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Tokyo Marui things
Resident Evil
Official site:
Unless confirmed otherwise I'm just gonna assume that all RE airsoft replicas are Tokyo Marui. Please add image sources people so I won't accidentally identify some guy's custom work as TM official.
Samurai Edge
Tokyo Marui airsoft replica of the Beretta 92FS "Samurai Edge" from the Resident Evil video game series. With close up on the engravings.
Tokyo Marui airsoft replica of the Beretta 92FS "Samurai Edge" from the Resident Evil video game series.
Tokyo Marui airsoft replica of Jill Valentine's Beretta 92FS "Samurai Edge" from Resident Evil 3: Nemesis.
Tokyo Marui airsoft replica of Barry Burton's Samurai Edge from Resident Evil (2002).
Tokyo Marui airsoft replica of Barry Burton's Samurai Edge from Resident Evil: Revelations 2.
Tokyo Marui airsoft replica of Albert Wesker's Beretta 92FS "Samurai Edge" from the Resident Evil video game series.
Tokyo Marui airsoft replica of the "Albert-01" from Resident Evil 7.
The "Samurai Edge Albert W. Model 01" and its components.
Tokyo Marui Samurai Edge Kai M92F Kendo S.T.A.R.S. Custom Chris Redfield Model airsoft pistol.
Tokyo Marui Samurai Edge A1 Jill Valentine Model airsoft pistol.
Desert Eagle
Tokyo Marui airsoft replica of the Desert Eagle from Resident Evil 2.
Tokyo Marui airsoft replica of the upgraded Desert Eagle with 10" barrel from Resident Evil 2.
Tokyo Marui Desert Eagle Mark XIX "Leon Custom" - 6mm BB. This is a limited edition airsoft gun commemorating 10 years of collaboration between Capcom and Tokyo Marui, based on the upgraded Desert Eagle from Resident Evil 2, but with a black grip and silver slide, a configuration not seen in-game.
Tokyo Marui airsoft replica of the Desert Eagle Mark XIX from Resident Evil 2 (2019).
Tokyo Marui airsoft replica of the upgraded Desert Eagle Mark XIX from Resident Evil 2 (2019).
Tokyo Marui Airsoft replica of "Sentinel Nine" found in Resident Evil: Vendetta.
Tokyo Marui "Ashford Gold Luger" airsoft pistol, based on weapons seen in Resident Evil: Code Veronica.
"Thor's Hammer" airsoft shotgun, based on the "Albert. W. Model 02" shotgun found in Resident Evil 7: Biohazard "Not a Hero" DLC.
Tokyo Marui SGR-12 airsoft shotgun.
Airsoft Tokyo Marui Hi-Capa 4.3 - 6mm BBs
Tokyo Marui Strike Warrior - 6mm BB
Tokyo Marui Foliage Warrior - 6mm BB
Tokyo Marui Desert Warrior 4.3 - 6mm BBs
Airsoft Tokyo Marui M4A1 S-System
Tokyo Marui Colt Model 933 with 4-position stock and thicker A2-profile barrel
Tokyo Marui MP5-J airsoft gun. Note the shape of the flash hider compared to a genuine MP5A5.
Airsoft Tokyo Marui M9 Tactical Master
Airsoft Tokyo Marui VSR-10 pro G-Spec - 6mm BB
Airsoft Tokyo Marui VSR-10 - 6mm BB
Tokyo Marui AK-47 β-Spetsnaz - 6mm BB
Airsoft Tokyo Marui G36KA2; note the different carry handle and handguard, as well as the SEF markings. - 6mm BB
Airsoft Tokyo Marui AUG A3 High Cycle - 6mm BB
Airsoft FAMAS SV (Tokyo Marui AEG version of the G1)
Tokyo Marui Airsoft replica of the H&K Mark 23 Phase II Prototype
Tokyo Marui Hi-Capa 5.1 - 6mm BBs
Tokyo Marui Tactical Launcher.
Tokyo Marui Colt Double Eagle Soft Air Gun.
Tokyo Marui "Gindan" Glock 26 (Red)
Tokyo Marui "Gindan" PPK/S (Blue)
Media Collab
Tokyo Marui P-90 Ver.LLENN
Airsoft Tokyo Marui "Golgo 13" M16 rifle
Non-TM Resident Evil stuff
Replica of Barry Burton's Custom Colt Python from Resident Evil (2002).
Non-TM, Non-RE stuff
Western Arms Anime Guns
Western Arms airsoft replica of Aria H. Kanzaki's custom Government Models from Aria the Scarlet Ammo.
Western Arms airsoft replica of Kinji Tohyama's custom Beretta 92FS Inox from Aria the Scarlet Ammo. Note the selector switch in place of the safety lever.
