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Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades/Self-Loading Pistols

From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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Handguns in H3 are split into seven categories, based on their method of operation: Automatic (i.e. self-loading), Revolver (covered in the next sub-page), Machine Pistol (most of which are here, though some are on the submachine gun sub-page; the distinction is largely arbitrary, as the term has no formalized definition), Breech Loading, Lever Action, Bolt Action (which are listed on the rifles/carbines/battle rifles page, as the category currently consists solely of sawn-off bolt-action rifles), and Muzzle Loading. The sole exception lies at the very bottom of this page; it is categorized (presumably on the basis of caliber) with the anti-materiel rifles.

Beretta 92FS (Grammaton Cleric pistol)

Replicas of the modified Grammaton Cleric pistol from the movie Equilibrium are available in-game, having been added through Update #37. The Grammaton Cleric comes in full-auto, and boasts the same interesting muzzle flash as the movie gun.

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Screen-used rubber stunt gun. Note that this weapon lacks the selector switch of the detailed Hero gun.
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While having fun in the gun-fu range, we get a good look at the Cleric model.
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Of course, seeing as two is one and one is none, a second pistol must also be loaded.
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And cocked.
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With that sorted, it's time to unleash some completely emotionless fury on the walls of the room. Note the shape of the muzzle flashes.
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Practicing some Gun Kata, in the "Cleric Battle" MEATS mode.

Beretta 950BS Jetfire

The Beretta 950BS Jetfire is one of the available firearms in-game, having been added through the first Meatmas update. 2 versions are available - a standard blued model with black plastic grips, and a gold-plated model with mother-of-pearl grips.

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Beretta 950BS Jetfire - .25 ACP
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Behold, a downright diminutive Italian handgun. Well, it isn't called a "pocket pistol" for nothing...
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Using an M1911A1 for comparison really gives one an idea of just how small the Jetfire actually is.
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A nice touch, the barrel can be popped up for loading, just like on the real weapon.
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A look down the barrel reveals that the weapon's bore is fully modeled, rather than being solid with a drawn-on hole at either end like in many games.
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Loading a single .25 ACP round into the barrel...
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...and a magazine with 8 more into the magazine well.
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Of course, what is a tiny pocket pistol without a gold-plated version?
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And what is a gold-plated pocket pistol without a matching golden magazine?
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Seeing as manual chamber-loading is for peasants, the only proper high-class way to use the Jetfire is to chamber rounds by racking the slide.
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Aiming the golden Jetfire, which isn't easy considering the size of the sights. The fact that you're probably looking down your nose at your target doesn't help either.
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Firing a .25 round at the lowly commoner paper target ahead.

Beretta M9A1

The Beretta M9A1 is one of the 4 pistols added in Update #5. Upon its introduction, it was permanently fitted with a suppressor; this was removed in favor of a threaded barrel in Update #20 (which introduced detachable suppressors to the game).

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Beretta M9A1 - 9x19mm Parabellum
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Sometimes you want to save your hearing, so use a suppressed M9A1.
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And sometimes you really don't give a damn, so you take the suppressor off.
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Sometimes you feel like admiring both sides of your pistol, even though they're nearly identical.
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Sometimes you load the pistol.
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And sometimes you even chamber it.
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Sometimes you line the sights up properly. (This isn't one of those times).
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And sometimes, every once in a while, you actually fire your M9A1.
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Sometimes you sheepishly admit your mistake, and put the suppressor back on.
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Sometimes you then realize that you maybe should've picked a smaller suppressor.
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And sometimes you remember that H3 actually requires you to screw the suppressor onto the barrel, instead of just sticking it there.
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Sometimes you check in after a whole slew of subsequent updates, only to find that the M9A1's gotten a newer, cleaner-looking texture...
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...along with a substantially grayer magazine.

Beretta M9A3

Update #52 added a Beretta M9A3 to the game, complete with its own unique (yet interchangeable) 17-round magazines.

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Beretta M9A3 - 9x19mm Parabellum
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Loading the M9A3 with a 17-round magazine, complete with matching-colored baseplate...
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...and racking the slide.
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Admiring the Beretta's light-brown finish.
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A look at the M9A3's iron sights; as with many of the game's pistols, these are of the 3-dot variety.
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Firing off a shot.

Beretta Px4 Storm

The Beretta Px4 Storm is one of the available firearms in-game. It was added in Update #20, and is correctly able to share magazines with the earlier M9A1, the concurrently-added Cx4, and the later-added Mx4.

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Beretta Px4 Storm - 9x19mm Parabellum
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A little time at the range, and some fresh rounds for the Px4.
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What a perfect way to spend an afternoon.
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Pausing to admire the Px4, and to note its (exceedingly shiny) protruding threaded barrel.
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Aiming the Px4, which is complicated somewhat by the controller's outline getting in the way.
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Still, you can make do. However, if you're that particular about aiming...
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Bergmann M1901 "Simplex"

The Wurstwurld update brought along a Bergmann Simplex pocket pistol, among many other things. Of note is that this is the first ever appearance of this variant of the weapon in a video game, and only the second documented appearance of it in any form of media, the first being in The Mystic Archives of Dantalian.

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Bergmann M1901 "Simplex" - 8x18mm Simplex
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Admiring the Simplex in the heat of the desert sun.
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Loading in a magazine, which contains 8 rounds of proprietary (and rather anemic) 8x18mm ammunition; this doesn't exactly add up to a whole lot of firepower.
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Chambering the first of these 8 rounds with a quick tug of the bolt.
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Aiming the pistol. Small gun, small sights.
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Firing. In spite of the small cartridge, it's still perfectly capable of blowing a jug to pieces. An ejected casing can just barely be seen to the upper-right.

Bergmann No. 5

Added in the sixth alpha build of Update #85, H3 expands its list of first-time-in-a-video-game Bergmann pistols with the No. 5, an 1897-vintage, full-sized semiautomatic. Two variants are available - a standard pistol and a long-barreled carbine - both of which are compatible with a concurrently-added attachable stock (or any of the game's other pistol-stocks, for that matter).

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Bergmann No. 5 - 7.8x25mm Bergmann
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Ladies and gentlemen.
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This is Bergmann Number Five.
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Now that that's stuck in your head, here's a shot of what the safety looks like when it's not engaged.
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Loading in a 10-round magazine of 7.63x25mm Mauser ammo. The real deal used 7.8x25mm Bergmann, a proprietary round which was nearly identical in every way save for a longer neck; as such, using 7.63 Mauser in one is theoretically possible, but probably not a very good idea (not leastly because of just how rare these Bergmanns are).
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Chambering a round anyway, and hoping for the best.
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Aiming at a wall...
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...for no reason at all.
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Lacking a hold-open feature of any sort, the only real way to know when the Bergmann is empty is to attempt to fire it, and be met with the soft click of the hammer dropping on an empty chamber.
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On the plus side, the magazines do have witness holes that line up with the holes in the magwell, so you can at least tell when you're running low.
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And, for those who don't want to do so often, 20-round magazines are also available.
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Blasting a Weinerbot with the Bergmann; while largely replaced with the newer, more dynamic Sosig agents, these older enemies can still be spawned in some scenes, the Arena Prototype among them.
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Bergmann No. 5 carbine - 7.8x25mm Bergmann
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Yes, this is, in fact, a thing. Was, is, and will be until further notice.
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Aiming the stretched-out No. 5; extending the barrel has the side-effect of pushing the front sight out further, making it seem narrower (and thus often harder to acquire).
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Though, of course, there are far more significant reasons why this thing isn't very practical.
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Bergmann No. 5 carbine with stock attached - 7.8x25mm Bergmann
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There, now we're getting somewhere.
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With the stock attached, aiming becomes significantly easier, since the front sight is now considerably less invisible on standard-resolution HMDs.
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The pistol's formerly formidable muzzle flip also packs its bags and leaves, which is certainly a welcome change.

Borchardt C-93

Added in the fifth alpha of Update #85, the Borchardt C-93 distinguishes itself as H3's oldest autoloading firearm.

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Borchardt C-93 - 7.65x25mm Borchardt
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The Board Shark, in all of its unergonomic glory.
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Being one of the first ever self-loading pistols (and the first one to achieve any real commercial success), this is somewhat understandable - it takes a while for people to figure out the best way to do things. Sometimes, it's just a matter of trial and error.
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Oh, and it also has a vertically-sliding safety. Which is considerably less of a loading aid than these screenshots would suggest.
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"And they call this thing a "self-loader"... the audacity of some folks never ceases to amaze."
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Chambering a round. If the C-93's toggle-locked action looks familiar, it's probably because Georg Luger's design was effectively an improvement on Hugo Borchardt's, largely because the latter wouldn't listen to constructive criticism.
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Aiming at the spot where a target was just moments before.
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Blasting another floating bullseye; this seemingly unaimed shot is less a feat of shooting prowess and more a side-effect of screen-capturing programs only recording the left eye's view.
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Pressing the magazine release. Dropping century-old pistol magazines on the ground isn't something you should really be doing, especially not when they're in this good of condition.
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And speaking of things that you should really not be doing...
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It's so profoundly, deeply wrong that the mere act of pointing it at something creates chaos and destruction. Heaven knows what untold devastation would occur if this device were actually to be fired...

Browning Hi-Power

The Browning Hi-Power was the first weapon added in the 1st Meatmas update. Notably, it is correctly depicted as being unfireable without a magazine inserted.

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Classic Commercial Browning Hi-Power (Belgian manufacture) - 9x19mm
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The invisible player character loading some batteries into their new toy.
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Examining the left side of the Hi-Power...
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...and the right side. What a lovely gift.
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Taking aim at a gumdrop...
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...before remembering to chamber a round.
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With that issue dealt with, it's time to make this winter wonderland a whole lot less peaceful.

Charter Arms Explorer II

Update #59's 9th alpha build brought along a Charter Arms Explorer II, a pistol variant of the Armalite AR-7 survival rifle.

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Charter Arms Explorer II - .22 LR
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The right side of the Explorer...
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...and the left. An interesting-looking pistol, to be sure; shame that it never really took off.
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Fiddling with the cocking handle.
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Admiring the Explorer inside a derelict house; the pistol has quite a different profile with its magazine inserted.
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Quite a different profile indeed.
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Firing the Explorer into the house's ceiling, much to its owner's chagrin.

Colt Defender

The 12th and final alpha build of Update #52 added a Colt Defender, chambered in .45 ACP.

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Colt Defender - .45 ACP
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Inspecting the left side of the Defender. Note the lack of slide markings; the weapon artist's renders of the model show it with a full set of Colt rollmarks, but these were removed for copyright reasons. However, the "Series 90" marking is still present in-game, as hard as it is to see here.
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The right side; in the words of many an unfinished page, "Nice, but where's the trigger?" The answer is that it's in the magwell; this bug was fixed in the following update.
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For reference, here's what the Defender looks like post-patch.
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Loading a 7-round magazine into the pistol.
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Racking the slide.
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Bringing the sights on target; as with several of the game's other M1911 variants, it has illuminated 3-dot sights.
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Putting a round on the paper. Or rather, through the paper.
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Dropping an empty magazine out of the Defender, while noticing another one on the table...
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...which, of course, leaves only one thing to do.

Colt M1911

Added in the fifth alpha build of Update #85, the Colt M1911 joins H3VR's roster of auto-loading handguns as a completely separate, distinct pistol from the M1911A1 below (largely to add more variety to the end-game weapon pool of the Take & Hold character Cowweiner Calico); interestingly, this makes H3 one of (if not the) only games to feature both.

