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Yakuza Kiwami
Work In Progress This article is still under construction. It may contain factual errors. See Talk:Yakuza Kiwami for current discussions. Content is subject to change. |
Yakuza Kiwami (Japanese: 龍が如く KIWAMI Lit. Like A Dragon: Extreme) is a Japanese video game released in late 2015 in Japan, August 2017 in English-speaking regions on PS4, and in February 2019 on PC. It is a remake of the original 2006 Yakuza game. However, most of the types of guns used on this game are different models compared to the original. It is likely that the guns were modelled on airsoft derivatives, as the game developer has previously credited Tokyo Marui for lending them airsoft models to use for Binary Domain.
The following weapons appear in the video game Yakuza Kiwami:
1911-Derived Pistol
A Colt 1911 style pistol can be seen in the game used by character Shinji Tanaka, as well as being held by Haruka Sawamura after surviving the mass shooting at Bacchus. It most closely resembles a Para Ordnance LDA, although there are still differences such as the shape of the hammer and truncated rear spur.
Beretta 92FS
The Beretta 92FS is used by members of the MIA, in contrast to the original game where they used Glock 26s. A slow-motion sequence during the game correctly shows the delayed-blowback mechanism, where the barrel rotates around its axis to unlock the breech. However, the sequence is chronologically incorrect, as the gun starts blowing back before the projectile exits the barrel.
Desert Eagle
A Desert Eagle is purchasable from a weapons dealer as the "Tiger's Bane," and is simply just the "Tiger Pistol" from Yakuza: Dead Souls ported over.
Makarov PM
Makarov PM is used by a number of Yakuza gangsters and can also be purchased by Kiryu from the weapons dealer. Like most of the guns in this game, the Makarov's details are weirdly proportioned. The gun seems to have an extended barrel (what, apparently, means that it is based on the Canadian version), plus a ring hammer and an oddly straighter grip. A rainbow-coloured version of this gun called "Mr Random" is available from a weapons dealer, where each bullet fired has a random effect.
The Modified Air Gun returns from 0 as well, lifting the model of the P226/USP hybrid from Binary Domain along for the ride. For some strange reason, the model in the game files is called a CZ-75, suggesting it may have originally been based on a CZ-75/CZ P-09 type airgun.
The SIG Pro can be seen used by Shintaro Kazama in a couple of flashback sequences. The first is when he dual-wields them to rescue Kazuma Kiryu by shooting the Snake Flower Triad men who were torturing him. The second is when he shoots the would-be assassin of Yumi and baby Haruka. Interestingly, although the pistol is named as a SIG Pro in the game files, both these flashbacks take place in the mid 1990s, before the SIG Pro actually went into production. Also, Kazama's SIG Pros feature a number of custom touches, including a vented front slide and wooden hand grips. A version of this gun that has been modified to fire tranquillizer darts can be purchased from a weapons dealer as the imaginatively-named "Drow-Z".
Walther PPK
Antagonist Kyohei Jingu uses a Walther PPK to graze Kiryu and murder the love of his life Yumi during the closing stages of the game. His subordinates, the "MIA Sergeants," also use suppressed versions during battle.
Nambu Model 60
The Nambu Model 60 is the standard issue pistol for Japanese police officers and is seen at various points during the game. Kiryu uses Date's 9.65mm pistol during the Yokohama car chase, and due to reusing code from Yakuza 0's car chase, it shares the same 15-round capacity (!) as the SIG P226 used in 0.
Remington 1858
A revolver, similar in appearance to a Remington 1858 (although without the brass trigger guard), can be purchased from the weapons dealer as the "Antique Gun." The Remington 1858 was produced between 1858 and 1875, which fits in with the game description about being made at some point around the Meiji restoration of 1868. It is also shown with cartridge conversion.
Submachine Guns
MAC-10s modified with front foregrips are used by Snake Flower Triad man in the car chase sequence as well as by Kazuto Arase during his boss fight.
Baikal MP-133
The "Broken M1985" seems to be based on a Baikal MP-133 given the 3 distinctive rivet holes in the receiver.
Franchi SPAS-12
A Franchi SPAS-12 shotgun can be purchased from a weapons dealer as the "MJM56-55 Exorcist" Like the Tiger Pistol, this model is lifted directly from Yakuza: Dead Souls and still comes with a SPAS-14 style box magazine.
Golden Rifle
The Golden Rifle from Yakuza 0 returns, although this time you only need to buy it from the pawn shop. Besides being based on a coach gun and named "rifle", it also seems to function as some sort of pump action with an audible click between shots.
Remington 870
The Remington 870, with a front piece linking the barrel to the magazine like a Remington Model 31, is used in a side mission by a man in drag, as well as a man on the Yokohama car chase sequence. A version without a stock that has been modified to fire slimy liquid can also be purchased from the weapon dealer.
Assault Rifles
AK-type rifle
A Snake Flower Triad man uses an AK-based assault rifle that looks to be chambered in 5.56x45mm. It is based off of the AK model from Binary Domain with all of the wood furniture painted black.
Unknown Rifle
A rather strange looking set of rifles, with top sight and brown furniture similar to an Armalite AR-10, but clearly in a smaller calibre with an odd front grip, appear in the BEAM weapon shop. They also have some similarities with the Type R2 prototype of Howa Type 64, but this is probably a coincidence.
Sniper Rifles
Remington 700
A Remington 700 rifle with high-magnification scope and laser attachment can be briefly seen in the moments before it is used to shoot Shintaro Kazama.
Missile Launcher
On the car chase sequence, various men with missile launchers try to blow up Date's car. The model is loosely based on an RPG type missile launcher, with a warhead that sticks out the front of the actual launcher.
Type 97 Hand Grenade
Antagonist Futoshi Shimano throws a Type 97 hand grenade near the end of the game, resulting in the death of Kiryu's father figure Shintaro Kazama.
Marlin Cannon
As the title suggests, this is a cannon housed inside a fake marlin. Because this game can.
Destroyer of Lands
The "Destroyer of Lands" returns from Yakuza 0 and is a massive cannon that Kiryu just shoots from the hip, as if it were a totally normal thing to do. As a weapon, it is as hilarious as it is devastating.