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The Stalin Subway

From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
Revision as of 12:15, 9 April 2019 by Slon95 (talk | contribs) (I always liked the thoughts of some dudes. Sten is a not strange, but HPs who came to the USSR in the heap of other Western weapons in the 40s - 50s are "very strange choices.")
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The Stalin Subway
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Offical Boxart
Release Date: 2005
Developer: G5 Software
Orion Games
Publisher: Buka Entertainment
Platforms: PC
Genre: FPS

The Stalin Subway (Russian title "Метро-2", "Metro-2") - is a Russian FPS published in 2005. The story takes place in 1952 and is about a great conspiracy in the USSR government with L. Beria against an older Stalin. The hero of this game, Gleb Suvorov, is a member of MBG and must stop Beria's plans to destroy the government.

A sequel was made, "The Stalin Subway: Red Veil" (Russian title "Метро-2: Смерть вождя", "Metro-2: Smert vozhdya", published in 2006. The story takes place in 1953, after Stalin`s death and when Beria tries to capture the government again. He arrests Gleb but his wife, Lena Suvorova, escapes from Beria's men. So she has to free her husband and destroy the evil plans of Beria again.

Both games have almost identical weapons and graphics, so weapons from both games will be together - with notes about which game is which, of course.


Browning Hi-Power

Called the "Browning Hi-Power 1944" Browning Hi-Power is the starting weapon in the game "The Stalin Subway: Red Veil". Lena wields it while escaping from the powers of Beria. Spare magazines as well as actual guns can be found in neighboring flats. The gun incorrectly holds 7 rounds; the real HP holds 13. This weapon is rather weak, and after the third mission it is lost. No enemy uses it.

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Browning Hi-Power - 9x19mm
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Lena Suvorova holds the Browning Hi-Power, slightly annoyed that she only gets a pistol as she's attacked by men with PPSH's. Note the uncocked hammer; realistically, the weapon would be unable to fire in this state.
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Lena reloads her High Power, giving a good profile of the gun. Note that the slide is blank and lacks trademarks.

Luger P08

In some missions in "Stalin Subway", you can play as Natasha Mikhalyova, the helper of the conspirators. The Luger P08, incorrectly called the "Mauser P-08", is her starting weapon. Ammo for the gun is rare, and weapon is rather weak, making it an emergency weapon at best until a better weapon can be used. Like the Hi-Power, no enemy uses it.

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Luger P08 - 9x19mm
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Natasha holds the Luger while sneaking through the Kremlin.
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Going down to the dungeon, she stumbles upon some unfriendly troops.

Makarov PM

In both games, the player characters and some Soviet officers wields PMs. Gleb can also dual wield them in the "Stalin Subway". Being a common pistol, the Makarov isn't quite as accurate as the APS found later on, but is a dependable sidearm nonetheless.

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Makarov PM - 9x18mm.
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The player character makes his way through a facility, Makarov in tow.
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The player character decides to go pre-John-Woo John Woo on an (almost) empty subway.
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The player character admires a couple of posters and hoists his pistols up. Note that the guns are not just mirrors of each other, a mistake even modern shooters still make.

Stechkin APS

In "Stalin Subway", some of the Russian officers and Gleb Suvorov wield Stechkin APS pistols. Such a choice makes the APS one of the more "modern" pistols in the game, seeing as the APS was developed in 1951 while the game is set in the Summer of 1952. The machine pistol fires in semi-auto as standard, but secondary fire shoots 5 bullets in full-auto mode. In has 20-round magazine and is one of the most accurate pistol in both games.

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Stechkin APS - 9x18mm.
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While wandering around, Suvorov admires his APS. Fairly good detail for a 2005 game.

Submachine guns


The PPSh-41 is a common weapon of Soviet soldiers in both games, alongside the AK-47. It is possible to use it in semi-auto mode. It incorrectly holds 72 rounds (one more than the weapon can hold, and it cannot hold another in the chamber due to being an open bolt weapon). It is a fast firing, high-capacity weapon, but is quite weak in terms of damage.

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PPSh-41 - 7,62x25mm
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A Soviet officer dares the player character to shoot him. Note that the player character holds the PPSh by the bottom of the magazine; a fairly common act during mid-2000's Word War 2 FPS games, but one assumes this can't help accuracy in any way. Also note the closed bolt; the real PPSh is an open-bolt gun, and wouldn't be able to fire like this.
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Having dealt with the armored officer, the player character finds a subway and liberates it from its former users.

Sten Mk V

The Sten Mk V submachine guns are used by Soviet soldiers in the parachutist uniforms in the "Stalin Subway". Incorrectly called "STEN Mk2"; the actual Sten Mk II lacks a proper foregrip or stock and has a different heat shield and front sight. The player character can use it in semi-auto mode. It has an incorrect 30-round magazine (should be 32) and is rather weak.

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Sten Mk V - 9x19mm without vertical grip.
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The player character blazes away at enemies with his Sten Mk V. Note, as ever with Sten Guns in video games, he holds it by the magazine.
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Having arrived at their destination, the player character marvels at the architecture, Sten in hand.

Assault rifles


The AK-47 is used by a number of soldiers throughout the game. An unusual choice for sure, seeing as it would still be quite recent during the game's story (being only five or so years old at the time). However, the AK-47 modeled in the game is a Type III AK, first made in 1953 and anachronistic for "Stalin Subway" and would be improbable to see in "Stalin Subway: Red Veil".