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Colt M1911 - .45 ACP
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Taking a moment to appreciate the M1911. The pre-A1 guns are a scarce sight in games to begin with, let alone games that have A1s as well.
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A closer look at the right side reveals the original M1911's distinctive "diamond" grip panels; these are, however, an interchangeable part.
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Loading in a magazine; these are interchangeable with all the rest.
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Chambering a round of .45 ACP. While not the first gun to use the round (an honor instead belonging to the Colt M1905), the M1911 was undoubtedly the one that really got it off the ground.
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Aiming at a steel target; the M1911's sights are a bit small, but such was typical of this era.
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Stripping some paint from the plate.
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Hitting the magazine release, and watching the magazine just start to work its way out of the well. A couple frames later, it's out of the shot entirely.
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Comparing the M1911 with an M1911A1 that was conveniently lying around; note the aforementioned grip panels, as well as the differences in mainspring housing design (straight vs. curved), trigger type (long vs. short), grip safety design (short beavertail vs. long beavertail), and frame type (without vs. with recesses near the trigger). While not visible here, the A1 also has a larger ejection port and a smaller hammer spur.
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And, when you find yourself holding two subtly-different 1911 variants, what else is there to do but pull both devil triggers?

Colt M1911A1

The M1911A1 is one of the available firearms in-game, added in Update #3. Update #23 added 2 cosmetic variants: one with a matte-gray finish and green synthetic grips, and one with a gold-plated finish and black grips.

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Pre-War Commercial Colt M1911A1 with factory deep-blued finish - .45 ACP
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Starting things off, as always, with a quick sound check. Make sure your speakers aren't up too high.
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Rewinding a bit, and loading in a magazine.
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Racking the slide, only to discover just a little bit too late that this wasn't really necessary. Oh well.
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Pausing for a minute to look at the pistol. The blued finish is lovely on this side.
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As it is on this one.
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The M1911A1's safety, which has 2 positions: here, in the lower position, is "fire"...
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...and here, in the upward position, is "safe". This position pushes the lever into a notch in the bottom of the slide, which has the additional effect of preventing the slide from moving.
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The M1911A1's sights; a set of nice, clear, aftermarket 3-dot illuminated irons.
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That wasn't always the case, though; the M1911A1's sights looked like this until Update #5, when the luminous green dots were added.
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7 rounds later, the M1911A1 locks empty.
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Dumping out the dry magazine...
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...and hitting the slide release.
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Ithaca-manufactured M1911A1 with matte-gray finish - .45 ACP
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Here's the gray version...
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Colt M1911A1 (airsoft replica) with gold-plated finish - (fake) .45 ACP
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...and here's the golden one.

"Floppy McLongflopper"

A unique, fully-automatic version of the latter with a length of about 1 meter (and, formerly, unlimited ammunition) is available in the Meatmas Snowglobe level and as a rare drop in Take And Hold; this version is referred to as, of all possible names, "Floppy McLongflopper". This is a reference to a series of requests on the game's subreddit by a user named "RichardLongflop" for a "longslide" version of the M1911A1 (which grew increasingly elaborate, to the point of submitting a fake bug report video in which he literally wrote the request on a target with bulletholes); while presumably referring to something along the lines of an AMT Hardballer Longslide, the lack of an actual specified slide length in the requests led game dev Anton Hand to create this monstrosity instead.

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The "Floppy McLongflopper" sitting on a table. Even without the backstory, it's still a rather fitting name, wouldn't you say?
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Unfortunately, all of that L E N G T H makes it a bit tricky to use.
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Especially considering its impressive muzzle rise (which is actually just the same as the standard M1911A1, and is simply exaggerated by both the full-auto fire and the increased deviation from center created by the distance from the pivot point to the muzzle). This does raise questions about how it even manages to cycle the slide with that much extra weight on it, all of which are answered with "it's a meter-long golden machine pistol, why are you trying to apply any sort of logical reasoning here".
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Attempting to aim the Floppy; the fact that the front sight isn't any larger than it is on the normal variants makes this a bit tricky.
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Still, it's all worth it for the ability to muzzle an enemy from three feet away, give a dramatic one-liner, and watch the meat-bits fly.

Lebman Machine Pistol

A fully-automatic variant of the M1911A1, based on the machine pistol conversions created by Hyman Lebman, is one of Update #52's additions; it was added during the "St. Valentine's Day Meatssacre" alpha build, and is referred to as the "M1911A1 Dillinger", in reference to the famous Prohibition-era gangster John Dillinger (who used a similar pistol during his time as a criminal).

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Hyman Lebman-converted M1911A1 machine pistol - .38 Super
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The converted M1911A1, complete with Cutts compensator and Thompson-type foregrip.
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Loading in the weapon's unique magazine (which is interchangeable with other M1911 pistols and magazines).
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Said magazine holds 18 rounds, and is essentially just several existing magazines welded together.
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Pulling back the slide.
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Pseudo-aiming the pistol, which is close enough to actually aiming it to show off the illuminated sights; these were a byproduct of the weapon being a modified version of the existing M1911A1 model, and didn't stay around for long.
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Especially when one considers the sheer amount of recoil this weapon produces, which renders aiming a bit unnecessary anyways.
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Affixing a Luger carbine stock (compatible for the sake of fun), which allows a clearer view of the pistol's rear end. It also allows a clearer view of...
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...the updated sights, which lack the luminous dots of the original version.
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Firing; between the stock and subsequent updates to recoil systems, the pistol's kick is actually manageable enough to merit use of the sights. The fact that the compensator has its own taller front sight that doesn't line up with the others does put a bit of a damper on this, unfortunately.

"Oversize M1911A1"

Update #52's 7th alpha build (the April Fools' Day special) included the so-called "Oversize" version of the M1911A1. As the name implies, it is substantially larger than the standard M1911A1, being more akin in size to a howitzer than a handgun; to facilitate human use, it is fitted with several RIS-type grips for handling, a rail on the side for sights (as attempting to aim with the standard slide-mounted irons would likely lead to the user being decapitated), and an equally massive bipod for more stable use.

It fires the ".45 ACP Oversize" round, which, amusingly, had already been added to the game several updates prior; many enterprising players combined this with the ability to cook off and/or directly strike the primers of loose rounds to set them off (introduced in Update #48), and the game's substantial amounts of freedom with regards to rail adaptor placement (or spacially-lockable platforms, for that matter) to create various devices to launch these rounds. This gun can also fire so-called MIRV rounds, standing for Multiple Independent Re-entry Vehicle. This is a term used for Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) that carry clustered munitions (by "munitions," read "thermonuclear missiles") which separate in outer space and re-enter the earth's atmosphere as separately-guided missiles.
The so-called MIRV rounds for this gun however contain cluster munitions (fortunately not thermonuclear missiles, although that would be fascinating for the few milliseconds you were still alive for after they detonated) that detonate a few hundred meters away from the gun in mid-air (or on impact if sooner). This shows that far from being an MIRV, this type of round is essentially an artillery cluster bomb shell. One example of this type of round is the so-called ICM or Improved Conventional Munitions, an acronym that is not a million miles away from ICBM, which may be where the idea of MIRV came from. This is a moot point anyway given that it is impossible in practical terms to launch an unpowered projectile into space. Of course it goes without saying that this mistaken acronym completely ruins the otherwise totally realistic experience of firing a 10-foot-tall Colt 1911.

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"Huh? What's this? Why would someone make a massive 1911 magaz..."
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Loading the massive magazine into the massive handgun. Awkward angles are all but mandatory.
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Racking the slide (by way of the diagonally-attached handle on the side); this shot also shows that the rather literal hand-cannon is apparently made by "HEDEN GUN CO. INC" out of "HEDEN, .N.Y". This fictional manufacturer (complete with fictional town and mis-written postal code) is shared with the standard M1911A1 variants (which makes sense, as the Oversize is a scaled-up version thereof).
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Firing a "Mortar" round (which, as previously shown, uses the model of a tracer, and as presently shown, looks like one when initially fired).
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This round is the simplest of the 3 available types, being an impact-detonated high-explosive shell, as seen here.
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That shell plus 6 more equals an empty artillery piece, meriting a mag swap; this is done by punching (yes, punching) the magazine release button...
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...which, assuming that the gun is high enough off the ground, dumps out the magazine with a loud "CLUNK".
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If you're feeling tired after hefting around a literal artillery piece, no worries!
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Just unfold the bipod, and take a load off.
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A bit of futzing with the ammo spawning panel grants a magazine loaded with what appear to be jacketed hollowpoints; these are actually what are known as "Mega Buckshot" rounds.
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""Mega Buckshot"? What on Earth could that possibly..."
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" I don't know what I was expecting, but it sure as hell wasn't that."
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Firing off another MBS round with the game's optional bullet trails enabled gives a better idea of just what "that" is: each shell fires several "pellets", if you will; upon hitting a surface, these "pellets" explode, releasing a burst of .50 BMG tracer projectiles.
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Loading the last type of round directly into the chamber; this round, visually resembling an FMJ, is a MIRV (Multiple Indepent Reentry Vehicle) round. It's not every day that you see something with terminology more generally associated with long-range ballistic missiles being loaded into a handgun. With these essentially being artillery cluster shells as mentioned above, the lack of an adjustable fuze makes these impractical. Not that there's anything else impractical about this gun.
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If grabbing a hold of the slide-mounted grip and wrestling with the recoil spring directly just isn't your style, the slide release is always an option.
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Just grab on, and yank downward with everything you've got.
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One of the more bizarre features of the weapon (yes, it gets more bizarre) is the exposed firing pin; should one not want to disturb a well lined-up shot, they can simply leave the pistol as-is, and hit the firing pin with another, smaller handgun, like this M29 here.
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Preferably from slightly further away, assuming that you value your wrists more than a close view of the MIRV round's curious blue tracer. A real priorital toss-up, I know.
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Thanks to the magic of bullet trails, the MIRV round's mechanics can be more clearly seen; each shell starts out solid, then splits into 7 smaller explosive shells after a fixed period in mid-air (or just explodes all at once if it hits something first). If they had been genuine MIRV munitions, then 50 years from this shot being fired, a guy's grand-kids in a cave in the post-nuclear apocalypse would be asking him what led to the collapse of human civilization, to which his reply would be "Well kids, it all started with this guy in a desert who had a giant handgun..."


Added in Update #91 (the 2020 4th of July update), the "Soundcheck" is a TF2-styled M1911A1, chambered in the fictitious ".52 AMP" ("Automatic Meaty Pistol") round, which had been added to the game several updates prior with nothing to fire it. The round comes in two forms: a standard FMJ, and a "Jacketed Hollow Patriot" round that fires 3 tracer flechettes per shot - one red, one white, and one blue.

Colt Model 1903 Pocket Hammer

Another weapon added in the fifth alpha of Update #85, the seldom-seen Colt Model 1903 Pocket Hammer is available; the in-game model has a deep-blued finish with gold inlays, a rounded hammer, and pearl grips.

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Colt Model 1903 Pocket Hammer - .38 ACP
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The Pocket Hammer.
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Incomplete sentences? Of course! What better weapon than a pearl-gripped 1903 for a rebel without a clause?
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Shoving in 7 rounds of John Browning's 1900-designed .38 ACP - not to be confused with John Browning's 1908-designed .380 ACP, of course. The latter is 9x17mm, whereas the former is 9x23mm - not to be confused, of course, with the 9x23mm Steyr, or the 9x23mm Winchester, or the dimensionally-identical-but-loaded-to-dramatically-higher-pressures .38 Super, because cartridge designations are fun.
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Chambering one of these sensibly-named rounds, showing off the interestingly bulged barrel; this is art of the pistol's short-recoil locking system, which distinguishes the 1903 Pocket Hammer from the straight-blowback 1903 Pocket Hammerless (which is, in spite of the name, hammer-fired) chambered in .32 ACP, which also has a near-identical variant known as the Model 1908 Pocket Hammerless in .380 ACP (not .38 ACP), not to be confused with the Model 1908 Vest Pocket, which is the same gun scaled down to .25 ACP, not to be confused with... you get the point.
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Preparing to vent some frustration on a Sosig's head; being a turn-of-the-century pocket pistol, the irons are all but invisible.
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Putting a 9-millimeter hole in the Sosig. Or is it .38-caliber? Or .357-caliber? .356? 103.285 gauge?
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Ejecting the pistol's magazine before its contents can do any more confuzzling. It's rain ov tearer iz ovur.

Colt Woodsman Match Target

One of the weapons added in the 2018 Halloween update (the main headline of which was the Return of the Rotweiners gamemode, a large-scale rogue-lite zombie RPG) was a Colt Woodsman Match Target .22 target pistol with gold-inlaid engravings and pearl grips; the pistol is exclusive to the mode by default, and can only be unlocked for general use by completing part of it.

