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And Quiet Flows the Don (Tikhiy Don) (2015)

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And Quiet Flows the Don
(Tikhiy Don)
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Country Error creating thumbnail: File missing Russia
Language Russian
Creator Sergey Ursulyak
Broadcast 2015
No. of Seasons 1
No. of Episodes 14
Main Cast
Character Actor
Grigoriy Melekhov Evgeniy Tkachuk
Aksiniya Astakhova Polina Chernyshova
Pantelei Prokofyevich Melekhov Sergey Makovetskiy
Vasilisa Ilyinichna Lyudmila Zaytseva
Natalya Melekhova Darya Ursulyak
Pyotr Melekhov Artur Ivanov
Darya Melekhova Anastasiya Vedenskaya
Dunya Melekhova Nadezhda Lumpova
Mit'ka Korshunov Nikita Efremov
Mikhail Koshevoy Aleksandr Yatsenko

And Quiet Flows the Don (Tikhiy Don) is a 2015 Russian war drama TV series, a screen adaptation of the famous novel by Mikhail Sholokhov, directed by Sergey Ursulyak. It depict the fate of a Don Cossack family during the World War One, Russian revolution and civil war.

The TV series is the fourth screen adaptation of Sholokhov's novel, following the 1930 B&W movie, the 1957-1958 three-part movie directed by Sergey Gerasimov, and the Russian-British-Italian seven-part miniseries directed by Sergei Bondarchuk and finished by Fyodor Bondarchuk (released in 2006).

The following weapons were used in the film And Quiet Flows the Don (Tikhiy Don):


Nagant M1895

Nagant M1895 revolvers are widely used during the scenes of the Russian Civil War, notably seen in hands of Grigoriy Melekhov (Evgeniy Tkachuk), Pyotr Melekhov (Artur Ivanov), Mikhail Koshevoy (Aleksandr Yatsenko) and Mit'ka Korshunov (Nikita Efremov). Nagants are also briefly seen in several scenes of the WWI. One of the revolvers, seen in the series, has a smooth cylinder. Such feature is seen on some blank-firing and less-lethal versions of the Nagant.

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Russian Nagant 1895, produced 1920s. The rounded front sight is a sign of revolvers produced from 1890s until 1930 - 7.62x38R Nagant
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Cossack Vakhmistr (senior NCO rank) Khoprov (Vladimir Davidenko) carries a Nagant in holster in the scene of WWI.
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Wounded Russian Army Colonel (Tikhon Kotrelyov) holds a Nagant when Grigoriy Melekhov finds him on the battlefield.
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Grigoriy Melekhov holds a Nagant during the conflict with the leader of Red Cossacks Fyodor Podtelkov.
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Grigoriy and Pyotr Melekhov carry Nagants in holsters during the execution of Bolshevicks.
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Grigoriy seizies a Nagant from a Red militsioner Olshanov (Maxim Maltsev). This revolver has a smooth cylinder and correct pre-1930 front sight.
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Pyotr draws his Nagant from holster when he surrenders to the Reds.
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Red Cossack Mikhail Koshevoy fires at Pyotr Melekhov. A star mark, seen on the frame of the revolver, is the TOZ mark of 1920s.
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Grigoriy draws his revolver in the night scene in Aksinya's house.
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The smooth cylinder of Grigoriy's revolver is seen.


Mauser C96

Grigoriy Melekhov (Evgeniy Tkachuk) carries a Mauser C96 in holster in several scenes of the Civil War.

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Pre-War dated Mauser C96 "Broomhandle" Commercial Version - 7.63x25mm Mauser
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Grigoriy carries his Mauser in the wooden holster for Stechkin APS pistol.
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He draws the pistol.
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Another view of the scene.
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The APS holster is seen. It is cut to fit the Mauser.
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In another scene Grigoriy carries his pistol in the original Mauser holster.

Steyr M1912

One of the Red commanders carries a typical holster for Steyr M1912 pistol.

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Steyr-Hahn M1912 (1913 mfg) - 9x23mm Steyr
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A small part of the grip of the pistol is seen.
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The unique shape of the Steyr 1912 holster with integral magazine pouch.

