Sveaborg is a Soviet-Finnish two-part 1972 historical movie directed by Sergey Kolosov. The film depicts the events of the Sveaborg rebellion, a mutiny of the garrison of Imperial Russian coastal fortress Sveaborg (nowadays Suomenlinna, Finland) in July-August 1906.
Note: the movie was never released on VHS or DVD, only in cinema and TV. The page is based on TV release.
The following weapons were used in the film Sveaborg:
Nagant M1895 revolvers are used by Russian Army and Navy officers and NCOs, mutineers of Sveaborg garrison and Finnish Red Guards. Most if not all revolvers are of post-1930 version.
Some Mosin Nagant M1891/30 rifles are also seen. The front sight hoods are removed to make the rifles look like M1891 Dragoon model.
Karabiner 98k
Most Finnish Red Guards are armed with inappropriate Karabiner 98k rifles.
Unidentified rifles
An unidentified rifle is seen among the weapons of Finnish Red Guards.
11-inch Coastal Gun
Heavy cannons that appear to be 11-inch coastal guns (M1867 or M1877, both models have very similar outlook) are mounted on Sveaborg fortress. According to various sources, one of these guns is genuine (it is seen on close-ups), and others are mockups, or all guns are mockups. In any case, the artillery shells are definitly mockups.
6-inch Canet Naval Gun
6-inch/L45 Canet naval guns are seen on the Russian Imperial Navy ship. The only ship with this guns, existing in 1972, was cruiser Avrora, preserved as a museum ship. So this scene was definitely filmed on Avrora.
Muzzleloading Guns
Several ancient muzzleloading cannons are seen in the fortress of Sveaborg, as a part of exposition about the history of the fortress.
Naval Mines
In one scene the pioneer company of the fortress is seen preparing the naval mines for placing. The mine appears to be a mockup of a so-called "fortress mine" that differs from standard naval mine, being remotely controlled (by electric underwater wire).