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Colt Woodsman Match Target (3rd Series) - .22 LR
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Admiring the Woodsman, engravings and all. A lovely addition; shame that they provide no tactical advantage whatsoever.
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Doing some quick-belt management. Glock 17? Check. Woodsman? Check. Spare mags? Check. Knife? Check. Hatchet? Check. Pie? Check.
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Shooting a Rotweiner point-blank with the Colt.
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"Aiming" the pistol, Doom-style, at a charging Blut (a tougher, tankier type of Rotweiner). This gives a good view of the engravings on the top of the barrel, as well as the asymmetric target-style profile of the grips.
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Unfortunately, a volley of unjacketed .22 LR rounds proves insufficient to stop the Blut, resulting in this rather... uncomfortable situation.
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The situation dealt with, our survivalist ejects a magazine, taking note of the heel-mounted magazine release (indicative of a 3rd Series model)...
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...loads in a new one...
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...and powerstrokes the slide. The lack of visible hands might make this difficult to see; note how the slide is just a tad bit further back than in the previous shots.

COP 357

The full release of Update #85 added a pair of derringers, the more modern (and useful) of which was a COP 357.

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COP 357 - .357 Magnum
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Examining the COP in a small, seemingly-endless hallway.
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It's a rather small gun, though we haven't actually given you any means of verifying that yet.
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Popping the COP's top; note that the locking plate (which also holds the rear sight) has appropriately moved back.
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Loading in some .357 Magnum rounds.
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Aiming through the surprisingly usable sights...
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...and failing a Voight-Kampff test, with some rather spectacular recoil. Rapid fire is all but entirely pointless.
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Dumping out a set of spent cases.
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Blasting apart a crate with the COP. This isn't meant to imply that it's exceptionally powerful or anything; H3's crates just sorta do that.

"Cyber Pistol"

One of the first firearms added to H3VR (before it even carried that name, in fact), along with the "Cartoon 8 Gauge" sawn-off shotgun, was the "Cyber Pistol", a fictional semi-automatic handgun with an integrated laser sight. It feeds from a 9-round single-stack magazine; this initially used a simple, proprietary round known only as "Cyber Pistol" ammunition; in Update #52, it was changed to use the same "10mm DSM" ammo as the LAPD 2019 Blaster. The Cyber Pistol isn't presently attainable through the standard item spawner, though some scenes feature an Easter egg fully-automatic version with infinite ammo, and the standard version can be obtained through random spawns in modes such as Take & Hold.

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A pair of Cyber Pistols on a table, along with a crate of neatly-arranged magazines.
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The left side of the Cyber Pistol, which looks more or less the same as the right.
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Loading in a magazine; note that this shot is from an earlier build of H3, in which magazine loading worked rather differently: as soon as a magazine entered the well, it locked into place, allowing no movement other than upwards or downwards, until the magazine either locked into place or fell back out of the well (respectively).
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The floating instructions/guide arrows on objects are another long-gone feature.
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Firing the pistol. The trail of casings isn't due to the pistol being fully-automatic; it's simply a by-product of its rather weak ejection.
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Dumping the empty magazine out (so empty, in fact, that it seemingly doesn't have a spring)...
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...loading in a new one...
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...and releasing the locked-back slide.
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2 more years, 1 new cartridge. For this gun, at least - dozens of cartridges were added between the build in which the first screenshots were taken and this one.
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Loading the Cyber Pistol up with this new, novel, actually-named ammunition.
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Aiming (more or less); the Cyber Pistol was the first of many in-game weapons to have illuminated green iron sights.
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Firing the updated Cyber Pistol, which shows off its interesting blue muzzle flash.
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It's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it effect, though - you might even say it's... gone in a flash.
...I'll leave.


The CZ 75 SP-01 SHADOW is one of the available firearms in-game, being one of the many weapons added through the 1st Meatmas update.

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CZ 75 SP-01 SHADOW - 9x19mm
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Giving the viewers at home a good look at the CZ's model.
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The pistol's other side. The markings on the slide read "AP 85 SP-02", seemingly in a copyright-motivated effort to subtly change every single part of the gun's name.
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Loading a 17-round magazine into the CZ 75.
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Racking the pistol's slide.
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Aiming through the 75's illuminated 3-dot sights.
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Said sights make landing shots on target substantially easier, especially when compared to some of the game's older, smaller-sighted handguns.
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Dropping an empty magazine out of the empty CZ.

Desert Eagle L5

One of the six gifts added with the 25th and final day of the Meatmas 2018 event (5 firearms and one attachment) was a Desert Eagle; more specifically, a .357 Magnum-chambered Desert Eagle L5, a short-barreled lightweight version meant to comply with certain legal restrictions (some US states having a ban on any handgun over 50 ounces (approx. 1.4 kg)). This variant completed the in-game trifecta of the 3 standard Desert Eagle calibers: .357 Magnum, .44 Magnum, and .50 AE (excluding more obscure and rare chamberings, like .440 Cor-Bon, .41 Magnum, and .429 DE). This is, notably, the first documented appearance of this particular Desert Eagle variant in any known form of media.

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Magnum Research Desert Eagle L5 - .50 AE
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How fitting that the variant given on Christmas is the only one small enough to actually fit into one of these gift boxes like this. And, for that matter, quite likely the only one that's light enough to not rip a hole in the bottom when you hold it from the sides.
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Loading the truncated Desert Eagle. Being chambered in .357, each one of these magazines holds 9 rounds.
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Pausing for a moment to strike a pose that would probably look a whole lot cooler from anybody else's perspective.
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"Aww, don't listen to them! I think you're a very handsome young man. Besides, I'm sure you'll grow into your frame by the time you hit college. Just look at your father! He wasn't very big either when he was your age, but then he hit his growth spurt in high school, and ZWOOP! Up he went! Here, I think we have some of his old pictures from his middle school days somewhere around here..."
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Racking the L5, in an attempt to intimidate away the crippling loneliness that causes one to apply human personalities to firearms and vent to strangers in database pages.
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Lining up the sights, and...
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"See! Look at you! I knew you could do it! You're doing great, especially for your age! And if all those other kids don't want to let you be their friend, then you know what I think? I think that that's. Their. Loss. Now, if you want, we could go downtown and get some ice cre-"
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One shot in illusion plus eight in self-doubting anger equals nine, and that equals an empty pistol.
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This, of course, merits a mag-flick so tacticool that it breaks the laws of the universe. And maybe some therapy. The accident was thirteen years ago. You were just a little boy. I was drinking that night. There was nothing you could have done. It's time for you to move on. You can't keep living like this. You have to let go...

Desert Eagle Mark VII

A Desert Eagle Mark VII, chambered in .44 Magnum is one of the available firearms in-game. It was added in Update #26, an update that (perhaps more significantly) also added the Meat Grinder gamemode.

On April Fools' Day of 2018, Update #52's 7th alpha build was released. Among other things, this included the "Degle.50", a cardboard Desert Eagle held together with duct tape. The weapon was meant as a joke response to a poorly-spelled Steam request for a replica of the Desert Eagle seen in Blue Estate. It fires the ".50 Imaginary" round, of which several types (with names just as eloquent as that of the pistol itself) are available. To top it off, all of the Degle's sound effects were created by game director Anton Hand - not mixed, mind you, but literally created - the sounds are all Anton saying various onomatopoeia associated with the weapon's functions.

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IMI Desert Eagle Mark VII - .44 Magnum
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Loading up a Desert Eagle.
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Racking the slide.
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Aiming (or at least attempting to)...
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...and firing.
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Wrists? Who needs wrists?
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Practicing for an upcoming role as [INSERT GENERIC ACTION MOVIE PROTAGONIST HERE].
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Engaging in some more generally unacceptable range behavior.
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"Oh-ho-ho man, you would not believe... how much this hurts."
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Ejecting a pair of empty magazines.
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"Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."


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"a wepon 2 sirpas metle geer".
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Loading a cardboard magazine into the cardboard pistol. These magazines hold 8 rounds; a real .50 Desert Eagle's magazine holds only seven, but then again, this isn't even supposed to be a "real" Desert Eagle in-game.
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One of the more curious elements of the Degle is its fully functional safety, seen here in the "safe" position...
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...and here in the "fire" position, with each manipulation of the switch producing an audibly bearded "tink".
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Pulling back the slide; note that, interestingly, the Degle's black marker markings are written slightly differently on either side of the barrel, reflecting its small-hand-made nature.
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Demonstrating a small child's understanding of the concept called "aiming"; the cardboard sights are actually more serviceable than one might think, not that this shot really shows that.
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The Degle in full recoil; yes, it even ejects cardboard casings.
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A list of the various types of .50 Imaginary rounds available, seen here in the ammo spawning panel. From top to bottom: "BOOOMY" (fragmenting explosive) rounds, "FLASHY" (tracer) rounds, the currently-selected "MEGA!!1!" rounds, "NERMAL" (normal) rounds, "POINTYOWW!" (armor-piercing) rounds, and "SOOPER SPESHUL" (high-velocity) rounds.
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Taking a look at an empty magazine...
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...the model of which changes to reflect when it's loaded, as seen here with a full load of "NERMAL" cardboard rounds.
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The use of the game's optional bullet trails reveals that these have more or less the ballistics one would expect out of a piece of cardboard fired from another piece of cardboard. Nermal indeed.
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On the other hand, the "SOOPER SPESHUL" rounds fly straight as an arrow. Also note the exaggerated cloud of smoke, yet another by-product of this being a child's interpretation of how a gun works.
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The "BOOOMY" ammo, which produces a suitably impressive spray of red glowing shrapnel.
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Taking a look at a magazine full of blue-tipped "MEGA!!1!" rounds through the locked-open slide's ejection port; the cardboard rounds are, in fact, color-coded. But u cant see wat da MEGA bullitz do, becuz its SOOOOOOOPER SEEKRIT!!1!1!!!1

Desert Eagle Mark XIX

To compliment the .44 Mark VII, Update #58 added a Desert Eagle Mark XIX in .50 Action Express. The in-game handgun is a more recent Magnum Research model, with rails on the barrel and frame, and a ported barrel.

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Magnum Research Desert Eagle Mark XIX w/ported barrel - .50 AE
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Admiring the newer Desert Eagle.
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A closeup of the barrel, which reveals that the handgun is marked ".50 AE", and nothing else. No trademarks, no model designation, nothing.
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Well, at least it has a serial number.
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Loading in a magazine.
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Chambering a .50 Action Express round.
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Aiming, in a rather familiar-looking way.
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Firing the handcannon.

Flintlock Pistol

Update #81 brought in the game's first muzzle-loading firearm (barring the GP-25, if you want to get pedantic), a .69-caliber Flintlock Pistol of supposed 18th century origin; it uses a completely proprietary code-base (the most complex of any firearm in the game), with a wide variety of possible interactions and results (whether beneficial or otherwise).

