.


Several airplanes in flight are seen in various scenes. All they are computer-generated images.

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A Heinkel He 111H bomber.
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An Ilyushin Il-2 ground attack plane.
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A Junkers Ju 87 dive bomber.