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The Tiger: An Old Hunter's Tale

From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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The Tiger: An Old Hunter's Tale
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Movie poster
Country Error creating thumbnail: File missing South Korea
Directed by Hoon-jung Park
Release Date 2015
Language Korean
Studio Sanai Pictures
Main Cast
Character Actor
Chun Man-Duk Choi Min-sik
Goo-gyeong Man-sik Jeong
Chil-goo Sang-ho Kim
Suk-yi Yoo-Bin Sung
Government Official Maezono Ren Osugi
Military Officer Ryu Seok-won Jeong
Chil-Goo's wife Mi-ran Ra
Mal-nyeon Na-ra Lee
Herbal shop owner Hong-pa Kim
Sun-yi Ji-so Jung

The Tiger: An Old Hunter's Tale (Korean: 대호; Daeho) is a 2015 South Korean movie.

The following weapons were used in the film The Tiger: An Old Hunter's Tale:

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Nambu Type 14

Numerous Imperial Japanese Army officers carry Nambu Type 14s in holsters, but had never draw it's.

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Late Nambu Type 14 - 8x22mm Nambu
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Imperial Japanese Army officer with the holstered handgun.
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A holstered handgun is carried by military Officer Ryu (Seok-won Jeong).

Nagant M1895

A Nagant M1895 appeared in the hands Imperial Japanese Army officers (a rather strange choice for Japanese military). Most likely, a single movie prop was used.

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Nagant M1895 Revolver - 7.62x38R Nagant. This example was dated 1939 manufacture and was a War time issued weapon. Note the angular front sight which was used from 1930s.
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Imperial Japanese Army officers with the holstered sidearms.
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Officer pulls the Nagant...
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...and fires it.
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The same officer raises his Nagant at tiger.

Muskets & Shotguns

Charleville Musket

Chun Man-Duk (Choi Min-sik), Goo-gyeong (Man-sik Jeong), Chil-goo (Sang-ho Kim) can be seen using Charleville Muskets during the hunts.

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Original Charleville Mle 1763 - .69 caliber
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Chun Man-Duk's musket is lying on the threshold.
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Chun Man-Duk holds his musket during the hunting.
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The musket is aimed by Chun Man-Duk.
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Chun Man-Duk and Chil-goo holds their muskets during the hunting.
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Chun Man-Duk about to fire his musket.
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Goo-gyeong aims his musket. Chun Man-Duk carries a similar musket on the sling.
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Chun Man-Duk, Goo-gyeong and Chil-goo are armed with the muskets during the prologue from 1915.
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The flintlock of musket is seen when Chun Man-Duk investigate it.

Matchlock Musket

At least two Matchlock Muskets are lying on the ground after the hunt for the tiger.

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Central Asian Karamultuk ("Black Gun") Matchlock Musket


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The musket is seen on the ground, The shot is blurred, but the match is seen on the buttstock.
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Another musket is seen at the background.

Toy Musket

Young Suk-yi (Kim Ye-jun) owns a toy musket during the prologue from 1915.

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Suk-yi aims the "musket".
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The "musket" is seen in the hands of Suk-yi.
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Suk-yi (at the left) carries his "musket" on the sling.

Ithaca 37

At least one Korean hunter was armed with the Ithaca 37.

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Ithaca 37 Riot Version - 12 gauge
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The tubular mag (pointed by the red arrow) can be seen.
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The similar looking gun is pointed by the red arrow.
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The hunter grabs the gun.


Arisaka Type 38

Nearly all Imperial Japanese Army soldiers as well, as several Korean hunter were armed with the Arisaka Type 38s.

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Arisaka Type 38 rifle - 6.5x50mmSR Arisaka
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Korean hunter (at the left) aims Arisaka, while hunter at the right aims MAS.
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Imperial Japanese Army soldier holds the Arisaka.
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Military Officer Ryu takes the Arisaka from the soldier.
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Suk-yi holds the Arisaka.
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Suk-yi grabs his Arisaka from the snow.
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Suk-yi's Arisaka is lying on the ground.
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Chil-goo carries Suk-yi's Arisaka on the sling.
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Imperial Japanese Army soldiers fire their Arisaka's at the tiger.
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A good view of the Arisakas in the hands of Imperial Japanese Army soldiers.
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The bayonet attacked Arisakas is fired by the Imperial Japanese Army soldiers.
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Imperial Japanese Army soldier fires aims his Arisaka.
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A close view of the bolt.