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New Land Pattern flintlock pistol - .65 caliber. Somewhat similar to the pistol in-game
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Examining the flintlock pistol; unlike the reference image, this one lacks brass fittings, and has a rounded butt.
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A simple weapon in appearance and function alike, but a wonderful one to see here nevertheless.
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A close-up of the lockplate, showing off the leather-padded screw-jaw used to hold the flint in the hammer (or the cock, if your dedication to vocabulary outstrips your desire not to hear everyone giggling like a middle school biology class), as well as the simple v-spring used to put tension on the frizzen (a word whose meaning will be elaborated on further down the page).
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To load the pistol, one must first half-cock the hammer...
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...and then grab this thing. Said thing is a paper cartridge, containing a pre-measured charge of powder, a single lead ball, and a note from Mom telling you to have a good first day at school.
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After punching yourself in the face with a VR controller tearing open the cartridge with your teeth, the next step is to drop some powder into the flash-pan, either by tapping the button to drop individual clumps (as attempting to simulate a powdered substance in PhysX would likely cause blackouts across half the county), or by simply upending the cartridge and pouring out powder; the maximum clump count is five. Then, just close up the frizzen with a swipe of the hand (lest the priming powder fall out when the pistol is tipped over), and move to the muzzle.
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The rest of the powder can simply be dumped down the barrel.
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Along with the rest of the cartridge.
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If speed isn't your speed, loose powder is an option, with the source of the Spice being this wooden flask.
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The lid's not just for show; this is a mythical Powder Flask of Holding, and as such will continue to produce black powder when tipped over until either the lid is put back into place, or the universe is destroyed by an endless flood of slightly clumpy propellant.
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Anyway, this is a lead ball. Keep out of reach of children.
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To finish off either reloading method, one must pull the ramrod from the stone...
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...and then shove everything into place (to prevent it from falling out, and compress the powder properly for maximum effect). The ramrod makes a tapping noise whenever it bottoms out, with the noise dropping in pitch when the contents can't be pushed any further; interestingly, the maximum depth it can reach depends on the contents of the barrel, with larger amounts of powder/projectiles (both of which can be loaded to whatever degree the user desires, at the risk of jamming in a ball without propellant, getting a squib (a bullet that doesn't have enough energy to leave the barrel), or blowing up the gun).
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Finally, just fully cock the hammer, and you're ready to fire.
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This image would be captioned "Aiming down the pistol's sights" if it had any.
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Upon pulling the trigger, there is first a flash in the flash-pan, caused by the hammer's flint making sparks as it strikes/opens the frizzen, and igniting the powder beneath. The more powder that is placed into the pan, the larger and longer-lasting this flash is, with the only real reason to add more being dramatic effect.
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After this second-fractional delay, the main charge goes off, and a .69-inch hole hopefully appears in whatever you were aiming at.
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Of course, slamming a small stone into a piece of iron repeatedly isn't going to do wonders for the former, necessitating replacement from time to time (unless you just want to ignore the hammer entirely and set off the priming powder with a strike-anywhere match, which this game also lets you do); to do this, half-cock the hammer, click the hammer's screw to loosen it, remove the old flint, insert a new one, and re-tighten the screw. These steps are all condensed into one screenshot here, because I have a finite amount of patience.
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Another flintlock, this time in the Proving Grounds, with its ramrod shoved into the barrel. Why, you ask?
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To use as a projectile, of course! (And yes, this Sosig is on fire, as the flintlock is perfectly capable of igniting targets close enough to the muzzle when not loaded with an actual projectile.)
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FN Five-seveN

Update #58 added a much-requested handgun, the FN Five-seveN. The in-game weapon is a USG model, the most common of the bunch (despite no longer being in production), and has an FDE frame. The name "Five-seveN" refers to the pistol's 5.7x28mm ammunition, which unlike Heckler & Koch's rival 4.6mm round is not completely useless as pistol ammunition. The capitalization used in the Five-seveN's name is to highlight the "FN" in FN Herstal's name, as well as presumably to appeal to fans of American thrash metal.

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FN Five-seveN USG - 5.7x28mm
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The left side of the Five-seveN...
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...and the right side.
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Toying with the safety.
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Unusually for a striker-fired pistol, the Five-seveN's safety is also a decocker.
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All that aside, it's high time to actually load the handgun.
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And, of course, to chamber it. This also cocks the striker, rendering the above discussion of the decocker/safety a bit of a moot point.
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The Five-seveN's sights, which are of the adjustable 3-dot variety.
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Firing off a shot.
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That round plus 19 later, and the empty magazine is jettisoned from the pistol.
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One of the new features introduced in Update #58 is the ability to rack pistol slides with things other than the user's hands, as seen in this appalling display of muzzle unawareness. The emptiness of the pistol and the range alike go some way to make up for this.

FN Model 1906

Day 2 of the 2018 Meatmas Update brought along an FN Model 1906 pocket pistol.

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FN Model 1906 - .25 ACP
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The FN 1906 in its advent calendar box. This shot was, interestingly, captured the exact moment that the 2 dancing Sosigs next to the box spontaneously explode in a shower of mustard. Maybe it was from trying to pronounce the artist's name.
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Taking a closer look at the pistol.
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Yes, it really is this small.
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Loading in a magazine. If 6 rounds of .25 ACP doesn't sound like a whole lot, it's because it isn't.
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Still, better than nothing.
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Taking an even closer look. Interestingly, in a game full of obfuscated trademarks, the 1906 has a perfectly intact FN logo molded into both sides' grip panels.
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Aiming at a wooden target. Being designed more for concealment than combat, the 1906 uses an interesting combination of an imaginary rear sight notch, lined up with a front post made of air.
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Surprisingly, a few rounds of .25 makes rather quick work of the target. Though, to be fair, it'll do that if you hit it with a stick hard enough, so it's not like the bar is set all that high.
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Dropping out an empty magazine.

French UNION

So far the only known media appearance of this fairly rare French machine pistol, the UNION was a version of the Ruby capable of full-auto fire. It had a distinctive 35-round horseshoe magazine, which is replicated in-game.

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French UNION with magazine and loading tool - .32 ACP
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When you have a game with the word "Horseshoes" in the name, you need to have a gun involving horseshoes. It's just mandatory.
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Loading in the magazine...
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...which results in something exactly as ridiculous-looking as you'd expect.
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Pulling back the UNION's slide.
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Aiming; this is a rather pointless activity, considering both the weapon's lack of sights and its short effective range.
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Unleashing a barrage of .32 ACP rounds.
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35 of the aforementioned rounds later, the UNION locks open, showing off the fluting of the barrel, which is normally covered by the slide.
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A closeup of the pistol, following a quick mag change. This shows off the labeled witness holes in the magazine (which actually allow for the viewing of cartridges in-game, and are placed every 5 rounds, starting at 15), as well as the markings, which read "PISTOLET AUTOMATIQUE FRANCAIS" on the first line, "FABRIQUE A STETIENNE-CAL 7.65" on the second, "UNION" both on the grip and to the right of the other slide markings (in quotation marks on the latter, oddly enough), and "TRADE MARK" surrounding a manufacturer's logo in the center of the grip panel. While not visible here, the front of the lower frame indicates that the serial number is 0424, and the magazine is marked "CHARGEUR "UNION" CAL.7/65 BTE S.G.D.G".
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Just in case it wasn't ridiculous enough already, the unique magazine shape of the UNION allows for... this.
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That, in turn, allows for a particularly enterprising lunatic to do this. And they said that the engine didn't support loose chains...

Glock 17

Update #53 added a series of 9x19mm Glock pistols, the first of which being the ubiquitous Glock 17 to H3VR, specifically a 4th-generation model. It comes in 2 flavors - vanilla, and "Custom", the latter having a flared magazine well, raised aftermarket iron sights, a slide-mounted red dot sight, and a modified slide resembling the ZEV Technologies Dragonfly, with diagonal slide serrations and milling cuts around the barrel. It also comes with a unique 20-round magazine, interchangeable with the other 9mm Glocks.

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Glock 17 - 9x19mm Parabellum
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Examining the Glock. The aggressive grip texturing, large magazine release, and straighter dustcover peg this as a Gen 4 model.
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The other side. Were it not for the fact that it's a couple generations too modern, one could assume that the dust came from all that time in the desert.
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Loading in a has-absolutely-nothing-to-do-with-the-model-number 17-round magazine.
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Chambering a round.
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Taking a look through the Glock's factory-standard Patridge iron sights.
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Sending a round downrange.
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Taking advantage of the Glock's frame-mounted rail, and affixing a laser sight. But this isn't just any ordinary laser sight...
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Giving the bullseye a taste of some violet violence.
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All alliterations aside, an arresting abstract abolishes an abandoned armory after an abrupt age amidst an advanced abbreviated arquebus.


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Custom Glock 17 with ZEV Technologies Dragonfly slide, ZEV slim aluminum magwell, and other custom parts - 9x19mm Parabellum
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"With these upgrades, you never stood a chance."
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The other side of the pseudo-racegun G17.
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Grabbing one of the special magazines, and...
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Racking the heavily-milled slide.
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Taking a look through the integrated red-dot sight, which co-witnesses with the aftermarket raised 3-dot sights.
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Firing off a shot, after having the common sense to move the pistol a little further from the face.
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Trying out a couple of laser sights...
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...this one being red...
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...and this one being...
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Glock 18

The second (or third, if you count the custom G17) Glock variant added in Update #53 is a 2nd-generation Glock 18 machine pistol.

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Glock 18 - 9x19mm Parabellum
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Taking a look at the G18.
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A closeup of the Glock, which gives a good look at the mysterious switch on the slide...
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Loading in a magazine.
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Giving the slide a tug.
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Taking a look through the irons; like the 17, these are factory Patridge sights.
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Firing off a shot.
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Remembering the mysterious switch from earlier. Wonder what it does...
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"Well, only one way to find out..."
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Dropping out the emptied-in-under-a-second magazine.
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Attaching a suppressor...
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...loading in a 33-round magazine...
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...and going to town.

Glock 19

The third (or, again, fourth if the customized G17 is counted) and final Update #53 Glock is a 3rd-gen Glock 19 with an FDE frame and a extended threaded barrel. Before it was made a usable weapon, a cartoonish-looking compact-sized Glock was made available to Soldier Weinerbots in Update #46.

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Glock 19 - 9x19mm Parabellum
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Looking over the G19; the "19", "AUSTRIA", and "9x19" markings are present, but the manufacturer's trademark is conspicuously absent.
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The other side of the Glock. Not much to say here. Well, not without starting a debate about Flat Dark Earth finishes, anyway.
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Mashing a 33-round magazine into the pistol. The G19 has no magazine of its own; presumably, this is due to the fact that while the other 9x19mm Glocks' magazines can fit into the G19, the G19's 15-rounder can't fit into the larger models, and H3's code doesn't support that sort of one-way compatibility.
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Putting the first of the 33 aforementioned cartridges into the chamber.
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A look at the sights; unlike the G17 and G18 (but like the G22), the G19 uses 3-dot irons.
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The alpha build of Update #69 changed these dots from white to a bright, luminous green, making the sights easier to use in low-light environments, at the cost of making them harder to use in high-radioactive-waste environments.
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Letting a 9x19mm round fly.

Glock 22

The Glock 22 is one of the available handguns in-game, added in Update #5; a version converted to fire in full-auto was added in a later update.

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Glock 22 (3rd Generation) - .40 S&W
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A Glock 22 and a corresponding magazine on their respective pedestals at the start of the Gun-nasium, an timed obstacle course/shooting challenge that was used initially to test a new form of grab-based movement.
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Loading in a 15-round magazine.
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Racking the Glock's slide.
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Shooting at a target; in the Gun-nasium, these take the form of mysterious blue cubes that levitate in place and shatter when shot.
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Putting the Glock's illuminated 3-dot sights to good use, taking care of a row of the aforementioned Mysterious Blue Cubes.
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Dropping an empty magazine, and watching it fall about 20 feet to the floor.
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Now on stable ground, the player character loads an extended magazine into the full-auto-converted G22, which looks more or less completely identical to the standard version.
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Shredding a target with a salvo of .40 S&W rounds.
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A close-up of the slide, which shows off the rather... interestingly obfuscated markings.
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Deciding that iron sights are for squares, our player character tacks on his hip front rail...
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...before accidentally creating an abomination unto God and man.


Stealth-added as a rare drop in Take & Hold and Meat Grinder, the "Gluger" is (as the name would imply) a hybrid of a Glock and a Luger - to be exact, it's a Glock 19 frame with a Luger P08 barrel, toggle system, and upper frame.

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Luger P08 - 9x19mm Parabellum
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Glock 19 - 9x19mm Parabellum
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The Gluger: a better Luger, or a worse Glock? You decide!
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A better look at the underside rail from the glock frame. One of the advantages of this gun over its also freakish brother, the Llock.
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The other advantage being its base magazine size is significantly larger; here we see a standard 15 round glock magazine inserted.
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Chambering the gun using the toggle lock.
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The main disadvantage are the tiny sights from the Luger...
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As well as the huge toggle lock disrupting the sight picture.
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The now empty Gluger, awaiting more carnage.
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As typical for Glock pistols, this Gluger can use any 9x19mm glock magazine, including the extended 33 rounder.
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...but why stop there with this abomination?

