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Men At Work
From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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Men At Work is a 1990 dark comedy film written and directed by Emilio Estevez who also co-stars along with his brother Charlie Sheen. The film has the brothers Estevez and Sheen portraying a couple of indifferent prankster garbagemen who inadvertently stumble onto the body of a dead politician and an illegal offshore toxic chemical dumping conspiracy.
The following weapons were used in the film Men At Work:
The eponymous and never-more-descript 'Pellet Gun' is the film's most prominent weapon, seen used throughout the film by Carl Taylor (Charlie Sheen), James St. James (Emilio Estevez), and Louis Fedders (Keith David).
The Colt Official Police is the apparent sidearm of the antagonizing (at least to Carl and James) Las Playas Police Officer Mike (John Putch) and his partner Jeff (Tommy Hinkley).
Two "rent-a-cops" draw unknown handguns on Louis (Keith David). As they are seen at a distance (and well out of any focus), a definitive ID can't be made.
Mario (John Lavachielli) is first seen wielding a nondescript Taser, which he specifically describes, much to the ire of his partner henchman Biff (Hawk Wolinski).
Louis is seen doodling a couple of pictures during his accompanying Carl and James on their work route. The first shows their standard garbage truck but with a man firing what seems to be some kind of sniper rifle from the cab and some kind of missile mounted on the top. The other drawing is of a otherwise plain-looking helicopter inexplicably firing missiles upon a pier full of people.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingLouis first-seen drawing. Rather unusual thing to add to a daily report.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA pier showing several apparently very oblivious people..Error creating thumbnail: File missing..And the drawn helicopter (clearly with landing skids akin to a UH-1 Huey) inexplicably firing missiles at said pier. Rather tasteless, yes, but is fitting with the character of Louis who very much retains the rather dark battlefield humor of a combat veteran.