Mosin-Nagant M91/30

Most of Korean hunters, include Goo-gyeong (Man-sik Jeong) use Mosin-Nagant M91/30s throughout the movie.

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Full-length, Soviet Mosin Nagant M91/30 - 7.62x54mm R
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Goo-gyeong holds his Mosin-Nagant.
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A perfect view of Mosin-Nagant bolt, when Goo-gyeong charges his rifle.
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Goo-gyeong about to fire his Mosin-Nagant.
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Korean hunter fires his Mosin-Nagant.
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Korean hunter (2) aims the Mosin-Nagant, while hunter (1) aims the Arisaka.
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Korean hunter (1) aims the Mosin-Nagant, hunter (2) aims the Kar 98k, hunter (3) aims the Arisaka.
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Goo-gyeong and another hunter (both 1) aim the Mosin-Nagants, while Chil-goo (2) aims Lee-Enfield.
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The mag of Mosin-Nagant can be seen at the right.

Lee-Enfield No. 1 Mk III

What appeared to be Lee-Enfield No. 1 Mk III rifles appeared in the hands of Chil-goo (Sang-ho Kim) and several other Korean hunters.

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Lee-Enfield No. 1 Mk III - .303 British
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The Lee-Enfield is crried by the hunter.
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Chil-goo holds his Lee-Enfield.
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The barrel of Chil-goo's Lee-Enfield can be seen.
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Chil-goo fires his Lee-Enfield
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Another view of Chil-goo's Lee-Enfield. The hunter at the right aims the Mosin-Nagant.
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Goo-gyeong and another hunter (both 1) aim the Mosin-Nagants, while Chil-goo (2) aims Lee-Enfield.
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Injured hunter (1) holds the Lee-Enfield, while hunter (1) holds the Arisaka.
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Chil-goo puts his Lee-Enfield on the ground.
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The barrel of Chil-goo's Lee-Enfield can be seen.
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Chil-goo climbs on the mountain with Lee-Enfield on the sling. The Imperial Japanese Army soldiers carry the Arisaka rifles.

Karabiner 98k

At least one Korean hunter uses Karabiner 98k.

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Karabiner 98k - 7.92x57mm Mauser. Manufactured in Germany, 1937.
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Hunter at the background holds the Kar 98k (pointed by the red arrow). Chil-goo (far right) carries a Lee-Enfield on the sling, Goo-gyeong and other hunters are armed with the Mosin-Nagants.
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Hunter at the background holds the Kar 98k (pointed by the red arrow). The mag of Mosin-Nagant can be seen at the right.
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The barrel of Kar 98k can be seen.
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The same hunter aims his Kar 98k.
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The Kar 98k is charged by the hunter.
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Korean hunter (1) aims the Mosin-Nagant, hunter (2) aims the Kar 98k, hunter (3) aims the Arisaka.


A MAS-36 can be seen in the hands of Korean hunter.

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MAS-36 - 7.5x54mm French
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Korean hunter (at the left) aims Arisaka, while hunter at the right aims MAS.
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A better view of the same rifle.
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The rifle is pointed by the red arrow.

Lever Action Rifle

At least one Korean hunted carries a lever action rifle.

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Winchester Model 1873 carbine - 1st generation rifle - 44-40 Winchester (for comparison).
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The rifle is pointed by the red arrow).


Type 97 hand grenade

Several Imperial Japanese Army solders carry Type 97 hand grenades.

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Type 97 High-Explosive Fragmentation hand grenade (minus pin)
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A close up.
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Another soldier with the grenades on the belt.
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The grenade is pointed by the red arrow. Officer at the background carries a holstered Nambu.