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Bergerac - Season 4

From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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Country Error creating thumbnail: File missing UK
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Australia
Channel BBC
Seven Network
Creator Robert Banks Stewart
Genre Detective
Broadcast 1985
No. of Episodes 10
Main Cast
Character Actor
Detective Sergeant Jim Bergerac John Nettles
Charlie Hungerford Terence Alexander
Deborah Hungerford Deborah Grant
Detective Chief Inspector Barney Crozier Sean Arnold
Susan Young Louise Jameson
Diamante Lil Mela White
Detective Constable Barry Goddard Jolyon Baker

The following weapons were used in Season 4 of the television series Bergerac:

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Smith & Wesson Model 10HB

DS Jim Bergerac (John Nettles) carries a Smith & Wesson Model 10HB revolver in "The Last Interview" (S04E01) and "Avenge O Lord" (S04E09).

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Smith & Wesson Model 10 HB (heavy barrel) revolver (Post 1950s Model) - .38 Special
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Bergerac with the revolver in the climactic scene in "The Last Interview".
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Another view of Bergerac's revolver.

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Bergerac has to surrender his revolver under the threat of Davies' MAC-10 in "Avenge O Lord".
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Bergerac picks up his revolver.
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DC Barry Goddard (Jolyon Baker) makes a brave but foolish attempt to stop Davies. His revolver also seems to be the HB version, like Bergerac's one.

Smith & Wesson Victory Model

DC Barry Goddard (Jolyon Baker) holds a Smith & Wesson Victory Model revolver with 4" barrel in the climactic scene in "The Last Interview" (S04E01).

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Smith & Wesson Victory Model, a modified and parkerized version of the Smith & Wesson Model 10. This is a British "Lend Lease" version chambered in .38 S&W
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Goddard with the revolver. Note the dull grey surface that is more common for a Victory Model.

Unidentified revolver

Gang boss Joe Conte (Dennis Creaghan) carries a revolver in shoulder holster in "The Last Interview" (S04E01). When he draws the gun, it is seen very briefly and blurry.

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The grip of Conte's holstered revolver is seen.
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A very blurry view of the revolver, due to fast motions.



Gangster Dino Percotti (Michael John Paliotti) carries an M1911A1 pistol in "The Last Interview" (S04E01). In the climactic scene in "Return of the Ice Maiden" (S04E05) Liddell's Inglis Hi-Power (see below) switches to an M1911A1 when it falls in hands of Philippa Vale (Liza Goddard), due to a continuity error. Ahmed El-Mazri's bodyguards carry M1911A1 pistols in "Avenge O Lord" (S04E09).

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Pre-War Colt M1911A1 - Commercial Model known as the "Colt Government Model" - .45 ACP
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Percotti holds his pistol when the gangsters appear in Howard Bailey's house in "The Last Interview".
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A close-up of Percotti's pistol.
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Percotti takes Mrs. Wallace (Eileen Helsby) as hostage.
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Percotti fires at police.

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Philippa Vale holds the M1911 in "Return of the Ice Maiden".
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She throws the pistol in the sea.

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Ahmed El-Mazri's bodyguard holds an M1911A1 in "Avenge O Lord".
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Another bodyguard draws his pistol.

SIG P210

Gangster Vince Marchetta (Keith Edwards) carries a SIG P210 pistol in "The Last Interview" (S04E01).

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SIG P210 (1970s Manufacture) - 9x19mm
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Marchetta holds Howard Bailey (Barry Foster) at gunpoint.
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Marchetta's pistol next to Bailey's head.

Inglis Hi-Power

Liddell (Philip Hynd) carries an Inglis Hi-Power in "Return of the Ice Maiden" (S04E05). Due to a continuity error, when the gun falls in hands of Philippa Vale it switches to an M1911A1. The perfect close-up of the pistol reveals even the serial number starting with 0T that indicates the pistol was manufactured in July-August 1944.