Heckler & Koch Mark 23

The fourth alpha of Update #85 added another long-requested handgun - the Heckler & Koch Mark 23, complete with its distinctive attachable LAM.

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Heckler & Koch Mark 23 - .45 ACP
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Skulking about in a secret underground purple-manufacturing facility, Solid Steak draws his Mark 23.
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He then turns off the safety.
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Examining the other side of the pistol; note the lack of front cocking serrations, showing this to be a production model, rather than the prototypes that some games depict.
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Being the strong, capable agent that he is, Steak forgoes having a loader, and instead simply loads and operates his crew-served handgun alone.
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Chambering a round (and appropriately tilting the barrel upwards); seeing as this is an Offensive Handgun Weapon System, what else would this be but .45 ACP?
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Aiming at a wall, waiting for an exclamation mark to pop up above it.
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"Maybe it was the right thing to do, maybe it wasn't. I don't know, and I'm not sure if I ever will. All I know is that, in that moment, I had a choice: me, or the wall. The fact that I'm saying this should tell you which one I chose."
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Having finished his brooding, Steak dramatically pitches an empty magazine into the floor.
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Of course, what's the point of a SOCOM without the fixings? The suppressor was already in the game (having been added along with the "QC9 PDW"), while the proprietary (i.e. not Picatinny-compatible) LAM unit was implemented for this gun alone.
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As with the real deal, it has multiple functions: there's a laser...
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...a flashlight...
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...and (C), all of the above. The real deal also has IR options, but implementing night-vision goggles into a game like H3 would require more time, effort, and bug-hunting than would ultimately be worth it.
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Engaging in the time-honored tradition of camping in the enemy team's spawn with a decked-out Mark 23; recoil reduction can be achieved with a spare magazine in the off-hand, allowing you to put your Harries technique practice to good use even with an underbarrel flashlight.

Heckler & Koch SP5K

One of the many Heckler & Koch MP5 variants added in Update #63, the SP5K is a civilian semi-auto-only variant of the MP5K, and can be considered a current-day equivalent to H&K's earlier SP89. H3VR is the first piece of media known to include the SP5K. It accounts for 4 of the update's 28 MP5 variants, all of which differ in stocks: the standard SP5K doesn't have one, the "SP5KA2" has a fixed stock, the "SP5KA3" has a collapsible stock, and the "SP5K Folding" has a PDW-style folding stock. These are relatively in keeping with standard MP5 naming conventions (though H&K isn't known to use the word "folding" in any of its firearm names), but are all fictional - the SP5K is intended for the US civilian market as a "pistol" (which is why it is on the H3VR pistol page, even though technically it is a compact carbine), and giving it a stock would make it subject to NFA regulations on short-barreled rifles; while a stocked SP5K could be created, it isn't a factory product, and anyone who created/purchased one would have to pay $200.00 USD to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives to own it.

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Heckler & Koch SP5K - 9x19mm Parabellum
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Jumping right on into things, and pulling back the SP5K's charging handle.
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What's this locking notch for, you ask? Well, in the words of a certain mouse (whose name shan't be mentioned here, for fear of copyright infringement), "It's a surprise tool that will help us later!"
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Pausing the into-things-jumping for a second to admire the SP5K.
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The other side. Note the paddle-style magazine release in front of the trigger guard; this was later removed, as it isn't a feature of the actual SP5K. This is due to the fact that the paddle magazine release on a standard MP5 is attached to the front receiver pin, which isn't included on civilian semi-auto lower receivers. This, in turn, is due to BATFE regulations on automatic weapons; civilian MP5 lowers don't use the standard receiver pin setup, because if they did, then the BATFE would regulate them as machine guns, on the grounds that one could easily affix a select-fire MP5 trigger group to the otherwise semi-auto firearm and make it fully-automatic.
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Being, as mentioned, aimed at civilians, the SP5K's selector switch has only 2 settings: "no bullets"...
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...and "one bullet".


Y'know, looking back at it, maybe "aimed at civilians" wasn't the best choice of words...
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Attempting to move past this awkward moment by loading a 15-round magazine into the SP5K; this, however, ends up not really looking any less awkward in the end.
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Hey, remember that "surprise tool" from earlier?
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Here's it helping us later. Which is now. And also earlier, since this is a pre-captured screenshot. Make sense?
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Firing the SP5K, whilst contemplating the mysteries of life and the strange, confounding concept known as "time". And whether or not there's any more of that spicy pepper cheese left in the fridge.
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The SP5K "A2", which has a stock that stays put...
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...the SP5K "A3"...
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...which has a stock that e x t e n d s ...
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...and the SP5K "Folding"...
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...which has a stock that, well, folds.
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Perfect if you want to ignore its sole distinguishing feature.
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It also has, like all the other MP5 variants, adjustable diopter drum sights. However, like the other MP5 variants, use of any setting other than the default is only recommended for the exceptionally steady-handed or the exceptionally masochistic.

Heckler & Koch USP Match

One of a pair of USPs added in Update #69, the Heckler & Koch USP Match adds to H3's pool of available .45s. The irony of a gun with a "six-inch" barrel being added in update #69 may have been noted by those readers whose minds are in the gutter.

Update #87, which carried a general theme of Half-Life 2 (in part due to the release of Half-Life: Alyx a couple days prior), added an additional variant of the USP Match chambered in 9x19mm.

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Heckler & Koch USP Match - 9x19mm Parabellum. Unlike this image, the one immediately below is chambered in .45 ACP.
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Put 'em together, and you get... one of the objects on this table.
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Examining the USP Match. The stainless finish is quite nice...
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...though it can make bright lights a bit of a problem.
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Loading in a magazine.
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Chambering a round. A nice little detail worth noting, the barrel is correctly depicted as tilting upwards.
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Aiming the pistol. While they ought to be used in pairs, the right-hand pistol called in sick this morning, so we'll just have to make do.
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Firing a few rounds at Antitarget One.
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12 rounds later, the gun runs as empty as the well of references to make about it. Well, ones people'll get, anyway...
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And now, several months later, here's the subject of the previously-penultimate image's caption's joke. It looks pretty much the same as the standard variant...
Error creating thumbnail: File missing for the sights, which are green and glowy, like HL2's. And like the filling I got from this cool guy in the local 7/11's parking lot. That's normal, right?
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Having successfully dealt with the poisonous Breadcrab in the above shot, Welldone Freemeat (the Take & Hold character added in Update #87) rather dramatically ejects an empty 18-round magazine.
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He then sling-shots the locked-back slide, chambering another 9x19mm API round.
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And then deals with another Breadcrab, this time using an interesting twist on the Harries technique.

Heckler & Koch USP Tactical

Along with the USP Match, a Heckler & Koch USP Tactical was added in Update #69.

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Heckler & Koch USP Tactical - .45 ACP
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Once more, same as before. The other objects on the table are related to the same update that introduced the pistols; the 40x46mm grenade at the right is meant to go with the HK69A1 added concurrently, and the small objects at the left are a laser pointer (far left) and a newly-added 90-degree rail adaptor (near left).
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Loading the USP Tactical. Note that the rounds in the magazine are facing backwards (also the case with the Match, as they use the same mags); often mistakenly reported as a bug, this is actually a reference to an infamous mistake on an official H&K catalog, which depicted a P2000 next to a pair of magazines loaded the same way.
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Flipping the pistol over...
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...and racking the slide.
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Pausing for a moment to admire the other side of the USP.
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Taking a look through the sights.
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Tactically delivering a few .45 ACP rounds. Compared to the Match, the USP Tactical has a bit more kick (lacking the Match's barrel weight), but has the advantage of being compatible with suppressors, thanks to its threaded barrel.
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"Hey, your guy called in sick earlier, right?"


"I might have somebody who can help..."

Heckler & Koch VP9

Another one of the gifts added on the 25th and final day of the Meatmas 2018 update event, the Heckler & Koch VP9 makes its video game debut in H3.

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Heckler & Koch VP9 - 9x19mm Parabellum
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Opening up a gift box to reveal a VP9, whilst trying to ignore Santon's somewhat strange choice of decorative silver bows made of intangible ribbon.
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Slamming in a standard 15-round magazine.
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Sending the first of those rounds into the chamber with a quick rack of the slide.
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Deciding to combine this gift with another, smaller one added alongside it: a new suppressor, wrapped in a black cloth shroud that's held on with cord; such shrouds are often fitted to suppressors to reduce heat mirage, and to make them easier to touch/remove after firing (since suppressors have to trap and absorb all the leftover energy from the burning gunpowder in each fired round, they tend to heat up rather quickly). Plus, they look cool.
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The two make a rather nice pair, wouldn't you say?
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Granted, the Tactical model, with its threaded barrel, would be slightly more appropriate, but it's not like you can't affix a suppressor to a normal one or anything.
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That being said, one of the other advantages of the Tactical model is its use of raised, suppressor-height sights, the advantages of which are rather clear here.
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Well, you know what they say: "When life gives you lemons, you fire a suppressed handgun indiscriminately off into the woods."
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It doesn't really accomplish anything, but it at least makes you feel better.
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Dropping a spent magazine out of the VP9, and moving on to the rest of the boxes. I wonder what else is in store...

Intratec TEC-9

The Intratec TEC-9 is one of the game's available firearms; it has a rather strange "tacticool" orange paintjob. Initially, 2 versions were available - a standard semi-auto variant, and a variant converted to full-auto; Update #53 changed the latter into a converted Interdynamic KG-9, leaving only the standard semi-auto version.

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Intratec TEC-9 - 9x19mm Parabellum
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Someone regrets lending his TEC-9 to those CS:GO boys down the street.
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Strange paintjobs notwithstanding, he loads in a magazine...
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...chambers a round...
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...and opens fire, spraying 9x19mm tracer rounds left, right, and center. This is the full-auto converted model, in case the continuous stream of spent casings didn't make that clear enough. This is somewhat odd, as most full-auto TEC-9s are the earlier open-bolt KG-9 model, but a full-auto conversion of a closed-bolt TEC-9 is far from impossible. Still, Update #53 swapped this out for the more common open-bolt variant.
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Taking a look at the sights, back in a location that's at least in the general vicinity of "normal"...
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...and firing a single shot out of the substantially less interesting semi-auto version.

IWI Uzi Pro

Update #53 added an IWI Uzi Pro Pistol. True to its real-life nature, it is treated in-game as a semi-auto-only closed-bolt pistol, rather the machine pistol that it is sometimes assumed to be.

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IWI Uzi Pro Pistol - 9x19mm Parabellum
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Examining the Uzi Pro, in all of its tacti-cool glory.
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The other side, which shows off the side-mounted charging handle, a distinct departure from earlier Uzi variants.
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Loading in a magazine, in a rather dramatic fashion.
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Pulling the charging handle. Y'know, it feels like something's missing...
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...ah, yes, of course! What was missing was a red-dot sight, a railed vertical foregrip with a flashlight attached to the side, a stock from a PP-2000, and an incredibly small suppressor! How could I have not seen it!
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Aiming through the attached RDS...
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...and being once again reminded that this weapon, despite appearances, can't fire in full-auto.

Kel-Tec PMR-30

The tenth gift added in the 2018 Meatmas update was the seldom-seen Kel-Tec PMR-30.

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Kel-Tec PMR-30 - .22 WMR
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The PMR-30's gift box. A bit of a shame, really, that such an interesting pistol has only had 3 known media appearances in 8 years.
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Inserting a magazine. This is the main focal point of the pistol; despite being a more-or-less normal-sized handgun, the PMR-30 holds an impressive 30 rounds of .22 Magnum in a flush-fitting magazine (hence the name - Pistol, Magnum, Rimfire, 30-round magazine).
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Pausing for a moment to admire the pistol, in all its polymer-festooned glory.
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Racking the slide...
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...before taking a look at the other side. Pretty much the same as the left.
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Toying with the ambidextrous safety. Somewhat unusually for H3, the PMR-30 comes out of its box with the safety off.
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A close-up of the top of the slide, showing off the high-contrast fiber-optic sights, as well as the prominent ".22 WMR" marking towards the slide's rear. Note the screwed-in section; this is meant for attaching red-dot sights, though this feature is sadly unavailable in-game due to coding limitations.
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Lining up the aforementioned fiber-optic sights...
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...and shattering a crystal snowflake.
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"Bastard! How many rounds have you sprayed indiscriminately into the forest!?"
"Do you remember how many meats you have eaten in your life?"