Rifles and Assault Rifles

Mosin Nagant M1891 Dragoon and M1891/30

Russian Cossacks during the WWI, as well as Reds and Whites during the Russian Civil War, widely use Mosin Nagant M1891 Dragoon and/or the pre-1935 version of Mosin Nagant M1891/30 rifles. Some rifles can be identified exactly, judging by the shape of the sights and other features while others can be any of these two models.

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Imperial Russian Mosin Nagant M1891 Dragoon - 7.62x54mm R
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Soviet Mosin Nagant M1891/30 - 7.62x54mm R
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Mit'ka Korshunov (Nikita Efremov) (at the foreground) and other Cossacks carry M1891 Dragoon rifles during the WWI.
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Grigoriy Melekhov (Evgeniy Tkachuk) carries an M1891 Dragoon rifle during the WWI.
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Pyotr Melekhov (Artur Ivanov) carries an M1891 Dragoon rifle during the WWI.
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Pyotr stands near wounded Grigoriy.
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Antip (Vladimir Kostin (III)), one of the White Cossacks of Grigoriy Melekhov's unit, holds a rifle.
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Zharkov (Nikolay Klyamchuk), another Cossack of Grigoriy's unit, holds a rifle.
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Red Cossack Mikhail Koshevoy (Aleksandr Yatsenko) carries a rifle. The rear sights of both his rifle and the rifle of the man at the far right look more like M1891/30.
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Mikhail Koshevoy fires at old Grishaka Korshunov.
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Another view of Koshevoy's rifle in the same scene.
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Grigoriy Melekhov (Evgeniy Tkachuk) holds a rifle on a promotional image.
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Grigoriy Melekhov (Evgeniy Tkachuk) carries a rifle on a promotional image.

Mosin Nagant M1891 Infantry

Mosin Nagant M1891 Infantry rifles are also used by Cossacks.

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Imperial Russian Mosin Nagant M1891 Infantry - 7.62x54mm R
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Grigoriy Melekhov (Evgeniy Tkachuk) carries an M1891 Infantry rifle during the WWI.
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Grigoriy's rifle is seen near the well.
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Grigoriy Melekhov holds an M1891 Infantry rifle in attack in Winter 1917.
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White Cossacks prepare for the execution of Red prisoners. Most Cossacks are armed with Infantry rifles.
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A close view of the rifle of Mit'ka Korshunov (Nikita Efremov) in the same scene.
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A Red Army man Aleksandr (Aleksey Dyakin) fires at a dog at Melekhovs' house.
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Darya Melekhova (Anastasiya Vedenskaya) fires at captured chairman of the Revolutionary Commetee Kotlyarov.
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A promotional image shows Red Cossacks with M1891 Infantry (at the foreground) and Dragoon rifles.

Mannlicher M1895

In the scenes of the WWI many Austro-Hungarian soldiers are armed with Mannlicher M1895 rifles.

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Steyr Mannlicher M1895 - 8x50mmR Mannlicher
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A Mannlicher M1895 is seen on the ground next to the MG08 machine gun, and the barrel of another Mannlicher is seen at the left.
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Austro-Hungarian soldiers under the attack of Cossack cavalry.
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Another view of the scene.
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A soldier near the MG08 machine gun holds a Mannlicher M95 rifle.
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Austro-Hungarian soldiers retreat from the trench. The soldier at the left holds a Mannlicher while his comrade is armed with a Mauser Gewehr 1898 rifle.
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The magazine of the rifle is seen.
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During the battle of the Civil War, Grigoriy Melekhov imagines an Austrian soldier (Timur Lyubimskiy), the first man whom Grigoriy killed in battle.
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A closer view of the Mannlicher of the soldier.

Mannlicher M1895 Carbine

Mannlicher M1895 carbines are used by Hungarian Hussars. Some Cossacks carry captured carbines, in full accordance with reality as a large number of Ausro-Hungarian rifles were captured by Russian Army in 1915-1916 and issued to Russian troops.

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Steyr Repertier-Stutzen M1895 - 8x50mmR Mannlicher
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Hussars carry Mannlicher carbines during the cavalry skirmish.
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Grigoriy Melekhov (Evgeniy Tkachuk) holds a captured Mannlicher carbine.
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The carbine leans against the tree at the right, together with several Mosin Nagant rifles.
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A closer view of the Mannlicher carbine.
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A Cossack carries a Mannlicher carbine during the winter raid on enemy positions.