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Inglis Hi-Power - 9x19mm
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Liddell aims his pistol at Philippa. The hammer spur is seen.
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He cocks the gun.
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A very good view of the pistol, even the serial number is seen.

Walther PPK

Haskins (Ian Sharp) holds a Walther PPK in "The Tennis Racket" (S04E07). When he is disarmed, DC Barry Goddard (Jolyon Baker) picks up the pistol and hands it to DS Jim Bergerac (John Nettles). The DVD cover for Season 4 that shows the titular character holding a PPK probably refers to this particular episode. In the final scene in "Sins of the Fathers" (S04E08) Henry Hoffman (Warren Clarke) is briefly seen with a pistol that seems to be a PPK.

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Walther PPK - .32 ACP
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Haskins threatens Rory O'Brien (Reece Dinsdale).
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Another view of the scene.
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DC Barry Goddard picks up the pistol.
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The pistol in hands of Jim Bergerac.
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The DVD cover shows DS Jim Bergerac (John Nettles) holding a PPK.

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Henry Hoffman holds a supposed PPK in "Sins of the Fathers".

Walther P38

Henry Hoffman (Warren Clarke) and several extras in the roles of German officers carry Walther P38 pistols during the set of a film about Jersey's occupation by the Nazis in "Sins of the Fathers" (S04E08).

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Walther P38 WWII dated with black grips - 9x19mm
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An officer at the background holds a P38 pistol.
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Henry Hoffman holds a P38 during the set.

Reck P6

In one scene in "Sins of the Fathers" (S04E08) a local man (Roger Ostime) whose father was executed by Nazis shoots a blank firing Reck P6 pistol at Henry Hoffman when the latter appears in the role of an officer in charge of the firing squad. DCI Barney Crozier identifies the pistol as a starter gun but the screen gun seems to be a gas-firing P6 rather than starter P10 which has a well-marked hole in the barrel.

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Reck P6, the late version with plastic grips - 8mm gas
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For reference: Reck P8 with wooden grips - 6.35mm Browning (.25 ACP)
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The man runs to Hoffman, shooting his pistol.
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The man runs away.
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Jim Bergerac asks the man to surrender the gun. The wooden grips, used on the early version of P6, are seen.

Unidentified pistol

A pistol is seen on the table in Alfred Vaccarro's (Maurice Roëves) hotel room in "Sins of the Fathers" (S04E08). This gun may be an M1911A1 but it's a vague guess.

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Vaccarro's pistol is seen on the table.
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Vaccarro hides the gun under his jacket.

Submachine Guns


MP40 submachine guns are seen during the set of a film about Jersey's occupation by the Nazis in "Sins of the Fathers" (S04E08).

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MP40 - 9x19mm
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Two soldiers of the escort of the staff car hold MP40s.
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One of the extras in the roles of German soldiers takes an MP40 from the ground.
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A soldier carries an MP40 on sling.


Mick Davies (Ian Redford) is armed with a MAC-10 submachine gun in "Avenge O Lord" (S04E09). He claims that "this machine pistol sprews out 20 rounds a second" that matches the 9x19mm version (1200-1500 rpm vs 1050 rpm on the .45 version).

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Ingram MAC-10 - 9x19mm
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A close-up of the MAC-10. The pins in the top front of the receiver are probably the deactivation elements.
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The folded stock is seen.
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Davies surprises Jim Bergerac.
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Davies with the MAC-10.
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Davies orders Bergerac to open the door under the threat of the gun.
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Davies makes a single shot with deadly accuracy. The spent brass is seen just over the receiver.


Over and Under Shotgun

David McKenzie (Donald Churchill) uses an Over and Under Shotgun for skeet shooting in "Fires in the Fall" (S04E10).

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Browning 5.25 O/U - 12 gauge
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McKenzie opens the shotgun.
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He reloads.
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He fires.
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A general view of the gun.


Weatherby Mark V

In the climactic scene in "The Last Interview" (S04E01) police snipers are armed with bolt action sniper rifles that seem to be Weatherby Mark V.

