The Man in the High Castle - Season 4The Man in the High Castle - Season 4 - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video GamesThe Man in the High Castle - Season 4
The Makarov PM is seen in the hands of Black Communist Rebellion members. It is possible that they might be standing-in for Norinco Type 59 pistols, as the BCR is said to have sourced most of their weapons from China in this universe's alternate history.
Members of the Imperial Japanese Army and the Kempeitai, including Chief Inspector Takeshi Kido (Joel de la Fuente) as well as Corporal Toru Kido (Sen Mitsuji) carry the Nambu Type 14 as their main sidearm.
The Stechkin APS is seen used in a drive-by assassination and later recovered as evidence. Curiously, Captain Iijima identifies it as a "Chinese Type 54" which could be a misidentification of the real-life Norinco Type 54 or since this is an alternate timeline, it could actually be an in-universe designation. In reality, there are no known Chinese copies of the APS pistol, licensed or otherwise.
Bell Mallory (Frances Turner) carries a TT-33 pistol as her personal sidearm throughout the season. Several other BCR members also carry TT-33 pistols.
The Heckler & Koch MP5A3 sub-machine guns with curved magazines and slim forearms continue to serve the GNR as their primary sub-machine gun throughout the season.
The shorter length Arisaka Type 38 Carbines are used frequently by Kempeitai and Imperial Japanese Army soldiers whenever they're not using the newer Howa Type 64. In several flashbacks, Toru Kido (Sen Mitsuji) is seen using a full-length Type 38 rifle with an attached Type 30 bayonet during his service in Manchuria.
M1 Carbines are seen in the hands of resistance fighters thoughout the show. The carbines are seen in a peculiar configuration; M1A1 paratrooper folding stocks with metal perforated heat shields and post-war adjustable sights.
The Howa Type 64 is seen with the Imperial Japanese Army, Navy and Kempeitai troops throughout the show, being more prominently featured as a replacement for their Arisaka bolt-action rifles.
The rifles used in the show are airsoft replicas made by S&T Armament, a Hong Kong-based airsoft manufacturer as the Type 64 and other post-war weapons are banned from export under Japanese law.
Several Black Communist Rebellion members are seen using Norinco Type 56-1 rifles with folding stocks. Chief Inspector Kido (Joel de la Fuente) is seen using one with fixed stock after commandeering it from a resistance member. The existence of the Avtomat Kalashnikova-series of rifles is explained by them acquiring Chinese copies smuggled overseas, with Kalashnikov rifles somehow in full production despite the defeat of the USSR in the current alternate universe.
Fighters from the BCR and later, the American Resistance are seen using Norinco Type 84S-1 assault rifles with underfolding stocks as their main service rifle. While the characters in-universe remark about their origin being from China is correct, the appearance of these rifles is still highly anachronistic as the 84S was manufactured in the 80s for export purposes.
Captain Iijima (Rich Ting) uses a Winchester Model 1912, the Kempeitai apparently having adopted it as their standard-issue shotgun while operating in the Pacific States.
A DShK is seen mounted on a Imperial Japanese border patrol vehicle, and later mounted in street barricades in San Francisco. Greater Nazi Reich T-54 MBTs are seen in background shots with mounted DShKs as well.