Kimber Warrior

Update #50 added a Kimber Warrior, fitted with non-standard grip panels, raised red illuminated iron sights, and a permanently-attached red dot sight, known as the "M1911A1 Tactical". The sixth alpha build of Update #52 added a further customized model, with a slide with milling cuts, a different slide-mounted RDS, and bone grips, called the "M1911A1 Operator".

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Kimber Warrior - .45 ACP
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A nice, close look at the Kimber Warrior. Also seen here is the indoor range's target board; it leaves a black mark wherever a shot is placed on the corresponding target downrange, with the most recent hit being red.
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A view through the Warrior's integrated RDS, which also shows off the co-witnessed illuminated sights. Meanwhile, RSOs around the world wince at the direction that the pistol is pointed.
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The Warrior, locked open after a successful mag dump. The extended magazine seen here was added to the game with the weapon, holds 11 rounds, and can be freely interchanged with the standard 7-rounders.
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Loading a new magazine into the Warrior.

"M1911A1 Operator"

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Examining the left side of the "Operator"...
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...and the right side. Due to a now-patched bug, the trigger is inside of the magazine well, similar to the Colt Defender above. The slide markings denote the pistol (or at least the slide) as being made by the fictitious "SNOW TIGER FIREARMS INC".
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Following the aforementioned patch, the pistol looks like this. The pistol's fictional manufacturers apparently saw fit to put their PO box number on the slide, and the end owner saw it equally appropriate to write "#03" on the red-dot sight. As you do.
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Pulling the now-visible trigger, while showing off the other side's markings. The markings on the frame all but confirm the gun's identity; after all, Kimber is the only gun company based in Yonkers, NY.
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Aiming the Operator. Like the earlier Tactical model, the Operator has an integrated red-dot sight, albeit a different, higher-profile model than the earlier pistol.
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Firing a round. As with all the other M1911 variants, it's chambered in .45 ACP.
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Replacing the now-empty magazine with a fresh one.
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Finishing off the reload with a quick tug of the slide. Note that the slide is further back here than it was in the previous shot; H3 does, in fact, show that a weapon's bolt or slide can be pulled back past its lock point.

Kolibri Pistol

The largest gift added in the 2018 Month Of Meatmas event was also the smallest (centerfire) pistol in existence, the diminutive Austro-Hungarian Kolibri Pistol. The pistol was added following a long series of community requests to add the pistol (dating back all the way to 2016); the acknowledged impossibility of adding the pistol (as its minuscule size would result in the player smacking their VR controllers together whenever they tried to, say, load it) led to asking for its inclusion becoming a running joke within the game's community. The version in-game took this joke to its logical conclusion; it is known as the "Kolibri9001", and is 10 times larger than normal, firing 27x90mm shells. Like the "Oversized" version of the M1911A1 added earlier, these proprietary shells are available in several exotic and unusual forms; also like the earlier artillery piece, the Kolibri9001 is modified for use by a normal-sized human being, being fitted with an M1911A1's lower frame and trigger in place of its own, and an underbarrel railed handguard seemingly based on that of an AR-15-pattern rifle, which has an integrated laser sight tucked into the center.

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Kolibri Pistol (with US penny for scale) - 2.7x9mm Kolibri
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"And what to my wondering eyes should appear, but the world's smallest pistol, the size of a deer."
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Examining the Kolibri9001. A lovely example of malicious compliance. The hard-to-make-out marking just above the ejection port reads "AUTOMAT-PISTOL", just like on the real steel. There'd be no reason for the markings to be obfuscated, after all; the Austro-Hungarian watchmaker Franz Pfannl, who created the pistol, no longer exists, and neither does his company.
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The other side. Considering the grip arrangement, this could technically be classified as a bullpup.
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And, considering the rounds it uses, it's also technically a cannon.
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Speaking of rounds, it's about time that some got loaded, isn't it?
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This is followed by quite possibly the single most awkward sling-shotting of a pistol's slide in human history.
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Giving the integrated underbarrel laser sight a try. It's pretty convenient, especially since the Kolibri doesn't have a front sight (and the rear one isn't exactly usable).
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Firing off some Frag shells at a snowflake. Poor thing never knew what hit it...
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Unlike a normal-sized Kolibri (if you can really call a Kolibri's size "normal"), the Kolibri9001 has a slide hold-open device. This conveniently allows the user to clearly see what sort of ammo is being used; here, the first of 6 HEAT shells lies in wait.
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HEAT shells, contrary to what one might expect based on the name, are not incendiary; "HEAT" stands for "High-Explosive Anti-Tank", and refers to armor-piercing shells meant for use against, well, tanks.
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Should one wish to bring some actual heat, the napalm-launching "Inferno" rounds are always a good option...
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...provided, that is, that your computer can withstand the resultant onslaught of particle effects without winding up looking like them.
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Another fun option are the "Megabuck" shells, which function like buckshot...
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...except instead of small lead pellets, they launch six .50 BMG tracer projectiles. Use against an actual buck is not advised, unless you like your venison in burger form.
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Remember those shells from earlier? Here's the "Smokescreen", which launches out 2 projectiles per shot...
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...each one, as the name would imply, generating a cloud of smoke. Useful for hiding small towns.
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The "Tri-Flash" shells also do pretty exactly what they say on the can, firing out 3 impact-fused flashbangs at a time. The effects are roughly similar to picking up your phone in the middle of the night to check a text and forgetting that you have the brightness all the way up. While the demon that lives under your bed randomly sets off a bunch of M-80s in your pillowcase.


A companion to the "Gluger" above, the "Llock" is also a rare drop in Take & Hold and Meat Grinder; as the name implies, it is the inverse of the Gluger, with a Glock 19 slide and barrel on a Luger P08 frame.

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Glock 19 - 9x19mm Parabellum
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Luger P08 - 9x19mm Parabellum

Luger P08

The Luger P08 is another handgun option in-game, added through Update #47.

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Luger P08 - 9x19mm Parabellum
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A pre-release render of the Luger, complete with magazine. This image was also used to tease several other weapons to come, including an MP40, a Sturmgewehr 44, and a Karabiner 98k.
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The P08 steps up to the plate, determined to make a better score on the target than the M1911A1.
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Loading a magazine into the Luger; the windowed magazines do, in fact, show the rounds inside of them, both in amount and in type.
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Chambering a fresh 9x19mm round. Another nice touch, the barrel and upper frame move slightly backwards as the toggle is pulled, correctly showing the weapon's short-recoil operation.
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The icing on this subtle-detail cake, however, is the Luger's external extractor, which pops up when a round is present in the chamber.
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Aiming; the sights are typical of pistols of the era- that is to say, small.
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Unbothered by this, the invisible pair of hands holding the P08 open fire.

Luger LP08 "Artillery"

Update #52 added 3 Luger variants, the first of which being the Luger LP08 "Artillery", also known as the "Artillery Luger".

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Luger LP08 - 9x19mm Parabellum
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Examining the LP08. The stock is interchangeable with the Carbine's; interestingly, these stocks were also made compatible with the game's other handguns, which led to some suitably silly-looking configurations.
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Loading in a 32-round Trommelmagazin 08, also known as the "Snail Drum".
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Cocking the LP08.
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Taking aim at the target...
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...and firing.

Makarov PM

The fourth alpha build of Update #76 added another much-requested firearm, the Makarov PM.

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Makarov PM - 9x18mm Makarov
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Inspecting the Makarov PM in the indoor range. The markings on the slide and directly behind the slide release both read "1TД", while the frame marking behind the safety indicates that it was manufactured in 1966.
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The right side; here, the lovely contrast between the deep-red Bakelite grips and the dark-blued steel makes itself apparent.
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Loading in an 8-round magazine. These have a large hole in the side to view the current remaining ammunition, a feature which H3 correctly depicts.
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Racking the slide. One of the suspected reasons for the Makarov's continued popularity as a police sidearm in the former Eastern Bloc is the gap between the barrel and the bottom of the frame when the slide is pulled back, as this gap allows the pistol to serve as a makeshift bottle opener.
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Taking aim at a target. For what is definitely the first time. Yep, absolutely. Those three holes up at the top are of no concern to you, citizen. Move along.
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See? As an officer of the law, I obviously know exactly how to line up the sights of my own service sidearm.
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Five Eight shots later, our friendly, honest, definitely truth-telling policeman friend drops his pistol's magazine, and then goes to do some heavy drinking important government business with the locked-back slide.

Mauser C96

Update #43 introduced the Mauser C96 to the game. The weapon holds 10 rounds of the 7.63x25mm Mauser cartridge (which, like some in the game, was added before there were any weapons that could use them), and can be reloaded round-by-round or with a 10-round stripper clip.

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Pre-War dated Mauser C96 "Broomhandle" Commercial Version - 7.63x25mm Mauser
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Nothing quite like sitting back, relaxing, and admiring a beautiful early selfloading handgun.
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Taking a close look at the inside of the magazine...
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...before loading it with a stripper clip. 10 rounds of 7.63x25mm Mauser, straight into the magazine.
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Seeing a charging paper target, "Wurston Churchill" opens fire. Despite there being a cutout for a shoulder stock in the grip's backstrap, no such attachment was available in-game until the release of Update #52.
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10 rounds later, he surveys the damage. Note the rear sight, adjustable for distances far in excess of the weapon's effective range.

Mauser M712 Schnellfeuer

In a similar vein to its 3 extra Luger variants, Update #52 brought along 3 variants of the Mauser C96, the first being a Mauser M712 Schnellfeuer machine pistol. The German word "Schnellfeuer" literally means "rapid fire."

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Mauser M712 Schnellfeuer - 7.63x25mm Mauser
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The M712 has quite the imposing appearance. One might even call it a Big Mama among handguns.
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Loading a 40-round magazine into the Schnellfeuer.
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Chambering the first of those 40 rounds with a swift tug of the bolt.
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Letting all 40 rounds fly. Considering its sheer uncontrollability without a stock, there isn't really much point to aiming it.

Mk 22 Mod 0 "Hush Puppy"

The Mk 22 Mod 0 "Hush Puppy", a long-requested variation of the Smith & Wesson 39 used by US special forces during the Cold War, was added in Update #82; the update itself was themed around noise, with its other additions including a pair of improvised suppressors (one made of a soda bottle, and another made from an oil filter), and several decidedly less subtle attachments (including a gramophone-esque "loudener" attachment, a bicycle horn and bell, and a foregrip made out of an airhorn).

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Mk 22 Mod 0 "Hush Puppy" with suppressor, stock, and holster - 9x19mm Parabellum
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Taking a look at the brand-new gift from EVAnton.
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Make sure not to lose it.
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Loading the pistol. Note the width of the magazine; the in-game Mk 22 is based on a prototype variant that used double-stack magazines. This is why, in the preceding screencaps, there is a visible ridge in the frame just forward of the trigger.
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Racking the slide to make sure a round is chambered. Luckily, H3 doesn't allow guns to jam.
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Taking aim; these large, high-profile sights are primarily meant to clear suppressors, though they're also nice for general use.
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Firing what is most assuredly not a tranquilizer round into the paper target.
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Of course, there's not much point to using a Hush Puppy if you don't attach the husher.
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It hushes the gun pretty nicely all things considered. However, if you're looking to be even sneakier...
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...then just try to release the slide. The Mk 22 has no slide release, with the lever being replaced by this odd-looking device.
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Said device is a locking lever, which prevents the slide from opening, thus eliminating the noise that would otherwise be created by the slide reciprocating (and that of casings hitting the floor).
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The downside, of course, it that you have to disengage the lever and rack the slide manually after every shot, which can get a little bit tiresome.
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Oh, and there's a stock for it, too. Just in case you were wondering.