Mauser Gewehr 1898

German Mauser Gewehr 1898 rifles are also used by Austro-Hungarian soldiers.

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Mauser Gewehr 1898 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
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A soldier at the background reloades his Gewehr 98.
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A soldier with a Gewehr 98 rifle.
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A soldier hides in trench during the Cossacks attack.
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One of the soldiers is armed with a Gewehr 98 while another one holds a correct Mannlicher rifle.

Karabiner 98AZ

An Austro-Hungarian soldier holds a German Karabiner 98AZ.

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Mauser 98AZ Artillery Carbine - 7.92x57mm Mauser
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The barrel of the Kar 98AZ is seen at the left.
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A soldier with Kar 98AZ is seen at the left.

Gewehr 1888

A Gewehr 1888 rifle is seen in hands of an Austro-Hungarian soldier.

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Gewehr 1888 in original configuration - 7.9x57mmI Patronen-88.
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The barrel of the Gewehr 1888 is seen behind the machine gun.

Machine Guns

Maxim M1910

Maxim M1910 machine guns are used by Reds in several scenes.

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Maxim M1910, simplified version with smooth water jacket - 7.62x54mmR
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Red Army men mount the Maxim on tachanka horse cart.
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The Maxim on tachanka. Note the reel for ammunition belt, a feature that is rarely seen.
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The chairman of the Revolutionary Commetee Kotlyarov rides away from the rebelling Cossacks. The Maxim is tied to the horse's tail (!).
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The same scene.
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The Red tachanka with the Maxim under the attack of the White Cossacks.

Maxim MG08

Two MG08 machine guns are seen on the positions of the Austro-Hungarian troops. One of the machine guns is mounted on Dreifuss 16 tripod while another one has a more common sledge mount and is fitted with a shield.

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Maxim MG08 on 'sledge' mount - 7.92x57mm Mauser
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Soldiers operate the MG08 on Dreifuss 16 tripod.
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Another view of the machine gun.
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A frontal view of the machine gun.
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Another MG08. This one is on sledge mount and is fitted with the shield.

Schwarzlose Model 07/12

A Schwarzlose Model 07/12 machine gun is also used by the Austro-Hungarian troops.

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Schwarzlose MG M. 7/12 - 8x50mmR Mannlicher.
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The Schwarzlose machine gun is seen at the background left, behind the MG08.
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The machine gun in action. It doesn't fire on screen.
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The abandoned Schwarzlose machine gun.


During the Russian attack on enemy positions in Winter 1917, Podkhorunzhiy (junior officer rank) Khristonya (Roman Danilin) carries a Madsen machine gun. Judging by the shape of the barrel and the magazine, this is not a Russian contract version in 7.62x54mmR but rather a model in 7.92x57mm caliber.

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Portuguese Madsen machine gun - 7.92x57mm Mauser. The screen gun has similar shape of the barrel and the magazine.
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Other Weapons

RG-14 Hand Grenade

In one scene Pyotr Melekhov (Artur Ivanov) carries an RG-14 hand grenade.

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RG-14 Russian hand grenade
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Pyotr Melekhov with Mosin Nagant M1891 rifle, Nagant M1895 in holster, cavalry sword and RG-14 grenade.


3-inch M1902 (mockup)

Crude mockups of Russian 3-inch M1902 field guns represent the Austro-Hungarian artillery.

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For comparison: Russian M1902 Field Gun - 76.2x385mm R
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Documentary footage of the Great War is used in the series. Footage from 1927 film Oktyabr is used to represent the events of the Russian Revolution of 1917.

Mosin Nagant M1891

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Imperial Russian Mosin Nagant M1891 Infantry - 7.62x54mm R
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Russian soldiers with M1891 rifles.
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Russian soldiers with M1891 rifles in trench.
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The Red Guards take M1891 Infantry rifles (footage from Octyabr).
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Revolutionary sailors with M1891 rifles (also footage from Octyabr). Both Infantry and Dragoon rifles are seen.


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A British Ordnance BL 12-inch Gun Mk IX railway gun.
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An unidentified field artillery piece.
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A Russian 76.2 mm M1900 field gun.
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An unidentified field or mountain artillery piece of unidentified army.
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A Russian heavy field howitzer, most likely a 6-inch, prepares to fire.
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A French super heavy Mortier de 370 modele 1914 Filloux.