Western Arms airsoft replica of Francesca Lucchini's Beretta M1934 from the Strike Witches franchise.
Western Arms airsoft replica of Charlotte E. Yeager's M1911A1 from the Strike Witches franchise.
Western Arms airsoft replica of Yukio Okumura's custom 1911 from Blue Exorcist.
Dominators from Psycho-Pass
Cerevo Dominator Portable Psychological Diagnosis and Suppression System aka the 45MW.TRG Dominator - Non-Lethal Paralyzer Mode.
Cerevo Dominator Portable Psychological Diagnosis and Suppression System aka the 45MW.TRG Dominator - Lethal Eliminator Mode.
Poseidon Dominator Portable Psychological Diagnosis and Suppression System aka the 45MW.TRG Dominator - Destroy Decomposer Mode.
Airsoft Replica of Revy's Beretta 92FS Inox "9mm Sword Cutlass" from Black Lagoon.
A sample of the modded XSE used in the show.
A sample of the modded pistol used in the show.
CYMA M052 Pistol Grenade Launcher.
A replica of the Raphael submachine gun.
GITS and stuff
Airsoft Tokyo Marui "G26 AdVanced"
Laylax "Schrödinger" Airsoft Gun, replica of the fictional assault rifle seen in anime Ghost in the Shell Arise.
Seburo & Posiedon things (mainly Poseidon)
Seburo (Japanese: セブロ) is a fictional arms company created by Japanese science fiction mangaka Masamune Shirow. The company and its products have appeared in multiple works by Shirow (Ghost in the Shell, Appleseed, New Dominion Tank Police, Black Magic M-66, etc).
Dai-Nihon Giken Poseidon is a notable Japanese studio that produces airsoft conversion kits and model replicas for anime and manga weapons, including Seburo weapons, as well as other Anime-inspired original creations, such as the CQB TYPE-0 "RAISEN" conversion kit seen in Battlestar Galactica: The Miniseries (2003) or the Type 06 IkaZuchi conversion kit that was cloned without license by Jing Gong, which created the Jing Gong Thunder Maul.
This list primarily documents creations Dai-Nihon Giken Poseidon. It is likely that other Seburo weapons not covered by Poiseidon will have their own replicas done by other studios. Some of the following products may no longer be available. Most are not available outside of Japan anyways.
As a trivia, Poseidon appears to be named after Poseidon Global Industrial Technologies, a nation in Appleseed.
Also: Trident Works. Distributor for custom models? Including Poseidon?
Poseidon airsoft replica of the CZN-M22 from Ghost in the Shell (1995). The gun is based on the TM Steyr AUG AEG gearbox, and uses TM M16 airsoft magazines.
Poseidon Close Quarters Battle Weapon Type-0 "RAISEN" airsoft gun. This is a conversion kit for the Tokyo Marui M16 series of airsoft guns.
Poseidon airsoft replica of the Seburo Bobson Centennial from the manga Appleseed. This is a conversion kit for the Maruzen PPK/S airsoft gun.
Poseidon airsoft replica of the Seburo MN-23 from the Dominion manga series. This is a conversion kit for the Tokyo Marui FA-MAS airsoft gun.
Poseidon model replica of the Seburo M5 from Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex.
Poseidon airsoft replica of the Seburo Compact-eXploder from the manga Appleseed. This is a conversion kit for the Maruzen PPK/S airsoft gun.
Poseidon Type 06 IkaZuchi airsoft gun. This is a conversion kit for the Tokyo Marui M4A1 airsoft gun. The Jing Gong Thunder Maul is an unlicensed clone of this design.
Poseidon model replica of the Hellsing Arms "Joshua" from the manga Hellsing.
Poseidon airsoft replica of the Hellsing Arms "Jackal" from the manga Hellsing. This is a conversion kit for the Tokyo Marui Beretta M92F airsoft gun.
Poseidon model replica of the Grader Single Hand 2043 from the manga Trigun.
Poseidon model replica of the Mateba 2008M from Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex.
Airsoft replica of the Earth Federation Force Standard Issue Pistol from the Gundam franchise. This is a conversion kit for the Maruzen PPK/S airsoft gun.
- Compact eXploder Note: Multiple Japanese (and a few English) sources I read specify the in-universe caliber as the 5.7mm Compact round, based on the 5.7x28mm used on the P90. The weapon was also described by these sources as holding 30 rounds in universe. I am not sure if these originate from an official source from Shirow or somewhere else.
- Note on the Gundam gun: I could not find a primary source for the image; Wayback Machine shows that they used to have a Gundam gun on their website, but it was apparently later pulled from the website for unknown reasons (maybe a case of screwed by the lawyers?), and the images on the website are not archived on the Wayback Machine. The current image is from a secondary source that I did not verify thoroughly.
Star Wars: The Original Trilogy (1977-1983)