Moses Brothers Self-Defense Engine Frontier Model B

Unlocked as a reward, the "Frontier Model B" is a precise replica of Captain Malcom's gun from Serenity and Firefly. While the original prop was actually a Taurus Model 85 in a multi-part casing meant to make it look like a semi-automatic, magazine-fed handgun, in-game it is just that- a magazine-fed, semi-automatic handgun that holds 6 rounds (plus one in the chamber) of the proprietary .36 Moses cartridge.

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The prop of Mal's handgun, as seen in Firefly.
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Let's see... a decanter without any contents, a calculator without any buttons, John Lennon's glasses without any temples, a revolver cosplaying as a semi-auto, and a Big Red Button. This is gonna be... interesting.
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Examining the penultimate item on the list.
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Loading in a magazine. 2 things are worth noting here: the design of the cartridge, and the design of the magazine. The latter doesn't work like a traditional magazine; instead of being stacked on top of one another, the rounds are stacked end-to-end, only one layer deep. The former seems to consist solely of a fully-jacketed pistol-caliber bullet, with no visible casing (accordingly, no casings are ejected when the weapon fires); this would seemingly it to be a caseless round, rather like the "Rocket Balls" of the Volcanic Repeater, upon which the original prop was inspired. This does not, however, account for the pistol's immense damage per shot, as the Volcanic's ammunition was notoriously weak; the pistol is implied to use some sort of electromagnetic acceleration system (presumably either a coilgun- or railgun-type system), so any actual propellant in the cartridges is most likely just to start the projectile moving.
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Pulling back the pistol's top plate, which serves to both retract the bolt and cock the hammer.
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Pausing for a moment to appreciate the pistol. Something about brass on a gun just... works.
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The pistol's (rather wide) iron sights, as seen a bit closer to the eye than is strictly advisable. To be fair, the brass front blade blends in with the drab color scheme of Wurstworld rather too well for most eyes' liking.
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Reducing a cactus to a shower of spines and sparks, following it making a largely incoherent threat to eat the entire crew alive. Gorram savages...
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The threat defeated, a few shots into the air are merited. Note both the reciprocation of the top-plate, and the blue muzzle flash, similar to that of the "Cyber Pistol" above.
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Dumping out an empty magazine, and getting back to the job at hand.


One of the firearms added in the "Meat Fortress" update (an officially-licensed crossover with Team Fortress 2), the "Pistol" is a duplicate of the one from TF2, being a mix of Walther PPK (ejection port, grip panels, lower gripframe) and Makarov PM (slide, trigger, upper frame) with a Smith & Wesson Model 61 Escort-esque rounded trigger guard. Of note is that the original model was largely static (with only the magazine being an actual moving part), forcing gamedev Anton Hand to rework the model for use with H3's firearm systems. Of note is that the "Pistol", along with all the other Meat Fortress weapons, are not classified based on their actual weapon type; instead, they occupy a special "Meat Fort" class in the in-game item spawner.

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Makarov PM - 9x18mm Makarov
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Walther PPK - .380 ACP
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Smith & Wesson Model 61 Escort - .22 LR
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Throw 'em all together with a healthy dose of cartoonishness, and you get this puppy.
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A close-up of the inside of the pistol, showing the work done in its remodeling - the inside of the slide, the magazine well, the feed ramp, the rear end of the barrel, the front end of the barrel, and all of the slide and frame surfaces that's expose when the slide comes back had to be modeled at H3's end.
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Also added were appropriate functions for the hammer, seen here cocked; the pistol operates in SA/DA mode in-game, unlike TF2's seeming DAO.
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And, of course, what good is a hammer without a trigger to drop it? The one in-game recesses itself near-totally into the frame when pulled, as seen here.
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Looking at a magazine; true to the source material, these hold 12 rounds. The pistol in this build uses .45 ACP; all of these TF2-derived weapons initially used standard calibers as placeholders, so as to avoid accidental leaking of project-related information before the crossover was announced.
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Loading the Pistol with one of the aforeobserved magazines; note that the stamping in the top of the magazine is modeled in 3D, as opposed to the original game, wherein it was simply part of a flat texture.
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Pointing the Pistol at a Sosig Heavy's head; as with many of these weapons, the sights aren't exactly... traditional.
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Switching targets to a nearby Sosig Engineer, and dumping rounds into its "torso". Note that, due to its non-standard layout, the Pistol ejects to the left instead of the right.
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Dumping an empty magazine out of the locked-empty pistol, and declaring solemnly that it really do be like that sometimes.
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Performing a dual simultaneous reload with a brace of pistols, showing off 2 loaded magazines; in keeping with their Russian-sounding name, the Pistols' proprietary "11mm Manchevskikovovichidev" rounds are steel-cased, with a dull copper-jacketed bullet and a red ring of death case sealant.
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Interestingly, several of the TF2 weapons can equip suppressors, the Pistol among them; this is a "Large A" Maxim Silencer (the first commercially-available firearm suppressor), one of 6 variants thereof added in Update #76 - there are 3 sizes, each in "A" (standalone) and "B" (adaptor-fitted) variants.
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Firing one of these produces an exaggerated, high-pitched "pew" sound, befitting of a game as cartoonish and exaggerated as TF2.
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On the topic of suppressors, Update #83 added several community-designed ones meant to fit the TF2 arsenal; this is the Pistol's. The flared-out profile fits the cartoonish artstyle, while the finish matches the gun's frame to a T.

Remington 1866 Derringer

The second derringer added with the release of Update #85 was an ornately-decorated Remington 1866 Derringer, going by its alternate name of "Model 95" in-game. Holding just two manually-indexed rounds of the rather anemic .41 Short cartridge (with poor accuracy to boot), the Remington holds the somewhat dubious honor of being quite possibly the least useful firearm in the game - while the the earlier-added Volcanic Repeater does slightly less damage per shot, it has fourfold the capacity and enough accuracy to put all eight of those rounds into one side of a barn, a claim the Model 95 can't make in complete honesty.

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Remington 1866 Derringer with engravings and pearl grips - .41 RF
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We weren't kidding when we said "ornately decorated" - the gold-inlaid engravings are intricate, detailed, and overall quite nice-looking.
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Even if you have to hold the gun pretty close to your face to really see them.
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Opening up the derringer; holding it like this is generally recommended, unless you enjoy loading rounds in blindly and pointing both muzzles at your own face.
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Loading in a couple of .41 Shorts.
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Cocking the hammer, an easy step to forget when you're busy swearing about how bad your luck with the Take & Hold weapon pool is.
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Aiming the pistol at a watermelon, and...
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...yeah, we weren't kidding about the whole "poor accuracy" bit either.
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Engaging the target from a derringer-suitable range (read: within loogie-hocking distance) produces more satisfactory results.
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Dumping out the two spent cases; with the round fired only being a .41 Short, the watermelon made a full recovery in record time.

Remington Rolling Block

The Remington Rolling Block pistol is one of the available firearms in-game, added through Update #32.

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Remington Rolling Block Cavalry - .50
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A pair of Rolling Block pistols on a table.
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Taking a good look at the pistol.
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The other side. The lighting at this angle gives a good view of the somewhat worn appearance, which is to be expected of a >150-year-old handgun.
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Loading the Rolling Block is a rather involved process; it starts with cocking the hammer...
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...opening the breech...
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...loading in a (proprietary) .50 caliber black-powder cartridge...
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...and finally closing the breech.
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Aiming the Rolling Block...
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...and firing it, producing an impressive cloud of smoke in the process. Such is expected of black-powder firearms.
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Ejecting a spent case from the pistol.

Ruger Mk III

The Ruger Mk III is one of the available firearms in-game; it was added in Update #5, and was, until the release of Update #56, the only weapon in the game chambered in .22 Long Rifle. Notably, its magazine safety (a system that prevents the pistol from firing if no magazine is inserted) is correctly simulated in-game.

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Stainless Ruger Mk III w/ standard-weight barrel - .22 LR
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Admiring the lovelily lithe little Ruger.
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The target pistol's other side, with the change in lighting providing a good look at the well-polished finish.
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Loading in a magazine...
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...and pulling back the bolt to chamber a round.
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The pistol's sights; a simple rear notch and front post, both black. Not the easiest to make out, but not too difficult either.
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Enjoying a bit of casual plinking with the MkIII.
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Ejecting an empty magazine, and breathing in that sweet, sweet smell of burnt gunpowder.

Ruger Mk IV

Update #59's ninth alpha build added the Ruger Mk IV, an improved version of the Mk III with a simplified disassembly procedure. 2 versions were added: a stainless Hunter model with high-contrast illuminated sights, and a Standard model with a custom integrated suppressor, known as the "Whisper" variant. As with the earlier Mk III, the Mk IVs both have simulated magazine safeties.

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Ruger Mk IV Hunter - .22 LR
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Examining the Hunter. A beautiful thing, it is.
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The pistol's other side. Interestingly, the pistol's grip panels have nearly unaltered Ruger logo medallions embedded in them; the only change is the replacement of the "R" with a "B", which, judging by the markings on the side of the upper receiver, presumably stands for "Bugert".
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Taking a look at the Hunter's red-and-yellow illuminated sights.


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Ruger Mk IV Standard - .22 LR
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The Mk IV "Whisper", in all its subtle glory.
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Loading in a standard 10-round magazine.
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Flipping the pistol over...
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...and pulling back the bolt.
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Pointing the pistol at a target; lacking a front sight, the Whisper doesn't really necessitate proper aiming.
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Firing the Mk IV. As the name implies, the weapon is whisper-quiet.
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Setting down the now-empty Whisper.

Seburo Compact-eXploder

Update #57 added one firearm, the Compact-eXploder machine pistol, made by Japanese science fiction mangaka Masamune Shirow's fictional arms company Seburo. In-game, the weapon is referred to as the "SCX" (i.e. Seburo Compact-eXploder), and fires the 4.6x30mm HK round (its caliber never being specified in the original source material).

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Airsoft replica of the Seburo Compact-eXploder pistol seen in the manga Appleseed. This is a conversion kit for the Maruzen PPK/S airsoft gun made by Dai-Nihon Giken Poseidon.
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Examining the SCX. A rather well-done model for a gun that doesn't actually exist.
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The right side of the pistol, which looks more or less the same as the left.
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Taking a look at one of the Seburo's distinctive curved magazines, which shows off the white-tipped (armor-piercing incendiary tracer) 4.6mm rounds within. These magazines hold 15 rounds, presumably due to them being single-stack.
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Loading in the aforementioned magazine.
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Lining up the Compact-eXploder's high-set sights...
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...and sending out a 15-round burst.

SIG-Sauer P226R

The first alpha build of Update #90 was one that'd been requested for quite some time: a SIG-Sauer P226R, known in-game as the "P226 Mk 25" (the US Navy-issued version), with 15- and 20-round magazines available.

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SIG-Sauer P226R - 9x19mm Parabellum
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At long last, our Swiss-German friend is here.
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Oh, and the grips aren't actually pink. That's just the lighting.
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Loading in a standard magazine.
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Racking the slide, and trying to ignore the pinkness.
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Aiming at a Weinerbot; as mentioned with the Bergmann No. 5, these are still present in some scenes, the Mini Arena among them.
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Putting a nine-millimeter round into its head...
Error creating thumbnail: File missing precious little effect, as the empty magazine and locked-open slide here make apparent. Note the blue circle on the ejected mag; this indicates that a given object is elligible for targeting with the Half-Life: Alyx-esque "Grabbity Gloves" added in Update #89. Upon being selected, it turns orange.
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Realizing a need for more firepower, and loading in a 20-round extendo.
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Dropping another Weinerbot with the P226, thanking the mysterious Circle of Illumination for making it clear where the doorway ends.
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This circle is, of course, the product of an underbarrel flashlight. And a needlessly dramatic mag pitch.

SIG-Sauer P250 Compact

The compact version of the SIG-Sauer P250 is one of the available firearms in-game. It has a two-tone finish, is chambered in .45 ACP, and was added in Update #5.