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Final Production version of the Type III AK-47 with cleaning rod removed and laminated stock - 7.62x39mm
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The render of the AK-47. The magazine's curvature is more in line with a 5.45x39mm version.
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Having arrived to his destination, the player character greets some troops in the kindest manner.
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Having dealt with the threats around them, the player marvels at the very nice architecture of the station.

Battle rifles

PTRS-41 rifle

The PTRS-41 anti-tank rifle appears, boasting good destructive power at the cost of having to be placed on a bipod in order to fire, as well as a low rate of fire and hard-to-find ammo. The game depicts the weapon as a single-shot rifle, which is incorrect, as the real PTRS-41 loads from a five round internal magazine. One can only guess the developers were thinking of the PTRD-41, a precursor to the PTRS that was single-shot.

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Anti-tank PTRS-41 rifle - 14.7x114mm
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Having found a PTRS, the player character happily blasts away at a wall to test its power.

SKS rifle

The SKS rifle called "SKS-45" is a standard weapon of Russian soldiers in both games. The in-game version lacks a fixed bayonet.

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Russian Simonov Type 45 aka the Russian SKS rifle - 7.62x39mm.
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Natasha holds an SKS, grumbling about the fact she found another one almost instantly. The lack of a fixed bayonet is clearly visible here.


The Tokarev SVT-40 appears in "The Stalin Subway". Incorrectly called "SVT-38". The actual SVT-38 was hated by soldiers for being unwieldy and unreliable and was abandoned in 1940 (a good twelve years before the events of the first game) for the SVT-40, itself replaced by the SKS that is also in the game.

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Tokarev SVT-40 - 7.62x54mmR
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The player character runs into a Soviet Officer who laughs at him for thinking his rifle is a SVT-38.
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Having dealt with the problem, the player finds themselves in the wrong kind of subway.


The Tokarev SVT-38 equipped with a sniper scope, appears in "The Stalin Subway: Red Veil", replacing SVT-40 from the first game. Just to confuse matters further, it called "SVT-40".

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Tokarev SVT-38 - 7.62x54mm R
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The player character is found SVT-38 with sniper scope on the floor.
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The player character holds the SVT-38.
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Look in the sniper scope of SVT-38.

Machine guns

DP-27 light machine gun

A DP-27 machine gun, incorrectly called "DPM" in the "Stalin Subway" and "Stationary machine gun DPM" in "Stalin Subway: Red Veil" and is the most powerful standard weapon in the both games. It feeds from 47 round magazines and fires in full-auto mode, and is very accurate and powerful. The only weakness is the use of 7.62x54mm ammunition, which is very rare. No enemy uses it. The actual DPM was a modern update to the DP-27 that had a pistol grip, one of the in-game model appears to lack.

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DP light machine gun - 7.62x54mm
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While just trying to go on his daily commute, the player fires his DP-27 at some assaulting troops, grumbling about Mondays.


F-1 hand grenade

The main grenade used in-game, used by pretty much everyone.

F-1 hand grenade.
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Having decided the subway is not as important as he originally thought, the player whips out a F-1 and prepares to clear the station another way.


The RPG-2 rocket launcher is used in the first game. It boat enormous destructive power, but finding the rockets for it is hard and of course it is dangerous to use in close-quarter battles.

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RPG-2 40mm with PG-2 rocket
The player character reloads his RPG-2, wondering if using it in a subway is really all that good an idea.


The LPO-50 bipod-mounted flamethrower appears in "The Stalin Subway: Red Veil". It is powerful, despite the fact that burning enemies will fight until they burn to death. Its main disadvantages are its uncommon ammunition, and its short range.

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LPO-50 flamethrower.
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The player character holds the LPO-50, after demonstrating its effects to an unsuspecting soldier.

Cut Weapons

These firearms were cut or replaced before the "The Stalin Subway" game's final release.

Tokarev TT-33

A Tokarev TT-33 pistol was initially supposed to be one of the handguns in the game (and was in the beta version), but was later cut for unknown reasons.

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Tokarev TT-33 - 7.62x25mm Tokarev. Post-1947 version.
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The render of the removed TT-33.
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A player character reloads the TT-33 in an beta-version of the game.

Walther P38

A Walther P38 pistol was cut early into The Stalin Subway's development for unknown reasons.

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Walther P38 WWII dated with black grips - 9x19mm
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The render of the removed Walther P38.


The PPSh-41 was initially supposed to be in the game with 35-round stick magazine, but later being replaced by the version with 71-round drum magazine.

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Soviet PPSh-41 Submachine Gun with 35 round stick magazine - 7.62x25mm Tokarev
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The render of the early version of the PPSh-41.
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A Player character holding a PPSh-41 with stick magazine in an beta version of the game. Note that the in the final version of the game, the graphics became much better.
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A Player character carries the PPSh-41 in an beta version of the game, rather impractically holding it by the barrel shroud (in the final version of the game, he more realistically holds it by the bottom of the magazine).

Sten Mk II

A Sten Mk II submachine gun was cut early into The Stalin Subway's development for unknown reasons. It is possible that later he was replaced on the Sten Mk V; this may explain why the Sten Mk V in the game is incorrectly called a Mk II.

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Sten Mk II - 9x19mm
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The render of the removed Sten Mk II.