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For comparison: Weatherby Mark V - .300 Weatherby Mag
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The first sniper holds his rifle.
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He operates the bolt.
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The rifle of the second sniper is seen at the left.

Takedown M1 Carbine

The hitman John Causebrook (Bill Weston) uses a takedown M1 Carbine with sniper scope and sound suppressor in "Low Profile" (S04E04). This is exactly the same prop that is seen in Season 2.

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The Modern Manufactured version of the M1 Carbine, with standard stock, from Auto-Ordnance (affiliated with Kahr Arms and Thompson Arms) - .30 Carbine
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The disassembled rifle in the briefcase. From top to bottom: the sniper scope, the sound suppressor, the barrel, the receiver with the handguard (note the thread for attaching of the barrel), the buttstock and the magazine at the bottom right.
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Causebrook loads the carbine (it would be a strange sequence of actions - first load, and only then assemble the gun).
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He attaches the barrel...
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...and the suppressor.
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Causebrook on his shooting position.
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He takes aim.
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A close-up of the trigger and the safety.
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A frontal view of the suppressor.

Karabiner 98k

Karabiner 98k rifles are seen during the set of a film about Jersey's occupation by the Nazis in "Sins of the Fathers" (S04E08). Mostly these are late productuion rifles with hooded front sights and simplified barrel bands.

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Karabiner 98k - 7.92x57mm Mauser. Manufactured in Germany, 1937.
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A Kar 98k is seen at the right.
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Several Kar 98k rifles on the ground.
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The "firing squad" prepare for the set.
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Four Kar 98k rifles are seen. All have hooded front sights, and three of them have simplified wartime barrel bands.
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Another view of one of these rifles.

Mauser Gewehr 1898 Carbine

At least one Mauser carbine seen in "Sins of the Fathers" (S04E08) has Lange-Visier rear sight. Probably this rifle is a Gewehr 98, shortened to carbine length. Similar rifles are seen in a number of British war movies.

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Mauser Gewehr 1898 - 7.92x57mm Mauser. Screen guns keep G98 receivers, bolt handles and sights but have short barrels, similar to Karabiner 98k.
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A extra in the role of a German soldier runs with a Mauser 98 carbine. Despite the general blurring due to fast movement, the Lange-Visier sight can be seen.

Ruger Mini-14

A police sniper (Lorcan Cranitch) is armed with a Ruger Mini-14 with sniper scope in "Avenge O Lord" (S04E09). The gun is fitted with a kind of aftermarket foregrip.

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Blued Ruger Mini-14 Standard Model Semiautomatic Rifle (Pre-2005) with 30 round magazine - 5.56x45mm
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The police sniper with the rifle in the scene in the airport. He holds the gun sideways. The foregrip is attached on the front end of the handguard.

Assault Rifles

Adler-Jäger AP-80

In the flashback scene in "The Last Interview" (S04E01), depicting journalist Howard Bailey's mission in Africa, numerous soldiers of unnamed African state are armed with AK-47 style assault rifles. Judging by the slim and less curved magazines, these guns are not genuine AKs but Adler-Jäger AP-80 replicas, chambered in .22 caliber. These guns are fairly common for 1980s British productions.

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Adler-Jäger AP-80 - .22 LR
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African soldiers drag a white prisoner to execution. The barrel and the front sight of an AK are seen.
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A view of the handguard and the rear sight of the same gun.
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Same scene in the film, made by Bailey. The slim magazines, typical for the Adler-Jäger AP-80, are seen.
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The film is played on a VCR. The buttstock and the pistol grip are seen.
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Several more views of the AKs.

Machine Guns


MG34 machine guns are seen during the set of a film about Jersey's occupation by the Nazis in "Sins of the Fathers" (S04E08).

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MG34 with front and rear sights folded down - 7.92x57mm Mauser
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An MG34 is seen during the set.
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An MG34, mounted on a motorcycle, is seen at the background.


A Royal Navy Westland Sea King HAR.5 search and rescue helicopter is seen in the final scene in "Sins of the Fathers" (S04E08).

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