The Black Sea (Chyornoye more)
Main Cast
The Black Sea (Chyornoye more ) is a Russian 2020 war drama TV series. In 1944 the Soviet Black Sea Fleet is under the threat of German underwater commandos, preparing for large-scale operation to destroy Soviet combat ships. In turn, the Soviet Navy counterintelligence service undergoes an operation to locate and destroy the enemy training center.
A sequel The Barents Sea (Barentsevo More) is currently in production, scheduled for 2021.
The following weapons were used in the film The Black Sea (Chyornoye more) :
Error creating thumbnail: File missing WARNING! THIS PAGE CONTAINS SPOILERS!
Nagant M1895
Communications officer Lt. Irina Rotan (Anna Kotova-Deryabina) uses a Nagant M1895 revolver when she is revealed as an Abwehr agent. Nagants are also used by several Soviet counterintellegence service and Navy officers.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Nagant M1895 - 7.62x38R Nagant. Note the angular front sight which was used from 1930s.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A plainclothes counterintellegence officer (at the right) holds a Nagant during the ambush.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Irina Rotan takes the revolver from the killed officer.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Capt. Lt. Nikolay Stupin (uncredited) carries a Nagant in holster. This is a kirza (Russian type of artificial leather) universal holster for Nagant and TT.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Stupin holds a Nagant and an MP40 .
TT-33 pistols are widely used by Soviet officers, notably Capt. 2nd rank Sergey Aleksandrovich Saburov (Pavel Trubiner ), Capt. 3rd rank Elena Soley (Ekaterina Vilkova ), Capt. Lt. Pavel Vazhin (Konstantin Adaev ), Capt. Lt. Andrey Budnichniy (Denis Konstantinov), Capt. Lt. Boris Lesberg (Soslan Fidarov), and also by Abwehr agent Nikolay Borisovich Panin (Evgeniy Miller) and German saboteur Schulz (Mikhail Buber). Nearly all TTs are of post-1947 version; a sinlgle pre-1947 TT is seen in hands of Saburov in one scene.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tokarev TT-33 - 7.62x25mm Tokarev. Post-1947 version.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tokarev TT-33 - 7.62x25mm Tokarev. Pre-1947 version.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Vazhin dual-wields TT pistols during the battle with the enemy saboteurs.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another view of one of Vazhin's pistols.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Saburov salutes during the funeral of his comrade-in-arms.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Elena Soley with a TT.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Budnichniy with a TT.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Saburov aims his pistol at Panin.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Saburov and Panin with TTs.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Irina Rotan (Anna Kotova-Deryabina) siezies Vazhin's pistol.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Irina Rotan holds Elena Soley at gunpoint.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Panin holds a TT. In this scene the pistol lacks the recoil spring.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Schulz, in the Soviet uniform, holds a TT.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Saburov holds a TT. This is the only scene in the series when a pre-1947 pistol is seen.
TT-33 (VPO-501 "Lider")
In one scene Capt. Lt. Andrey Budnichniy (Denis Konstantinov) holds a TT with unnaturally large bore. This feature allows to identify the gun as a rubber-firing VPO-501 "Lider" ("Leader"). These guns, chambered in 10x32 mm, were converted from real TTs by replacing of the rifled barrels with smooth tubes.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Capt. Lt. Budnichniy holds a TT. Note the unnaturally large bore that matches the "Lider".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another view of Budnichniy's pistol. To the left, Capt. Lt. Boris Lesberg (Soslan Fidarov) holds a standard TT.
TT-33 Replica
In one scene Capt. 2nd rank Egor Mironovich Soley (Aleksandr Kuzmin) holds a kind of replica of the TT-33 .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Capt. 2nd rank Soley holds a TT. His pistol looks more like a kind of replica, maybe even a plastic toy.
Walther P38 (Denix)
Denix replicas of Walther P38 pistol are seen in hands of the head of Abwehr training school Oberst (Col.) Count Adrian Cotreanu (Andrey Rudenskiy ), his aide Oberleutnant Gunther Yemets (Dmitriy Pervushin) and Nikolay Panin (Evgeniy Miller).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Denix non-firing replica of Walther P38
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cotreanu hands the P38 to Panin.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Yemets holds his P38.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing He holds Vazhin (Konstantin Adaev ) at gunpoint.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Yemets and Vazhin grapple for the pistol.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Panin holds the P38.