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Early Model SIG-Sauer P250 Compact with two-tone finish - 9x19mm Parabellum
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Admiring the P250, amidst a selection of other handguns.
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Loading in a standard 9-round magazine.
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Chambering the first of the aforementioned 9 rounds.
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Taking aim at a target...
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...and firing.
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A P250 fitted with a laser and a red-dot sight. The latter is no longer possible; it was found that detachable slide-mounted red-dot sights had serious zeroing problems, so the feature was removed, leaving the player's only options for RDSed handguns either the use of a wrap-around rail mount or one of the pistols with a fixed red-dot sight.

Steyr M1912

Added in the third alpha of Update #85, the Steyr M1912 expands H3's roster of clip-fed pistols, and is one of only two firearms in the game chambered in 9x23mm Steyr (the other one of which, added concurrently, is below).

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Steyr M1912
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Admiring the M1912 while enjoying the scenic views of - wait a minute, this isn't Albania
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"Oh, we were supposed to turn LEFT at Podgorica."
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Disengaging the Steyr's safety; this is rather important, as the safety prevents the slide from moving...
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...which is necessary to load the thing.
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Loading is accomplished via an 8-round stripper clip; loose rounds can also be used, but there's not much of a practical advantage to doing so.
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Aiming at a glass bottle; the front sight is rather thin, making the sights easy to use with light backgrounds, and nearly impossible to use on dark ones.
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Emphasis on "nearly"; while the pistol itself obscures it here, this was, in fact, a direct hit. Yep, absolutely square-on. No reason to doubt me on this one, just take my word for it.

Steyr M1912/P.16

The M1912/P.16, the select-fire variant of the above Steyr M1912, was added concurrently with the former in Update #85's third alpha build. It is permanently fitted with a stock (as, unlike most pistol stocks, the M1912's wraps around the entire grip, making even the game's version of interchangeability unfeasible), and features the appropriate 16-round extended fixed magazine.

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Steyr M1912/P.16 - 9x23mm Steyr
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Steyr M1912 with stock - 9x23mm Steyr. Image provided to show the stock used on the in-game P.16
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Taking a look at the M1912/P.16, right at the start of a "Battle Petite" match in the Meatmas Cappocolloseum.
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Stripping some rounds off of the first of two stripper clips. Or maybe the second. You have no real way of knowing.
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Chambering what could just as easily be the first of eight rounds as it could be sixteen - again, you can't tell.
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A minute or two of sausage-shooting later, and a quick peek at the right side of the pistol reveals this large switch on the frame.
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Flipping it down results in...
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"Yes, I know the rule of the Double Tap, but I think you crossed the line between "playing it safe" and "desecrating a corpse" about eleven rounds ago."
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Doing a bit of post-battle bore inspection in a completely unsafe and inadvisable manner shows that the P.16 has a rather detailed interior, with rifling grooves in the barrel and a firing pin hole in the breech face (as does the normal M1912, though it's not suitably absurd to inspire this kind of poor decision-making). Exactly how light is entering the barrel at this angle is another matter entirely.

Thompson Center Arms Contender

The 12th alpha build of Update #52 added a Thompson Center Arms Contender pistol chambered in .45-70 Government, with a curious combination of a wooden forearm and a synthetic grip. Interestingly, it uses the same code-base as the earlier-added Orion Flare Gun, due to the near-identical manual of arms.

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Thompson Center Arms Contender - .45-70 Government
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When faced with the threat of a giant evil hotdog trying to monetize Christmas, always keep your handcannon handy.
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Opening up the breech.
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Loading in a jacketed hollow-point .45-70 round. Several other types were added as well, including soft-points, wadcutters, and solid-brass Lehigh Defense Xtreme Penetrator rounds.
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Cocking the hammer.
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Aiming; the Contender in-game is meant to be used with optics, and as such doesn't actually have any iron sights.
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This doesn't actually prevent you from hitting your target, however, as the headless fellow in the bottom-left of the shot can attest to.

Tokarev TT-33

The Tokarev TT-33 is one of the available firearms in-game. It was the first "real" handgun added (barring the fictitious "Cyber Pistol"), and predates H3's release altogether; it was one of the few weapons included in the very first early access build of the game. Update #77's 1st alpha build replaced the earlier re-finished model with a newer, older-looking one.

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Tokarev TT-33 - 7.62x25mm Tokarev
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Launching right into things, by lining up a TT-33 over a magazine...
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...and slamming it down onto the table.
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Giving the slide a good, solid yank.
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Examining the TT-33; bright lights and refinished bluing do not mix well with human eyes.
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Firing off a few shots at nothing in particular.
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Performing a quick swap-out of the magazine, which shows off the TT's oddly chunky aftermarket grips. It also shows that the reload was merited; the indicator holes on the side reveal that the magazine only contains 4 rounds.
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Okay, now you're just being silly.
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One may have noticed that the pistol in the previous shots remained uncocked at all times, despite the TT-33 being single-action-only. Those shots were from an earlier build of the game; Update #3 fixed the issue.
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Which is, y'know.
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The TT-33's iron sights.

...what? Were you expecting something that actually fits into the section and flows well? Nope. Too bad. This is all you get.
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Tokarev TT-33 with wooden grips - 7.62x25mm Tokarev
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The (slightly less) shiny new (yet older) Tokarev, courtesy of Update #77's 1st alpha.
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Gone are the aftermarket synthetic grips and redone finish, with checkered wood and a duller original bluing job replacing them.
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Like the old model, the new model's magazine has functional witness holes; the rounds look different, as the 7.62x25mm Tokarev round had been migrated to the standard multi-type ammo system of the game's other weapons by this point.
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Chambering a round.
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The TT-33's iron sights; much better integrated into the section this time, if not any easier to use on a gray target.
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Firing off a round; the rather substantial powder charge of the 7.62x25mm round leads to an impressive muzzle flash, one which lingers a frame or two longer than usual, as seen here.
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That shot plus ceмь later, and the pistol locks empty, meriting the ejection of the now-empty magazine.

Volcanic Repeater

The Volcanic Repeater is one of the firearms added in the Wurstworld update. It's based on an early Smith and Wesson produced Navy model, with iron frame over the later brass frame, and is chambered for .41 caliber "Rocket Ball" rounds, which are (correctly) rather anemic.

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Volcanic Repeating Arms "Navy" Pistol - .41 Rocket Ball
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While out in Wurstworld, you have to admire the detail in the Volcanic.
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Opening the Volcanic's magazine tube. A notable error is that the follower tab (the small projection sticking off of the end of the tube) is always in the pushed-forward position, meaning that there is nothing actually pushing the rounds in the magazine towards the action.
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Loading in some .41 caliber rounds...
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...which, fortunately enough, do show up in the tube.
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Chambering a round in the Volcanic.
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Taking aim with the Volcanic's rather small sights.
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Flip-cocking the Volcanic. This is one of two ways that the weapon can be used in-game; the other is holding it with two hands and working the action normally, which is much more practical, but much less cool-looking.

Walther P22

Update #58 added a two-toned Walther P22 pistol.

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Walther P22 - .22 LR
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Loading a 10-round magazine into the P22...
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...before pausing to admire it. Unlike the reference image above, H3's P22 has a green frame.
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Also unlike the reference image, the in-game P22 lacks the Walther banner logo stamp on the front of the slide, due to the typical copyright concerns.
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Racking the Walther's slide.
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Aiming through the sights; while holding a handgun so close to one's own face would normally be rather inadvisable, with the short slide travel and minimal recoil of a .22, it's really not that much of an issue.
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Failing nearly all its classes, the empty magazine decides to just drop out and join a trade school.

Walther P38

The Walther P38 was added in the 11th alpha of Update #52.

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Walther P38 - 9x19mm Parabellum
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Examining the P38. Note the Bakelite grips, which show this to be a wartime model.
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Loading in a magazine. For some odd reason, the indicator holes in the magazine aren't actually holes, and as such don't show the magazine's contents.
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Racking the slide.
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Taking a look at the sights...
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...before receiving a vision from 8 rounds in the future.

Walther P38K

Along with the full-size variant, the short-barreled Walther P38K was added in Update #52's 11th alpha.

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Walther P38K - 9x19mm Parabellum
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The two P38s resting side-by-side on a table.
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"Hey, where'd the rest of it go?"
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Taking a close look at the P38K's muzzle, in a rather inadvisable fashion.

Walther PPK

The Walther PPK was added to the game with the release of the 1st Meatmas update.

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Walther PPK - .32 ACP
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While debuting a few new guns, you have to pause for one of the most famous pocket pistols.
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Loading a magazine into the PPK. Unlike a certain someone's PPK, this gun is chambered for 9x17mm, rather than 7.65x17mm, which gives it a 6-shot capacity.
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Chambering a round.
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Aiming the pistol. The sights are rather small, but that's the price you pay for having something concealable.
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Firing a .380 round at the target.
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Unfortunately, that grouping just won't cut it. You'll need to get a far better score on the test if you want to get your license to kill.

Webley & Scott Mk I

The 19th day of Meatmas 2018 brought along a Webley & Scott Mk I autoloading pistol.

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Webley & Scott Mk I - .455 Webley Auto
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What better gift to give than a century-old autoloading handgun? Especially one with as much collector's value as this. Must've cost them a fortune, whoever "they" might be.
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Loading in the standard 7-round magazine. Certainly not lacking in the "indicator holes" department...
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Pausing to admire the pistol. A well-made piece of kit, even if it does look a bit like someone built it out of a bunch of bits from other handguns with little regard as to what was supposed to go where.
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Flipping the pistol over...
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...and giving the slide a pull.
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Aiming at a distant crystal snowflake; the irons are a bit small by today's standards, but a damn sight better than some of the Webley's contemporaries.
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Firing off a shot; at full size, the semi-rim of the .455 Webley Auto cartridge's case can just be glimpsed.
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Neither that shot nor the six that followed hit their mark; while .455 Webley Auto (proprietary, at least in-game) runs at substantially higher velocities than the .455 Webley revolver round upon which it was based, it's still not even scraping the sound barrier, making long-distance shooting at anything smaller than a tectonic plate a bit of an exercise in futility.
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Well, at least it's a conversation starter.


A weapon that vehemently resists all attempts at conventional classification, the "Whizzbanger" is arguably the strangest addition brought along by the 2019 April Fools' Day update - and that's saying something for an update that also added Sosigs with glowing red clown noses that bleed confetti. Based on a Pimp My Gun photo believed to have originated from 4chan, the Whizzbanger consists of an RIS foregrip, attached to which are a pair of scope mount-esque rings in front of a spring-loaded firing pin, meant to be struck with a provided mallet (though just about anything - other objects, walls, enemies, etc. - will also do the job). To top it all of, the cartridge of choice for this monstrosity is, of all things, .50 BMG (which is presumably why it sits with the anti-materiel rifles in the item spawner). Update #71 furthered this insanity by adding a 3rd, smaller ring to the front of the device, and allowing it to take attachments. Including suppressors.

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The Pimp My Gun image that the Whizzbanger was based on.
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See, 4chan, this is why we can't have nice things.
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The other side of the Whizzbanger. Honestly, it's just in the pistol section because we can't think of a better place to put it. Maybe it should just get its own category.
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Contemplating how on Earth to shove a .50-caliber tracer round into the ring mounts.
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With that issue solved, the next thing to contemplate is why. Unfortunately, Jeff Goldblum's Jurassic Park quote has already been used on this page, as it would have summed this device up perfectly...
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Never before has a firearm's hammer been so aptly named. Or a poor Sosig so completely oblivious of what's about to happen to it.
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Though, granted, one has to feel just as bad for the person holding the damned thing. And no, this isn't a muzzle flash, because the term "muzzle flash" implies the existence of a muzzle, which implies the existence of a barrel.
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A couple frames later, and the kick of an unsupported .50 BMG going off attached to little more than a lightweight handle kicks in. Not every day that somebody's cause of death is "decapitation by torso disintegration".
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Popping the somehow-not-blown-apart spent case out of the Whizzbanger, and taking a moment to seriously think about the decisions that have led us all to this moment. So many mistakes...
Error creating thumbnail: File missing what's another on the pile?
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Pointing a Gepard PDW at the monstrosity; not to rid the world of it, mind you, but to use it: another feature added to the Whizzbanger in Update #71 was the ability to hit the firing pin with bullets fired from other weapons. Rube Goldberg machines, anyone?

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