Far from Men Loin des hommes
Movie Poster
Main Cast
Viggo Mortensen
Reda Kateb
Djemel Barek
Vincent Martin
Lieutenant Le Tallec
Nicolas Giraud
Far from Men is a French 2014 movie directed by David Oelhoffen. 1954: A rebellion is simmering in Algeria that will lead to war between the Algerian independence movement and the military of the French colonial power. Daru, who used to serve in the French army, is now a French teacher in a remote village in the Atlas Mountains. A soldier asks him to take the farmer Mohamed to the nearest police station - the man is accused of being a rebel and murderer, facing execution. Together, Daru and Mohamed make their way through the mountains, in the middle of the icy winter, while horsemen and villagers pursue them, blood vengeance in mind. Slowly, the fleeing men begin to develop an understanding of each other. And finally, Daru has to make a difficult choice: He must decide which side he wants to be on in the fight for freedom
The following weapons were used in the film Far from Men :
MAS Mle. 1892
René (Yann Goven ) Mle 1892 Revolver gives Daru (Viggo Mortensen ) an Mle 1892 Revolver that he uses several times throughout the movie.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Modele d’Ordonnance Mle 1892 Revolver
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MAC Mle. 1950
The two leaders, one of them Slimane (Djemel Barek ) of the Algerian rebel group have MAC Mle 1950 pistols.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MAS Mle 1950 - 9x19mm Parabellum
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12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotgun
A 12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotgun is the primary weapon of Daru. Many other characters also use Double Barreled Shotguns.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Charles Parker 1878 Side by Side Shotgun - 12 gauge.
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Submachine Guns
A French soldier is seen with an MAT-49 .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MAT-49 Submachine Gun - 9x19mm
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M1A1 Thompson
At least, two other French soldiers can be seen with M1A1 Thompsons .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M1A1 Thompson - .45 ACP
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One French soldier is armed with a German MP40 .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MP40 submachine gun - 9x19mm
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Berthier Mle. 1892
Mohamed (Reda Kateb ) carries a Berthier Mle 1892 Artillery Carbine after an encounter with an Algerian.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Berthier Mle 1892 Artillery Carbine - 8x50mm R
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Some Algerian rebels are armed with MAS-36 rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MAS-36 - 7.5x54mm French
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Mauser Karabiner 98k
Another rifle, which is also often used by rebels is the Karabiner 98k
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Karabiner 98k - German manufacture 1937 date - 7.92x57mm Mauser
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Lebel 1886
An Algerian rebel is seen carrying a Lebel 1886 .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lebel Model 1886 Rifle - 8x50Rmm
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Charleville Mle. 1777
A Charleville MuskteT is carried by rebel, that is never seen fired.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Charleville Mousquet Modèle 1777 - .69 calibe
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Enfield M1917
M1917 Enfields are also used by Algerian rebels and, at least, one French soldier.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M1917 Enfield - .30-06 Springfield
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Lee-Enfield Mk I*
A Lee-Enfield Mk I* rifle is very briefly seen slung by a rebel.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lee-Enfield Mk I* CLLE (Charger Loading Lee Enfield) - .303 British
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M1 Garand
Some M1 Garands are also used by two rebels.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M1 Garand semiautomatic Rifle - .30-06
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M1A1 Carbine
A French soldier has an M1A1 Carbine .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M1A1 Carbine with original L style rear sights, and side-folding stock, often referred to as the 'Paratrooper' carbine - .30 Carbine
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Unknown Rifles
A few unknown rifles are seen in the hands of Algerian rebels.
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Tear Gas Grenade
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