Luger P08
During the ambush on the Soviet commando group, Oberleutnant Gunther Yemets (Dmitriy Pervushin) is armed with a Luger P08 .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Luger P08 - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Yemets' P08 is seen not very clear but still can be identified.
Walther PP
What appears to be a Walther PP is briefly seen in hands of a German officer or NCO in one scene.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing War Time Walther PP - .32 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing What appears to be a Walther PP is seen at the left.
Pocket pistol (starter)
When being captured by Soviet commando group, Oberst Adrian Cotreanu (Andrey Rudenskiy ) covertly draws a pocket pistol. This pistol turns out to be a kind of blank-firing starter gun , like Mondial Model 1900 or some similar model.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing For comparison: Mondial Model 1900
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cotreanu draws the pistol from the cuff on the sleeve.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing He raises the gun on Saburov and Panin.
Submachine Guns
In several scenes Capt. 2nd rank Sergey Saburov (Pavel Trubiner ), Capt. 3rd rank Elena Soley (Ekaterina Vilkova ), Capt. Lt. Andrey Budnichniy (Denis Konstantinov), Starshina 2nd stage (second class petty officer) Polikarpov (Ivan Rysin) and some other Soviet sailors are armed with PPSh-41 submachine guns.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing PPSh-41 - 7.62x25mm Tokarev
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Driver Polikarpov with a PPSh.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Elena Soley holds a PPSh during the battle with German saboteurs. In this scene she wears the insignia of Starshina 1st stage.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Elena fires the PPSh.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A PPSh near a killed sailor.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Saburov with a PPSh.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Budnichniy (at the left) and Saburov (in center) carry PPSh-41s.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Saburov holds his PPSh in action.
The members of the Soviet commando unit are mostly armed with PPS-43 submachine guns. In one scene German soldiers carry PPS-43.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing PPS-43 - 7.62x25mm Tokarev
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A sailor carries a PPS-43 while in close combat with a German soldier.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sailors with PPS-43s.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing German soldiers on guard of the Abwehr training school are armed with PPS-43s.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sailors with PPS-43s in action.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Capt. Lt. Nikolay Stupin (uncredited) holds a PPS-43 instead of previously seen MP40 .
MP40 submachine guns are used by German soldiers and saboteurs. Captured MP40s are used by some Soviet sailors. Most if not all of screen MP40s can be identified as Denix replicas.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MP40 - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Denix non-firing replica of MP40
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A German saboteur with an MP40.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A saboteur fires. The spent brass in midair are CGI.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A sentry with an MP40.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Hilfspolizei Mikola Kovalenko (Edgar Gizatullin) holds an MP40, taken from Pavel Vazhin (Konstantin Adaev ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A sentry with an MP40.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A German soldier in ambush.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A good view of a Denix replica of early production. The barrel is fastened by a tape.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Capt. Lt. Nikolay Stupin (uncredited) with an MP40. Later in the same scene his SMG switches to a PPS-43 .
SVT-40 are seen in hands of several Soviet soldiers and sailors.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tokarev SVT-40 - 7.62x54mmR
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A soldier at the far left carries an SVT-40.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing When the commando group prepares for the raid, one of the sailors (at the left) carries an SVT-40.
Mosin Nagant M1891/30
Numerous Soviet soldiers and sailors carry Mosin Nagant M1891/30 rifles. Mosin Nagant rifles are also used by Hilfspolizei .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mosin Nagant M1891/30 - 7.62x54mm R
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sailors with M91/30 rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Two rifles are seen on the ground after the battle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sailors with M91/30 rifles and a PPSh-41 in the lorry.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A soldier at the left carries an M91/30 rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A sailor on guard.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M91/30 rifles and an M38 Carbine of the sapper unit.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Hilfspolizei Mikola Kovalenko (Edgar Gizatullin) carries an M91/30 rifle.
