The Guarneri Quartet (Kvartet Gvarneri)The Guarneri Quartet (Kvartet Gvarneri) - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video GamesThe Guarneri Quartet (Kvartet Gvarneri)
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The Guarneri Quartet (Kvartet Gvarneri)
From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
Revision as of 07:45, 18 December 2020 by Wuzh(talk | contribs)(→Mauser C96 Six-shot: Since it's not identified as a Bolo I'm gonna swap out the image for a standard 6-round C96.)
The Guarneri Quartet (Kvartet Gvarneri) is a Soviet 1978 made for TV adventure movie directed by Vadim Kostromenko. In 1920s Commissar Voznitsyn, assisted with a group of four musicians, counters an attempt to take away a collection of rare musical instruments from Soviet Russia.
The following weapons were used in the film The Guarneri Quartet (Kvartet Gvarneri):
Nagant M1895 revolvers are used by main characters - Commissar Vasiliy Ignatyevich Voznitsyn (Yuriy Solomin) and four musicians, assisting him: Pyotr Grigoryevich Laktionov (Mikhail Kuznetsov), Vladimir Danysh (Aleksei Sveklo), Boris Kurynin (Georgiy Nazarenko), and Aba Sukhlinsky (Mikhail Kislyarov). A Nagant is also briefly seen in hands of gang leader Grigoriy Veniaminovich Mukhortov (Dmitri Mirgorodsky). Both pre- and post-1930 Nagants are seen.
A six-shot version of Mauser C96, also known as C96 M1905 or "Officer Model", is used by Mukhorotov's henchman, a Yesaul (Captain rank in Cossack troops) (Vadim Golik), and by a British businessman Conkling (Aleksandr Yakovlev).
Sawed-off Mosin Nagant "obrez" are widely used by Mukhortov's bandits. Two different versions of "obrez" are seen, one very short and another one longer.
During the attack on the train Vasiliy Ignatyevich Voznitsyn (Yuriy Solomin) fires a Maxim M1910/30 of post-1940 version. Maxims of same model (probably same prop reused) are also mounted on tachanka cart of the gang and on Chekists patrol boat.