Mosin Nagant M1891 Dragoon
Some Mosin Nagant M1891 Dragoon rifles are also seen. They are identified by the unhooded front sight.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mosin Nagant M1891 Dragoon - 7.62x54mm R
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A sailor with an M91 Dragoon rifle on the road block.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sailors on patrol carry M91 Dragoon and Karabiner 98k rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Hilfspolizei (Ivan Yurlov) with M91 Dragoon rifles. He also carries a holster for TT-33 pistol.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Two Hilfspolizei with M91 Dragoon rifles.
Mosin Nagant M1891/30 Sniper Rifle
A Mosin Nagant M1891/30 Sniper Rifle is seen in one scene. It lacks the sniper scope but the turned down bolt handle is seen.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mosin Nagant M91/30 Sniper Rifle with PU 3.5x sniper scope and down turned bolt handle - 7.62x54mm R
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A female soldier of the sapper unit aims an M91/30 Sniper rifle at a German saboteur.
Mosin Nagant M1938 Carbine
Elena Soley (Ekaterina Vilkova ) uses a Mosin Nagant M1938 Carbine to shoot escaping Irina Rotan. M38 Carbines are also used by Soviet soldiers, German soldiers and Hilfspolizei .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mosin Nagant M38 Carbine - 7.62x54mm R
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A soldier fires the M38 Carbine. The hooded front sight is removed from the rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Female soldiers of the sapper unit grab the rifles. An M38 Carbine is seen at the right.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Elena Soley fires the carbine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A German soldier on patrol carries an M38 Carbine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Hilfspolizei fires at Saburov and Vazhin.
Karabiner 98k
Some German soldiers and Hilfspolizei carry Karabiner 98k rifles. Captured Kar 98k are seen in hands of Capt. Lt. Pavel Vazhin (Konstantin Adaev ), Capt. Lt. Nikolay Stupin (uncredited) and some Soviet sailors and soldiers. The guns with bright orange furniture are supposed to be Denix replicas.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Karabiner 98k - 7.92x57mm Mauser. Manufactured in Germany, 1937.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of the group of Soviet sailors holds a Kar 98k.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A soldier at the far left carries a Kar 98k. This is definitly a Denix replica.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of the sailors on patrol carries a Kar 98k.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing German soldiers carry Kar 98k rifles. The rifle at the right lacks the bolt handle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Hilfspolizei (Vladimir Kolida ) carries a Kar 98k.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing He holds his rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing German soldiers aim their rifles. The 98k at the foreground lacks the bolt handle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Vazhin holds a Kar 98k.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mikola Kovalenko (Edgar Gizatullin) holds a Kar 98k, supposedly a Denix replica.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Stupin (at the far right) holds a Kar 98k.
Izhmash PSR
In the flashback scene, set in 1931, Sergey Saburov (Pavel Trubiner ) and Elena Soley (Ekaterina Vilkova ) shoot Izhmash PSR air rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Diana Model 25 Air Rifle - .177. PSR is the license-manufactured version of Diana 25 and looks nearly same.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Saburov loads an air rifle. Another air rifle is seen at the right.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Saburov shoots at the target.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Elena shoots at the target.
Machine Guns
Degtyaryov DP-27
A DP-27 is used by the Soviet commando group.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Degtyaryov DP-27 - 7.62x54mm R
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A DP-27 is seen among the weapons of the Soviet commando group.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Capt. Lt. Nikolay Stupin (uncredited) aims the DP-27 (at the left).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A DP-27 (possibly a mockup) is mounted on the BA-64 armoured car, seen at the background.
Degtyaryov DT
Degtyaryov DT machine guns are mounted on T-34-85 tanks. The barrels of the frontal machine guns are supposed to be replicas.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing DT machine gun - 7.62x54mm R
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
A triple mount of PV-1 machine gun is mounted on the Soviet patrol boat. The machine gun is supposed to be a replica or a rework of original weapon as the barrel shrouds differ from the real PV-1.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Nadashkevich PV-1 - 7.62x54mm R
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Browning M1919A4
During the Soviet commando raid, a Browning M1919A4 machine gun is also used. M1919A4 were delivered to USSR under Lend-Lease but they were mostly mounted on half-track APCs and Scout Cars rather than used as infantry machine guns.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Browning M1919A4 on an M2 tripod, pre 1943 model with bolt latch - .30-06 Springfield
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Capt. Lt. Nikolay Stupin (uncredited) readies the Browning machine gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Stupin carries the Browning.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Browning on tripod.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Browning is seen in the night scene (at the right).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Browning in action.
Other Weapons
F-1 Hand Grenade
A German saboteur uses an F-1 hand grenade .
F-1 High-Explosive Fragmentation hand grenade
Error creating thumbnail: File missing When a saboteur is gunned down, the grenade falls near his female fellow serviceman.
RGD-33 Hand Grenade
Soviet commandos use RGD-33 hand grenades.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing RGD-33 high-explosive fragmentation stick grenade, shown with the diamond-patterned fragmentation sleeve.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A sailor readies an RGD-33 (at the far right).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Four grenades are seen together with other weapons.
Model 24 Stielhandgranate
Soviet commandos also use Model 24 Stielhandgranate hand grenades.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Model 24 Stielhandgranate "Potato Masher" high-explosive fragmentation hand grenade
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Capt. Lt. Stupin carries a Stielhandgranate.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing He readies to throw the grenade.
Clam Mine
The German magnetic mines are imprecise replicas of British Clam Mines . Strangely, they are marked "CLAM MKIV" while in reality only Mk I - Mk III versions existed.
Magnetized Charge Clam Mk III
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Clam mines.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The marking on the mine is based on real markings , but "MKIV" is a complete fiction.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another view of a Clam mine.
Tellermine 35 (Stahl)
What appears to be a Tellermine 35 (Stahl) is seen half-buried in sand on the seacoast.
Tellermine 35 (Stahl) Anti-tank mine
Error creating thumbnail: File missing What is seen allows to identify the mine as Tellermine 35 (Stahl) with T.Mi.Z. 35 fuze.
Unidentified land mines
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Unknown land mines.
M1908/M1912 Naval Mine
Several naval mines are seen in one scene. These are mockups of Russian M1908 or M1912 mines.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sailors push floating mines away from the side of the boat.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A column of T-34-85 tanks. The image is mirrored, note that the driver's hatch and the frontal machine gun are located on the contrary.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A correct view of a T-34-85 tank.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A post-war T-44 tank.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A BA-64 armoured car is seen at the background.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A 3D image of Petlyakov Pe-2 bomber plane.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A rough replica of Italian manned torpedo SLC Maiale , used by Italian and German commando frogmen.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Maiale manned torpedoes in action. The scene is more likely a CGI.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Gnevny -class destroyers of the Soviet Black Sea Fleet, one at the pier and another one in the sea. These are 3D images from the World of Warships game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another 3D image of a Gnevny -class destroyer.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing 3D image of the battleship Oktyabrskaya Revolyutsiya . In reality Oktyabrskaya Revolyutsiya served in the Baltic Fleet while the battleship Sevastopol of the Black Sea Fleet, which is meant here, lacked the AA mountings of the forecastle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A German submarine. This is a scale model or a 3D image, similar to VIIC type.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The artillery of the submarine consists of a 88 mm gun and a 20 mm autocannon of the conning tower.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing K-21 submarine. The 100 mm B-24PL and 45 mm 21-K guns are seen. This is a real K -class submarine of the Soviet Navy, currently a museum ship displayed at Severomorsk. In reality she served on the Northern Fleet, not on the Black Sea.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Training posters for Nagant M1895 revolver, Mosin Nagant M1891/30 rifle, PPSh-41 submachine gun and Maxim M1910/30 machine gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Battleship Sevastopol of the Soviet Black Sea Fleet. The barrel of the 37 mm 70-K autocannon is seen at the left.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing 130 mm L55 guns on the Chervona Ukraina or Krasniy Krym cruisers.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A twin 100 mm AA gun and two 130 mm guns on the Chervona Ukraina or Krasniy Krym cruisers.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Soviet soldier or sailor holds a PPSh-41 with stick magazine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A 76.2 mm ZiS-3 field gun in action.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A T-34-76 tank. The infantry soldiers, riding atop the tank, are armed with PPSh-41 submachine guns.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The infantry soldiers with a DP-27 machine gun (seen at the far left) ride atop a tank.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A row of 76.2 mm M1927 regimental guns perform a salute in Leningrad.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cruiser Kirov performs a salute with the 100 mm B-34 AA guns.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A row of 85 mm 52-K AA guns perform a salute.